Project 8

CSU 670 Fall 2007
Out: November 6, 2007
PAET 1 and 2: November 9, 2007.
PART 3 Due on November 13, 2007.
impact analysis: How many man days are needed to produce SDG': a clause is satisfied if exactly one literal is true. In SDG a clause is satisfied if at least one literal is true. Other impact analysis: quality ratio now: fraction of satisfied clauses. change: fraction of unsatisfied clauses.

PART 1: DUE FRIDAY!! Improve your player: Use outsourced software from CSU 670 Fall 2006 to determine optimal bias.

Improve player: Use outsourced software to determine optimal bias

Each raw material for derivative d has an assignment J that satisfies at least the fraction inf-max(d) of the clauses. We need to find such an assignment J.

If you use the bias given to you by the outsourced software you will, with high probability find a good assignment if you try say 10 assignments. Maybe you are lucky also by trying 5 assignments.

How do you use the outsourced software? This is a common problem in software development: is the software to be reused documented well enough? The software we use was developed and used by the class projects in the fall 2006. contains material related to how the relation numbers are computed. See section 3 of: SPOT-NU-CCIS-07-01.pdf . Note that in the outsourced code all relations must be of exactly rank 3. If you have a relation of rank 1 or 2 you need to pad it to rank 3.

I recommend you use this implementation: There are others available from:

PART 2: DUE FRIDAY!! First SDG game competition

game competition:
submit your player by 10pm EST Friday, November 9, 2007
for the first CSU 670 SDG Competition.
How to submit?
Create a directory with a name X as described below
and put your files into the directory X.

X must contain files
and may contain any others.

X has the form:
in alphabetical order, e.g.,
Kate.Sloan or Matt.Ryan.

PART 3: Impact Analysis

The management of your company considers selling 2 new versions of the game. They ask you to estimate the cost of producing the altered games.

Part 3a: How many man days are needed to produce SDG2: SDG2 is like SDG, except the notion of clause satisfaction is redefined: a clause is satisfied if exactly one literal is true. In SDG a clause is satisfied if at least one literal is true.

Part 3b: How many man days are needed to produce SDG3: SDG3 is like SDG, except the notion of finished product quality is redefined: The quality ratio in SDG is the fraction of satisfied clauses. The quality ratio in SDG3 is the fraction of unsatisfied clauses.

Part 3c: Management wants to know how much effort is needed to create one common code base for SDG, SDG2 and SDG3 because there is a lot of commonality between the 3 games. How can you abstract out the commonality?