Rules the Administrator enforces: In passTurn(): - Time limit of Config.Time enforced. In main(): - No _done.input file found. In RuleChecker: - Positive account balance. - Cannot buy/reoffer from a store with no Derivatives for sale by others. - Must buy XOR reoffer from a store with Derivatives for sale by others. - Must reoffer all unique Derivative types - Must decrease each Derivative's price by Config.MPD or more. - Must not buy Derivatives which are not for sale. - Must not buy Derivatives from self. - Must create one or more Derivatives per round. - Must create Derivatives whose type is not currently available. - For all Prices p, 0 <= p <= 1. - Must deliver RawMaterial for all bought derivatives. - Delivered RawMaterial must be isSome(). - Each Constraint must have a RelationNr specified in the Type of the derivative. - Variable names must occur at most once in a Constraint's List. - Exactly three Variables must occur in a Constraint's List. - Must finish all Derivatives with delivered RawMaterial. - Must finish a Derivative with an Assignment which sets each Constraint's RelationNr to 0 or 255.