/* **********************************
 *   Util.java
 *     Player Agent Utilities
 * **********************************/
package player;

import gen.*;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.UUID;
import utils.DocumentHandler;
import utils.DerivativesFinder;
import config.GlobalConfig;
import config.PlayerConfig;
import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.List;

/* TODO: This should be changed so we can provide a Non-FileSystem
 *         interface to the Administrator.  Many of the functions below
 *         just need to ask the Administrator for values from the store
 *         or accounts

/** Various Player based utilities */
public class Util{
    static DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
    /** Format a double for three decimal places */
    public static String format(double d){ return form.format(d); }
    /** Display a line tagged with the players name */
    public static void display(String s)
    { System.out.println("<i>"+new GenericPlayer().getName()+"</i>: "+s); }
    /** Create a span that is a given color */
    public static String color(String s, String color)
    { return tag(s,"span","style=\"color:"+color+"\""); }
    /** Add an HTML tag to some text */
    public static String tag(String s, String with)
    { return tag(s,with,""); }
    /** Add an HTML tag to some text with extra attributes*/
    public static String tag(String s, String with, String attrs)
    { return "<"+with+" "+attrs+">"+s+"</"+with+">"; }
    static Random rand = new Random();
    /** Random Double between 0..1 */
    public static double random(){ return rand.nextDouble(); }
    /** Random Integer between 0..(bound-1)*/
    public static int random(int bound){ return rand.nextInt(bound); }
    /** Random coin flip of the given bias */
    public static boolean coinFlip(double bias){ return (Util.random() < bias); }
    /** Random coin flip, bias of 0.5 */
    public static boolean coinFlip(){ return coinFlip(0.5); }
    /** Write a player transaction */
    public static void commitTransaction(PlayerTransaction pTrans){
        String fileName = pTrans.player.name+GlobalConfig.DONE_FILE_SUFFIX;
    /** Find the account for the given player */
    public static double getAccount(Player p){ return getAccounts().getAccount(p); }
    /** Find the Derivatives (that Player is selling) that need RawMaterials */
    public static List<Derivative> needRawMaterial(Player player){
        return DerivativesFinder.findDersThatNeedRM(getStore().stores, player);
    /** Find the Derivatives (that Player is buying) that need to be Finished */
    public static List<Derivative> toBeFinished(Player player){
        return DerivativesFinder.findDersThatNeedFinishing(getStore().stores, player);
    /** Get the minimum price decrement when reoffering */
    public static double getMinPriceDec(){ return getConfig().MPD; }
    /** Get the current Types in the Store */
    public static List<Type> existingTypes(){
        return DerivativesFinder.findExistingDerTypes(getStore().stores);
    /** Find all Derivatives ForSale */
    public static List<Derivative> forSale(PlayerID id){
        return DerivativesFinder.findDerivativesForSaleByOthers(getStore().stores,id);
    /** Find uniquely typed Derivatives ForSale */
    public static List<Derivative> uniquelyTyped(List<Derivative> forSale){
        return DerivativesFinder.findUniqueDerivatives(forSale);
    /** Get a Fresh Derivative name */
    public static String freshName(Player p){
        UUID newID = UUID.randomUUID();
        return p.name+"_"+newID.toString().replace('-', '_');
    /** Get a Fresh Type, not in the Store. Not really nec. as the Players will be more complex */
    public static Type freshType(List<Type> existing){
        Type type;
        do{ type = new Type(List.create(new TypeInstance(new RelationNr(Util.random(256))))); }
        return type;
    private static Accounts getAccounts() 
    { return DocumentHandler.getAccounts(PlayerConfig.BLACKBOARD_PATH); }
    private static Store getStore() 
    { return DocumentHandler.getStore(PlayerConfig.BLACKBOARD_PATH); }
    private static Config getConfig() 
    { return DocumentHandler.getConfig(PlayerConfig.BLACKBOARD_PATH); }