Project 3
CSU 670 Fall 2008
Out: September 26, 2008
Due: October 3, 2008

We move on to the first competition Use the code in: /home/lieber/.www/courses/csu670/f08/project/genericSDG/ClassicProject as your player and administrator: the instructions are here: /home/lieber/.www/courses/csu670/f08/project/ProjectInstructions-1.txt What we add to the algorithmic player and administrator is a raw material language that we design in class on Friday, September 26. We use a notation for general constraint satisfaction problems that makes the game more interesting. For this subproblem we focus on relations of arity 2. Run the competitions only between two algorithmic players. You run two competitions: In the first competition, both robots are instances of the same code and you produce the history over 3 rounds. In the second competition, The first player uses the correct raw material language while the second uses a wrong raw material language (make a small change to the cd). This is a test of the administrator. If the administrator fails to detect this, correct it. What to turn in: Your modified player and your modified administrator and the histories of the competitions. Animesh Kumar ( has developed the code that is given to you. He offered to be a consultant to the class. He was coached by Bryan Chadwick.