package player; import; import logging.Logger; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.List; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.util.CLI; import scg.Constants; /** Main Player Class, Registers a player, and sets up a server */ public class PlayerMain { /** Options */ static final String HELP = "--help", NOREG = "--noreg"; static final List allArgs = PlayerFactory.allOptions.append(List.create(HELP,NOREG)); /** Print usage information and Quit */ static void usage(boolean full, String err){ if (err.length() > 0) System.err.println(" !! " + err + "\n"); System.err.println(" ** Usage: PlayerMain " + " "); if(full) p("\n Options can be:\n" + " --help : Print this message\n" + " --noreg : Skip registration, assume the Admin knows where you\n" + " are. If you use noreg then you only need to provide\n" + " your PlayerPort #.\n\n" + " * NOTE: For a real competition you cannot use 'noreg' and *must* give\n" + " all arguments.\n\n" + " Port : the socket port the Player listens on. Should be an integer > 1024\n" + " ServerAddr : Given by the Course Staff. This may be a host name/URL or\n" + " an IP Address.\n" + " TeamName : must be the same as when you pre-registered.\n" + " Password : same as when you pre-registered."); // ****************************** // PlayerFactory has other options we should document... else p(" ** Use --help for a full description"); p("\n ** Typical Usages will be:\n" + " java player.PlayerMain 7000 \"MyTeam\" \"MyPass\"\n" + " java player.PlayerMain 7000 --noreg\n"); System.exit(err.length() > 0 ? 1 : 0); } /** */ public static void p(String s){ System.err.println(s); } /** Run the Player... */ public static void main(String[] argArr) throws Exception{ List split[] = CLI.splitArgs(argArr), options = split[CLI.OPTS], args = split[CLI.ARGS]; p("\n /-------------------------------------\\"); p(" | The BasicPlayer |"); p(" | Version "+Player.REV+" |"); p(" | Game Rev "+Constants.REV+" |"); p(" \\-------------------------------------/\n"); if (options.contains(HELP))usage(true, ""); List unknown = CLI.invalidOptions(options, allArgs); if(!unknown.isEmpty()) usage(false, "Unknown Option(s): "+unknown.toString(", ","")); // Is registration needed? boolean doreg = !options.contains(NOREG); if (args.length() < 1 || (doreg && args.length() != 4)) { usage(false, "Not enough manditory arguments"); return; } // Player's Port Number is first int port = Integer.parseInt(args.lookup(0)); // Other arguments are just for registration String serve = doreg ? args.lookup(1) : "", team = doreg ? args.lookup(2) : "No Name", pass = doreg ? args .lookup(3) : ""; // Create a new Logger Logger log = Logger.text(System.out, scg.Util.logFileName("player")); // Register if Needed if (doreg) { if (!new Register(serve, log).doReg(team, pass, port)) System.exit(1); log.event("Player '" + team + "' Registered Successfully"); } // Start the Player Server... it will wait for its turn log.notify("Player Started for Team '" + team + "'"); try { PlayerFactory.setGlobalOptions(options);, port, log); } catch (IOException ie) { log.error("IOException: " + ie.getMessage()); } log.notify("Player Shutdown"); } }