Your project document ===================== Due December 4, 2009. To be done per team. On the same date, turn in your team/self evaluation (individually). See file hitchhikers-couch-potatoes (same directory). It is important that your code itself is appropriately documented. In the project document you reflect on your project experience and tell the story behind your project. There are two parts. Part 1. Design Decisions ======================== highlights the difficulties you had and motivates your important design decisions. Especially discuss design decisions related to deviating from the organization of the basic player by Bryan. Also compare your original road map with the actual road taken by your project. Part 2. Innovation ================== In this course you developed an agent that can fend for itself against the agents developed by your peers. You developed your agent with great freedom: You could choose the programming language, implementation technologies, architecture of your agent, algorithms etc. The only requirement was to win the game. At the same time, you collaborated with your peers by giving them feedback that helped them to locate faults in their code. Discuss the following issues: 2.0 How did you take advantage of the freedom you had? Did the freedom inspire you to investigate more options? Describe the options you considered and which ones you implemented. 2.1 The game is competitive / cooperative. How did you react to the competitive nature of the game? 2.2 Writing winning agents takes a lot of skill: at the conceptual, design and implementation level. If the conceptual understanding is perfect, but there is a flaw in the design or implementation, your agent probably won't win. How did you react to the need to do all steps well. 2.3 The success of such a class depends on having a community of students with different skills: Some like a more tactical approach, others strive for a strategic solution. Some are good programmers and others are not but they have other skills. Some like to use new tools and others only well tested tools. How did you react to the diversity that was all focused through the game. 2.4 How did you react to using the competition results as part of your grade? 2.5 Did the feedback you received through the competitions help you find bugs in your software? 2.6 The other agents posed problems to you. Did the cycle: Observe history - Identify issues - Plan an approach - Design your code - Implement - Test that you were exposed to after every competition help you improve your problem solving skills? 2.7 Many software design and implementation problems you had to solve during the course were caused by your peers. I only made sure through the game design that they could pose reasonable problems to you. Did the fact that you solved problems created by your peers motivate you? 2.8 The SCG game was designed so that it is sound, i.e., the game score reflects **only** the agent's skill level in: I) Solving problems II) Providing hard problems III) Introspective skills: predict how the solution algorithm behaves Argue for or against soundness of the SCG game. 2.9 The game was designed so that it has the following 3 properties hold: 1) An agent can't force other agents to consistently lose. 2) An agent can't force other agents to consistently draw. 3) An agent can't force other agents to consistently win. Argue for or against those 3 properties of the SCG game. The entire document should not be longer than 7 pages.