package hidden; import java.util.Set; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.stackless.HeapTrav; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.List; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.ident; import gen.*; import; import edu.neu.ccs.satsolver.*; /** Various Tools for the Generic Player and Friends */ public class Tools{ /** Skip the first of a list */ static Control skipFst = Control.bypass("edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.Cons.first"); /** Create a New Traversal */ //static HeapTrav newTrav(ID func){ return newTrav(func,Control.everywhere()); } static StaticTrav newTrav(ID func){ return newTrav(func,Control.everywhere()); } /** Create a New Traversal with Control */ //static HeapTrav newTrav(ID func, Control c){ return new HeapTrav(func,c); } static StaticTrav newTrav(ID func, Control c){ return new StaticTrav(func,c); } /** Create a symmetric formula using the given Relation numbers */ public static List symmetric(List rs, int numVars, int rank){ final List> vars = Tools.combs(numVars, rank, new List.Build(){ public Variable build(int n){ return new Variable(new ident("v"+n)); } }); //** Create a list of Constraints for each Relation for all the variable lists List constrs = newTrav(new ID(){ List combine(){ return List.create(); } List combine(List l, final RelationNr r, final List rst){ return newTrav(new ID(){ List combine(){ return rst; } List combine(List> v, List vs, List rst){ return rst.push(new Constraint(new Weight(1), r, vs)); }},skipFst).>traverse(vars); } },skipFst).>traverseList_RelationNr_(rs); return constrs; } /** N choose K, the dynamic programming way! ;) */ public static List> combs(int n, int k, List.Build b){ List>[][] tbl = new List[n+1][k+1]; for(int ik = 0; ik <= k; ik++) for(int in = 0; in <= n; in++){ List> newlst; if(ik == 0)newlst = List.create(List.create()); else if(in < ik)newlst = List.create(); else newlst = tbl[in-1][ik].append(tbl[in-1][ik-1].map(new PushN(; tbl[in][ik] = newlst; } return tbl[n][k]; } /** Push the given number onto the front of each list */ private static class PushN extends List.Map,List>{ X x; public PushN(X xx){ x = xx; } public List map(List l){ return l.push(x); } } /** Interest given back on the amount payed for a derivative */ static double INTEREST = 0; /** Incentive to produce a higher quality assignment */ static double INCENTIVE = 1; /** Compute the Payback for a given assignment of a Derivative */ public static double payback(Derivative d, Assignment a){ return payback(d, quality(d.optraw.inner().instance, a)); } /** Compute the Payback for a given quality */ public static double payback(Derivative d, double q){ if(d.isClassic())return q; // Else... new profit calculation double pr = d.price.val, sq = d.optraw.inner().instance.secret.inner().quality.val; boolean WIN = q >= sq*pr; double pay = pr * (1+INTEREST) + INCENTIVE*(q-pr*sq); return WIN?pay:0; } /** Compute the quality of an assignment == satRatio(reduce(rm,a)) */ public static double quality(final RawMaterialInstance rmi, Assignment a){ RawMaterial reduced = newTrav(new ID(){ RawMaterial combine(){ return new RawMaterial(rmi); } RawMaterial combine(List a, Literal lit, RawMaterial r){ return reduce(r, lit); }},skipFst).traverseList_Literal_(a.literals); return satisfiedRatio(reduced); } /** Reduce a given RawMaterial based on a single Literal assignment */ public static RawMaterial reduce(RawMaterial s, final Literal lit){ return new RawMaterial(new RawMaterialInstance( newTrav(new Bc(){ public Constraint combine(Constraint c, Weight w, RelationNr r, List vs){ int i = vs.index(lit.var); if(i < 0 || (r.v == 255))return c; return new Constraint(w, new RelationNr(new Relation(3, r.v) .reduce(i, lit.value.sign())), vs); }},Control.bypass(Constraint.class)).>traverseList_Constraint_(s.instance.cs))); } /** Accumulation for the satisfaction ratio */ static class R{ double top, bot; R(double t, double b){ top = t; bot = b; } R add(int t, int b){ return new R(top+t, bot+b); } double result(){ return bot==0.0?1.0:top/(double)bot; } } /** Calculate the satifaction ratio of a (reduced) RawMaterial */ public static double satisfiedRatio(RawMaterial rm){ return newTrav(new ID(){ R combine(){ return new R(0,0); } R combine(List cs, Constraint c, R r){ return r.add((c.r.v == 255)?c.w.v:0, c.w.v); }},skipFst).traverseList_Constraint_(rm.instance.cs).result(); } /** Other tools for code generation and helpful stuff... */ static List cmds = List.create("encode","test","prefs"); static void p(String s){ System.out.println(s); } static void usage(){ p(" ** usage : java Tools \n"+ " Unfortunately the usage and passcode are secret! ;)"); System.exit(1); } static String MASTER = "009020548cf0d094"; /** The class file will be available, so I wanted to protect the Main method * from immediate tampering */ public static void main(String[] args){ if(args.length < 2 || !cmds.contains(args[0]) || !encode(args[1]).equals(MASTER)) usage(); switch(cmds.index(args[0])){ case 0: doEncode(args[1]); return; case 1: doTest(); return; case 2: createPreference(); return; default: usage(); } } static int LEN = 8; static String hex = "0123456789abcdef"; /** Print out the result of encoding the string... used to set the MASTER passcode */ static void doEncode(String passC){ p(" Result: \""+encode(passC)+"\""); } /** Encode a given passcode... then we can see if it's correct */ static String encode(String passC){ byte[] pass = (passC+passC).getBytes(); int [] res = new int[LEN]; for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) for(int j = 0; j < pass.length-LEN; j++) res[i] ^= pass[(i+j)%pass.length]<<2; String ret = ""; for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) ret += hex.charAt((res[i]>>4)&0xF)+""+ hex.charAt(res[i]&0xF); return ret; } /** Simple Password Test */ static void doTest(){ p(" * Password Correct!"); } /** For computing the break-even prices */ static class Input implements InputInitialI{ int rn; Input(int r){ rn = r; } public Set getPairs(){ Set s = new java.util.HashSet(); s.add(new PairI(){ /** The GenericPlayer only uses 1 relation (100%) */ public double getFraction(){ return 1; } public int getRelationNumber(){ return rn; } }); return s; } } /** Figure out what the best single constraint derivatives are so we can be a * little smarter about offering them */ static void createPreference(){ List> means = List.buildlist(new List.Build>(){ public Pair build(int i){ OutputI out = SATSolverUtil.calculateBias(new Input(i+1)); return new Pair(i+1, out.getPolynomial().eval(out.getMaxBias())); }}, 254).filter(new List.Pred>(){ public boolean huh(Pair p){ return p.b != 1.0; } }); System.out.println(means.sort(new List.Comp>(){ public boolean comp(Pair a, Pair b){ return a.b < b.b; } }).toString(new List.Stringer>(){ public String toString(Pair p, List> r){ return " new Pair("+p.a+","+p.b+"),\n"; } })); } /** GenericPlayer's TypeInstance offering preferences (in order) */ public static List> PREFS = List.create( new Pair(2,0.14814814814814814), new Pair(4,0.14814814814814814), new Pair(8,0.14814814814814814), new Pair(16,0.14814814814814814), new Pair(32,0.14814814814814814), new Pair(64,0.14814814814814814), new Pair(10,0.25), new Pair(12,0.25), new Pair(24,0.25), new Pair(34,0.25), new Pair(36,0.25), new Pair(48,0.25), new Pair(66,0.25), new Pair(68,0.25), new Pair(80,0.25), new Pair(6,0.2962962962962963), new Pair(18,0.2962962962962963), new Pair(20,0.2962962962962963), new Pair(40,0.2962962962962963), new Pair(72,0.2962962962962963), new Pair(96,0.2962962962962963), new Pair(14,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(26,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(28,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(38,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(50,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(52,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(70,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(82,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(84,0.38490017945975047), new Pair(42,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(44,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(56,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(74,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(76,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(88,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(98,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(100,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(112,0.3849001794597505), new Pair(104,0.4444444444444444), new Pair(22,0.4444444444444445), new Pair(46,0.5), new Pair(58,0.5), new Pair(60,0.5), new Pair(78,0.5), new Pair(90,0.5), new Pair(92,0.5), new Pair(102,0.5), new Pair(114,0.5), new Pair(116,0.5), new Pair(30,0.5281529477305951), new Pair(54,0.5281529477305951), new Pair(86,0.5281529477305951), new Pair(106,0.5281529477305951), new Pair(108,0.5281529477305951), new Pair(120,0.5281529477305951), new Pair(110,0.6311303094408988), new Pair(122,0.6311303094408988), new Pair(124,0.6311303094408988), new Pair(62,0.6311303094408989), new Pair(94,0.6311303094408989), new Pair(118,0.6311303094408989), new Pair(126,0.75)); }