Info ------ This is the README file for the Aspect Security Project done by RaviShekhar Gopalan for the Software Security course (CSG379). Instructions to Setup --------------------- The project submission consists of a jar file "abc-complete.jar". This is a JAR file which I have modified. I have changed the class abc.main.Main to make a call to my GlobalAspectChecker class. In order to run this project follow the following instructions. Install abc ------------ - Download and install the abc compiler from the Oxford website. - Add the path of the abc compiler to the PATH variable. Compile the source ------------------- - The source files that came with this project need to be compiled. - They can be found under the "Code" directory. - The package structure is edu.neu.ccs.csg379 - Compile these source files. cd /edu/neu/ccs/csg379 javac -classpath "<%--abc installation directory--%>" *.java Setup the modified abc compiler ---------------------- - Go to the installation folder of abc. Navigate to the lib directory. - Rename the abc-complete.jar to abc-complete.jar.bak. - Copy the abc-complete.jar that came with the project distribution to this location. Add files to Classpath ---------------------- - The class files that came with this project need to be in the classpath. set CLASSPATH = %CLASSPATH%:<%-- location of code --%>: export CLASSPATH Run the abc compiler -------------------- - A simple BankAccount example is provided with this project. - Run this example abc edu.neu.ccs.csg379.B*.java