Currently, there are two flavors of the game in place - The Classic Generic version and The CSP Core version. There are two ways to get the source code for the games: 1. Copy the directory /home/lieber/.www/courses/csu670/f08/project/genericSDG. The subdirectory "ClassicProject" is for the classic generic version and the subdirectory "CSPProject" is for the CSP specialization. OR 2. Using CVS, check out the modules "ClassicProject" and "CSPProject" from the repository /home/animesh/summer08. Again, each module is for the corresponding version. If you need help configuring eclipse with CVS, please see the screenshot from a configured instance of eclipse - /home/animesh/SDGProject/Screenshot-Properties for CSPProject .png After the code is obtained, you can run the games locally. The following information is helpful. PREREQUISITES: 1. The game was developed in Java 5.0. Therefore it is advised to have the same version of Java installed in local machines. 2. The scripts to set up the environment, configure the classpath etc. are UNIX based. For Windows, you could see the scripts and do the basic configuration yourself. STEPS: 1. Go to scripts directory and run ". ./demeterFConfig" for including demeterF libraries in the classpath. Be sure to run the script while in scripts directory. 2. Execute classicsdg.jar OR cspsdg.jar (directly under the Project root directory) to run the game. java -jar classicsdg.jar OR java -jar cspsdg.jar 3. Go to blackboard directory to see the results of the game. You can see history and accounts. IMPORTANT: 1. After each run of the game, you would need to reset the files in blackboard. You can keep a backup of the initial content of blackboard in a separate directory and replace it every time before running the game. 2. The executable jars are made from the current version of the source code. Any change in the source code would require to build a new jar. The manifest file needed to build the jar is present in META-INF directory.