@string{mk = "Morgan Kaufmann"} % % abbreviations % @string{ieee = "IEEE Press"} @string{icfp = "International Conference on Functional Programming"} @string{acm = "ACM Press"} @string{journalParallelDistributed = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing"} @string{hicss = "Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences"} @string{wegner = "Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming"} @string{lochovsky = "Object-oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications"} @string{mit = "MIT Press"} @string{graw = "McGraw-Hill"} @string{popl = "ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"} @string{oopsla = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Conference, {\em in} Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices"} @string{oopsm = "OOPS Messenger"} @string{ecoop = "European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming"} @string{kluwer = "Kluwer Academic Publishers"} @string{tcs = "Theoretical Computer Science"} @string{lncs = "Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @string{spcs = "Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @string{siam-comp = "SIAM Journal on Computing"} @string{tois = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} @string{ipl = "Information Processing Letters"} @string{tdb = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems"} @string{lisp = "Journal on Lisp and Symbolic Computation"} @string{toplas = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} @string{tosem = "ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology"} @string{sigplan = "SIGPLAN Notices"} @string{oops-mess = "OOPS MESSENGER"} @string{commACM = "Communications of the ACM"} @string{cacm = "Communications of the ACM"} @string{ieee-computer = "IEEE Computer Magazine"} @string{surveys = "ACM Computing Surveys"} @string{ieee-se = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} @string{jacm = "Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery"} @string{icse = "International Conference on Software Engineering"} @string{seke = "International Conference on Knowledge and Software Engineering"} @string{aaai = "National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ieee-software = "IEEE Software"} @string{joop = "Journal of Object-Oriented Programming"} @string{usenix = "Computing Systems, The Journal of the USENIX Association"} @string{jlp = "Journal of Logic Programming"} @string{csm = "Conference on Software Maintenance"} @string{jss = "Journal of Systems and Software"} @string{jcss = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} @string{sigmod = "Proceedings of ACM/SIGMOD Annual Conference on Management of Data"} @string{dood = "Proceedings of International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases"} @string{dac = "Design Automation Conference"} @string{focs = "IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science"} @string{sigact = "Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing"} @string{dpl = "Database Programming Languages, International Workshop"} @string{spe = "Software--Practice and Experience"} @string{pds = "Principles of Database Systems"} @string{zdonik-meyer = "Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems"} @string{is = "Information Systems"} @string{er = "Proceedings of International Conference on Entity-Relationship"} @string{comp-reviews = "ACM Computing Reviews"} @string{vldb = "International Conference on Very Large Data Bases"} @string{tkde = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering"} @string{dandt = "IEEE Design and Test of Computers"} @string{case = "International Workshop on CASE"} @string{csc = "ACM Computer Science Conference"} @string{sac = "ACM Computer Science Conference, Symposium on Applied Computing"} @string{tools-e = "TOOLS Europe, Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems"} @string{cscw = "Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work"} @string{sigsoft = "ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Development Environments"} @string{isotas = "International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software"} @string{tools-p = "Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems Pacific Conference"} @string{fac = "Formal Aspects of Computing, the International Journal of Formal Methods"} @string{edbt = "International Conference on Extending Database Technology"} @string{sigmodrec = "SIGMOD Record"} @string{icde = "International Conference on Data Engineering"} @string{icalp = "International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming"} @string{ijfcs = "International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, World Scientific Publishing Company"} @string{nu = "Northeastern University"} @string{sen = "ACM Software Engineering Notes"} @string{sooppa ="Proceedings of the Symposium on Object-Oriented Programming emphasizing Practical Applications (SOOPA)"} @string{fse = "Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, SIGSOFT"} @string{oois = "Object-Oriented Information Systems"} @string{esop = "European Symposium on Programming"} @string{cpe = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience"} @string{tapos = "Theory and Practice of Object Systems, John Wiley and Sons, Inc."} @String{PROC = "Proceedings of"} @String{AOSD = "International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development"} @String{AOSD2003 = "AOSD 2003"} @Proceedings{AOSD:2003, Address = {Boston, Massachusetts}, Booktitle = AOSD2003, Key = AOSD2003, Month = mar#{ 17-21}, Organization = AOSD2003, Publisher = "{ACM} Press", Title = PROC:AOSD2003, Year = 2003, } @InProceedings{Kojarski:2003:DDW, Author = "Sergei Kojarski and David H. Lorenz", Note = "Special Track on Domain-Driven Development", Pages = "53--65", Title = "Domain Driven Web Development With {WebJinn}", Year = 2003, Crossref = "COMPAN:OOPSLA:2003" } @inproceedings{XAspects:SLS-oopsla-03, AUTHOR = "Macneil Shonle and Karl J. Lieberherr and Ankit Shah", TITLE = "{XAspects: An Extensible System for Domain Specific Aspect Languages}", YEAR = 2003, PAGES = "28-37", Crossref = "COMPAN:OOPSLA:2003", Note = "Special Track on Domain-Driven Development" } @inproceedings{Lopes:2003:AOP, Author = "Cristina Videira Lopes and Paul Dourish and David H. Lorenz and Karl J. Lieberherr", Pages = {34--43}, Title = "Beyond {AOP}: {Toward} {Naturalistic} {Programming}", Year = 2003, Volume = 38, Number = 12, Month = dec, Crossref = "COMPAN:OOPSLA:2003", Note = "Onward! Track" } % CATHY: % PLEASE CAN I HAVE THE FOLLOWING PAPERS FROM THE LIBRARY. % IF THEY ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN OUR LIBRARY PLEASE REQUEST THEM % THROUGH THE INTERLIBRARY LOAN SERVICE. % The abbreviations which I use for journal names etc. are given above. % THANKS -- KARL % Demeter Section 1 % % % subsection 1.1 % For external use (ftp) % @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber-riel:singapore, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Arthur J. Riel", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Raffles City, Singapore", TITLE = "Demeter: A {CASE} Study of Software Growth Through Parameterized Classes", PAGES = "254-264" } @ARTICLE{LHLR:law-letter, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian Holland and Gar-Lin Lee and Arthur J. Riel", TITLE = "An objective sense of style", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, MONTH = "June", YEAR = "1988", NOTE = "Open Channel publication" } @INPROCEEDINGS{LHLR:law-paper, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian Holland and Arthur J. Riel", TITLE = "Object-oriented programming: An objective sense of style", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, MONTH = "September", ADDRESS = "San Diego, CA", YEAR = "1988", VOL = 23, NUMBER = 11, PAGES = "323-334", NOTE = "A short version of this paper appears in {\em IEEE Computer Magazine}, June 1988, Open Channel section, pages 78-79." } % A revised version % of the paper will appear in IEEE Software in fall 1989." %COLLECT @ARTICLE{karl-ian:soft1, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian Holland", TITLE = "Assuring Good Style for Object-Oriented Programs", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = "1989", MONTH = "September", PAGES = "38-48" } %COLLECT @ARTICLE{karl1:class, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Object-oriented programming with class dictionaries", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 2, YEAR = 1988, JOURNAL = "Journal on Lisp and Symbolic Computation", PAGES = "185-212" } @ARTICLE{lieber-riel:oop, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Arthur J. Riel", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = "1988", TITLE = "Demeter: A {CASE} Study of Software Growth Through Parameterized Classes", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 3, MONTH = "August, September", PAGES = "8-22", NOTE = "A shorter version of this paper was presented at the {\em 10th International Conference on Software Engineering, Singapore, April 1988, IEEE Press}, pages 254-264" } @INPROCEEDINGS{tomorrow:case88, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Arthur J. Riel", TITLE = "{The Demeter System: A Seed for the CASE Tool of Tomorrow}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings CASE 88 Workshop", YEAR = "1988", PUBLISHER = "Index Technology Corporation, Cambridge, MA", EDITOR = "Elliot Chikofsky", PAGES = "27.18-27.22" } @INPROCEEDINGS{stepping-stones:teach, TITLE = "Contributions to Teaching Object-Oriented Design and Programming", AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Arthur J. Riel", YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "11-22", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, MONTH = "October" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ian-karl:preventive, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian Holland", TITLE = "Tools for preventive software maintenance", BOOKTITLE = csm, YEAR = 1989, PUBLISHER = ieee, PAGES = "2-13", ADDRESS = "Miami, Florida, October 16-19" } @ARTICLE{lieber-nacho-pberg:se-p, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "From objects to classes: Algorithms for object-oriented design", JOURNAL = "Software Engineering Journal", YEAR = "1991", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 4, PAGES = "205-228" } @ARTICLE{benefits:law-89, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian Holland", TITLE = "{Formulations and Benefits of the Law of Demeter}", JOURNAL = sigplan , YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "67-78", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 24, NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber-nacho-pberg:conf, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "Abstraction of Object-Oriented Data Models", BOOKTITLE = er, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Lausanne, Switzerland", PAGES = "81-94", EDITOR = "Hannu Kangassalo", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier" } @ARTICLE{IEETKDE:found-dm, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "{Formal Foundations for Object-Oriented Data Modeling}", JOURNAL = tkde, MONTH = "June", YEAR = 1993, VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 3, PAGES = "462-478" } % NOTE = "accepted for publication May 1991", @ARTICLE{huersch-seiter-xiao, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Linda M. Seiter and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "{In any CASE: Demeter}", JOURNAL = "The American Programmer", YEAR = 1991, PAGES = "46-56", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = "4", NUMBER = "10" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber:sools-90, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "Optimal and Efficient Abstraction of Single Inheritance Hierarchies", BOOKTITLE = "Symposium on Object-Oriented Languages and Systems", YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Twente University (Inter-Actief and Computer Science)", PAGES = "1-24", PUBLISHER = "Inter-Actief, P.O. Box 217, 7500 Enschede, Netherlands" } @INPROCEEDINGS{pberg-lieber:ecoop, AUTHOR = "Paul Bergstein and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Incremental Class Dictionary Learning and Optimization", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Geneva, Switzerland", PAGES = "377-396", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag Lecture Notes 512" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Paul:oopsla-1, AUTHOR = "Paul Bergstein", TITLE = "Object-Preserving Class Transformations", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Phoenix, Arizona", PAGES = "299-313", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTE = "SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 26, No. 11, November" } @INCOLLECTION{demeter:ftp91, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Ian Holland and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Cristina Lopes and Yang Liu and Doug Orleans and Jens Palsberg and Boaz Patt-Shamir and Salil Pradhan and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe} and Linda Seiter and Mitchell Wand and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "{Demeter papers, software and documentation}", BOOKTITLE = "FTP distribution from ftp.ccs.neu.edu in pub/research/demeter, WWW URL: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/", PUBLISHER = "Northeastern University", YEAR = "1989-1996" } @INPROCEEDINGS{oopsla-92:tut, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Tutorial: Concepts of object-oriented data modelling and programming", BOOKTITLE = "OOPSLA '91 tutorial notes", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Phoenix, Arizona", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", NOTE = "Full-day" } @UNPUBLISHED{Walter:Users-guide, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch", TITLE = "User's Guide to the {Demeter Tools/C++}", NOTE = "C++ Demeter System Documentation", MONTH = "May", YEAR = "1991" } @INPROCEEDINGS{holland-ecoop:92, AUTHOR = "Ian M. Holland", TITLE = "Specifying reusable components using contracts", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Utrecht, Netherlands", PAGES = "287-308", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag Lecture Notes 615" } @INPROCEEDINGS{holland-more-examples:91, AUTHOR = "Ian M. Holland", TITLE = "Specifying reusable components using contracts", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Utrecht, Netherlands", PAGES = "287-308", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag Lecture Notes 615" } @PHDTHESIS{holland:thesis93, AUTHOR = "Ian M. Holland", TITLE = "{The Design and Representation of Object-Oriented Components}", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1993 } @PHDTHESIS{casais:thesis91, AUTHOR = "Eduardo Casais", TITLE = "Managing Evolution in Object-Oriented Environments: An Algorithmic Approach", SCHOOL = "University of Geneva", YEAR = 1991 } @INPROCEEDINGS{impl-team:case92, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe} and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Experience with a Graph-Based Propagation Pattern Programming Tool", BOOKTITLE = case, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Montr{\'e}al, Canada", PAGES = "114-119", EDITOR = "Gene Forte et al.", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society" } % adaptive @INPROCEEDINGS{karl:comp-enh, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", BOOKTITLE = "Information Processing '92, 12th World Computer Congress", TITLE = "Component Enhancement: An Adaptive Reusability Mechanism for Groups of Collaborating Classes", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Madrid, Spain", PAGES = "179-185", EDITOR = "J. van Leeuwen", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier" } % adaptive @TECHREPORT{lieber-tutorial:92, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{The Demeter Method for Object-oriented Software Engineering}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1992, NOTE = "Tutorial Notes for OOPSLA '91, '92, ECOOP '92, ELECTRO '92, NTU '91, '92" } @TECHREPORT{lieber-xiao-silva-lepe:91, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "Propagation Patterns: Graph-Based Specifications of Cooperative Behavior", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-91-14", } % TITLE = "Graph-Based Software Engineering: % Concise Specifications of Cooperative Behavior", % in ~lieber/papers/propagation-patterns % TITLE = "Propagation Patterns: Abbreviated Specifications of % Cooperative Behavior", % NUMBER = "Demeter-8" % % % subsection 1.2 % For internal use % @TECHREPORT{lieber:kernel, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = "1991", TITLE = "{The Demeter Kernel Model for Object-Oriented and Language Design}", MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-90-11 (revised)" } % TITLE = "{The Demeter Notation: A % Kernel Language for Object-Oriented Design}", @BOOK{karl:demeter, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Adaptive Object-Oriented Software: The Demeter Method with Propagation Patterns", PUBLISHER = "PWS Publishing Company, Boston", YEAR = "1996", NOTE = "616 pages, web book at www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter" } @ARTICLE{lieber-holland:generalize, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian Holland", JOURNAL = "submitted for publication", YEAR = "1988", TITLE = "Building Reusable Software by Generalizing Examples", PAGES = "pages unknown" } @UNPUBLISHED{submitted:lieber:kernel, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "{The Demeter Kernel Model for Object-Oriented and Language Design}", NOTE = "second revision under review by TOPLAS", MONTH = "June", YEAR = 1991 } @UNPUBLISHED{f-lang-oo:karl-cun, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Foundations of Object-Oriented and Language Design", NOTE = "submitted for publication", MONTH = "June", YEAR = 1993 } @UNPUBLISHED{lieber:prog-des, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", NOTE = "submitted for publication", YEAR = "1988", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Program Design", PAGES = "pages unknown" } @InProceedings{LieSpe79, author = "K. Lieberherr and E. Specker", title = "Complexity of partial satisfaction", booktitle = "Proc.\ 20th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)", year = "1979", pages = "132--139", } @ARTICLE{lieber-specker:partial-1, TITLE = "Complexity of Partial Satisfaction", AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ernst Specker", JOURNAL = jacm, YEAR = 1981, PAGES = "411-421", VOLUME = 28, NUMBER = 2 } @TECHREPORT{CPS-II-rep, AUTHOR = "Karl Lieberherr and Ernst Specker", TITLE = "Complexity of Partial Satisfaction II", INSTITUTION = "Princeton University, Dept. of EECS", YEAR = 1982, NUMBER = "293", Note = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/partial-sat-II.html" } @TECHREPORT{ProbCombOpt-TR, AUTHOR = "Karl Lieberherr", TITLE = "Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization", INSTITUTION = "Princeton University, Dept. of EECS", YEAR = 1981, NUMBER = "281", Note = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/papers/ProbCombOpt/PrCombOpt.pdf" } @inproceedings{982839, author = {Daniel Kral}, title = {Locally satisfiable formulas}, booktitle = {SODA '04: Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms}, year = {2004}, isbn = {0-89871-558-X}, pages = {330--339}, location = {New Orleans, Louisiana}, publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, } @UNPUBLISHED{lieber-specker:partial-2, TITLE = "{Complexity of Partial Satisfaction II}", AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ernst Specker", YEAR = 1985 } @ARTICLE{lieber:algorithms, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Algorithmic extremal problems in combinatorial optimization", JOURNAL = "Journal of Algorithms", YEAR = 1982, PAGES = "225-244", VOLUME = 3, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{lieber:P-optimal, AUTHOR = "Karl Lieberherr", TITLE = "P-Optimal Heuristics", JOURNAL = "Theoretical Computer Science", YEAR = 1980, PAGES = "123-131", VOLUME = 10 } @ARTICLE{lieber:superresolution, AUTHOR = "Karl Lieberherr", TITLE = "Complexity of Superresolution", JOURNAL = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society", YEAR = 1977, PAGES = "A-433", VOLUME = 24, NOTE = "abstract only, full version on web: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/clause-learning.html" } @PHDTHESIS{karl:thesis, AUTHOR = "{Karl Lieberherr}", TITLE = "Information Condensation of Models in the Propositional Calculus and the P=NP Problem", SCHOOL = "ETH Zurich", YEAR = "1977", NOTE = "145 pages, in German" } @ARTICLE{lieber-vavasis:dortmund, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and S. Vavasis", TITLE = "Analysis of polynomial approximation algorithms for constraint expressions", JOURNAL = lncs, YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "187-197", VOLUME = 145, NOTE="6th Gl-Conference Dortmund, January 5-7" } @TECHREPORT{Vavasis-TR302, AUTHOR = "Karl Lieberherr and Stephen A. Vavasis", TITLE = "Limitations of Local Search: An Application of Bernstein's Proof of Weierstrass' Theorem", INSTITUTION = "Princeton University, Dept. of EECS", YEAR = 1982, NUMBER = "302", Note = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/vavasis-tr302.html" } @TECHREPORT{karl-ian:formulations-88, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ian Holland", TITLE = "{Formulations of the Law of Demeter}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1988, MONTH = "June", NUMBER = "Demeter-2", NOTE = "12 pages" } @ARTICLE{german-lieber:1985, AUTHOR = "Steven M. German and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Zeus: A Language for Expressing Algorithms in Hardware", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "55-65", MONTH = "February" } @ARTICLE{sandy-andrew-karl:silic, AUTHOR = "A. V. Goldberg and S. S. Hirschhorn and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Approaches towards silicon compilation", JOURNAL = "IEEE Circuits and Devices", YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "29-39", MONTH = "May" } @TECHREPORT{lieber:89-10, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Class Modules: An Integration of Classes, Modules, and Macro Grammars for Object-Oriented Design", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "Feb.", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-89-10" } @TECHREPORT{lieber:89-11, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Carl Woolf", TITLE = "Grammar-Based Planning for Object-Oriented Applications", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "Feb.", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-89-11" } @TECHREPORT{lieber-c++:86, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "CASE for C++: Mappings of high-level class definitions", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "June", NUMBER = "?" } %TITLE = "Grammar-based CASE for C++", @UNPUBLISHED{karl:formal-dem, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "A concise definition of the concepts of object-oriented design", NOTE = "manuscript", MONTH = "June", YEAR = 1989 } @UNPUBLISHED{karl:object-patterns, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Tony Kanawati", TITLE = "Object-patterns: a refinement of classes", NOTE = "manuscript", MONTH = "Feb.", YEAR = 1989 } @TECHREPORT{lieber-nacho-pberg:90, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "From objects to classes: Algorithms for object-oriented design", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "January", NUMBER = "Demeter-3" } % PAGES = "?", % MONTH = "?", % VOLUME = "?", % NUMBER = "?", @TECHREPORT{poly-lieber-nacho-pberg:90, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "Optimal and Efficient Abstraction of Classes from Objects", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "January", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-90-6, revised Jan. 91" } @UNPUBLISHED{submitted:eff-abs, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "Optimal and Efficient Abstraction of Classes from Objects", NOTE = "submitted to ACM Transations on Information Systems who did forward to Journal of the ACM", MONTH = "September", YEAR = 1990 } @INPROCEEDINGS{repr:speck, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ernst Specker", TITLE = "Complexity of Partial Satisfaction", BOOKTITLE = "Ernst Specker Selecta", YEAR = "1990", PAGES = "310-320", EDITOR = "Gerhard J{\"a}ger and Hans L{\"a}uchli and Bruno Scarpellini and Volker Strassen", PUBLISHER = "Birkh{\"a}user Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin" } @UNPUBLISHED{submitted-IEETKDE:found-dm, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Formal foundations for object-oriented data modelling", NOTE = "first revision under review by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", MONTH = "March", YEAR = 1991 } @TECHREPORT{cunxiao:90, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Efficient checking of object-oriented designs", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "Demeter-5" } @TECHREPORT{lieber-steck:90, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Steckler", TITLE = "Propagation Patterns: A formal tool for \oo\ design", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "Demeter-6" } @TECHREPORT{lieber-gr:90, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Object-Oriented Software Evolution}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "August", NUMBER = "Demeter-7" } @ARTICLE{submitted:growth-plan, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "{Object-Oriented Software Evolution}", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1993, PAGES = "313-343", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = "19" , NUMBER = "4" } % NOTE = "rename % ``partial class dictionary graph'' by % ``class dictionary graph slice'' and % ``containment path'' by % ``knowledge path'' and % ``primary'' by % ``wrapper''" % adaptive % AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", % TITLE = "{Formal Techniques for Planning the Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Applications}", % NOTE = "Second revision under review by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", % MONTH = "December", % YEAR = 1990 % } @TECHREPORT{lieber-step-new:91, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "The Stepping Stones to Object-Oriented Design and Programming", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "Sep.", NUMBER = "?" } @TECHREPORT{team-91-exp:91, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Paul Bergstein and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe} and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "{Experience with object-oriented CASE}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "June", NUMBER = "?" } @TECHREPORT{mukherjea:91, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Sougata Mukherjea", TITLE = "Optimal and Efficient Schema Abstraction", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "June", NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{lieber:gp-pcdg, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Controlling the Evolution of Object-Oriented Applications", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "August", NUMBER = "?" } @TECHREPORT{lieber-mit:84, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Report on the Hardware Description Language Zeus}", INSTITUTION = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", YEAR = 1984, MONTH = "October", NUMBER = "84-209" } @TECHREPORT{meta-graphs:91, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Object-Extending Class Transformations", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "July", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-91-8" } @ARTICLE{lieber-shdl:Zeus, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Toward a Standard Hardware Description Language", JOURNAL = dandt, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "55-62", MONTH = "February", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 1 } @TECHREPORT{karl:comp-enh-adapt, TITLE = "Component Enhancement: An Adaptive Reusability Mechanism for Groups of Collaborating Classes", AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "January", NUMBER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{nacho:abstraction-92, AUTHOR = "Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "Abstracting Graph-Based Specifications of Object-Oriented Programs", BOOKTITLE = sac, YEAR = 1994, PUBLISHER = acm, PAGES = "", ADDRESS = "Phoenix, Arizona", NOTE = "Accepted for publication, also available as Technical Report NU-CCS-92-4, Northeastern University" } % AUTHOR = "Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", % TITLE = "Abstracting Graph-Based Specifications of Object-Oriented Programs", % INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", % YEAR = 1992, % MONTH = "January", % NUMBER = "NU-CCS-92-4" @ARTICLE{lieber:pp-res, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Research on Graph-Propagation Programming: A New Method for Object-Oriented Software Development", JOURNAL = oopsm, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "", MONTH = "Fall", VOLUME = "" , NUMBER = "", NOTE = "submitted" } @TECHREPORT{derived-edges-with-greg, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Greg T. Sullivan", TITLE = "Procedural extensions of class dictionary graphs", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "March", NUMBER = "Demeter-9" } @ARTICLE{zeus-closure:hdl-zeus, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{The Hardware Description Language Zeus}", JOURNAL = dandt , YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "60-62", MONTH = "September" } @TECHREPORT{teaching:92, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Learning Object-Oriented Software Development with the Demeter Method}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "March", NUMBER = "Demeter-10" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Programming Languages % @INPROCEEDINGS{solomon:param, AUTHOR = "M. Solomon", TITLE = "Type definitions with parameters", BOOKTITLE = "Principles of Programming Languages", YEAR = "1978", PAGES ="31-38", ADDRESS = "Tucson, Arizona" } @BOOK{goldberg:smalltalk-l-i, AUTHOR = "Adele Goldberg and David Robson", TITLE = "Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1983" } @ARTICLE{wirth:ebnf, TITLE = "What can we do about the unnecessary diversity of notation for syntactic definitions?", AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", JOURNAL = cacm, VOLUME = 20, NUMBER = 11, PAGES = "822-823", YEAR = 1977 } @BOOK{stone:pdl, AUTHOR = "R.G. Stone and D.J. Cooke", TITLE = "Program Construction", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press", YEAR = "1987", SERIES = "Cambridge Computer Science Texts", VOLUME = "22" } @ARTICLE{cardelli-wegner:types-85, AUTHOR = "L. Cardelli and P. Wegner", TITLE = "On understanding types, data abstraction, and polymorphism", JOURNAL = "ACM Computing Surveys", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 4, MONTH = "December", PAGEs = 471, YEAR = 1985 } @UNPUBLISHED{wegner-zdonik:like-87, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner and Stanley B. Zdonik", TITLE = "Type similarity, inheritance, and evolution or: What `like' is and isn't like", NOTE = "Technical report, Brown University", YEAR = 1987 } @INCOLLECTION{wegner:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner", TITLE = "The Object-Oriented Classification Paradigm", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "479-560", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @INCOLLECTION{goguen-meseguer:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "Joseph A. Goguen and Jose Meseguer", TITLE = "Unifying Functional, Object-Oriented and Relational Programming with Logical Semantics", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "417-477", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @INPROCEEDINGS{mishra-reddy:84, AUTHOR = "P. Mishra and U. S. Reddy", TITLE = "Declaration-free type checking", BOOKTITLE = popl, PAGES = "7-21", YEAR = 1984 } @INPROCEEDINGS{briot-cointe:objvlisp-86, AUTHOR = "J.P. Briot and P. Cointe", TITLE = "The {OBJVLISP} Project: definition of a uniform self-described and extensible object-oriented language", BOOKTITLE = "European Conference on Artificial Intelligence", YEAR = 1986, ADDRESS = "Brighton, UK" } @INPROCEEDINGS{marcke:inheritance-88, AUTHOR = "Kris Van Marcke", TITLE = "Towards explicit inheritance schemes", BOOKTITLE = hicss, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "386-395" } @INPROCEEDINGS{wegner:dim-87, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner", TITLE = "Dimensions of Object-Based Language Design", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "168-182", PUBLISHER = "ACM", VOL = 22, NUMBER = 12 } @INPROCEEDINGS{sakkinen:dis-inh-88, AUTHOR = "Markku Sakkinen", TITLE = "Disciplined inheritance", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = 1989 } % PAGES = "?" @INPROCEEDINGS{fischer:macro-68, AUTHOR = "Michael J. Fischer", TITLE = "Grammars with macro-like productions", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings 9th IEEE Conference on Switching and Automata Theory", YEAR = "1968", NOTE = "Ph.D. Thesis, 1968, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA", PAGES = "131-142" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ecoop-peter:inh-88, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner and Stanley B. Zdonik", TITLE = "Inheritance as an Incremental Modification Mechanism or What Like Is and Isn't Like", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "55-77", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } %COLLECT @BOOK{kaehler-patterson:taste, TITLE = "{A Taste of Smalltalk}", AUTHOR = "Ted Kaehler and Dave Patterson", PUBLISHER = "Norton", YEAR = "1986" } @BOOK{budd:smalltalk, TITLE = "A Little Smalltalk", AUTHOR = "Timothy Budd", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1987" } @BOOK{budd:oop, TITLE = "An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming", AUTHOR = "Timothy Budd", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1991" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kempf:kee, TITLE = "Teaching Object-Oriented Programming with the {Kee} System", AUTHOR = "Renate Kempf and Marilyn Stelzner", YEAR = "1987", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, ADDRESS = "Orlando, Florida", PAGES ="11-25" } @ARTICLE{andrews:sr-88, AUTHOR = "Gregory R. Andrews and Ronald A. Olssson and Michael Coffin and Irving Elshoff and Kelvin Nilsen and Titus Purdin and Gregg Townsend", TITLE = "An Overview of the {SR} Language", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "51-86", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 10, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{albano-cardelli:conceptual-85, AUTHOR = "A. Albano and L. Cardelli and R. Orsini", TITLE = "Galileo: A strongly-typed, interactive conceptual language", JOURNAL = tdb, YEAR = "June, 1985", PAGES = "230 - 260", VOLUME = 10, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{borning:param-82, AUTHOR = "A. H. Borning and D.H.H. Ingalls", TITLE = "{A Type Declaration and Inference System for Smalltalk}", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1982", PAGES = "133" } @INPROCEEDINGS{schaffert:trellis-86, AUTHOR = "Craig Schaffert and Topher Cooper and Bruce Bullis and Mike Kilian and Carrie Wilpolt", TITLE = "An Introduction to {Trellis/Owl}", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "9-16" } % DOUBLE ENTRY @INPROCEEDINGS{meyer:param-86, AUTHOR = "B. Meyer", TITLE = "Genericity versus Inheritance", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "391-405" } @ARTICLE{goguen:foops-86, AUTHOR = "J. Goguen and J. Meseguer", TITLE = "Extensions and Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming", JOURNAL = sigplan , YEAR = 1986, MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 21, NUMBER = 10 } @ARTICLE{liskov:abstr-77, AUTHOR = " B. Liskov and A. Snyder and R. Atkinson and C. Schaffert", TITLE = "{Abstraction mechanisms in CLU}", JOURNAL = commACM , YEAR = 1977, PAGES = "564-576", MONTH = "August", VOLUME = 20, NUMBER = 8 } @ARTICLE{thatcher:param-82, AUTHOR = "J.W. Thatcher and E.G. Wagner and J.B. Wright", TITLE = "Data Type Specification: Parameterization and the Power of Specification techniques", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1982, PAGES = "711-732" } @ARTICLE{dahl-nygaard:simula-67, AUTHOR = "O.J. Dahl and B. Myhrhaug and K. Nygaard ", TITLE = "{SIMULA 67 Common Base Language}", JOURNAL = "Publication Number S-22, Norwegian Computing Center", YEAR = 1970, MONTH = "October" } @INPROCEEDINGS{moon:flavors, AUTHOR = "David A. Moon", TITLE = "{Object-Oriented Programming with Flavors}", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1986", ADDRESS = "Portland, OR", PAGES = "1-8" } @BOOK{stroustrup:c++, AUTHOR = "B. Stroustrup", TITLE = "The C++ Programming Language", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = 1986 } @BOOK{ellis:stroustrup, AUTHOR = "Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup", TITLE = "The Annotated C++ Reference Manual", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = 1990 } @BOOK{lippman:c++, AUTHOR = "S.B. Lippman", TITLE = "C++ Primer ", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = 1989, NOTE = "Second edition" } @TECHREPORT{thomsen-override:86, AUTHOR = "K. S. Thomsen", TITLE = "Multiple Inheritance, a structuring mechanism for data, processes and procedures", INSTITUTION = "University of Aarhus, Denmark", YEAR = 1986, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "DAIMI PB - 209" } @INPROCEEDINGS{wirth-lang-des:ifip-74, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "On the Design of Programming Languages", BOOKTITLE = "IFIP, Amsterdam", YEAR = "1974", PAGES = "386-393", PUBLISHER = "North-Holland" } @ARTICLE{wirth:pascal-acta-71, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "{The Programming Language Pascal}", JOURNAL = "Acta Informatica", YEAR = 1971, PAGES = "35-63", VOLUME = 1 } @ARTICLE{sestoft:biblio-88, AUTHOR = "Peter Sestoft and Harald S{\o}ndergaard", TITLE = "A bibliography on partial evaluation", JOURNAL = sigplan, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "19-27", MONTH = "February", VOLUME = 23, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{futamura:partial-71, AUTHOR = "Y. Futamura", TITLE = "Partial evaluation of computation processes - an approach to a compiler-compiler", JOURNAL = "Systems, Computers, Controls", YEAR = 1971, PAGES = "721-728", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 5 } @INPROCEEDINGS{jones:partial-85, AUTHOR = "N.D. Jones and P. Sestoft and H. S{\o}ndergaard", TITLE = "An Experiment in Partial Evaluation: the Generation of a Compiler Generator", BOOKTITLE = lncs, YEAR = "1985", PAGES = "124-140", VOLUME = 202 } @BOOK{dragon-book, AUTHOR = "Alfred V. Aho and Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman", TITLE = "Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1986" } @INPROCEEDINGS{suzuki:types-81, AUTHOR = "N. Suzuki", TITLE = "{Inferring types in Smalltalk}", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1981", PAGES = "187-199" } @INPROCEEDINGS{johnson:type-check, AUTHOR = "R.E. Johnson", TITLE = "{Type-Checking Smalltalk}", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1986", ADDRESS = "Portland, OR", PAGES = "315-321", PUBLISHER = sigplan } @INPROCEEDINGS{turner:reflect, AUTHOR = "D.A. Turner", TITLE = "Functional programs as executable specifcations", YEAR = "1985", PAGES = "29-49", EDITOR = "C.A.R. Hoare and J.C. Shepherdson", BOOKTITLE = "Mathematical Logic and Programming Languages", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall International" } @ARTICLE{burstall:induction, AUTHOR = "R.M. Burstall", TITLE = "Proving properties of programs by structural induction", JOURNAL = "Computer Journal", YEAR = 1969, PAGES = "41-48", VOLUME = 12 } @INPROCEEDINGS{hoare:programs-predicates, AUTHOR = "C.A.R. Hoare", TITLE = "Programs as Predicates", YEAR = "1985", PAGES = "141-155", EDITOR = "C.A.R. Hoare and J.C. Shepherdson", BOOKTITLE = "Mathematical Logic and Programming Languages", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall International" } @ARTICLE{macqueen:ml-85, AUTHOR = "D. MacQueen", TITLE = "{Modules for standard ML}", JOURNAL = "Polymorphism Newsletter", YEAR = 1985, MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{mitchell:ml-88, AUTHOR = "John C. Mitchell and Robert Harper", TITLE = "{The essence of ML}", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "pages unknown" } @ARTICLE{milner:unification-78, AUTHOR = "R. Milner", TITLE = "A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming", JOURNAL = "J. Comp. and Sys. Sci.", YEAR = 1978, PAGES = "348-375", VOLUME = 17 } @INPROCEEDINGS{cardelli:mult-84, AUTHOR = "Luca Cardelli", TITLE = "A semantics of multiple inheritance", BOOKTITLE = "Semantics of Data Types", YEAR = "1984", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", PAGES = "51-67", EDITOR = "Gilles Kahn and David MacQueen and Gordon Plotkin" } @INPROCEEDINGS{wand:type-inf-obj-87, AUTHOR = "Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "Complete type inference for simple objects", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings 2nd IEEE Synposium on Logic in Computer Science", YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "37-44" } @INPROCEEDINGS{stansifer:type-88, AUTHOR = "Ryan Stansifer", TITLE = "Type inference with subtypes", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "88-97", PUBLISHER = "ACM-SIGACT-SIGPLAN" } @UNPUBLISHED{wirth:oberon-88, AUTHOR = "N. Wirth", TITLE = "{From Modula to Oberon}", NOTE = "manuscript", MONTH = "January", YEAR = "1988" } @ARTICLE{wirth:type-ext-88, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "Type Extensions", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "204-214", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = 10, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{takeuchi:ip-86, AUTHOR = "A. Takeuchi", TITLE = "Affinity between meta interpreters and partial evaluation", BOOKTITLE = "Information Processing 86", EDITOR = "H.J. Kugler", PUBLISHER = "North Holland", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "279-282" } @INPROCEEDINGS{takeuchi-furukawa:ip-86, AUTHOR = "A. Takeuchi and K. Furukawa", TITLE = "{Partial evaluation of Prolog programs and its application to meta programming}", BOOKTITLE = "Information Processing 86", EDITOR = "H.J. Kugler", PUBLISHER = "North Holland", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "415-420" } @INPROCEEDINGS{sestoft:lncs-217, AUTHOR = "P. Sestoft", TITLE = "The structure of a self-applicable partial evaluator", BOOKTITLE = "Programs as Data Objects, Copenhagen, Denmark", EDITOR = "H. Ganzinger and N.D. Jones", PUBLISHER = lncs, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "236-256", NUMBER = 217 } @ARTICLE{beckman:first-76, AUTHOR = "L. Beckman", TITLE = "A partial evaluator and its use as a programming tool", JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence", VOLUME = 7, NUMBER = 4, YEAR = 1976, PAGES = "319-357" } @UNPUBLISHED{mitch:book, AUTHOR = "D.P. Friedman and C.T. Hayes and M. Wand", TITLE = "Essentials of Programming Languages", NOTE = "MIT Press/McGraw-Hill", YEAR = "1992" } @INPROCEEDINGS{wand:sps, AUTHOR = "Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "A Semantic ProtoTyping System", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings ACM SIGPLAN '84 Compiler Construction Conference", YEAR = "1984", PAGES = "213-221" } @INPROCEEDINGS{burstall-lampson:1984, AUTHOR = "R. Burstall and B. Lampson", TITLE = "A kernel language for abstract data types and modules", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. International Symposium on the Semantics of Data Types", YEAR = "1984", ADDRESS = "Sophia-Antipolis, France" } @INPROCEEDINGS{nijholt:1981, AUTHOR = "Anton Nijholt", TITLE = "Parsing Strategies: A concise survey", YEAR = "1981", VOLUME = 118, BOOKTITLE = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Strbske Pleso, Czechoslovakia", PAGES = "103-120", EDITOR = "J. Gruska and M. Chytil", PUBLISHER = lncs, NOTE = "LL(1) equivalence problem: see page 117" } @INPROCEEDINGS{schaffert:trellis-owl-1986, AUTHOR = "Craig Schaffert and Topher Cooper and Bruce Bullis and Mike Kilian and Carrie Wilpot", TITLE = "An introduction to {Trellis/Owl}", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1986", ADDRESS = "Portland, OR", PAGES = "9-16", PUBLISHER = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices", NOTE = "Vol. 21, November" } % % % Application generators % %COLLECT @INPROCEEDINGS{andrew:gem, AUTHOR = "A.V. Goldberg and K.J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{GEM: A generator of environments for metaprogramming}", BOOKTITLE = "SOFTFAIR II, ACM/IEEE Conference on Software Tools", ADDRESS ="San Francisco", YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "86-95" } % % % Software Enginerring % %COLLECT @ARTICLE{brooks:silver, AUTHOR = "Frederick P. Brooks", TITLE = "No Silver Bullet, Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering", JOURNAL = "IEEE Computer Magazine", YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "10-19", MONTH = "April" } @INPROCEEDINGS{mills:grow-71, AUTHOR = "H.D. Mills", TITLE = "Top-Down Programming in Large Systems", BOOKTITLE = "Debugging Techniques in Large Systems", EDITOR = "R. Ruskin", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1971" } %COLLECT @BOOK{frege:begriffsschrift, TITLE = "From Frege to {G\"odel}", AUTHOR = "J.V. Heijenoort", PUBLISHER = "Harvard University Press", YEAR = "1967" } @BOOK{cox:oop, TITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming, An evolutionary approach", AUTHOR = "Brad J. Cox", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1986" } @ARTICLE{john-diane:abstr-77, AUTHOR = "J.M. Smith and D.C.P. Smith", TITLE = "Database Abstractions: Aggregation and Generalization", JOURNAL = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 2, MONTH = "June", YEAR = 1977 } @ARTICLE{balzer:sigsoft-86, AUTHOR = "R.N. Balzer", TITLE = "Program enhancement", JOURNAL = "ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes", VOLUME = 11, Number = 4, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = 66 } @ARTICLE{borgida:spec-85, AUTHOR = "A. Borgida and S. Greenspan and J. Mylopoulos", TITLE = "Knowledge representation as the basis for requirements specifications", JOURNAL = "IEEE Computer Magazine", MONTH="April", YEAR = 1985 } @INPROCEEDINGS{madsen-norgard:hicss-88, AUTHOR = "Ole Lehrmann Madsen and Claus N{\o}rgaard", TITLE = "An object-oriented metaprogramming system", BOOKTITLE = hicss, PAGES = "406-415", YEAR = 1988 } @INCOLLECTION{reiss:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "Steven P. Reiss", TITLE = "On object-oriented Framework for Conceptual Programming", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "189-218", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @INCOLLECTION{snyder:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "Alan Snyder", TITLE = "Inheritance and the Development of Encapsulated Software Systems", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "147-164", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @BOOK{pressman:software-87, AUTHOR = "Roger S. Pressman", TITLE = "Software Engineering: A practitioner's approach, Second edition", PUBLISHER = graw, YEAR = 1987 } @UNPUBLISHED{lorenson:ood-86, TITLE = "Object-Oriented Design, {CRD} Software Engineering Guidelines", AUTHOR = "W. Lorenson", NOTE = "General Electric Co.", YEAR = "1986" } @BOOK{booch:software-ada, AUTHOR = "G. Booch", TITLE = "Software Engineering with Ada", PUBLISHER = "Benjamin-Cummings", YEAR = 1983 } @INCOLLECTION{dahl:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "Ole-Johann Dahl", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Specification", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "561-576", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @BOOK{bromley:lisp-lore:86, TITLE = "{LISP LORE: A guide to programming the Lisp machine}", AUTHOR = "Hank Bromley", YEAR = 1986, PUBLISHER = kluwer } @INPROCEEDINGS{patel-schneider:hicss-88, AUTHOR = "Peter F. Patel-Schneider", TITLE = "An Approach to Practical Object-Based Knowledge Representation Systems", BOOKTITLE = hicss, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "367-375" } @ARTICLE{heering:partial-85, AUTHOR = "J. Heering ", TITLE = "Partial evaluation and omega-completeness of algebraic specifications", JOURNAL = tcs, VOLUME = 43, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "149-167" } @INPROCEEDINGS{safra-shapiro:ip-86, AUTHOR = "S. Safra and E. Shapiro", TITLE = "Meta interpreters for real", BOOKTITLE = "Information Processing 86", EDITOR = "H.J. Kugler", PUBLISHER = "North Holland", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "271-278" } @ARTICLE{acly:irds-88, AUTHOR = "Ed Acly", TITLE = "{Looking Beyond CASE}", JOURNAL = "IEEE Software", YEAR = "March 1988", PAGES = "39-43" } @ARTICLE{cartwright:first-84, AUTHOR = "Robert Cartwright", TITLE = "Recursive Programs as Definitions in First Order Logic", JOURNAL = siam-comp, VOLUME = 13, NUMBER = 2, YEAR = "May 1984", PAGES = "374-408" } @ARTICLE{borgida:soft-85, AUTHOR = "A. Borgida", TITLE = "Features of languages for the development of information systems at the conceptual level", JOURNAL = "IEEE Software", YEAR = "January, 1985" } @ARTICLE{brachman:isa-85, AUTHOR = "R. Brachman", TITLE = "What is-a is and isn't", JOURNAL = "AI Magazine", YEAR = "Fall 1985" } @INPROCEEDINGS{banerjee-kim-korth:evolution-87, AUTHOR = "J. Banerjee and W. Kim and H.J. Kim and H.F. Korth", TITLE = "Semantics and implementation of schema evolution in object-oriented databases, {San Francisco, California}", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of ACM/SIGMOD Annual Conference on Management of Data", YEAR = "May 1987" } @ARTICLE{mylopoulos-bernstein:taxis-80, AUTHOR = "J. Mylopoulos and P. A. Bernstein and H.K.T. Wong", TITLE = "A language facility for designing interactive database intensive systems", JOURNAL = tdb, YEAR = "June, 1980", PAGES = "185 - 207", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{banerjee-kim:data-model-87, AUTHOR = "Jay Banerjee and Hong-Tai Chou and Jorge F. Garza and Won Kim and Darrell Woelk and Nat Ballou", TITLE = "Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications", PAGES = "3 - 26", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 1, JOURNAL = tois, YEAR = "January, 1987" } @ARTICLE{boote:system-88, AUTHOR = "Raymond T. Boute", TITLE = " Systems Semantics: Principles, Applications, and Implementation", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "118-155", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 10, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{feather:systems-87, AUTHOR = "Martin S. Feather", TITLE = "Language support for the specification and development of composite systems", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "198-234", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = 9, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{burke:recovery-87, AUTHOR = "Michael G. Burke and Gerald A. Fisher", TITLE = "{A Practical Method for LR and LL Syntactic Error Diagnosis and Recovery}", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "164-197", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = 9, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{tsichritzis:kno-87, AUTHOR = "D. Tsichritzis and E. Fiume and S. Gibbs and O. Nierstrasz", TITLE = "{KNOs: KNowledge Acquisition, Dissemination, and Manipulation of Objects}", JOURNAL = tois, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "96-112", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{wand:type-87, AUTHOR = "Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "A simple algorithm and proof for type inference ", JOURNAL = "Fundamenta Informaticae", YEAR = 1987, VOLUME = 10 } @INPROCEEDINGS{sutor:inference-87, AUTHOR = "R.S Sutor and R.D. Jenks", TITLE = "{The type inference and coercion facilities in the Scratchpad II interpreter} ", JOURNAL = "SIGPLAN '87 Symposium on Interpreters and Interpretive Techniques", YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "56", MONTH = "June" } %SEM @INPROCEEDINGS{habermann:hicss-88, AUTHOR = "A. N. Habermann", TITLE = "Programming Environments for Reusability", BOOKTITLE = hicss, PAGES = "1-10", YEAR = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{sheu:case-87, AUTHOR = "Philip Sheu", TITLE = "Programming Object-based Systems with Knowledge", BOOKTITLE = "International CASE Workshop", ADDRESS = "Index Technology, Cambridge, MA", YEAR = 1987 } @BOOK{wirth:a+d=p-76, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1976" } @INPROCEEDINGS{fraser:syntax-81, AUTHOR = "C.W. Fraser", TITLE = "Syntax-directed editing of general data structures", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOA Conference on Text Manipulation ", YEAR = "1981", ADDRESS = "Portland, OR", PAGES = "17-21" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kristensen:fragments-85, AUTHOR = "Bent Bruun Kristensen and Ole Lehrmann Madsen and Birger Moller-Pederson and Kristen Nygaard ", TITLE = "An Algebra for Program Fragments", BOOKTITLE = "ACM SIGPLAN 85 Symposium on Programming Languages and Programming Environments", YEAR = "1985", ADDRESS = "Seattle, WA", VOLUME =20, NUMBER = 6, PUBLISHER = "SIGPLAN" } @ARTICLE{wile:popart-83, AUTHOR = "David S. Wile", TITLE = "Program Developments: Formal Explanations of Implementations", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1983, VOLUME = 26, NUMBER = 11, pages = "902--911" } @INPROCEEDINGS{freiling:knowledge-86, AUTHOR = "M.J. Freiling and J.H. Alexander and S.J. Shulman and J.L. Staley and S. Rehfuss and S.L. Messick", TITLE = "Knowledge Level Engineering: Ontological Analysis", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings AAAI", YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "963-968", VOLUME = 2 } @ARTICLE{kreowski:alg-spec-87, AUTHOR = "H.J. Kreowski", TITLE = "Some initial sections of the algebraic specification tale", JOURNAL = "Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science" , YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "55-78", MONTH = "February", NUMBER = 31 } @INPROCEEDINGS{macqueen:modular-86, AUTHOR = "D. MacQueen", TITLE = "Using dependent types to express modular structure", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1986", MONTH = "January" } @INPROCEEDINGS{wand-kohlbecker:by-example-87, AUTHOR = "E. Kohlbecker and Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "Macro by Example", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1987", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kahn-lang:struct-75, AUTHOR = "Veronique Donzeau-Gouge and G\'{e}rard Huet and Gilles Kahn and Bernard Lang and J.J. L\'{e}vy", TITLE = "A structure oriented program editor: A first step towards computer assisted programming", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of International Computing Symposium 1975", YEAR = "1975", PAGES = "" } @TECHREPORT{huet:mentor-80, AUTHOR = "Veronique Donzeau-Gouge and G\'{e}rard Huet and Gilles Kahn and Bernard Lang", TITLE = "{Programming environments based on structured editors: The MENTOR experience}", INSTITUTION = "Res. Rep. 26 INRIA", YEAR = 1980 } @ARTICLE{allen:dictionary-82, AUTHOR = "F. Allen and M. Loomis and M. Mannino", TITLE = "{The Integrated Dictionary/ Directory System}", JOURNAL = surveys , YEAR = 1982, VOLUME = 14 , NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{lamb:idl-87, AUTHOR = "D.A. Lamb", TITLE = "{IDL: Sharing Intermediate Representations}", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "297-318", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 9, NUMBER = 3 } @BOOK{wirth:modula-2, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "Programming in Modula-2", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", YEAR = "1984" } @ARTICLE{cameron-ito:gramps, AUTHOR = "Robert D. Cameron and M. Robert Ito", TITLE = "Grammar-based definition of metaprogramming systems", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1984, PAGES = "20-54", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{partsch:survey, AUTHOR = "Helmut A. Partsch and R. Steinbrueggen", TITLE = "Program Transformation Systems", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "199-236", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 15, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{boyle:reusability-84, AUTHOR = "J.M. Boyle and M.N. Muralidharan", TITLE = "Program Reusability through Program Transformation", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1984, MONTH = "September", VOLUME = "SE-10", NUMBER = 5 } @ARTICLE{reps-teitelbaum:84, AUTHOR = "T. Reps and T. Teitelbaum", TITLE = "The Synthesizer Generator", JOURNAL = "SIGPLAN", YEAR = 1984, VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 5 } @ARTICLE{reps-teitelbaum-demers:83, AUTHOR = "Thomas Reps and Tim Teitelbaum and Alan Demers", TITLE = "Incremental context-dependent analysis for language-based editors", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1983, VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 3, MONTH = "July" } @BOOK{wertz:dd-86, AUTHOR = "Charles J. Wertz", TITLE = "The Data Dictionary", PUBLISHER = "QED Information Sciences, Inc.", YEAR = "1986" } @ARTICLE{rapps:testing-85, AUTHOR = "S. Rapps and E.J. Weyuker", TITLE = "Selecting software test data using data flow information", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "367-375", VOLUME = 11, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{weyuker:antiext, AUTHOR = "E.J. Weyuker", TITLE = "The Evaluation of Program-Based Software Test Data Adequacy Criteria", JOURNAL = "Communications of the ACM", YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "668-675", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 6 } @UNPUBLISHED{clos:87, AUTHOR = "Daniel Bobrow and Linda G. De Michiel and Richard P. Gabriel and Sonya E. Keene and Gregor Kiczales and David A. Moon", TITLE = "{Common Lisp Object System Specification}", YEAR = 1988, NOTE = "Draft submitted to X3J13", MONTH = "March" } @BOOK{ould-unwin:testing, AUTHOR = "Martyn A. Ould and Charles Unwin", TITLE = "Testing in Software Development", PUBLISHER = "British Computer Society, Monographs in Informatics", YEAR = "1986" } @BOOK{ullman:db, AUTHOR = "Jeffrey D. Ullman", TITLE = "Principles of Database Systems", PUBLISHER = "Computer Science Press", YEAR = "1982" } @BOOK{salzberg:db, AUTHOR = "Betty Salzberg", TITLE = "An Introduction to Database Design", PUBLISHER = "Academic Press", YEAR = "1986" } @ARTICLE{korth:extend-86, AUTHOR = "Henry F. Korth", TITLE = "Extending the Scope of Relational Languages", JOURNAL = "IEEE Software", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "19-28", MONTH = "January" } @BOOK{garey-johnson:intract, AUTHOR = "Michael R. Garey and David S. Johnson", TITLE = "Computers and Intractability", PUBLISHER = "Freeman", YEAR = "1979" } @ARTICLE{stefik-bobrow:oop, AUTHOR = "Mark Stefik and Daniel G. Bobrow", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming: Themes and Variations ", JOURNAL = "The AI Magazine", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "40-62", MONTH = "January" } @ARTICLE{fortune-leivant:1983, AUTHOR = "Steven Fortune and Daniel Leivant and Michael O'Donnell", TITLE = "The expressiveness of simple and second order type structures", JOURNAL = jacm, YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "151-185", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 30, NUMBER = 1 } @TECHREPORT{jack-kent:86, AUTHOR = "J. Donahue and C. Hauser and J. Kent", TITLE = "A client interface to an entity-relationship database system", INSTITUTION = "Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center", YEAR = 1986, NUMBER = "P86-00059" } @INPROCEEDINGS{snodgrass:toolkit, AUTHOR = "Richard Snodgrass and Karen Shannon", TITLE = "Supporting Flexible and Efficient Tool Integration", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the IFIP WG 2.4 Workshop on Advanced Programming Environments", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "290-313", ADDRESS = "Trondheim, Norway", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", MONTH = "June" } @BOOK{snodgrass:idl-book, AUTHOR = "Richard Snodgrass", TITLE = "The interface description language", PUBLISHER = "Computer Science Press", YEAR = "1989" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kristensen:mod, AUTHOR = "B.B. Kristensen and O.L. Madsen and B. Moller-Pederson and K. Nygaard", TITLE = "Syntax directed program modularization", BOOKTITLE = "Interactive Computing Systems", YEAR = "1983", EDITOR = "P. Degano and E. Sandewall", PUBLISHER = "North-Holland" } @BOOK{martin-mcclure, AUTHOR = "J. Martin and C. McClure", TITLE = "Structured Techniques for Computing", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1985" } @INPROCEEDINGS{nievergelt:xs2, AUTHOR = "J. Nievergelt and E.S. Biagioni and J. Stelovsky and H. Sugaya", TITLE = "Can an Operating System Support Consistent User Dialogs", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. ACM Annual Conference" , YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "476-483", ADDRESS = "Denver, CO" } @ARTICLE{vandam:editors, AUTHOR = "N. Meyrowitz and A. van Dam", TITLE = "Interactive Editing Systems: Part I, II", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1982, PAGES = "321 - 416", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{emblay-woodfield:quality, AUTHOR = "D. W. Embley and S.N. Woodfield", TITLE = "Assessing the quality of abstract data types written in {Ada}", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Singapore", PAGES = "144-153", PUBLISHER = "IEEE" } @INPROCEEDINGS{tarumi:reuse-88, AUTHOR = "H. Tarumi and K. Agusa and Y. Ohno", TITLE = "A Programming Environment Supporting Reuse of Object-Oriented Software", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Singapore", PAGES = "265-273", PUBLISHER = "IEEE" } @BOOK{liskov-guttag:1986, AUTHOR = "Barbara Liskov and John Guttag", TITLE = "Abstraction and Specification in Program Development", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press, McGraw-Hill Book Company", YEAR = "1986", SERIES = "The MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Series" } @ARTICLE{parnas:mod-struct, AUTHOR = "David Lorge Parnas and Paul C. Clements and David M. Weiss", TITLE = "The Modular Structure of Complex Systems", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "259-266", VOLUME = "SE-11", NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{parnas:reuse-83, AUTHOR = "David Lorge Parnas and Paul C. Clements and David M. Weiss", TITLE = "Enhancing Reusability with Information Hiding", BOOKTITLE = "Tutorial: Software Reusability", YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "83-90", EDITOR = "Peter Freeman", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press" } @BOOK{freeman:reuse, AUTHOR = "Peter Freeman", TITLE = "Tutorial: Software Reusability", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", YEAR = "1986" } @ARTICLE{meyer:reuse-87, AUTHOR = "Bertrand Meyer", TITLE = "Reusability: The Case for Object-Oriented Design", JOURNAL = "IEEE Software", YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "50-64", MONTH = "March" } @INPROCEEDINGS{shea:learnability-86, AUTHOR = "Tim O'Shea", TITLE = "The Learnability of Object-oriented Programming Systems", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1986", ADDRESS = "Portland", PAGES = "502-504", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @BOOK{kernighan-plauger:style, AUTHOR = "B. Kernighan and P. Plauger", TITLE = "The Elements of Programming Style", PUBLISHER = "McGraw-Hill", YEAR = "1974" } @ARTICLE{hoare:72, AUTHOR = "C. A. R. Hoare", TITLE = "Proof of Correctness of Data Representations", JOURNAL = "Acta Informatica", YEAR = 1972, PAGES = "271-281", VOLUME = 1 } @ARTICLE{knuth:attribute, AUTHOR = "D.E. Knuth", TITLE = "Semantics of context-free languages", JOURNAL = "Math. Syst. Theory", YEAR = 1968, PAGES = "127-145", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{kaiser-garlan:oopsla-86, AUTHOR = "Gail E. Kaiser and David Garlan", TITLE = "{MELDing Data Flow and Object-Oriented Programming}", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "254-267", VOLUME = 22, PUBLISHER = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices", ADDRESS = "Orlando, Florida" } %NUMBER = 12, @ARTICLE{oppen:rec-data-80, AUTHOR = "Derek C. Oppen", TITLE = "Reasoning about recursively defined data structures", JOURNAL = jacm, YEAR = 1980, PAGES = "403-411", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 27, NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{kaiser-feiler:intell-87, AUTHOR = "G.E. Kaiser and P.H. Feiler", TITLE = "An architecture for intelligent assistance in software development", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "80-88", PUBLISHER = "Computer Society Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{futatsugi:param-87, AUTHOR = "K. Futatsugi and J. Goguen and J. Meseguer and K. Okada", TITLE = "{Parameterized Programming in OBJ2}", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "unknown", PUBLISHER = "Computer Society Press" } @ARTICLE{hoare:rec-data, AUTHOR = "C.A.R. Hoare", TITLE = "Recursive data structures", JOURNAL = "International Journal on Computer and Information Science", YEAR = 1975, PAGES = "105-133", MONTH = "June" } @INPROCEEDINGS{wegner:reuse-83, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner", TITLE = "Varieties of Reusability", BOOKTITLE = "ITT Procedeedings of the Workshop on Reusability in Programming", YEAR = "1983", PAGES = "30-44" } @ARTICLE{ruben-peter:reuse-87, AUTHOR = "Ruben Prieto-Diaz and Peter Freeman", TITLE = "Classifying Software for Reusability", JOURNAL = "IEEE Software", YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "6-16", MONTH = "January" } @ARTICLE{freeman:tmm, AUTHOR = "Guillermo Arango and Ira Baxter and Peter Freeman and Christopher Pidgeon", TITLE = "{TMM: Software Maintenance by Transformation}", JOURNAL = "IEEE Software", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "27-39", MONTH = "May" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lewerentz:graph-grammars, AUTHOR = "G. Engels and C. Lewerentz and W. Schaefer", TITLE = "Graph Grammar Engineering: A Software Specification Method ", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 3rd Workshop on Graph Grammars and their Application to Computer Science", PUBLISHER = lncs, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "186-201", VOLUME = 291 } @ARTICLE{schlichting:mlp-uts, AUTHOR = "Roger Hayes and Richard D. Schlichting", TITLE = "Facilitating Mixed Language Programming in Distributed Systems", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "1254-1264", MONTH = "Dec.", VOLUME = "SE-13", NUMBER = 12 } @ARTICLE{basili:testing-87, AUTHOR = "V.R. Basili and R.W. Selby", TITLE = "Comparing the effectiveness of software testing strategies", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "1278-1296", MONTH = "Dec.", VOLUME = "SE-13", NUMBER = 12 } @ARTICLE{boehm:spiral-88, AUTHOR = "Barry Boehm", TITLE = "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement", JOURNAL = ieee-computer , YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "61-72", MONTH = "May", VOLUME = 21, NUMBER = 5 } @ARTICLE{boehm:prod-88, AUTHOR = "Barry W. Boehm", TITLE = "Improving Software Productivity", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "43-57", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 20, NUMBER = 9 } @INPROCEEDINGS{deutsch:reuse-83, AUTHOR = "Peter Deutsch", TITLE = "{Reusability in the Smalltalk-80 Programming System}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Workshop on Reusability in Programming", YEAR = "1983", ADDRESS = "Newport, RI", PAGES = "72-82" } @INPROCEEDINGS{balzer:reuse-83, AUTHOR = "Robert Balzer", TITLE = "Evolution as a new basis for reusability", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Workshop on Reusability in Programming", YEAR = "1983", ADDRESS = "Newport, RI", PAGES = "80-82" } @INPROCEEDINGS{cheatham:reuse-83, AUTHOR = "T.E. Cheatham", TITLE = "Reusability through program transformations", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Workshop on Reusability in Programming", YEAR = "1983", ADDRESS = "Newport, RI", PAGES = "122-128" } @INPROCEEDINGS{cameron:reuse-83, AUTHOR = "Brian W. Terry and Robert D. Cameron", TITLE = "Software maintenance using metaprogramming systems", BOOKTITLE = "Conf. on Software Maintenance", YEAR = "1987", ADDRESS = "Austin, Texas", PAGES = "115-119", PUBLISHER = "Computer Society Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kate:reuse-83, AUTHOR = "Elliot Soloway and Kate Ehrlich", TITLE = "What do programmers reuse?", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Workshop on Reusability in Programming", YEAR = "1983", ADDRESS = "Newport, RI", PAGES = "184-191" } @INPROCEEDINGS{hausi:recompile-86, AUTHOR = "Robert Hood and Ken Kennedy and Hausi A. Mueller", TITLE = "Efficient Recompilation of Module Interfaces in a Software Development Environment", BOOKTITLE = "2nd ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments", YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "unknown", NOTE = "Tech. Report DCS-59-IR, University of Victoria, Dec. 86"} @BOOK{meyer:book-88, AUTHOR = "Bertrand Meyer", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Software Construction", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall International", YEAR = "1988", SERIES = "Series in Computer Science" } @ARTICLE{ostrand-balcer:1988, AUTHOR = "Thomas Ostrand and Marc J. Balcer", TITLE = "The category-partition method for specifying and generating functional tests", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "676-686", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 6 } @ARTICLE{hull-king:data-model-87, AUTHOR = "Richard Hull and Roger King", TITLE = "Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications, and Research Issues", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "201-260", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{batini-lenz:schema-integration-87, AUTHOR = "C. Batini and M. Lenzerini and S.B. Navathe", TITLE = "A comparative analysis of methodologies for database schema integration", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "323-364", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{navathe:view-integration-86, AUTHOR = "S. Navathe and R. Elmasari and J. Larson", TITLE = "Integrating user views in database design", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "50-62", VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{minsky:framework, AUTHOR = "Marvin Minsky", TITLE = "A framework for representing knowledge", BOOKTITLE = "The Psychology of Computer Vision", YEAR = "1975", PAGES = "211-277", EDITOR = "P. Winston", PUBLISHER = "McGraw-Hill" } @ARTICLE{mohan:se-88, AUTHOR = "L. Mohan and R.L. Kashyap", TITLE = "An object-oriented knowledge representation for spatial information", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "675-681", MONTH = "May", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 5 } @ARTICLE{atkinson-buneman:dbprog, AUTHOR = "M.P. Atkinson and O.P. Buneman", TITLE = "Types and Persistence in Database Programming Languages", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "105-190", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{lalonde:rrp-77, AUTHOR = "Wilf R. LaLonde", TITLE = "Regular right-part grammars and their parsers", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1977, PAGES = "731-741", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 20, NUMBER = 10 } @BOOK{nijholt:cf, AUTHOR = "Anton Nijholt", TITLE = "Context-Free Grammars: Covers, Normal Forms and Parsing", PUBLISHER = " ", YEAR = "1980", SERIES = lncs, VOLUME = 93 } @ARTICLE{graham:grammar-abs-88, AUTHOR = "R.A. Ballance and J. Butcher and S.L. Graham", TITLE = "Grammatical abstraction and incremental syntax analysis in a language-based editor", JOURNAL = sigplan, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "185-198", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 23, NUMBER = 7, NOTE = "Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation" } @ARTICLE{ll-dec:nijholt, AUTHOR = "Anton Nijholt", TITLE = "The equivalence problem for {LL- and LR-regular} grammars", JOURNAL = "Fundamentals of Computation Theory", YEAR = 1981, PAGES = "unknown", VOLUME = 3, NOTE = "Proceedings of third conference" } @INPROCEEDINGS{america-POOL, AUTHOR = "Pierre America", TITLE = "POOL-T: A Parallel Object-Oriented Language", BOOKTITLE = "Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming", YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "199-220", EDITOR = "A. Yonezawa and Mario Tokoro", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{america:pool-I, AUTHOR = "Pierre America", TITLE = "A Parallel Object-Oriented Language with Inheritance and Subtyping", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Ottawa, Canada", PAGES = "161-168", EDITOR = "N. Meyrowitz", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTE = "joint conference with ECOOP" } @INPROCEEDINGS{america:subtypes-87, AUTHOR = "Pierre America", TITLE = "Inheritance and subtyping in a parallel object-oriented language", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "234-242", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes 276" } @UNPUBLISHED{wegner:case88, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Concept Hierarchies", NOTE = "Distributed at CASE '88 workshop", MONTH = "July", YEAR = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{brachman-levesque:84, AUTHOR = "Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque", TITLE = "The tractability of subsumption in frame-based description languages", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings AAAI-84", YEAR = "1984", ADDRESS = "Austin, Texas", PAGES = "34-37", PUBLISHER = "American Association for Artificial Intelligence" } @ARTICLE{brachman:i-lied, AUTHOR = "R. Brachman", TITLE = "{``I lied about the trees' or, defaults and definitions in knowledge representation}", JOURNAL = "AI Magazine", YEAR = "Fall 1985" } @ARTICLE{path-expressions:campbell, AUTHOR = "R. H. Campbell and A. N. Habermann", TITLE = "{The Specification of Process Synchronization by Path Expressions}", JOURNAL = "Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science", VOLUME = 16, YEAR = "1974", PAGES = "89-102" } @ARTICLE{brachman-schmolze:kl-one, AUTHOR = "R.J. Brachman and J.G. Schmolze", TITLE = "An overview of the {KL-ONE} knowledge representation system", JOURNAL = "Cognitive Sciences", YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "171-216", VOLUME = 9, NUMBER = 2 } @INCOLLECTION{meier-stein:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "David Meier and Jacob Stein", TITLE = "Development and implementation of an object-oriented {DBMS}", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "355-392", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @INCOLLECTION{skarra-zdonik:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "Andrea Skarra and Stanley Zdonik", TITLE = "Type evolution in an object-oriented database", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "393-416", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @BOOK{ullman:data-knowledge-I, AUTHOR = "Jeffrey D. Ullman", TITLE = "Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems", PUBLISHER = "Computer Science Press", YEAR = "1988" } @ARTICLE{prieto-diaz-neighbors:mod-int, AUTHOR = "Ruben Prieto-Diaz and James M. Neighbors", TITLE = "Module Interconnection Languages", JOURNAL = "Journal of Systems and Software", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "307-334", MONTH = "November", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 4 } @BOOK{tanimoto:elements-87, AUTHOR = "S.L. Tanimoto", TITLE = "The Elements of Artificial Intelligence", PUBLISHER = "Computer Science Press", YEAR = "1987" } @INCOLLECTION{beech:wegner-87, AUTHOR = "David Beech", TITLE = "Groundwork for an object-oriented database model", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "317-354", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @ARTICLE{hull:db-model-87, TITLE = "A formal semantic database model", AUTHOR = "S. Abiteboul and R. Hull", JOURNAL = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems", YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "525-565", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{cameron:jsd, AUTHOR = "J. Cameron", TITLE = "An Overview of JSD", JOURNAL = "ieee-se", YEAR = 1986, MONTH = "Feb.", VOLUME = "se-12", NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{wiederhold:s-m, AUTHOR = "G. Wiederhold and R. El Masri", TITLE = "The structural model for database design", BOOKTITLE = "{Proceedings International Conference on the Entity-Relationship Approach to System Analysis and Design}", YEAR = "1980", EDITOR = "P.P. Chen", PUBLISHER = "North Holland, Amsterdam" } @UNPUBLISHED{mager-case88, AUTHOR = "Peter Mager", TITLE = "Private communication", NOTE = "CASE 88", MONTH = "July", YEAR = 1988 } @INPROCEEDINGS{carole:law-87, AUTHOR = "C.D. Hafner", TITLE = "Conceptual Organization of Case Law Knowledge Bases", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law", YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "35-42" } @INPROCEEDINGS{usc-nikl:kacz-86, AUTHOR = "Thomas S. Kaczmarek and Raymond Bates and Gabriel Robins", TITLE = "{Recent Developments in NIKL}", BOOKTITLE = aaai, YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "978-985", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufman Publishers" } @TECHREPORT{woods-bbn:79, AUTHOR = "W. A. Woods", TITLE = "Theoretical studies in natural language understanding", INSTITUTION = "Bolt, Beranek, and Newman", YEAR = 1979, NUMBER = "4332" } @TECHREPORT{vilain:84, AUTHOR = "Mark Vilain", TITLE = "KL-TWO, A Hybrid Knowledge Representation System", INSTITUTION = "Bolt, Beranek, and Newman", YEAR = 1984, NUMBER = "5694" } @INPROCEEDINGS{constr:morgenstern-84, AUTHOR = "Matthew Morgenstern", TITLE = "Constraint equations: a concise compilable representation for quantified constraints in semantic networks", BOOKTITLE = aaai, YEAR = "1984", PAGES = "255-259", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufman Publishers" } @ARTICLE{kim:complex-88, AUTHOR = "Won Kim and Hong-Tai Chou and Jay Banerjee", TITLE = "Operations and Implementation of Complex Objects", JOURNAL = ieee-se , YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "985-996", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 7 } @INPROCEEDINGS{penney-stein:evol, AUTHOR = "D. Jason Penney and Jacob Stein", TITLE = "{Class modification in the GemStone object-oriented DBMS}", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1987", ADDRESS = "Orlando, Florida", PAGES = "111-125", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{sandberg:lithe, AUTHOR = "David Sandberg", TITLE = "{LITHE: A language combining a flexible syntax and classes}", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1982", ADDRESS = "Albuquerque, NM", PAGES = "142-145", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{hewitt:law, AUTHOR = "Carl Hewitt and H. Baker", TITLE = "Laws for communicating parallel processes", BOOKTITLE = "IFIP Congress Proceedings", YEAR = "1977", PAGES = "987-992", PUBLISHER = "IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)", MONTH = "August" } @ARTICLE{francez:script, AUTHOR = "N. Francez", TITLE = "Script: A communication abstraction mechanism, and its verification", JOURNAL = "Science of Computer Programming", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "35-88", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 1 } @BOOK{rich-waters:ai-se, AUTHOR = "Charles Rich and Richard C. Waters", TITLE = "Readings in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers", YEAR = "1986" } @BOOK{rich-waters:pro-app, AUTHOR = "Charles Rich and Richard Waters", TITLE = "The Programmer's Apprentice", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", YEAR = "1990", SERIES = "ACM Press Frontier Series" } @ARTICLE{bigelow:hypertext, AUTHOR = "James Bigelow", TITLE = "Hypertext and CASE", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "23-29", MONTH = "March " } @ARTICLE{sakkinen:law-88, AUTHOR = "Markku Sakkinen", TITLE = "Comments on the {Law of Demeter} and {C++}", JOURNAL = sigplan , YEAR = 1988, MONTH = "December", PAGES = "38-44", VOLUME = "23" , NUMBER = "12" } @ARTICLE{johnson-foote:rules, AUTHOR = "Ralph E. Johnson and Brian Foote", TITLE = "Designing reusable classes", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "22-35", MONTH = "June/July", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{linden:adt-maintain, AUTHOR = "T.A. Linden", TITLE = "The use of abstract data types to simplify program modifications", JOURNAL = "Proc. Conference on Data Abstraction, Definition and Structure, SIGPLAN Notices, Association of Computing Machinery) ", YEAR = 1976, VOLUME = "II" } @ARTICLE{smith:principles, AUTHOR = "Connie U. Smith", TITLE = "Applying Synthesis Principles to Create Responsive Software Systems", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "1394-1408", MONTH = "Oct. 88", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 10 } @UNPUBLISHED{wegner:concept, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Concept Hierarchies", NOTE = "presented at CASE 88 in Cambridge, MA.", MONTH = "July", YEAR = 1988 } @ARTICLE{clos:bobrow-88, AUTHOR = "D.G. Bobrow and L.G. DeMichiel and R.P. Gabriel and S.E. Keene and G. Kiczales and D.A. Moon", TITLE = "{Common Lisp Object System Specification}", JOURNAL = sigplan, YEAR = 1988, MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 23 } @UNPUBLISHED{mark-staknis:diss, AUTHOR = "Mark E. Staknis", TITLE = "A Theoretical Basis for Software Fault Tolerance", NOTE = "Dissertation at the University of Virginia", MONTH = "May", YEAR = 1987 } %software fault localization: A fault is localized within a section of code %by the use of run-time checks @ARTICLE{parnas:extension, AUTHOR = "D.L. Parnas", TITLE = "Designing software for ease of extension and contraction", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1979, PAGES = "128", VOLUME = SE-5 } @ARTICLE{stroustrup:paramtypes, AUTHOR = "Bjarne Stroustrup", TITLE = "{Parameterized Types for C++}", JOURNAL = "Proc. of USENIX C++ Conference, Denver", YEAR = 1988, MONTH = "Oct" } @ARTICLE{marty:et++, AUTHOR = "Andre Weinand and Erich Gamma and Rudolf Marty", TITLE = "{ET++ - An Object Oriented Application Framework in C++}", JOURNAL = sigplan, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "46-57", MONTH = "November", VOLUME = 23, NUMBER = 11, Note = "OOPSLA Conference" } @ARTICLE{kaiser:maintenance-88, AUTHOR = "Gail E. Kaiser and Peter H. Feiler and Steven S. Popovich", TITLE = "Intelligent Assistance for Software Development and Maintenance", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "40-49", MONTH = "May" } @ARTICLE{ambras-day:micro, AUTHOR = "James Ambras and Vicky O'Day", TITLE = "MicroScope: A Knowledge-Based Programming Environment", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "50-58", MONTH = "May" } @ARTICLE{torrigiani:aspis-88, AUTHOR = "P. Paolo Puncello and Piero Torrigani and Francesco Pietri and Riccardo Burlon", TITLE = "ASPIS: A knowledge-based CASE environment", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "58-65", MONTH = "March" } @ARTICLE{metaview:tremblay-88, AUTHOR = "Paul G. Sorenson and Jean-Paul Tremblay and Andrew J. McAllister", TITLE = "The Metaview System for many specification environments", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "30-38", MONTH = "March" } @ARTICLE{jarke:dependency-directed, AUTHOR = "V. Dhar and M. Jarke", TITLE = "Dependency directed reasoning and learning in systems maintenance support", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "211-227", MONTH = "February", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 2 } @BOOK{refine:users-guide-85, AUTHOR = "Reasoning Systems Inc.", TITLE = "Refine User's Guide", PUBLISHER = "Reasoning Systems Inc.", YEAR = "1985" } @INPROCEEDINGS{frank:moose-88, AUTHOR = "Max J. Egenhofer and Andrew U. Frank", TITLE = "MOOSE: Combining Software Engineering and Database management systems", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings CASE 88 Workshop", YEAR = "1988", PUBLISHER = "Index Technology Corporation, Cambridge, MA", EDITOR = "Elliot Chikofsky", PAGES = "27.10-27.14" } @ARTICLE{takao:editors-88, AUTHOR = "Takao Tenma", TITLE = "A system for generating language-oriented editors", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "1098-1109", MONTH = "August", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 8 } @ARTICLE{udi-manber:induction-comm-acm, AUTHOR = "Udi Manber", TITLE = "Using Induction to design algorithms", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "1300-1313", MONTH = "Nov.", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 11 } @INPROCEEDINGS{ecoop-dan:subtypes-87, AUTHOR = "Daniel C. Halbert and Patrick D. O'Brien", TITLE = "Using Types and Inheritance in Object-Based Languages", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "20-31", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes 276" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ecoop-henry:rev-87, AUTHOR = "Henry Liebermann", TITLE = "Reversible Object-Oriented Interpreters", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "11-19", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @BOOK{leiserson:systolic-83, AUTHOR = "Charles Leiserson", TITLE = "Area-Efficient VLSI Computation", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press", YEAR = "1983", SERIES = "ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ecoop-sak:darker-88, AUTHOR = "Markku Sakkinen", TITLE = "On the darker side of C++", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1988", PAGES = "162-176", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @INPROCEEDINGS{knudsen-madsen:teach, AUTHOR = "J{\o}rgen Lindskov Knudsen and Ole Lehrmann Madsen", TITLE = "Teaching Object-Oriented Programming is more than teaching object-oriented programming languages", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Oslo, Norway", PAGES = "21-40", EDITOR = "S.Gjessing and K. Nygaard", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @INPROCEEDINGS{madsen-moller:pys, AUTHOR = "Ole Lehrmann Madsen and Birger M{\o}ller-Pedersen", TITLE = "What object-oriented programming may be - and what it does not have to be", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Oslo, Norway", PAGES = "1-20", EDITOR = "S.Gjessing and K. Nygaard", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @ARTICLE{johnson:y++, AUTHOR = "Steven C. Johnson", TITLE = "{Yacc Meets C++}", JOURNAL = usenix, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "159-168", MONTH = "Spring", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{wile-allard:worlds, AUTHOR = "David S. Wile and Dennis G. Allard", TITLE = "Worlds: An Organizing Structure for Object-Bases", BOOKTITLE = "ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments", YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "16-26", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lieberman:prototype, AUTHOR = "Henry Lieberman", TITLE = "Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object-Oriented Systems", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "214-223", PUBLISHER = "ACM", VOL = 21, NUMBER = 11 } @INPROCEEDINGS{ungar-smith:self-87, AUTHOR = "David Ungar and Randall B. Smith", TITLE = "Self: The power of Simplicity", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "227-242", PUBLISHER = "ACM", VOL = 22, NUMBER = 12 } @ARTICLE{liu:pattern-81, AUTHOR = "Ken-Chih Liu", TITLE = "On string pattern matching: A new model with a polynomial time algorithm", JOURNAL = siam-comp, YEAR = "1981", PAGES = "118-140", MONTH = "February", VOLUME = 10, NUMBER = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{fleck:patterns-78, AUTHOR = "A.C. Fleck", TITLE = "Formal models for string patterns", BOOKTITLE = "Current trends in programming methodology", VOLUME = 4, YEAR = "1978", PAGES = "216-240", EDITOR = "R. Yeh", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall" } @ARTICLE{gimple:patterns, AUTHOR = "J.F. Gimple", TITLE = "A theory of discrete patterns and their implementation in {SNOBOL4}", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1973, PAGES = "91-100", VOLUME = 16 } @BOOK{griswolds:icon-83, AUTHOR = "R.E. Griswold and M.T. Griswold", TITLE = "The ICON Programming Language", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1983", ADDRESS = "Englewood Cliffs" } @BOOK{griswold:snobol-4, AUTHOR = "R.E. Griswold and J. Poage and I. Polansky", TITLE = "The {Snobol4} Programming Language", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1971", ADDRESS = "Englewood Cliffs" } @BOOK{shapiro:art-of-p, AUTHOR = "L. Sterling and E. Shapiro", TITLE = "The Art of Prolog", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press", YEAR = "1986", ADDRESS = "Cambridge, Mass." } @INPROCEEDINGS{beck-short-pat, AUTHOR = "Kent Beck", TITLE = "Using a Pattern Language for Programming", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1987", NOTE = "Addendum to OOPSLA'87 Proceedings, SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 23, No. 5, May 1988", PAGES = "16", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{aho-sagiv-ull:query, AUTHOR = "A.V. Aho and Y. Sagiv and J.D. Ullman", TITLE = "Equivalences among relational expressions", JOURNAL = siam-comp, YEAR = 1979, PAGES = "218-246", MONTH = "May", VOLUME = 8, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{pfenning-elliott:hoas, AUTHOR = "Frank Pfenning and Conal Elliott", TITLE = "Higher-Order Abstract Syntax", BOOKTITLE = siglan, NOTE = "SIGPLAN'88 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation", YEAR = "1988", VOLUME = 23, NUMBER = 7, MONTH = "July", ADDRESS = "Atlanta, Georgia", PAGES = "199-208", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @UNPUBLISHED{hopkins:theory, AUTHOR = "Mark William Hopkins", TITLE = "The Other Unification Algorithm", NOTE = "Theory-net message from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee", MONTH = "Dec", YEAR = 1988 } @BOOK{donnell:equational-logic, AUTHOR = "Michael J. O'Donnell", TITLE = "Equational Logic as a Programming Language", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press", YEAR = "1985", SERIES = "Foundations of Computations" } @INPROCEEDINGS{tjiang:86, AUTHOR = "A.V. Aho and M. Ganapathi", TITLE = "Efficient tree pattern matching: an aid to code generation", BOOKTITLE = "popl", YEAR = "1985", PAGES = "334-340" } @TECHREPORT{Lang:80, AUTHOR = "H.W. Lang and M. Schimmler and H. Schmeck", TITLE = "Matching tree patterns sublinear on the average", INSTITUTION = "University of Kiel", YEAR = 1980 } @ARTICLE{jalote:ood-89, AUTHOR = "P. Jalote", TITLE = "Functional Refinement and Nested Objects for Object-Oriented Design", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "264-270", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 15, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{plotkin:inductive, AUTHOR = "G. Plotkin", TITLE = "A note on inductive generalization", JOURNAL = "Machine Intelligence", YEAR = 1970, VOLUME = 5 } @ARTICLE{smolka:inheritance, TITLE = "Inheritance hierarchies: Semantics and unification", AUTHOR = "G. Smolka and H. Ait-Kaci", JOURNAL = "Journal on Symbolic Computation", YEAR = 1988, EDITOR = "C. Kirchner", NOTE = "Special issue on unification" } @ARTICLE{mitchell:version, AUTHOR = "T. Mitchell", TITLE = "Version spaces: An approach to concept learning", JOURNAL = "Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University", YEAR = 1979 } @ARTICLE{ait:tcs-86, AUTHOR = "H. Ait-Kaci", TITLE = "An algebraic semantics approach to the effective resolution of type equations", JOURNAL = tcs , YEAR = 1986, VOLUME = 45, PAGES = "293-351" } @ARTICLE{ait:login, AUTHOR = "H. Ait-Kaci and R. Nasr", TITLE = "LOGIN: A logic programming language with built-in inheritance", JOURNAL = jlp, YEAR = 1986, VOLUME = 3, PAGES = "185-215" } @INPROCEEDINGS{pereira:gram, AUTHOR = "F.C.N. Pereira and S. Shieber", TITLE = "The semantics of grammar formalisms seen as computer languages", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Linguistics", YEAR = "1984" } @INPROCEEDINGS{horn:conformance-87, AUTHOR = "Chris Horn", TITLE = "Conformance, Genericity and Enhancement", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "223", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @INPROCEEDINGS{dewhurst:scope, AUTHOR = "S.C. Dewhurst", TITLE = "Object Representation of Scope During Translation", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "71-78", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", NOTE = "LNCS 276" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kaiser:workspaces, AUTHOR = "Gail E. Kaiser and Dewayne E. Perry", TITLE = "Workspaces and Experimental Databases: Automated Support for Software Maintenance and Evolution", BOOKTITLE = csm, YEAR = "1987", ADDRESS = "Austin, Texas", PAGES = "108-114", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press" } @TECHREPORT{garlan:transform-88, AUTHOR = "Barbara Staudt and Charles {Kr\"uger} and David Garlan", TITLE = "TransformGen: Automating the maintenance of structure-oriented environments", INSTITUTION = "Department of Computer Science, CMU", YEAR = 1988, MONTH = 11, NUMBER = "CMU-CS-88-186" } @ARTICLE{notkin:gandalf-85, AUTHOR = "Notkin David S.", TITLE = "{The GANDALF project}", JOURNAL = jss, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "91-105", MONTH = "May", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 2 } @BOOK{bersoff:config-manag, AUTHOR = "E.H. Bersoff and V. D. Henderson and S. G. Siegel ", TITLE = "Software Configuration Management", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = 1980 } @INPROCEEDINGS{miller:syst-maint, AUTHOR = "J. Miller", TITLE = "Techniques of Program and System Maintenance", PUBLISHER = "Winthrop Publishers", YEAR = "1981", EDITOR= "G. Parikh" } @INPROCEEDINGS{reps:slice, AUTHOR = "Susan Horwitz and Thomas Reps and David Binkley", TITLE = "Interprocedural slicing using dependence graphs", BOOKTITLE = "SIGPLAN '88 conference on programming language design and implementation", YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Atlanta, Georgia", PAGES = "35-56", PUBLISHER = "ACM", NOTE = "SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 23, No.7, July 1988" } @ARTICLE{fass:sig-act, AUTHOR = "L.F. Fass", TITLE = "On the Inference of Canonical Context-free Grammar", JOURNAL = "SIGACT News", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "55-60", MONTH = "Spring", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{skeletal-str:infco, AUTHOR = " L.S. Levy and A.K. Joshi", TITLE = "Skeletal Structural Descriptions", JOURNAL = "Information and Control", YEAR = 1978, PAGES = "192-211", VOLUME = 39 } @ARTICLE{struct-equiv:68, AUTHOR = "M.C. Paul and S.H. Unger", TITLE = "Structural Equivalence of Context-free Languages", JOURNAL = jcss, YEAR = 1968, PAGES = "427-463", VOLUME = 2 } @ARTICLE{booch:86, AUTHOR = "Grady Booch", TITLE = "Object-oriented development", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1986, MONTH = "February", VOLUME = "SE-12", NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{kaplan:scheme, AUTHOR = "Vincent F. Russo and Simon M. Kaplan", TITLE = "A C++ Interpreter for Scheme", BOOKTITLE = "{1988 USENIX C++ Conference}", YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Denver, CO", PAGES = "95-108" } @UNPUBLISHED{green:cog-dim, AUTHOR = "T.R.G. Green", TITLE = "Cognitive dimensions of Notations", NOTE = "MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Rank Xerox EuroPARC, Cambridge", MONTH = "February", YEAR = 1989 } @BOOK{sethi:bear, AUTHOR = "Ravi Sethi", TITLE = "Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1989" } @INPROCEEDINGS{borgida:struct-89, TITLE = "CLASSIC: A Structural Data Model for Objects", AUTHOR = "A. Borgida and R.J. Brachman and D.L. McGuiness and L.A. Resnick", BOOKTITLE = "sigmod", YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "Portland, OR", PAGES = "58-67", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } %Hal Render @inproceedings{borison, keywords=":scm:data models:process models:", author="Ellen Borison", title="{``A Model of Software Manufacture''}", booktitle="Proceedings of the IFIP International Workshop on Advanced Programming Environments", address="Trondheim, Norway", month=jun, year=1987, pages="197--220" } @article{Ditt88, keywords=":vc:dbms:data models:", title="{``Version Support for Engineering Database Systems''}", author="Klaus R. Dittrich and Raymond A. Lorie", journal="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", volume="14", number="4", month= apr, year=1988, pages="429--437" } @inproceedings{heimbigner2, keywords=":arcadia:sde:scm:data models:", title="{``A Graph Transform Model for Configuration Management Environments''}", author="Dennis Heimbigner and Steven Krane", booktitle="Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments", address="Boston, MA", month=nov, year=1988, pages="216--225" } @techreport{heimbigner3, keywords=":arcadia:scm:sde:data models:relations:", title="{Active Relations for Specifying \& Implementing Software Object Management}", author="Dennis Heimbigner and Leon Osterweil and Sutton, Jr., Stanley", school="Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado", number="CS-CS-406-88", month= jul, year="1988"} @inproceedings{huff81, keywords=":sde:dbms:scm:data models:", author="Karen E. Huff", title="{``A Database Model for Effective Configuration Management in the Programming Environment''}", booktitle="Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Engineering", address="San Diego, CA", month= "March", year=1981, pages="54--61" } @inproceedings{lint84, keywords=":dbms:data models:scm:views:", author="Mark A. Linton", title="{``Implementing Relational Views of Programs''}", booktitle="Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments", address="Pittsburgh, PA", month= "April", year=1984, pages="132--140" } @incollection{lock83, keywords=":scm:vc:sde:data models:er:", title="{``Analysis of Version and Configuration Control in a Software Engineering Environment''}", author="Peter C. Lockemann", booktitle="Entity-Relationship Approach to Software Engineering", Editor="C.G. Davis and S. Jajodia and P.A. Ng and R.T. Yeh", publisher="Elsevier Science Publishers", address="North-Holland", year=1983, pages="701--713" } @inproceedings{minsky85, keywords=":darwin:sde:scm:data models:", title="{``Controlling the Evolution of Large Scale Software Systems''}", author="Naftaly H. Minsky", booktitle="Workshop on Software Engineering Environments for Programming-in-the-Large", address="Harwichport, MA", month= "June", year=1985, pages="1--16" } @inproceedings{grids, keywords=":scm:data models:", title="{``Grids: A New Program Structuring Mechanism Based on Layered Graphs''}", author="Harold L. Ossher", booktitle="Eleventh Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", month= jan, year="1984", pages="11--22"} @techreport{clemma2, keywords=":clemma:scm:data models:", author="Hal S. Render and Roy H. Campbell", title="{The Design of the CLEMMA Configuration Librarian System}", institution="Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", number="UIUCDCS-R-88-1458", month=Oct, year=1988 } @techreport{staudt, keywords=":sde:scm:data models:", keywords=":transformgen:software maintenance:sde:", title="{TransformGen: Automating the Maintenance of Structure-Oriented Environments}", author="Barbara Staudt and Charles Krueger and David Garlan", school="Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University", number="CMS-CS-88-186", month= nov, year="1988"} @inproceedings{tichy81, keywords=":vc:scm:data models:", title="{``A Data Model for Programming Support Environments''}", booktitle="Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on Automated Tools for Information System Design and Development", author="Walter F. Tichy", month= oct, year="1981"} @inproceedings{klahold, keywords=":vc:data models:dbms:", title="{``A General Model for Version Management in Databases''}", booktitle="Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Very Large Databases", author="Peter Klahold and Gunter Schlageter and Wolfgang Wilkes", address="Kyoto, Japan", month= aug, year="1986", pages="319--327"} @incollection{lock83, keywords=":scm:vc:sde:data models:er:", title="{``Analysis of Version and Configuration Control in a Software Engineering Environment''}", author="Peter C. Lockemann", booktitle="Entity-Relationship Approach to Software Engineering", Editor="C.G. Davis and S. Jajodia and P.A. Ng and R.T. Yeh", publisher="Elsevier Science Publishers", address="North-Holland", year=1983, pages="701--713" } @inproceedings{perr87b, keywords=":sde:vc:mi:data models:", author="Dewayne E. Perry", title="{``Software Interconnection Models''}", booktitle="Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering", address="Monterey, CA", month= "March", year=1987, pages="61--69" } %Here are the OO papers: @article{orwell, keywords=":scm:oo:pl:", title="{``Orwell: A Configuration Management System for Team Programming''}", author="Dave Thomas and Kent Johnson", journal="ACM SIGPLAN Notices", volume="23", number="11", month= Nov, year="1988", pages="135--141" } @inproceedings{beech, keywords=":oo:dbms:vc:", title="{``Generalized Version Control in an Object-Oriented Database''}", author="David Beech and Brom Mahbod", booktitle="Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Data Engineering", address="Los Angeles, California", month= feb, year="1988", pages="14--22" } @inproceedings{katz87, keywords=":oo:vc:dbms:data models:", title="{``Managing Change in a Computer-Aided Design Database''}", author="R. H. Katz and E. Chang", booktitle="Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases", address="Brighton, England", month= sep, year=1987, pages="455--462" } %Here's the rigorous development paper: @article{cott84, keywords=":vc:sde:svce:", title="{``The Rigorous Development of a System Version Control Program''}", author="Ian D. Cottam", journal="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", volume="SE-10", number="2", month= mar, year=1984, pages="143--154" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ivar:use-cases, TITLE = "Object-oriented development in an industrial environment", AUTHOR = "Ivar Jacobson", YEAR = "1987", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, ADDRESS = "Orlando, Florida", PAGES ="183-191" } @TECHREPORT{alg-des:89, AUTHOR = "David Steier", TITLE = "Automating algorithm design within a general architecture for intelligence", INSTITUTION = "Carnegie Mellon University", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "CS-89-128" } @ARTICLE{angluin-smith:indinf, AUTHOR = "Dana Angluin and Carl Smith", TITLE = "Inductive Inference: Theory", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "237-269", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 15, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{valiant:learn84, AUTHOR = "L.G. Valiant", TITLE = "A theory of the learnable", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1984, PAGES = "1134-1142", MONTH = "November", VOLUME = 27, NUMBER = 11 } @ARTICLE{bigger:rec, AUTHOR = "Ted J. Biggerstaff", TITLE = "Design recovery for Maintenance and Reuse", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "36 - 49", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 22, NUMBER = 7 } @INPROCEEDINGS{arango:maintain, TITLE = "Maintenance and Porting of Software by Design Recovery", AUTHOR = "G. Arango et al.", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Conf. Software Maintenance", YEAR = "1985", PAGES = "42-49", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society", NOTE = "Order No. 648" } @INPROCEEDINGS{michal:so, AUTHOR = "R.E. Stepp and R.S. Michalski", TITLE = "Conceptual clustering: Inventing goal-oriented classification of structured objects", BOOKTITLE = "Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach, Vol. II", YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "471-498", EDITOR = "R.S. Michalski et al.", PUBLISHER = "Morgan-Kaufman Publishers" } @INPROCEEDINGS{nix:ed, AUTHOR = "R. Nix", TITLE = "Editing by example", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1984", ADDRESS = "Salt Lake City, Utah", PAGES = "186-195", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @TECHREPORT{dipayan-helm:89, AUTHOR = "Dipayan Gangopadhyay and Richard Helm", TITLE = "A model driven approach for the reuse of classes from domain specific object-oriented class repositories", INSTITUTION = "IBM Research Division, T.J. Watson Research Center", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "March", NUMBER = "RC14510" } @INPROCEEDINGS{tygar:netlist, AUTHOR = "J.D. Tygar and Ron Ellikson", TITLE = "Efficient Netlist Comparison Using Hierarchy and Randomization", BOOKTITLE = dac, YEAR = "1985", PAGES = "702-708", PUBLISHER = "IEEE" } @ARTICLE{sol-str:f, AUTHOR = "R. Solovay and V. Strassen", TITLE = "A fast Monte-Carlo test for primality", JOURNAL = SIAM-comp, YEAR = 1977, PAGES = "84-85", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 6 } @INPROCEEDINGS{luks1:b, AUTHOR = "Gene Luks", TITLE = "Isomorphism of Graphs of Bounded Valence Can be Tested in Polynomial Time", BOOKTITLE = focs, YEAR = "1980", PAGES = "42-49" } @ARTICLE{Thinkpad:reiss, AUTHOR = "R.V. Rubin and E.J. Golin and S.P. Reiss", TITLE = "{ThinkPad}: A graphical system for programming by demonstration", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "73-79", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{finzer:rehearsal, AUTHOR = "W. Finzer and L. Gould", TITLE = "Programming by rehearsal", JOURNAL = "Byte", YEAR = 1984, PAGES = "187-210", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 9, NUMBER = 6 } @INPROCEEDINGS{pederson:gen, AUTHOR = "Claus H. Pederson", TITLE = "Extending Ordinary Inheritance Schemes to Include Generalization", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "New Orleans, LA", PAGES = "407-418", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{oopsla89, AUTHOR = "OOPSLA'89", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "New Orleans, LA", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{maarek:struct, AUTHOR = "Yoelle S. Maarek and Frank A. Smadja", TITLE = "Full Text Indexing Based on Lexical Relations; An Application: Software Libraries", BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval", YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "Cambridge, MA", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @ARTICLE{cstb:scale, AUTHOR = "National Research Council", TITLE = "Scaling Up: A Research Agenda For Software Engineering", JOURNAL = "Computer Science and Technology Board", YEAR = 1989, PUBLISHER = "National Academy Press" } @ARTICLE{parnas:contract, AUTHOR = "David L. Parnas", TITLE = "Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1979, PAGES = "128-138", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = "SE-5", NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{domain-reuse:ruben, AUTHOR = "Ruben Prieto-Diaz", TITLE = "Domain Analysis for Reusability", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of COMPSAC '87", YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "23-29", PUBLISHER = "IEEE" } @BOOK{tracz:reuse, AUTHOR = "Will Tracz", TITLE = "Tutorial: Software Reuse: Emerging Technology", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press", YEAR = "1988", VOLUME = "846" } @INPROCEEDINGS{atkinson:pers, AUTHOR = "M. Atkinson", TITLE = "Questioning Persistent Types", BOOKTITLE = dpl, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "Oregon", PAGES = "2-24", EDITOR = "R. Hull and R. Morrison and D. Stemple", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers" } @INPROCEEDINGS{sof-qual:brown1, AUTHOR = "Abbas Birjandi and Cynthia Brown", TITLE = "An Onsite Education Program for Software Quality", BOOKTITLE = lncs, YEAR = "1989", NOTE = "Third SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education", PUBLISHER = "Springer" } @INPROCEEDINGS{back:brown2, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and Larry Finkelstein and Paul Purdom", TITLE = "Backtrack Searching in the Presence of Symmetry", BOOKTITLE = lncs, NOTE = "Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algebraic Algorithms and Error Correcting Codes", YEAR = "1988", PUBLISHER = "Springer" } @INPROCEEDINGS{knuth-bendix:brown3, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown", TITLE = "A Self-Modifying Theorem Prover", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence", YEAR = "1984", PAGES = "38-41" } @ARTICLE{comp:brown4, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and Paul Purdom", TITLE = "A Methodology and Notation for Compiler Front-End Design", JOURNAL = spe, YEAR = 1984, PAGES = "335-346", VOLUME = 14 } @UNPUBLISHED{trader:brown5, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and Ian Holland and Robin Mesch", TITLE = "TRADER: An Expert System for Trading Commodities Futures", NOTE = "in preparation", YEAR = 1989 } @ARTICLE{pure:brown6, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and Paul Purdom", TITLE = "The Pure Literal Rule and Polynomial Average Time", JOURNAL = siam-comp, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "943-953", VOLUME = 14 } @ARTICLE{ave:brown7, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and Khaled Bugrara", TITLE = "On the Average Case Analysis of Some Backtracking Model Problems", JOURNAL = "Information Sciences" , YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "21-37", VOLUME = 40 } @ARTICLE{match:brown8, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and Paul Purdom", TITLE = "Tree Matching and Simplification", JOURNAL = spe, YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "105-115", VOLUME = 17 } @ARTICLE{poly:brown9, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and Paul Purdom", TITLE = "Polynomial-Average-Time Satisfiability Problems", JOURNAL = "Information Sciences", YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "23-42", VOLUME = 41 } @ARTICLE{base:brown10, AUTHOR = "Cynthia Brown and L. Finkelstein and P. W. Purdom", TITLE = "A New Base Change Algorithm for Permutation Groups", JOURNAL = siam-comp, YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "?", MONTH = "?", VOLUME = "?", NOTE = "to appear" } @ARTICLE{reps-prins:integr, AUTHOR = "Susan Horwitz and Jan Prins and Thomas Reps", TITLE = "Integrating noninterfering versions of programs", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "?", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = "?", NUMBER = "?" } @ARTICLE{objectz:duke89, AUTHOR = "D. Duke and R. Duke and G. Rose and G. Smith", TITLE = "Object-Z: An object-oriented extension to Z", JOURNAL = "Formal Description Techniques (FORTE '89)", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "Dec." } @ARTICLE{verifier:moriconi79, AUTHOR = "Mark S. Moriconi", TITLE = "A Designers/Verifier's Assistant", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1979, PAGES = "387-401", VOLUME = 5 } @TECHREPORT{scaling:cstb89, AUTHOR = "Computer Science Technology Board", TITLE = "Scaling Up: A Research Agenda For Software Engineering", INSTITUTION = "National Research Council", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "Feburary", NOTE = "National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1989" } @ARTICLE{stat:parikh87, AUTHOR = "Girish Parikh", TITLE = "Making the Immortal Language Work", JOURNAL = "International Computer Programs Business Software Review", YEAR = 1987, MONTH = "April", PAGES = "unknown", NUMBER = 33 } @ARTICLE{rpde:harrison87, AUTHOR = "William Harrison", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = "1987", TITLE = "The {RPDE3} Environment- A Framework for Integrating Tool Fragments", MONTH = "November" } @ARTICLE{yoyo:taenzer89, AUTHOR = "David Taenzer and Murthy Ganti and Sunil Podar", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = "1989", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Software Reuse: The Yoyo Problem", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 3, MONTH = "September/October", PAGES = "30-36" } @INPROCEEDINGS{impact:arnold89, AUTHOR = "Robert S. Arnold", BOOKTITLE = csm, TITLE = "Tutorial on Impact Analysis", YEAR = "1989", NOTE = "Tutorial Notes for Tutorial No. 1. Not part of the proceedings" } @INPROCEEDINGS{interfaces:canning89, AUTHOR = "Peter S. Canning and William Cook and Walter G. Olthoff", TITLE = "Interfaces for Strongly-Typed Object-Oriented Programming", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", PAGES = "457-467", PUBLISHER = "ACM", VOL = 24, NUMBER = 10 } @INPROCEEDINGS{semantics:cook89, AUTHOR = "William Cook", TITLE = "A Denotational Semantics of Inheritance and its Correctness", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", PAGES = "433-445", PUBLISHER = "ACM", VOL = 24, NUMBER = 10 } @TECHREPORT{snyder-tc:89, AUTHOR = "Alan Snyder and Walt Hill and Walter Olthoff", TITLE = "A Glossary of Common Object-Oriented Terminology", INSTITUTION = "Hewlett-Packard Company", YEAR = 1989, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "STL-89-26" } @ARTICLE{aho:transitive, AUTHOR = "A.V. Aho and M.R. Garey and J.D. Ullman", TITLE = "The transitive reduction of a directed graph", JOURNAL = siam-comp, YEAR = 1972, PAGES = "131-137", VOLUME = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{wadler:views, AUTHOR = "P. Wadler", TITLE = "A way for pattern matching to cohabit with data abstraction", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1987", ADDRESS = "Munich", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } % note: SIGPLAN Vol. 24, No. 11, Nov. 1989 @INPROCEEDINGS{yap:formats-1, AUTHOR = "Colm O'Dunlaing and Chee K. Yap", TITLE = "Generic Transformations of Data Structures", BOOKTITLE = focs, YEAR = "1982", ADDRESS = "Chicago, Illinois", PAGES = "186-195", PUBLISHER = "IEEE" } @INPROCEEDINGS{yap:formats-2, AUTHOR = "R.B. Hull and C.K. Yap", TITLE = "The format model: A theory of data organization", BOOKTITLE = pds, YEAR = "1982", ADDRESS = "Los Angeles", PAGES = "205-211", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @ARTICLE{yap:formats3, AUTHOR = "R.B. Hull and C.K. Yap", TITLE = "The format model: A theory of data organization", JOURNAL = jacm, YEAR = 1984, PAGES = "518-537", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{meyer:dr-dobbs, AUTHOR = "Bertrand Meyer", TITLE = "Writing Correct Software with EIFFEL", JOURNAL = "Dr. Dobbs Journal" , YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "48-64", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 12 } @INPROCEEDINGS{wirfs-brock:clientserver, AUTHOR = "Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Brian Wilkerson", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Design: A Responsibility-Driven Approach", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "New Orleans, LA", PAGES = "71-76", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{beck:crc, AUTHOR = "Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham", TITLE = "A Laboratory for Teaching Object Oriented Thinking", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "New Orleans, LA", PAGES = "1-6", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{shah-dsm:oopsla89, AUTHOR = "Ashwin Shah and Jung Hamel and Renee Borsari", TITLE = "DSM: An Object-Relationship Modeling Language", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "New Orleans, LA", PAGES = "191-202", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @TECHREPORT{ashok-depot:ibm, AUTHOR = "Ashok Malhotra and Karen Appleby and Kyu Young Wang", TITLE = "DEPOT", INSTITUTION = "International Business Machines", YEAR = 1989, NOTE = "Exact title and number unknown" } @INPROCEEDINGS{disco:ices90, AUTHOR = "H. Jarvinen and R. Kurki-Suonio and M. Sakkinen and K. Systa", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Nice, France", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Specification of Reactive Systems", PAGES = "unknown", NOTE = "To appear" } @ARTICLE{scripts:brent, AUTHOR = "N. Francez and B. Hailpern and Gadi Taubenfeld", TITLE = "Script: A communication abstraction mechanism, and its verification", JOURNAL = "Science of Computer Programming", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "35-88", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{interactions:evangel, AUTHOR = "M. Evangelist and N. Francez and S. Katz", TITLE = "Multiparty Interactions for Interprocess Communication and Synchronization ", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "1417-1426", MONTH = "November", VOLUME = 15, NUMBER = 11 } @ARTICLE{joint:back, AUTHOR = "R.J.R. Back and R. Kurki-Suonio", TITLE = "Distributed cooperation with action systems", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "513-554", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 10, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{chen:eer-cl, AUTHOR = "P. Chen", TITLE = "The entity relationship model: Toward a unified view of data", JOURNAL = tdb , YEAR = 1976, PAGES = "9-36", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{phil-rich:o2, AUTHOR = "Christophe Lecluse and Philipe Richard and Fernando Velez", TITLE = "O2, an Object-Oriented Data Model", BOOKTITLE = zdonik-meyer, YEAR = "1990", PAGES = "227-236", EDITOR = "Zdonik and Maier", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers" } @INPROCEEDINGS{blake-cook:parts, AUTHOR = "Edwin Blake and Steve Cook", TITLE = "On including part hierarchies in object-oriented languages, with an implementation in Smalltalk", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1987", PAGES = "41-50", PUBLISHER = "Springer" } @ARTICLE{teorey:ext, AUTHOR = "T.J. Teorey and D. Yang and J.P. Fry", TITLE = "A logical design methodology for relational databases", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "197-222", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 18, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{deutsch:reuse, AUTHOR = "L. Peter Deutsch", TITLE = "{Design reuse and frameworks in the Smalltalk-80 system}", BOOKTITLE = "Software reusability, Applications and experience", EDITOR = "Ted J. Biggerstaff and Alan J. Perlis", YEAR = 1989, VOLUME = 2, PUBLISHER = "{ACM} Press" } @BOOK{cole:alg-skl-89, AUTHOR = "Murray Cole", TITLE = "Algorithmic Skeletons: Structured Management of Parallel Computation", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = "1989", SERIES = "Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing" } % AUTHOR = "Ernst Specker", @INBOOK{specker-select:90, TITLE = "Ernst Specker Selecta", EDITOR = "Gerhard J{\"a}ger and Hans L{\"a}uchli and Bruno Scarpellini and Volker Strassen", PUBLISHER = "Birkh{\"a}user Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin", YEAR = "1990" } @INBOOK{behnke-fund:74, TITLE = "Fundamentals of Mathematics", EDITOR = "H. Behnke and F. Bachmann and K. Fladt and W. S{\"u}ss", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = "1974" } @BOOK{hop-ull:aut, AUTHOR = "John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman", TITLE = "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1979" } @ARTICLE{hunt-rosen-szym:equiv76, AUTHOR = "H.B. Hunt and D.J. Rosenkrantz and T.G. Szymanski", TITLE = "On the equivalence, containment, and covering problems for the regular and context-free languages", JOURNAL = jcss, YEAR = 1976, PAGES = "222-268", VOLUME = 12 } @ARTICLE{hunt-szymanski:meta76, AUTHOR = "H.B. Hunt and T.G. Szymanski", TITLE = "Complexity metatheorems for context-free grammar problems", JOURNAL = jcss, YEAR = 1976, PAGES = "318-334", VOLUME = 13 } @ARTICLE{hunt-szymanski:low, AUTHOR = "H.B. Hunt and T.G. Szymanski", TITLE = "Lower bounds and reductions between grammar problems", JOURNAL = jacm, YEAR = 1978, PAGES = "32-51", VOLUME = 25 } @ARTICLE{pernici:todos, AUTHOR = "B. Pernici and F. Barbic and M.G. Fugini and R. Maiocchi and J.R. Rames and C. Rolland", TITLE = "{C-TODOS}: An automatic tool for office system conceptual design", JOURNAL = tois , YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "378-419", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 7, NUMBER = 4 } @BOOK{hb-ai:3, AUTHOR = "Paul R. Cohen and Edward A. Feigenbaum", TITLE = "The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence", PUBLISHER = "William Kaufmann, Inc.", YEAR = "1982", VOLUME = "3" } @BOOK{manber:create, AUTHOR = "Udi Manber", TITLE = "Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{tarjan:72, AUTHOR = "Robert E. Tarjan", TITLE = "Depth first search and linear graph algorithms", JOURNAL = siam-comp, YEAR = 1972, PAGES = "146-160", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 1 } @ARTICLE{wegner:oop, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner", TITLE = "Conceptual Evolution of Object-Oriented Programming", JOURNAL = "Special interest group on object-oriented systems", YEAR = 1990, VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 1 } @BOOK{stoy:scott, AUTHOR = "J.E. Stoy", TITLE = "Denotational Semantics: the Scott-Strachey Approach to Programming Language Theory", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press", YEAR = "1977" } @ARTICLE{reb-ral:wirfs, AUTHOR = "Rebecca J. Wirfs-Brock and Ralph E. Johnson", TITLE = "A Survey of Current Research in Object-Oriented Design", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "104-124", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 33, NUMBER = "9", NOTE = "The description of the Demeter project starts on page 120" } @INPROCEEDINGS{geneva-2:ood-casais, AUTHOR = "Eduardo Casais", TITLE = "Reorganizing an Object System", BOOKTITLE = "Object Oriented Development", YEAR = "1989", PAGES = "161-189", EDITOR = "Dennis Tsichritzis", PUBLISHER = "Centre Universitaire D'Informatique, Gen{\`e}ve" } @INPROCEEDINGS{geneva-2:ood-papa, AUTHOR = "M. Papathomas", TITLE = "Concurrency issues in \oo\ programming languages", BOOKTITLE = "Object Oriented Development", YEAR = "1989", PAGES = "207-246", EDITOR = "Dennis Tsichritzis", PUBLISHER = "Centre Universitaire D'Informatique, Gen{\`e}ve" } @INPROCEEDINGS{geneva-3:ood-casais, AUTHOR = "Eduardo Casais", TITLE = "Managing Class Evolution in Object-Oriented Systems", BOOKTITLE = "Object Management", YEAR = "1990", PAGES = "133-195", EDITOR = "Dennis Tsichritzis", PUBLISHER = "Centre Universitaire D'Informatique, Gen{\`e}ve" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lien:rdbd, AUTHOR = "Y.E. Lien", TITLE = "Relational database design", BOOKTITLE = "Principles of Database Design", YEAR = "1985", PAGES = "211-254", EDITOR = "S. Bing Yao", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall" } @ARTICLE{konsynski:rest, AUTHOR = "J. Karimi and B.R. Konsynski", TITLE = "An automated software design assistant", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "194-210", MONTH = "Feb.", VOLUME = 14, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{paradaens:good, AUTHOR = "Marc Gyssens and Jan Paradaens and Dirk Van Gucht", TITLE = "A graph-oriented object model for database end-user interfaces", BOOKTITLE = sigmod, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Atlantic City", PAGES = "24-33", EDITOR = "Hector Garcia-Molina and H.V. Jagadish", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{manif:dittrich, AUTHOR = "M. Atkinson and F. Bancilhorn and D. De Witt and K. Dittrich and D. Maier and S. Zdonik", TITLE = "The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto", BOOKTITLE = dood, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "Kyoto, Japan" } % after vac. @ARTICLE{abit:hull, AUTHOR = "Serge Abiteboul and Richard Hull", TITLE = "Restructuring Hierarchical Database Objects", JOURNAL = tcs, YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "3-38", NUMBER = 62 } @INPROCEEDINGS{kuper-vardi:84, AUTHOR = "G.M. Kuper and M.Y. Vardi", TITLE = "The logical data model", BOOKTITLE = pds, YEAR = "1984", PAGES = "86-96", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @ARTICLE{klaus:mar, AUTHOR = "Klaus R. Dittrich", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Database Systems: The Next Miles of the Marathon", JOURNAL = is , YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "161-167", VOLUME = 15 , NUMBER = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{borg-mitch:learn, AUTHOR = "Alexander Borgida and Tom Mitchell and Keith Williamson", TITLE = "Learning improved integrity constraints and schemas from exceptions in data and knowledge bases", EDITOR = "Michael L. Brodie and John Mylopoulos", YEAR = "1986", PAGES = "259-286", BOOKTITLE = "On Knowledge Base Management Systems", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @TECHREPORT{winston:70, AUTHOR = "P.H. Winston", TITLE = "Learning Structural Descriptions from Examples", INSTITUTION = "MIT", YEAR = 1970, NUMBER = "76", NOTE = "Project MAC" } @BOOK{dennis:dm, AUTHOR = "Dennis Tsichritzis and Frederick Lochovsky", TITLE = "Data Models", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1982", SERIES = "Software Series" } @TECHREPORT{bibel:87, AUTHOR = "Wolfgang Bibel", TITLE = "Advanced Topics in Automated Deduction", INSTITUTION = "Dep. of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1W5", YEAR = 1987, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "87-39" } @BOOK{booch:all, AUTHOR = "Grady Booch", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Design With Applications", PUBLISHER = "Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.", YEAR = "1991" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ian-helm:oopsla, AUTHOR = "Richard Helm and Ian M. Holland and Dipayan Gangopadhyay", TITLE = "Contracts: Specifying Behavioral Compositions in Object-Oriented Systems", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Ottawa", PAGES = "169-180", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTE = "Joint conference ECOOP/OOPSLA" } @BOOK{coad-yourdon:ooa, AUTHOR = "Peter Coad and Edward Yourdon", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Analysis", PUBLISHER = "Yourdon Press", YEAR = "1990", NOTE = "Second edition" } @BOOK{abcl:aki, AUTHOR = "Akinori Yonezawa", TITLE = "ABCL: An Object-Oriented Concurrent System", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = "1990", SERIES = "Computer Systems Series" } @BOOK{www-90:resp, AUTHOR = "Rebecca Wirfs-Brock and Brian Wilkerson and Lauren Wiener", TITLE = "Designing Object-Oriented Software", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1990" } @TECHREPORT{cmu-cs-90-139, AUTHOR = "Richmond H. Thomason and David S. Touretzky", TITLE = "Inheritance Theory and Networks with Roles", INSTITUTION = "Carnegie Mellon University", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "June", NUMBER = "CMU-CS-90-139", NOTE = "also appears in J. Sowa (ed.), Principles of Semantic Networks: Explorations in the Representati[on of Knowledge. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann" } @INPROCEEDINGS{roy1:choices, AUTHOR = "Roy Campbell and Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston", TITLE = "The Design of a Multiprocessor Operating System", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Workshop", YEAR = "1987", ADDRESS = "Santa Fe, NM", PAGES = "109-126", PUBLISHER = "USENIX Association" } @INPROCEEDINGS{roy2:oopsla, AUTHOR = "Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston and Roy Campbell", TITLE = "Process Management and Exception Handling in Multiprocessor Operating Systems Using Object-Oriented Design Techniques", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "San Diego, CA", PAGES = "248-258", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } %SEM @INPROCEEDINGS{rumb:oopsla, AUTHOR = "James Rumbaugh", TITLE = "Controlling Propagation of Operations using Attributes on Relations", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "San Diego, CA", PAGES = "285-297", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @ARTICLE{step-rev:review, AUTHOR = "G. Haring", TITLE = "{Review of ``Contributions to teaching object-oriented design and programming}'' ", JOURNAL = comp-reviews, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "443", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 9 } @TECHREPORT{pun-winder, AUTHOR = "Winnie W. Y. Pun and Russel L. Winder", TITLE = "Automating Class Hierarchy Graph Construction", INSTITUTION = "University College London", YEAR = 1989 } @ARTICLE{cacm-oscar, AUTHOR = "Simon Gibbs and Dennis Tsichritzis and Eduardo Casais and Oscar Nierstrasz and Xavier Pintado", TITLE = "Class Management for Software Communities", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "90-103", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 33, NUMBER = 9 } @INPROCEEDINGS{pirri:inh, AUTHOR = "Fiora Pirri", TITLE = "Modelling a Multiple Inheritance Lattice with Exceptions", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Inheritance and Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and Programming Languages", YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "Viareggio", PAGES = "91-104", PUBLISHER = "", MONTH = "February" } @INPROCEEDINGS{algo-schema-des:oodb, AUTHOR = "Kim Hyoung-Joo", TITLE = "Algorithmic and computational aspects of object-oriented schema design", BOOKTITLE = "Object-oriented Databases with applications to {CASE}, networks and {VLSI CAD}", YEAR = "1991", PAGES = "26-61", EDITOR = "Rajiv Gupta and Ellis Horowitz", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall Series in Data and Knowledge Base Systems" } @INPROCEEDINGS{gupta:oodb, AUTHOR = "Qing Li and Dennis McLeod", TITLE = "Conceptual Database Evolution Through Learning", BOOKTITLE = "Object-oriented Databases with applications to {CASE}, networks and {VLSI CAD}", YEAR = "1991", PAGES = "62-74", EDITOR = "Rajiv Gupta and Ellis Horowitz", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall Series in Data and Knowledge Base Systems" } @ARTICLE{wegner:oops-mess, AUTHOR = "Peter Wegner", TITLE = "Concepts and Paradigms of Object-Oriented Programming", JOURNAL = oops-mess, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "7-87", MONTH = "Aug.", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{geib:mult-inh, AUTHOR = "Bernard Carr{\'e} and Jean-Marc Geib", TITLE = "The Point of View notion for Multiple inheritance", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Ottowa", PAGES = "312-321", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTE = "joint conference ECOOP/OOPSLA" } @ARTICLE{andrews-schneider:ccp, AUTHOR = "G.R. Andrews and F.B. Schneider", TITLE = "Concepts and notations for concurrent programming", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "3-43", VOLUME = 15, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{lamport:concurrent-modules, AUTHOR = "L. Lamport", TITLE = "Specifying Concurrent Program Modules", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "190-222", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{purchase-russel:mps, AUTHOR = "Jan A. Purchase and Russel L. Winder", TITLE = "Message Pattern Specifications: A new technique for handling errors in parallel object oriented systems", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Ottawa", PAGES = "116-125", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{oswald:oo-petri, AUTHOR = "H. Oswald and R. Esser and R. Mattmann", TITLE = "An Environment for Specifying and Executing Hierarchical Petri Nets", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Nice, France", PAGES = "?", MONTH = "March", NOTE = "12th ICSE" } @INPROCEEDINGS{cook:eiffel, AUTHOR = "William Cook", TITLE = "A proposal for making Eiffel type-safe", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1989", PAGES = "?", PUBLISHER = "Oxford University Press" } %SEM @ARTICLE{caromel:conc-reuse, AUTHOR = "Denis Caromel", TITLE = "Concurrency and Reusability: From Sequential To Parallel", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "34-42", MONTH = "Sep./Oct.", VOLUME = 3, NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{gonnet-tompa:grammar, AUTHOR = "Gaston Gonnet and Frank Wm. Tompa", TITLE = "Mind Your Grammar: A New Approach to Modelling Text", BOOKTITLE = vldb, YEAR = "1987", ADDRESS = "Brighton, England", PAGES = "339-346", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann" } @TECHREPORT{bacl:panoramas, AUTHOR = "Ken Baclawski", TITLE = "Panoramas and Grammars: A New View of Data Models", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-91-2", MONTH = "Feb.", YEAR = "1991" } @BOOK{mehlhorn:graph-algs, AUTHOR = "Kurt Mehlhorn", TITLE = "Data Structures and Algorithms 2: Graph Algorithms and NP-Completeness", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", YEAR = "1984" } @INPROCEEDINGS{schwartz:subst-eo90, AUTHOR = "Jens Palsberg and Michael Schwartzbach", TITLE = "Type Substitution for Object-Oriented Programming", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Ottawa", PAGES = "151-160", EDITOR = "N. Meyrowitz", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @BOOK{rumbaugh:oom, AUTHOR = "James Rumbaugh and Michael Blaha and William Premerlani and Frederick Eddy and William Lorensen", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Modeling and Design", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1991" } @BOOK{sem:iee, AUTHOR = "Jim Woodcock and Martin Loomes", TITLE = "Software Engineering Mathematics", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1988" } @BOOK{C++:Pohl, AUTHOR = "Ira Pohl", TITLE = "C++ for Pascal Programmers", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1991" } @BOOK{C++:ds, AUTHOR = "Stephen C. Dewhurst and Kathy T. Stark", TITLE = "Programming in C++", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1989", SERIES = "Prentice-Hall Software Series" } %SEM @INPROCEEDINGS{ibarra-sigact80:equi, AUTHOR = "Oscar H. Ibarra", TITLE = "The Complexity of the Equivalence Problem for Straight-Line Programs", BOOKTITLE = sig-act, YEAR = "1980", ADDRESS = "Los Angeles, CA", PAGES = "273-280", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @BOOK{hughes:oodb, AUTHOR = "John G. Hughes", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Databases ", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1991", SERIES = "International Series in Computer Science" } %SEM @INPROCEEDINGS{wilde-huit:maint-support, AUTHOR = "Norman Wilde and Ross Huitt", TITLE = "Maintenance Support for Object-Oriented Programs", BOOKTITLE = csm, YEAR = 1991, PUBLISHER = ieee, PAGES = "162-170", ADDRESS = "Sorrento, Italy" } @TECHREPORT{Baclawski.Simovici:90, AUTHOR = {Baclawski, K. and Simovici, D.}, TITLE = {An algebraic approach to databases with complex objects}, INSTITUTION = {Northeastern University, College of Computer~Science}, NUMBER = {NU-CCS-90-14}, YEAR = {1990} } @TECHREPORT{Baclawski:90c, AUTHOR = {Baclawski, K.}, TITLE = {The structural semantics of inheritance}, INSTITUTION = {Northeastern University, College of Computer~Science}, NUMBER = {NU-CCS-90-23}, YEAR = {1990} } @TECHREPORT{wirth:82, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "{Hades: A Notation for the Description of Hardware}", INSTITUTION = "Swiss Federal Institute of Technology", YEAR = 1982, MONTH = "August" } @INPROCEEDINGS{german-wang:verif-85, AUTHOR = "S.M German and Y. Wang", TITLE = "Formal Verification of Parameterized Hardware Designs", BOOKTITLE = "IEEE International Conference of Computer Design: VLSI in Computers", YEAR = "1985", ADDRESS = "Port Chester, N.Y.", PAGES = "549 - 552" } %SEM @TECHREPORT{Antero-91:inh-mech, AUTHOR = "Antero Taivalsaari", TITLE = "Towards a Taxonomy of inheritance mechanisms in object-oriented programming", INSTITUTION = "University of Jyv{\"a}skyl{\"a}", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "WP-19" } @INPROCEEDINGS{customization:unga, AUTHOR = "Craig Chambers and David Ungar and Elgin Lee", TITLE = "An efficient implementation of Self, a dynamically-typed \oo\ language based on prototypes", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "New Orleans", PAGES = "49-70", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } %SEM @INCOLLECTION{beta:madsen-87, AUTHOR = "B.B. Kristensen and O.L. Madsen and B. Moller-Pedersen and K. Nygaard", TITLE = "{The BETA Programming Language}", BOOKTITLE = wegner, PAGES = "189-218", PUBLISHER = mit, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner" } @UNPUBLISHED{Bobrow:, AUTHOR = "Daniel Bobrow", TITLE = "{Personal communication at OOPSLA '91}", MONTH = "Oct.", YEAR = 1991 } %SEM @ARTICLE{Sheard:pps, AUTHOR = "Tim Sheard", TITLE = "Automatic generation and use of abstract structure operators", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1991, PAGES = "531-557", MONTH = "Oct.", VOLUME = 13, NUMBER = 4 } @INCOLLECTION{treaty-orlando, AUTHOR = "Lynn Andrea Stein and Henry Lieberman and David Ungar", TITLE = "{The Shared View of Sharing: The Treaty of Orlando}", BOOKTITLE = lochovsky, PAGES = "31-47", PUBLISHER = acm, YEAR = 1987, EDITOR = "Won Kim and Frederick H. Lochovsky" } @ARTICLE{MarSho:abbrev-query-int, AUTHOR = "Victor M. Markowitz and Arie Shoshani", TITLE = "Abbreviated Query Interpretation in Entity-Relationship Oriented Databases", JOURNAL = "Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Berkeley, CA", YEAR = "1989", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "", MONTH = "", NOTE = "", ANNOTE = "", KEY = "" } %SEM @ARTICLE{HarOss:structure-bound-messages, AUTHOR = "William Harrison and Harold Ossher", TITLE = "Structure-Bound Messages: Separating Navigation from Processing", JOURNAL = "Submitted for publication", YEAR = "1991", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "", MONTH = "", NOTE = "", ANNOTE = "", KEY = "" } %SEM @INPROCEEDINGS{schwanke:mod-91, AUTHOR = "Robert W. Schwanke", TITLE = "An Intelligent Tool For Re-engineering Software Modularity", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Austin", PAGES = "83-92", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE CS Press" } % this is useful for grouping C functions into classes; is adaptive ; (neural nets) %SEM %GREG @INPROCEEDINGS{fischer:reuse-91, AUTHOR = "Gerhard Fischer and Scott Henninger and David Redmiles", TITLE = "Cognitive tools for locating and comprehending software objects for reuse", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Austin", PAGES = "318-328", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE CS Press" } %SEM %FOR TESTING in Demeter @INPROCEEDINGS{demillo:testing-91, AUTHOR = "Richard DeMillo", TITLE = "Progress Toward Automated Software Testing", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Austin", PAGES = "180-183", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE CS Press" } %SEM %FOR user-interface %GREG @INPROCEEDINGS{irvine:chiron-91, AUTHOR = "Rudolf K. Keller and Mary Cameron and Richard N. Taylor and Dennis B. Troup", TITLE = "User interface development and software environments", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Austin", PAGES = "208-218", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE CS Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{nuno:user-interface-1, AUTHOR = "Nuno Guimaraes ", TITLE = "Building generic user interface tools: an experience with multiple inheritance", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Phoenix, Arizona", PAGES = "89-96", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @TECHREPORT{baxter:thesis90, AUTHOR = "Ira D. Baxter", TITLE = "Transformational Maintenance by Reuse of Design Histories", INSTITUTION = "University of California at Irvine, Information and Computer Science Department", YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "90-36", NOTE = "University International, catalog #9109634, Ph.D. thesis" } @UNPUBLISHED{saegesser-tp1, AUTHOR = "Walter S{\"a}gesser", TITLE = "{Documentation for Adapted Demeter Tools/Turbo Pascal}", NOTE = "AD-APPLI-SOFT: Steigstr. 14, CH-8610 Uster, Switzerland", MONTH = "Dec.", YEAR = 1991 } @BOOK{graham:oom, AUTHOR = "Ian Graham", TITLE = "Object-oriented methods", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1991", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{lehmann-belady:evol, AUTHOR = "Lehman and Laszlo Belady", TITLE = "Program Evolution - Processes of Software Change", PUBLISHER = "Academic Press", YEAR = "1985", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @ARTICLE{harel:statecharts, AUTHOR = "David Harel", TITLE = "Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems", JOURNAL = "Science of Computer Programming", YEAR = 1987, PAGES = "231-274", VOLUME = 8 } @ARTICLE{zahira:normalization, AUTHOR = "Zahira Ammarguellat", TITLE = "A Control-Flow Normalization Algorithm and its Complexity", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "237-251", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 18, NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{harold:case92, AUTHOR = "William Harrison and Mansour Kavianpour and Harold Ossher", TITLE = "Integrating Course-Grained and Fine-Grained Tool Integration", BOOKTITLE = case, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Montr{\'e}al, Canada", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society" } @INPROCEEDINGS{horwitz-reps:tools-92, AUTHOR = "Susan Horwitz and Thomas Reps", TITLE = "Language-Based Tools for Software Engineering", BOOKTITLE = "Darpa Software Technology Conference", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Los Angeles, CA", PAGES = "106-110", PUBLISHER = "Darpa" } % Cun, Nacho, Greg and Walter: this paper discusses the slicing problem, the % differencing problem and the integration problem which might be useful % subproblems for your work. % -- Karl @INPROCEEDINGS{tracz:darpa92, AUTHOR = "Will Tracz", TITLE = "Software Reuse Technical Opportunities", BOOKTITLE = "Darpa Software Technology Conference", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Los Angeles, CA", PAGES = "33-41", PUBLISHER = "Darpa" } % Nacho and Greg: a paper which fits into your interests. % -- Karl @BOOK{cooper:law, AUTHOR = "Frederick L. Cooper", TITLE = "Law and the Software Marketer", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1988", NOTE = "ISBN 0-13-526633-5" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ponder:bush, AUTHOR = "Carl Ponder and Bill Bush", TITLE = "Polymorphism considered harmful", BOOKTITLE = sigplan, YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "76-79", NOTE = "Also in ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 19, No. 2, April 1994, pages 35-37." } % A further problematic factor appearing in the Smalltalk system, the % dispersal of operations across tiny procedures, ... stems from % the language's object-oriented nature. This problem exacerbates the % difficulty inherent in understanding a large software system ... @BOOK{young:motif, AUTHOR = "Douglas A. Young", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and OSF/Motif", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1992" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kifer-kim-sagiv:query, AUTHOR = "Michael Kifer and Won Kim and Yehoshua Sagiv", TITLE = "Querying Object-Oriented Databases", BOOKTITLE = sigmod, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "San Diego, California", editor = "M. Stonebraker", month = jun, volume = "21", PAGES = "393-402", EDITOR = "Michael Stonebraker", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{lewis-henry:oo-is-good, AUTHOR = "John A. Lewis and Sallie M. Henry and Dennis G. Kafura and Robert S. Schulman", TITLE = "On the relationship between the object-oriented programming paradigm and software reuse: an empirical investigation", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "35-41", MONTH = "July/August", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{meyers:demoi, AUTHOR = "Brad A. Myers", TITLE = "Demonstrational Interfaces: A step beyond direct manipulation", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "61-73", MONTH = "Aug.", VOLUME = 25, NUMBER = 8 } @ARTICLE{biermann:aut-prog, AUTHOR = "A.W. Biermann and R. Krishnasawamy", TITLE = "Constructing Programs from Example Computations", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = "1976", VOLUME = "SE-2", NUMBER = 3, MONTH = "September", PAGES = "141-153" } @INPROCEEDINGS{zicari:evol-ecoop-91, AUTHOR = "Christine Delcourt and Roberto Zicari", TITLE = "{The design of an integrity consistency checker (ICC) for an \oo\ database system}", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Geneva, Switzerland", PAGES = "377-396", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @ARTICLE{abiteboul-hull:restruct, AUTHOR = "S. Abiteboul and R. Hull", TITLE = "Restructuring Hierarchical database objects", JOURNAL = tcs , YEAR = 1988, VOLUME = 62 } @BOOK{perlis:reuse, EDITOR = "Ted Biggerstaff and Alan Perlis", TITLE = "Software Reusability Vols. 1 and 2", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", SERIES = "Frontier Series", YEAR = "1989" } @ARTICLE{parnas:families, AUTHOR = "David L. Parnas", TITLE = "On the design and development of program families", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1976, PAGES = "1-9", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 1 } @ARTICLE{notkin:evol, AUTHOR = "Kevin J. Sullivan and David Notkin", TITLE = "Reconciling Environment Integration and Software Evolution", JOURNAL = tosem , YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "229-268", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{krueger:reuse, AUTHOR = "Charles W. Krueger", TITLE = "Software Reuse", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "131-184", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 24, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{graver:tgen, AUTHOR = "Justin O. Graver", TITLE = "T-gen: a string-to-object translator generator", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "35-42", MONTH = "September 1992", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 5 } @ARTICLE{barbara-nico:schema-evol, AUTHOR = "Barbara Staudt Lerner and A. Nico Habermann", TITLE = "Beyond Schema Evolution to Database Reorganization", JOURNAL = oopsla, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "67-76", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 25, NUMBER = 10 } @INPROCEEDINGS{cheatham:test-90, AUTHOR = "Thomas J. Cheatham and Lee Melinger", TITLE = "Testing object-oriented software systems", BOOKTITLE = csc, YEAR = "1990", PAGES = "161-165", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @BOOK{kunii:gdm, AUTHOR = "Hideko S. Kuni", TITLE = "Graph Data Model and its Data Language", PUBLISHER = "Springer", YEAR = "1990" } @ARTICLE{turchin:pp-opt, AUTHOR = "V.F. Turchin", TITLE = "The Concept of a Supercompiler", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "292-395", VOLUME = 8 , NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{bird-meertens:tree-objects, AUTHOR = "Bird and Meertens", TITLE = "Bird/Meertens calculus", BOOKTITLE = "Mathematics of Program Construction", YEAR = "1989", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "J.L.A. van de Snepscheut", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science", NOTE = "ISBN 3-540-51305-1" } @INPROCEEDINGS{bird:discrete-design, AUTHOR = "R. Bird", TITLE = "An Introduction to the Theory of Lists", BOOKTITLE = "Logic of Programming and Calculi of Discrete Design", YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @BOOK{arapis:thesis, AUTHOR = "Constantin Arapis", TITLE = "Dynamic Evolution of Object Behavior and Object Cooperation", PUBLISHER = "University of Geneva", YEAR = "1992", NOTE = "Thesis No 2529" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kurt-naeher:leda, AUTHOR = "Kurt Mehlhorn and Stefan N{\"a}her", BOOKTITLE = "Information Processing '92, 12th World Computer Congress", TITLE = "{Algorithm Design and Software Libraries: Recent Developments in the LEDA Project}", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Madrid, Spain", PAGES = "493-505", EDITOR = "J. van Leeuwen", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier" } @INPROCEEDINGS{helm-maareka:retrieval, AUTHOR = "Richard Helm and Yoelle S. Maarek", TITLE = "Integrating Information Retrieval and Domain Specific approaches for browsing and retrieval in object-oriented class libraries", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Phoenix, Arizona", PAGES = "47-61", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{reiss:ifip, AUTHOR = "Steven P. Reiss", BOOKTITLE = "Information Processing '92, 12th World Computer Congress", TITLE = "{Program Visualization: Where we go from here}", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Madrid, Spain", PAGES = "218-227", EDITOR = "J. van Leeuwen", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier" } @INPROCEEDINGS{paris:icse87, AUTHOR = "Shmuel Katz and Charles A. Richter and Khe-Sing The", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1987", TITLE = "{PARIS: A System for Reusing Partially Interpreted Schemas}", PAGES = "377-385" } @INPROCEEDINGS{rao:ecoop91, TITLE = "{Implementation Reflection in Silica}", AUTHOR = "Ramana Rao", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1991", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @BOOK{spurr:case, AUTHOR = "Kathy Spurr and Paul Layzell", TITLE = "{CASE: Current Practice, Future Prospects}", PUBLISHER = "Wiley", YEAR = "1992", Note = "User Interface Development: Our Experience with HP Interface Architect by Balbir S. Barn" } @ARTICLE{justin:evolution, AUTHOR = "Justin O. Graver", TITLE = "The evolution of an Object-oriented Compiler Framework", JOURNAL = spe, YEAR = "1992", MONTH = "July", PAGES = "519-535", VOLUME = 22, NUMBER = 7 } @ARTICLE{peter:test, AUTHOR = "Peter M. Maurer", TITLE = "The Design and Implementation of a Grammar-based Data Generator", JOURNAL = spe, YEAR = "1992", MONTH = "March", PAGES = "223-244", VOLUME = 22, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{james:interface-components, AUTHOR = "James M. Purtilo and Joanne M. Atlee", TITLE = "Module Reuse by Interface Adaptation", JOURNAL = spe, YEAR = "1991", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "539-556", VOLUME = 21, NUMBER = 6 } @ARTICLE{richard:test, AUTHOR = "Richard A. DeMillo and A. Jefferson Offutt", TITLE = "Constraint-Based Automatic Test Data Generation", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 9 } @INPROCEEDINGS{mehmet-lod:prob, AUTHOR = "Mehmet Aksit and Lodewijk Bergmans", TITLE = "Obstacles in Object-Oriented Software Development", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Vancouver, Canada", PAGES = "341-358", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @TECHREPORT{ivar:92-use-cases-tr, AUTHOR = "Ivar Jacobson", TITLE = "The Use Case Construct in Object-Oriented Software Engineering", INSTITUTION = "Objective Systems", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{keszenheimer:pp, AUTHOR = "Linda Keszenheimer", TITLE = "Propagation Patterns: A model for specifying and evolving object behavior", INSTITUTION = {Northeastern University, College of Computer Science}, YEAR = 1992, NUMBER = {NU-CCS-92-25}, NOTE = "Submitted to CAiSE'93" } @TECHREPORT{hur92:evolution, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch", TITLE = "Preserving Object Behavior during Schema Evolution", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-92-22", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", } @INPROCEEDINGS{hl93:abstraction, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Karl J. Lieberherr and Sougata Mukherjea", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Schema Extension and Abstraction", BOOKTITLE = sac, YEAR = 1993, MONTH = "February", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = acm, ADDRESS = "Indianapolis, Indiana", PAGES = "54-62", NOTE = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{silva-lepe:emp-meth, AUTHOR = "Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "An Empirical Method for Identifying Objects and their Responsibilities in a Procedural Program", BOOKTITLE = tools-e, YEAR = 1993, PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", PAGES = "136-149", ADDRESS = "Versailles, France"} @INPROCEEDINGS{robbins:reusable-objects, AUTHOR = "David Morley and Stephen Chiu and Jason Robbins and Tim Maddux and Geoffrey Voelker", TITLE = "Reusable Objects", BOOKTITLE = tools-e, YEAR = 1991, PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", PAGES = "", ADDRESS = "Paris, France"} @ARTICLE{stone:copyr92, AUTHOR = "Harold S. Stone", TITLE = "Copyrights and Author Responsibilities", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "46-51", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = 25, NUMBER = 12 } @UNPUBLISHED{reuse-italy:93, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe} and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Improving Reusability and Reducing Development Costs with Adaptive Software", NOTE = "Position paper for the Second International Workshop on Software Reusability in Lucca, Italy, March 24-26, 1993. Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society", MONTH = "December", YEAR = 1992 } @TECHREPORT{greg:derived-edges, AUTHOR = "Greg Sullivan and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "An Object-oriented Design Methodology", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "January", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-95-1", NOTE = "Was completed in December 1992" } @UNPUBLISHED{greg:derived-edges, AUTHOR = "Greg Sullivan and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "An Object-oriented Design Methodology", NOTE = "manuscript", MONTH = "December", YEAR = 1992 } @PHDTHESIS{nacho:thesis, AUTHOR = "Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "Techniques for Reverse-engineering and Re-engineering into the Object-Oriented Paradigm", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = "1994", NOTE = "133 pages" } @PHDTHESIS{cun:thesis, AUTHOR = "Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Adaptive Software: Automatic Navigation Through Partially Specified Data Structures", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1994, NOTE = "189 pages" } @PHDTHESIS{paul:thesis, AUTHOR = "Paul Bergstein", TITLE = "{Managing the Evolution of Object-Oriented Systems}", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1994, NOTE = "151 pages" } @PHDTHESIS{walter:thesis, AUTHOR = "Walter H{\"u}rsch", TITLE = "Maintaining Consistency and Behavior of Object-Oriented Systems during Evolution", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, NOTE = "331 pages" } @PHDTHESIS{linda:thesis, AUTHOR = "Linda Seiter", TITLE = "Design Patterns for Managing Evolution", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1996, NOTE = "188 pages" } @PHDTHESIS{crista:thesis, AUTHOR = "Cristina Isabel Videira Lopes", TITLE = "{D: A Language Framework for Distributed Programming}", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "274 pages" } @PHDTHESIS{johan:thesis, AUTHOR = "Johan Ovlinger", TITLE = "{Combining Aspects and Modules}", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2004, NOTE = "197 pages" } @PHDTHESIS{doug:thesis, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans", TITLE = "{PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE SUPPORT FOR SEPARATION OF CONCERNS}", SCHOOL = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2005, NOTE = "" } @TECHREPORT{ecoop:93-AB, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Describing Adaptive Behaviors of Collaborating Classes", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "December", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-93-1" } @TECHREPORT{evolve-project:93, AUTHOR = "Walter H{\"u}rsch and Karl J. Lieberherr and Ling Liu and Roberto Zicari", TITLE = "{The EVOLVE Project: Adaptive software techniques for OODBMS change management}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University and University of Frankfurt", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "December", NUMBER = "" } @UNPUBLISHED{luc:priv-comm, AUTHOR = "Luc Longpr{\'e}", TITLE = "Private communication", MONTH = "October", YEAR = 1992 } @UNPUBLISHED{omg:corba1, AUTHOR = "Object Management Group", TITLE = "The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and specification", NOTE = "OMG Document Number 91.12.1, Revision 1.1, 492 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham, MA 01701", MONTH = "December", YEAR = 1991 } @INPROCEEDINGS{malone-lai-fry:rad-tailor, AUTHOR = "Thomas W. Malone and Kum-Yew Lai and Christopher Fry", TITLE = "Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work", BOOKTITLE = "cscw", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Toronto, Canada", PAGES = "289-297", EDITOR = "Jon Turner and Robert Kraut", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{gabov-osterweil:paths76, AUTHOR = "H. N. Gabow and S.N. Maheshwari and L. Osterweil", TITLE = "On two problems in the generation of program test paths", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1976, PAGES = "227-231", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 2 , NUMBER = "" } % see page 203 Garey and Johnson @ARTICLE{wilde:maint-soft, AUTHOR = "Norman Wilde and Paul Matthews and Ross Huitt", TITLE = "Maintaining Object-Oriented Software", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1993, PAGES = "75-80", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "" } @BOOK{polya:solve-it, AUTHOR = "George Polya", TITLE = "How to solve it", PUBLISHER = "Princeton University Press", YEAR = "1949", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{susan:Pan90, AUTHOR = "Robert A. Ballance and Susan L. Graham and Michael L. VanDeVanter", TITLE = "{The Pan language-based editing system}", BOOKTITLE = sigsoft, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Irvine, CA", PAGES = "77-93", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Kahn:centaur90, AUTHOR = "P. Borras and D.Clement and T. Despeyroux and J. Incerpi and G. Kahn and B. Lang and V. Pascual", TITLE = "CENTAUR: the system", BOOKTITLE = sigsoft, YEAR = "1988", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", PAGES = "", MONTH = "November", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{garlan:app-spec92, AUTHOR = "David Garlan and Linxi Cai and Robert Nord", TITLE = "A Transformational Approach to Generating Application-Specific Environments", BOOKTITLE = sigsoft, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Tyson's Corner, VA", PAGES = "68-77", EDITOR = "Herbert Weber", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{tsai:class-extraction, AUTHOR = "C.L. Ong and W.T. Tsai", TITLE = "Class and object extraction from imperative code", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = 1993, PAGES = "58-68", MONTH = "March/April", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 1 } @UNPUBLISHED{sam-adams:wood-93, AUTHOR = "Sam Adams", TITLE = "Private communication", NOTE = "WOOD (Workshop on Object-Oriented Design, Snowbird, Utah, March 8-10)", MONTH = "March", YEAR = 1993 } @INPROCEEDINGS{america:pre-post, AUTHOR = "Pierre America", TITLE = "A behaviroal approach to subtyping in object-oriented programming languages", BOOKTITLE = "REX School/Workshop on the Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 489", YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @BOOK{ralston:ency83, AUTHOR = "Anthony Ralston", TITLE = "Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering", PUBLISHER = "Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc.", YEAR = "1983", NOTE = "Second edition" } @ARTICLE{wirth:stepwise71, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "Program Development by Stepwise Refinement", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1971, PAGES = "221-227", VOLUME = 14 , NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{lieber-nacho-cun:pp-cacm, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Ignacio {Silva-Lepe} and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Adaptive Object-Oriented Programming using Graph-Based Customization", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = "1994", MONTH = "May", VOLUME = 37, NUMBER = 5, PAGES = "94-101" } % adaptive @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber-cun:japan, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Minimizing Dependency on Class Structures with Adaptive Programs", BOOKTITLE = isotas, ORGANIZATION = "JSSST", EDITOR = "S. Nishio and A. Yonezawa", MONTH = "November", YEAR = "1993", ADDRESS = "Kanazawa, Japan", PAGES = "424-441", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } % adaptive @INPROCEEDINGS{linda:csm93, AUTHOR = "Linda Keszenheimer", TITLE = "Specifying and Adapting Object Behavior During System Evolution", BOOKTITLE = csm, YEAR = "1993", ADDRESS = "Montreal, Canada", PAGES = "254-261", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{bh93:evolution, AUTHOR = "Paul L. Bergstein and Walter L. H{\"u}rsch", TITLE = "Maintaining Behavioral Consistency during Schema Evolution", BOOKTITLE = isotas, YEAR = 1993, MONTH = "November", EDITOR = "S. Nishio and A. Yonezawa", ORGANIZATION = "JSSST", ADDRESS = "Kanazawa, Japan", PAGES = "176--193", PUBLISHER = lncs, NOTE = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{patterns:ecoop93, AUTHOR = "Erich Gamma and Richard Helm and Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides", TITLE = "Design Patterns: Abstraction and Reuse of Object-Oriented Design", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "July, 1993", ADDRESS = "Kaiserslautern, Germany", PAGES = "406-431", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, LNCS \#707" } @INPROCEEDINGS{johnson92:patterns, AUTHOR = "Ralph Johnson", TITLE = "Documenting Frameworks using Patterns", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Vancouver, Canada", PAGES = "63-76", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{wilde-etal:maint-support, AUTHOR = "Norman Wilde and Ross Huitt", TITLE = "Maintenance Support for Object-Oriented Programs", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = "1992", MONTH = "December", PAGES = "1038-1044", volume = "18", number = "12" } @ARTICLE{wilde-etal:oo-maint-DO-NOT-USE, AUTHOR = "Norman Wilde and Paul Matthews and Ross Huitt", TITLE = "Maintaining Object-Oriented Software", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = "1993", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "75-80" } @BOOK{engeler:theoryofcom, AUTHOR = "Erwin Engeler", TITLE = "The Theory of Computation", PUBLISHER = "Academic Press", YEAR = "1973", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @Book{PalsbergSchwartzbach93a, author = "Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach", title = "Object-Oriented Type Systems", publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons", year = 1993} @ARTICLE{nacho-walter-greg:dem-cpp-rep, AUTHOR = "Ignacio {Silva-Lepe} and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Greg Sullivan", TITLE = "{A Report on Demeter/C++}", JOURNAL = "C++ Report", YEAR = "1994", MONTH = "February", PUBLISHER = "SIGS Publications" } @INPROCEEDINGS{silva-lepe:p2oo-migr, AUTHOR = "Ignacio {Silva-Lepe}", TITLE = "A Model for Migrating Procedural Programs into Object-Oriented Programs", BOOKTITLE = tools-p, YEAR = 1993, PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", PAGES = "193-209", ADDRESS = "Melbourne, Australia", NOTE = "Also available as technical report NU-CCS-93-12, Northeastern University" } @ARTICLE{lhx93:ext, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Object-extending Class Transformations", JOURNAL = fac, YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "391-416", Number = 6, NOTE = "Also available as Technical Report NU-CCS-91-8, Northeastern University" } @ARTICLE{bd91:soft-config, AUTHOR = "Edward H. Bersoff and Alan M. Davis", TITLE = "Impacts of Life Cycle Models on Software Configuration Managemen t", JOURNAL = cacm, YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "August", VOLUME = 34, NUMBER = 8, PAGES = "104-118", } @INPROCEEDINGS{ber92:evolution, AUTHOR = "Elisa Bertino", TITLE = "A View Mechanism for Object-Oriented Databases", BOOKTITLE = edbt, YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "", EDITOR = "", ORGANIZATION = "", PUBLISHER = "", ADDRESS = "Vienna, Austria", PAGES = "136--151", NOTE = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{bkkk87:evolution, AUTHOR = "Jay Banerjee and Won Kim and Hyong-Joo Kim and Henry F. Korth", TITLE = "Semantics and Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases", BOOKTITLE = sigmod, YEAR = 1987, MONTH = "December", PUBLISHER = acm, ADDRESS = "San Francisco, California", PAGES = "311-322", NOTE = "SIGMOD Record, Vol.16, No.3" } @ARTICLE{ts93:evolution, AUTHOR = "Markus Tresch and Marc H. Scholl", TITLE = "Schema Modification without Database Reorganization", JOURNAL = sigmodrec, YEAR = 1993, MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 22, NUMBER = 1, PAGES = "21--27", NOTE = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lzhl94:reuse, AUTHOR = "Ling Liu and Roberto Zicari and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Polymorphic Reuse Mechanisms for Object-Oriented Database Specifications", BOOKTITLE = icde, YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "February", EDITOR = "", ORGANIZATION = "IEEE", PUBLISHER = "", ADDRESS = "Houston", PAGES = "180-189" } @ARTICLE{journal-lzhl94:reuse, AUTHOR = "Ling Liu and Roberto Zicari and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Polymorphic Reuse Mechanisms for Object-Oriented Database Specifications", JOURNAL = tkde , YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "50-67", VOLUME = "9" , NUMBER = "1" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber:pleso1981, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Probabilistic combinatorial optimization", YEAR = "1981", VOLUME = 118, BOOKTITLE = "Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Strbske Pleso, Czechoslovakia", PAGES = "423-432", EDITOR = "J. Gruska and M. Chytil", PUBLISHER = lncs, } @ARTICLE{lieber:tcs-81, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr ", TITLE = "Uniform Complexity and Digital Signatures", JOURNAL = tcs, VOLUME = 16, YEAR = 1981, PAGES = "99-110" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber:haifa81, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Uniform complexity and digital signatures", BOOKTITLE = icalp, YEAR = "1981", ADDRESS = "Haifa, Israel", PAGES = "530-543", PUBLISHER = lncs } @ARTICLE{lieber-finn:tcs-83, AUTHOR = "Jim Finn and Karl J. Lieberherr ", TITLE = "Primality Testing and Factoring", JOURNAL = tcs, VOLUME = 23, YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "211-215" } @ARTICLE{lieber-huang:tcs-85, AUTHOR = "M.A. Huang and Karl J. Lieberherr ", TITLE = "Implications of forbidden structures for extremal algorithmic problems", JOURNAL = tcs, VOLUME = 40, YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "195-210" } @TECHREPORT{Huang-TR292, AUTHOR = "M.A. Huang and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Implications of forbidden structures for extremal algorithmic problems", INSTITUTION = "Princeton University, Dept. of EECS", YEAR = 1981, NUMBER = "292", Note = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/ming-deh-tr292.html" } % Crista: this paper promotes a similar philosophy, but a % different solution. Probably worth to reference. @INPROCEEDINGS{loehr:conc-annot, AUTHOR = "Klaus-Peter L{\"o}hr", TITLE = "Concurrency Annotations", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Vancouver, Canada", PAGES = "327-340", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } % for Crista @INPROCEEDINGS{dijkstra:phil, AUTHOR = "Edsger W. Dijkstra", TITLE = "Cooperating sequential processes", BOOKTITLE = "Programming Languages", YEAR = "1968", PAGES = "43-112", EDITOR = "F. Genuys", PUBLISHER = "Academic Press, New York" } @ARTICLE{hoare:monitors, AUTHOR = "C.A.R. Hoare", TITLE = "Monitors: an operating system structuring concept", JOURNAL = cacm, YEAR = 1974, PAGES = "549-557", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 10 } @BOOK{hoare:csp, AUTHOR = "C.A.R. Hoare", TITLE = "Communicating Sequential Processes", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = 1985 } @TECHREPORT{hur94:superclasses, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch", TITLE = "Should Superclasses be Abstract?", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "January", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-94-01", TYPE = "", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", NOTE = "" } @ARTICLE{comp-discipline:young, AUTHOR = "Peter J. Denning and Douglas E. Comer and David Gries and Michael C. Mulder and Allen B. Tucker and A. Joe Turner and Paul R. Young", TITLE = "Computing as a discipline", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "9-23", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 32, NUMBER = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{hur94:superclasses-ecoop, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch", TITLE = "{Should Superclasses be Abstract?}", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "July", EDITOR = "Remo Pareschi and Mario Tokoro", ORGANIZATION = "", PUBLISHER = spcs, ADDRESS = "Bologna, Italy", PAGES = "12-31" } @ARTICLE{lieber-palsberg-xiao94, AUTHOR = "Jens Palsberg and Cun Xiao and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Efficient Implementation of Adaptive Software", JOURNAL = toplas , YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "264--292", MONTH = mar, VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 2 } %@string{toplas = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} % INSTITUTION = nu, % NUMBER = "94-09", % NOTE = "to appear in TOPLAS" @INPROCEEDINGS{seiter:caise94, AUTHOR = "Linda Keszenheimer", TITLE = "Utilizing Behavioral Abstractions to Facilitate Maintenance during Class Evolution", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering", YEAR = "1994", pages = "325-338", PUBLISHER = "Springer", ADDRESS = "Utrecht, Netherlands" } @ARTICLE{drdobbs-beck-94, AUTHOR = "Kent Beck", TITLE = "Patterns and Software Development", JOURNAL = "Dr. Dobbs Journal" , YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "18-22", MONTH = "February", VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{wirth:well-struct, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "On the composition of well-structured programs", JOURNAL = surveys , YEAR = 1974, PAGES = "247-259", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{wirth:oberon, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth", TITLE = "The programming language {Oberon}", JOURNAL = spe , YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "671-690", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 18, NUMBER = 7 } @ARTICLE{wirth:oberon-sys, AUTHOR = "Niklaus Wirth and J{\"u}rg Gutknecht", TITLE = "{The Oberon System}", JOURNAL = spe, YEAR = 1989, PAGES = "857-893", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 9 } @ARTICLE{frameworks:evins, AUTHOR = "Mikel Evins", TITLE = "Objects without classes", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "104-109", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 27, NUMBER = 3 } @ARTICLE{heckmann:ell1, TITLE = "An Efficient {ELL}(1)-Parser Generator", AUTHOR = "Reinhold Heckmann", JOURNAL = "Acta Informatica", VOLUME = 23, PAGES = "127-148", YEAR = "1986", } @BOOK{mager:objectives, AUTHOR = "Robert F. Mager", TITLE = "Preparing Instructional Objectives", PUBLISHER = "Fearon Publishers, Inc.", YEAR = "1962" } @BOOK{stroustrup:des, AUTHOR = "Bjarne Stroustrup", TITLE = "The Design and Evolution of C++", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1994" } @INPROCEEDINGS{informatics93, AUTHOR = "Lloyd Osborn", TITLE = "Information systems lessons learned", BOOKTITLE = "Educating the next generation of information specialists", YEAR = "1993", ADDRESS = "Alexandria, VA", PAGES = "40-41", PUBLISHER = "National Science Foundation" } @BOOK{lang-mach:floyd, AUTHOR = "Robert W. Floyd and Richard Beigel", TITLE = "The Language of Machines", PUBLISHER = "Computer Science Press", YEAR = 1994, VOLUME = "" } @UNPUBLISHED{wile-balzer:decontext, AUTHOR = "David S. Wile and Robert M. Balzer", TITLE = "Architecture-Based Compilation", NOTE = "Sponsored by ARPA", MONTH = "January", YEAR = 1994 } @BOOK{soukup:pattern-classes, AUTHOR = "Jiri Soukup", TITLE = "Taming C++: Pattern Classes and Persistence for Large Projects", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1994", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @ARTICLE{coad-cacm:patterns, AUTHOR = "Peter Coad", TITLE = "Object-oriented patterns", JOURNAL = cacm, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "152-159", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 35, NUMBER = 9 } @INPROCEEDINGS{lamping-abadi-eccop:assertions, AUTHOR = "John Lamping and Martin Abadi", TITLE = "Methods as Assertions", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "July", EDITOR = "Remo Pareschi and Mario Tokoro", ORGANIZATION = "", PUBLISHER = spcs, ADDRESS = "Bologna, Italy", PAGES = "60-80", VOLUME = 821 } @INPROCEEDINGS{sync-patts:ecoop94, AUTHOR = "Cristina Videira Lopes and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Abstracting Process-to-Function Relations in Concurrent Object-Oriented Applications", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1994", ADDRESS = "Bologna, Italy", PAGES = "81-99", EDITOR = "Remo Pareschi and Mario Tokoro", PUBLISHER = spcs } @INPROCEEDINGS{migration:ecoop94, AUTHOR = "Hideaki Okamura and Yutaka Ishikawa", TITLE = "Object Location Control Using Meta-level Programming", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1994", ADDRESS = "Bologna, Italy", PAGES = "320-343", EDITOR = "Remo Pareschi and Mario Tokoro", PUBLISHER = spcs } @ARTICLE{gouda:adaptive, AUTHOR = "Mohamed G. Gouda and Ted Herman", TITLE = "Adaptive Programming", JOURNAL = ieee-se , YEAR = 1991, PAGES = "911-921", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 9 } @ARTICLE{kaplan:reg-exp, AUTHOR = "Donald M. Kaplan", TITLE = "Regular Expressions and the Equivalence of Programs", JOURNAL = jcss, YEAR = 1969, PAGES = "361-386", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 3 , NUMBER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{bussche-vossen:navigation, AUTHOR = "Van den Bussche, Jan and Gottfried Vossen", TITLE = "An Extension of Path Expressions to Simplify Navigation in Object-Oriented Queries", BOOKTITLE = "Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases", YEAR = "1993", ADDRESS = "Phoenix, Arizona", PAGES = "267-282", EDITOR = "Stefano Ceri and Katsumi Tanaka and Shalom Tsur", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in CS, No. 760" } @BOOK{hutt:method-comparison, AUTHOR = "Andrew T.F. Hutt", TITLE = "Object Analysis and Design: Comparison of Methods", PUBLISHER = "John Wiley and Sons", YEAR = "1994", SERIES = "Object Management Group" } %contains a comparison of 16 OO methods, including Demeter @INPROCEEDINGS{traces93:kiczales, AUTHOR = "Gregor Kiczales", TITLE = "Traces (A Cut at the ``Make Isn't Generic'' Problem)", BOOKTITLE = isotas, YEAR = 1993, MONTH = "November", EDITOR = "S. Nishio and A. Yonezawa", ORGANIZATION = "JSSST", ADDRESS = "Kanazawa, Japan", PAGES = "", PUBLISHER = lncs, NOTE = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kiczales-lamping:class-libraries, AUTHOR = "Gregor Kiczales and John Lamping", TITLE = "Issues in the design and documentation of class libraries", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Vancouver, Canada", PAGES = "435-451", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kiczales:abstraction-imsa, AUTHOR = "Gregor Kiczales", TITLE = "Towards a new model of abstraction in software engineering", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of IMSA Workshop on Reflection and Meta-level Architectures", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @TECHREPORT{harrison:aql-94, AUTHOR = "Coleman Harrison", TITLE = "{AQL: An Adaptive Query Language}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "October", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-94-19", NOTE = "Master's Thesis, http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/theses-index.html" } @TECHREPORT{blando:personalities-98, AUTHOR = "Luis Blando", TITLE = "{Designing and Programming with Personalities}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "December", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-98-12", NOTE = "Master's Thesis" } @BOOK{art-of-mob:gregor91, AUTHOR = "G. Kiczales and J. Des Rivi{\`e}re and D.G. Bobrow", TITLE = "The Art of the Metaobject Protocol", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press", YEAR = "1991", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @TECHREPORT{natasha:parameterize, AUTHOR = "Natalya Friedman and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Reuse of Adaptive Software through Opportunistic Parameterization", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "May", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-94-17" } @BOOK{jacobson:oose, TITLE = "{Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach}", AUTHOR = "Ivar Jacobson and Magnus Christerson and Patrick Jonsson and Gunnar Overgaard", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1992", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{gang-of-4, AUTHOR = "Erich Gamma and Richard Helm and Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides", TITLE = "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1995" } @BOOK{tcl-tk:ouster, AUTHOR = "John K. Ousterhout", TITLE = "Tcl and the Tk Toolkit", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1994", SERIES = "Professional Computing Series", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{humphrey:sei, AUTHOR = "W. Humphrey", TITLE = "Managing the Software Process", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1989", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{garlan-shaw:course, AUTHOR = "D. Garlan and M. Shaw and C. Okasaki and R. Swonger", TITLE = "Experience with a course on architectures for software systems", BOOKTITLE = lncs, VOLUME = 376, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", NOTE = "Sixth SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education" } @INPROCEEDINGS{allen-garlan:92, AUTHOR = "R. Allen and David Garlan", TITLE = "A Formal Approach to Software Architectures", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of IFIP World Congress", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "Madrid, Spain", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "J. van Leeuwen", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier Science Publisher B.V." } @ARTICLE{wileden-clarke-wolf:proto, AUTHOR = "Jack C. Wileden and Lori A. Clarke and Alexander L. Wolf", TITLE = "A Comparative Evaluation of Object Definition Techniques", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1990, PAGES = "670-699", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 4 } @TECHREPORT{seiterlieber:testing, AUTHOR = "Linda M. Keszenheimer and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Incremental Testing of Adaptive Software", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-94-22", } @ARTICLE{robotics-brooks86, AUTHOR = "R. A. Brooks", TITLE = "A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot", JOURNAL = "IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation", YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "14-23", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 1 } @Article{getto90a, author = "Phillip Getto and David Breen", title = "An object-oriented architecture for a computer animation system", journal = "The Visual Computer", pages = "79--92", volume = "6", number = "2", month = mar, year = "1990", keywords = "object-oriented programming, visualization, rendering, scripting", annote = "", } @InProceedings{Ferrans-sigsoft92, author = "J. C. Ferrans and D. W. Hurst and M. A. Sennett and B. M. Covnot", title = "{HyperWeb: A Framework for Hypermedia-Based Environments}", booktitle = sde92, pages = "1--10", year = "1992", month = dec, note = "Published as SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 17, Number 5.", abstract = "Presents HyperWeb, a framework that supports the construction of hypermedia-based software development environments. It coordinates the activities of an integrated set of tools through a message server, uses an object-oriented database to store software artifacts, and supports hypermedia linking of these software artifacts. It is built around an interpreter for a general purpose scripting language, allowing for very flexible customization and environment building. The authors also describe their experience in using it to build an environment that supports software design, development and maintenance on Unix. Its primary features include support for document linking, source code annotation and restructuring, and modification request tracking. It is being used and evaluated internally and at several external sites.", } @InProceedings{Fium87b, author = "Eugene Fiume and Dennis Tsichritzis and Laurent Dami", title = "A Temporal Scripting Language for Object-Oriented Animation", booktitle = "Proceedings of Eurographics 1987 (North-Holland)", publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers", address = "Amsterdam", year = "1987", keywords = "olit-appl animation osg-ftp oat87", url = "ftp://cui.unige.ch/OO-articles/temporalScripting.ps.Z", abstract = "Object orientation and concurrency are inherent to computer animation. Since the pieces of an animation can come from various media such as computer-generated imagery, video, and sound, the case for object orientation is all the stronger. However, languages for expressing the temporal co-ordination of animated objects have been slow in coming. We present such a language in this paper. Since the movements that an animated object can perform are also encapsulated as objects in our system, the scripting language can also be used to specify motion co-ordination. Such {"}motion objects{"} can be applied to any animated object. The syntax, semantics, and implementation of this language will be described, and we shall show how to specify device-independent computer animation.", } @TechReport{Nier90a, author = "Oscar Nierstrasz and Laurent Dami and Vicki de Mey and Marc Stadelmann and Dennis Tsichritzis and Jan Vitek", editor = "D. Tsichritzis", title = "Visual Scripting -- Towards Interactive Construction of Object-Oriented Applications", institution = "Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, University of Geneva", type = "Object Management", pages = "315--331", month = jul, year = "1990", keywords = "olit-ithaca scripting vst vista osg-ftp om90", url = "ftp://cui.unige.ch/OO-articles/16\_VisualScriptingTool.ps.Z", abstract = "Object-oriented programming techniques are known to improve the flexibility and reusability of certain kinds of software. Libraries of object classes, however, continue to be difficult both to develop and to reuse. We present an approach to object-oriented application development in which applications are constructed by interactively {"}scripting{"} cooperating, reusable software objects. A visual scripting tool is being developed within ITHACA, an Esprit II project which seeks to produce an integrated environment for the rapid and flexible development of object-oriented applications for selected application domains.", } @TechReport{Tsic91b, author = "Dennis Tsichritzis and Simon Gibbs and Laurent Dami", editor = "D. Tsichritzis", title = "Active Media", institution = "Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, University of Geneva", type = "Object Composition", pages = "115--132", month = jun, year = "1991", keywords = "olit osg oc91", abstract = "In this paper we explore an environment for {"}active media.{"} The environment consists of a lower-level object-oriented framework intended for multimedia programmers and a higher-level facility intended for multimedia designers. We claim that such an environment will be both flexible and powerful for constructing complex multimedia applications. We first define multimedia objects and then explore composition techniques for these objects. Finally, we outline a facility for {"}scripting,{"} that is, specifying the cooperation of such objects.", } @TechReport{Vite90a, author = "Jan Vitek and Betty Junod and Oscar Nierstrasz and Serge Renfer and Claudia Werner", editor = "D. Tsichritzis", title = "Events and Sensors: Enhancing the Reusability of Objects", institution = "Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, University of Geneva", type = "Object Management", pages = "345--356", month = jul, year = "1990", keywords = "olit-reuse scripting osg om90", abstract = "Object-oriented programming methods promote the development of software from reusable components. In practice, reuse of object-oriented software is limited by a closed-world constraint: only components that are compatible -- that conform to an agreed-upon protocol -- may be composed. We seek to facilitate software composition. To this end, we propose an approach based on events and sensors that enhances the openness of objects, and thus increases the possibilities for their reuse.", } @InProceedings{Ader90a, author = "Martin Ader and Oscar Nierstrasz and Stephen McMahon and Gerhard M{\"u}ller and Anna-Kristin Pr{\"o}frock", title = "The {ITHACA} Technology: {A} Landscape for Object-Oriented Application Development", booktitle = "Proceedings, Esprit 1990 Conference", pages = "31--51", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", address = "Dordrecht, NL", year = "1990", keywords = "olit-ithaca osg cool scripting vista", abstract = "The ITHACA environment offers an application support system which incorporates advanced technologies in the fields of object-oriented programming in general and programming languages, database technologies, user interface systems and software development tools in particular. ITHACA provides an integrated and open-ended toolkit which exploits the benefits of object-oriented technologies for promoting reusability, tailorability and integratability, factors which are crucial for ensuring software quality and productivity. Industrial applications from the fields of office automation, public administration, finance/insurance and chemical engineering are developed in parallel and used to evaluate the suitability of the system.", } @InProceedings{Nier91b, author = "Oscar Nierstrasz and Dennis Tsichritzis and Vicki de Mey and Marc Stadelmann", title = "Objects + Scripts $=$ Applications", booktitle = "Proceedings, Esprit 1991 Conference", pages = "534--552", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", address = "Dordrecht, NL", year = "1991", keywords = "olit-ithaca vista scripting osg-ftp oc91 ithaca-final", abstract = "We argue that object-oriented programming is only half of the story. Flexible, configurable applications can be viewed as collections of reusable objects conforming to standard interfaces together with scripts that bind these objects together to perform certain tasks. Scripting encourages a component-oriented approach to application development in which frameworks of reusable components (objects and scripts) are carefully engineered in an evolutionary software life-cycle, with the ultimate goal of supporting application construction largely from these interchangeable, prefabricated components. The activity of constructing the running application is supported by a visual scripting tool that replaces the textual paradigm of programming with a visual paradigm of direct manipulation and editing of both application and user interface components. We present scripting by means of some simple examples, and we describe a prototype of a visual scripting tool, called Vista. We conclude with some observations on the environmental support needed to support a component-oriented software life-cycle, using as a specific example the application de velopment environment of ITHACA, a large European project of which Vista is a part.", } @TECHREPORT{stone:fzi1, AUTHOR = "D. Theobald", TITLE = "The Design of a {Tcl} Interface to OBST", INSTITUTION = "Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe", YEAR = 1993, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "FZI.47.1" } @InProceedings{Harr93a, author = "William Harrison and Harold Ossher", title = "Subject-Oriented Programming ({A} Critique of Pure Objects)", booktitle = "Proceedings OOPSLA '93", pages = "411--428", month = oct, year = "1993", keywords = "olit oopsla93", note = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 28, number 10", } @INPROCEEDINGS{perry-wolf:sigsoft92, AUTHOR = "Dewayne E. Perry and Alexander L. Wolf", TITLE = "Foundations for the Study of Software Architecture", BOOKTITLE = "ACM SIGSOFT", YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "40-52", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTES = "Software Engineering Notes, vol 17 no 4" } @INPROCEEDINGS{garlan-shaw:arch, AUTHOR = "David Garlan and Mary Shaw", TITLE = "An Introduction to Software Architecture", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering", YEAR = "1993", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "World Scientific Publishing Company", VOLUME = "I" } @INPROCEEDINGS{beck-johnson:ecoop94, AUTHOR = "Kent Beck and Ralph Johnson", TITLE = "Patterns generate architectures", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1994", ADDRESS = "Bologna, Italy", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Remo Pareschi and Mario Tokoro", PUBLISHER = spcs } @INPROCEEDINGS{booch:oopsla90, AUTHOR = "Grady Booch", TITLE = "The Design of the {\C++} {Booch} Components", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "1990", ADDRESS = "Ottawa, Canada", PAGES = "1-11", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{booch-framework-94, AUTHOR = "Grady Booch", TITLE = "Design an Application Framework", JOURNAL = "Dr. Dobbs Journal" , YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "24-32", MONTH = "February", VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 2 } @INPROCEEDINGS{path-constraints, AUTHOR = "N. Coburn and G. E. Weddell", TITLE = "Path Constraints for Graph-Based Data Models: Towards a Unified Theory of Typing Constraints, Equations, and Functional Dependencies", BOOKTITLE = "Second International Conference, DOOD'91", YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Munich, Germany", PAGES = "313-331", EDITOR = "C. Delobel M. Kifer Y. Masunaga", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Dayal:query-views:89, AUTHOR = "Umeshwar Dayal", TITLE = "Queries and Views in an Object-Oriented Data Model", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Database Programming Languages", YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "Gleneden Beach, OR", PAGES = "80-102", MONTH = "June 4-8", EDITOR = "Richard Hull and Ron Morrison and David Stemple", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann" } @INPROCEEDINGS{abiteboul-bonner:objects-views:91, AUTHOR = "Serge Abiteboul and Anthony Bonner", TITLE = "Objects and Views", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on management of Data", YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Denver, Colorado", PAGES = "238-247", MONTH = "May 29-31", EDITOR = "James Clifford and Roger King", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @Book{WaiteGoos84, author = "William Waite and Gerhard Goos", title = "Compiler Construction", publisher = "Springer Verlag", year = 1984} @InProceedings{Goldman89, author = "N. M. Goldman", title = "Code Walking and Recursive Descent: A Generic Approach", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second CLOS Users and Implementors Workshop", year = 1989} @InProceedings{Wile86, author = "David S. Wile", title = "Organizing Programming Knowledge into Syntax-Directed Experts", booktitle = "International Workshop on Advanced Programming Environments", pages = "551--565", year = 1986, publisher = "Springer Verlag ({\it LNCS\/} 244)"} @Article{Wile83, author = "David S. Wile", title = "Program Developments: Formal Explanations of Implementations", journal = cacm, year = 1983, month = nov, volume = "26(11)", pages = "902--911"} @InProceedings{MarSho:abbrev-query-int93, author = "Victor M. Markowitz and Arie Shoshani", title = "Object Queries over Relational Databases: Language, Implementation, and Application", booktitle = "9th International Conference on Data Engineering", year = 1993, pages = "71--80", publisher = "IEEE Press"} @InProceedings{BusscheVossen93, author = "Van den Bussche, Jan and Gottfried Vossen", title = "An Extension of Path Expressions to Simplify Navigation in Object-Oriented Queries", booktitle = "Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases", pages = "267--282", year = 1993, publisher = "Springer Verlag ({\it LNCS\/} 760)"} @InProceedings{KiczalesLamping92, author = "Gregor Kiczales and John Lamping", title = "Issues in the design and documentation of class libraries", booktitle = "Proc. OOPSLA'92, {ACM} SIGPLAN Seventh Annual Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications", pages = "435--451", year = 1992} @InProceedings{Bergstein91, author = "Paul Bergstein", title = "Object-Preserving Class Transformations", booktitle = "Proc. OOPSLA'91, {ACM} SIGPLAN Sixth Annual Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications", pages = "299--313", year = 1991} @Book{Meyer88, author = "Bertrand Meyer", title = "Object-Oriented Software Construction", year = 1988, publisher = "Prentice-Hall"} @Book{GammaHelmJohnsonVlissides95, author = "Erich Gamma and Richard Helm and Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides", title = "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = "1995"} @Book{CeriTanakaTsur93, author = "Stefano Ceri and Katsumi Tanaka and Shalom Tsur", title = "Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases", publisher = "Springer Verlag ({\it LNCS\/} 760)", year = 1993} @Book{EllisStroustrup90, author = "Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "The Annotated {\C++} Reference Manual", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1990} @Book{GoldbergRobson83, author = "Adele Goldberg and David Robson", title = "{Smalltalk-80}---The Language and its Implementation", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1983} @Book{Steele90, author = "Steele, Guy L.", title = "Common Lisp: the Language", publisher = "Digital Press", year = 1990, edition = "Second"} @BOOK{booktwo:henderson, AUTHOR = "Brian Henderson-Sellers and Julian Edwards", TITLE = "{Booktwo of Object-Oriented Knowledge: The Working Object}", PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall", YEAR = "1994", SERIES = "Object-oriented Series", VOLUME = "" } @Book{Fusion-Coleman, author = "Derek Coleman", title = "Object-Oriented Development---The Fusion Method", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", year = "1994", ISBN = "0-13-101040-9", descriptor = "Fusion, Objekt-orientierte Analyse, Objekt-orientierte Entwicklung, Objekt-orientiertes Design", annote = "Ueber die Fusion-Methode zur objektorientierten Systementwicklung. Integriert wesentliche Bestandteile verschiedener anderer Methoden.", } @Book{ShlMel88, author = "S. Shlaer and S. Mellor", title = "Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in Data", publisher = "Prentice-Hall publishers", year = "1988", annote = "Objects with attribute tables, which are tables whose columns are attributes and whose rows are objects. Whatever useful material is there takes much too long to extract.", } @Book{IB-B921239, author = "Sally Shlaer and Stephen J. Mellor", title = "Object Life Cycles: Modeling the World in States", publisher = "Yourdon Press", address = "Englewood Cliffs", year = "1992", descriptor = "Objekt-orientierte Analyse, Objekt-orientierter Entwurf, Objektlebenslauf, Software-Design, Objekt-orientiert", } @BOOK{lamport:latex2, AUTHOR = "Leslie Lamport", TITLE = "LATEX: User's Guide and Reference Manual", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1994", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "", NOTE = "second edition" } @ARTICLE{karl-cun:customizing-grammars, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao", TITLE = "Customizing adaptive software to object-oriented software using grammars", JOURNAL = ijfcs, YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "179-208", MONTH = "", VOLUME = "5" , NUMBER = "2" } @INPROCEEDINGS{song:design-methods, AUTHOR = "Xiping Song", TITLE = "A Framework for Understanding the Integration of Design Methodologies", BOOKTITLE = sen, YEAR = "1995", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "46-54", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @TECHREPORT{hl95:separation, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Cristina Videira Lopes", TITLE = "Separation of Concerns", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "February", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-95-03}", TYPE = "", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", NOTE = "" } @ARTICLE{assoc-algebra:su, AUTHOR = "Stanley Y.W. Su and Mingsen Guo and Herman Lam", TITLE = "{Association Algebra: A Mathematical Foundation for Object-Oriented Databases}", JOURNAL = tkde, YEAR = 1993, PAGES = "775-798", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 5, NUMBER = 5 } % BIBLIOGRAPHY @string{mk = "Morgan Kaufmann"} @string{ieee = "IEEE Press"} @string{acm = "ACM Press"} @string{sigmodrec = "SIGMOD Record"} @string{sigmod = "Proceedings of ACM/SIGMOD Annual Conference on Management of Data"} @string{infosys= "Information Systems"} @string{dood = "Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases"} @string{tois = "ACM Transactions on Information Systems"} @string{tods = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems"} @INPROCEEDINGS{querying-oodb:kim92, AUTHOR = "Michael Kifer and Won Kim and Yehoshua Sagiv", TITLE = "Querying Object-Oriented Databases", BOOKTITLE = sigmod, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "San Diego, CA", PAGES = "393-402", EDITOR = "Michael Stonebraker", PUBLISHER = acm } @INCOLLECTION{bancilhon:oql, AUTHOR = "Fran\c{c}ois Bancilhon and Sophie Cluet and Claude Delobel", TITLE = "{``A query language for $O_2$''}", BOOKTITLE = "Building an Object-Oriented Database System, The Story of $O_2$", PUBLISHER = mk, ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA", EDITOR = "Francois Ban\c{c}ilhon and Claude Delobel and Paris Kanellakis", YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "234-254" } @BOOK{cattell:odmg-93, EDITOR = "R.G.G. Cattell", TITLE = "The Object Database Standard: ODMG-93", PUBLISHER = mk, ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA", YEAR = 1994, NOTE = "With contributions by Tom Atwood, Joshua Duhl, Guy Ferran, Mary Loomis, and Drew Wade" } @BOOK{cattell:odmg2.0, AUTHOR = "R.G.G. Cattell and D. Barry and D. Bartels and M. Berler and S. Gamerman and D. Jordan andA. Springer and H. Strickland and D. Wade ", TITLE = "The Object-Oriented Database Standard: ODMG 2.0", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann", YEAR = "1997", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{iso-ansi:sql3, TITLE = "ISO-ANSI Working Draft, Database Language SQL (SQL3)", AUTHOR = "ISO and ANSI", KEY = "ISO", YEAR = 1993, Month = "May" } @ARTICLE{kim:odmg-93-note, AUTHOR = "Won Kim", TITLE = "Observations on the {ODMG}-93 Proposal for an Object-Oriented Database Language", JOURNAL = sigmodrec, VOLUME = 23, NUMBER = 1, YEAR = 1994, MONTH = "March", PAGES = "4-9" } @INPROCEEDINGS{markowitz-shoshani:object-queries, AUTHOR = "Victor M. Markowitz and Arie Shoshani", TITLE = "Object Queries over Relational Databases: Language, Implementation, and Applications", BOOKTITLE = "IEEE 9th International Conference on Data Engineering", YEAR = 1993, PUBLISHER = ieee, PAGES = "71-80" } @ARTICLE{markowitz-shoshani:er-impl, AUTHOR = "Victor M. Markowitz and Arie Shoshani", TITLE = "Representing Extended Entity-Relationship Structures in Relational Databases: A Modular Approach", YEAR = 1992, MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 3, JOURNAL = tods, PAGES = "423-464" } @ARTICLE{pxl:adaptive-semantics, AUTHOR = "Jens Palsberg and Cun Xiao and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Efficient Implementation of Adaptive Software", YEAR = 1994, NOTE = "Submitted to TOPLAS" } @ARTICLE{schauble:expressive-power, AUTHOR = "P. Schauble and B. Wuthrich", TITLE = "On the Expressive Power of Query Languages", JOURNAL = tois, VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 1, YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "69-91" } @INPROCEEDINGS{singhal:texas, AUTHOR = "Vivek Singhal and Sheetal V. Kakkad and Paul R. Wilson", TITLE = "Texas: An Efficient, Portable Persistent Store", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, San Miniato, Italy", MONTH = "September", YEAR = 1992 } @UNPUBLISHED{harrison:texas-status, AUTHOR = "Coleman Harrison", TITLE = "Summary of experience integrating {D}emeter with {T}exas", MONTH = "March", YEAR = 1994, NOTE = "Unpublished report, located in {\em /proj/adaptive/projects/harrisn/texas/progtexs.txt\/}" } @BOOK{freytag:query-processing, EDITOR = "Johann Christoph Freytag and David Maier and Gottfried Vossen", TITLE = "Query Processing for Advanced Database Systems", PUBLISHER = mk, ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA", YEAR = 1994 } @INPROCEEDINGS{bv:navigation, AUTHOR = "Van den Bussche, Jan and Gottfried Vossen", TITLE = "An Extension of Path Expressions to Simplify Navigation in Object-Oriented Queries", BOOKTITLE = dood, YEAR = "1993", ADDRESS = "Phoenix, Arizona", PAGES = "267-282", EDITOR = "Stefano Ceri and Katsumi Tanaka and Shalom Tsur", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in CS, No. 760" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ioannidis:path-expr, AUTHOR = "Yannis E. Ioannidis and Yezdi Lashkari", TITLE = "Incomplete Path Expressions and their Disambiguation", BOOKTITLE = sigmod, YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "138-149", PUBLISHER = acm } @ARTICLE{chang-sciore:ursa, AUTHOR = "Tzy-Hey Chang and Edward Sciore", TITLE = "A Universal Relation Data Model with Semantic Abstractions", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", PUBLISHER = ieee, VOLUME = 4, NUMBER = 1, YEAR = "1992", MONTH = "February", PAGES = "23-33" } @ARTICLE{sciore:specn, AUTHOR = "Edward Sciore", TITLE = "Object Specialization", JOURNAL = tois, VOLUME = 7, NUMBER = 2, YEAR = "1989", Month = "April", PAGES = "103-122" } @ARTICLE{sciore:ui-model, AUTHOR = "Edward Sciore", TITLE = "An extended universal instance data model", JOURNAL = infosys, VOLUME = 16, NUMBER = 1, YEAR = 1991, PAGES = "21-34" } @ARTICLE{sciore:er-query, AUTHOR = "Edward Sciore", TITLE = "Query abbreviation in the entity-relationship data model", JOURNAL = infosys, VOLUME = 19, NUMBER = 6, YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "493-513" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ns:vldb88, AUTHOR = "Erich J. Neuhold and Michael Schrefl", TITLE = "Dynamic Derivation of Personalized Views", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 14th VLDB Conference", YEAR = 1988, PAGES = "183-194" } @ARTICLE{maier:pique, AUTHOR = "D. Maier and D. Rozenshtein and S. Salveter and J. Stein and D.S. Warren", TITLE = "{PIQUE}: A relational query language without relations", JOURNAL = infosys, VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 3, PAGES = "317-335", YEAR = 1987 } @ARTICLE{mu:maximal-objects, AUTHOR = "David Maier and J.D. Ullman", TITLE = "Maximal objects and the semantics of universal relation databases", JOURNAL = tods, VOLUME = 8, NUMBER = 1, PAGES = "1-14", YEAR = 1983, MONTH = "March" } @INPROCEEDINGS{elmasri:gordas, AUTHOR = "Ramez Elmasri and Gio Wiederhold", TITLE = "{GORDAS}: A Formal High-Level Query Language for the Entity-Relationship Model", BOOKTITLE = "Entity-Relationship Approach to Information Modeling and Analysis (ER-81)", EDITOR = "P. P. Chen", PUBLISHER = "ER Institute", YEAR = 1981, PAGES = "49-72" } @INPROCEEDINGS{macgregor:ariel, AUTHOR = "Robert M. MacGregor", TITLE = "{ARIEL} - A Semantic Front-End to Relational DBMSs", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of VLDB 85, Stockholm", YEAR = 1985, PAGES = "305-315" } @ARTICLE{ullman:ur-disc, AUTHOR = "Jeffrey D. Ullman", TITLE = "On {K}ent's `{C}onsequences of Assuming a Universal Relation'", JOURNAL = tods, YEAR = 1983, MONTH = "December", PAGES = "637-643", VOLUME = 8, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{kent:ur-disc, AUTHOR = "William Kent", TITLE = "The Universal Relation Revisited", JOURNAL = tods, YEAR = 1983, MONTH = "December", PAGES = "644-648", VOLUME = 8, NUMBER = 4 } @TECHREPORT{adaptive-scripting:95, AUTHOR = "William Barnum and Salil Pradhan and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Adaptive Scripting", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "February", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-95-?" } @TECHREPORT{adaptive-method-fragment:95, AUTHOR = "Martin Spit and Karl J. Lieberherr and Sjaak Brinkkemper", TITLE = "{Integrating Adaptiveness into Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods -- a Situational Method Engineering Approach}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "February", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-95-05" } @TECHREPORT{seiterlieber:testingevol, AUTHOR = "Linda M. Keszenheimer and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Testing Adaptive Software During Class Evolution", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "January", } @INCOLLECTION{grund:visual-oo, AUTHOR = "John Grund and John Hoskin and Stephen Fenwick and Warwick Mugridge", TITLE = "Connecting the Pieces", BOOKTITLE = "Visual Object-Oriented Programming: Concepts and Enviroments", PAGES = "229-252", PUBLISHER = "Manning Publications, Greenwich, CT", YEAR = 1994, EDITOR = "Margaret Burnett, Adele Goldberg and Ted Lewis" } @Book{IB-B911100, author = "Gul A. Agha", title = "Actors: a Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed Systems", publisher = "MIT Press", address = "Cambridge, MA", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-262-01092-5", descriptor = "Actor Modell, Kommunikation, Verteiltes System", annote = "Ein Modell zur Beschreibung des Verhaltens verteilter Systeme wird vorgestellt. Die Grundidee ist die asynchrone Kommunikation zwischen sog. {"}Actors{"}." } @Article{Agha90, key = "Agha", author = "Gul Agha", title = "Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming", journal = "Communications of the ACM", pages = "125--141", volume = "33", number = "9", month = sep, year = "1990", location = "CMU E\&{}S Library", } @InProceedings{AghJag92, author = "Suresh Jagannathan and Gul Agha", editor = "Ole Lehrmann Madsen", title = "A reflective model of inheritance", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", pages = "350--371", publisher = "Springer Verlag , Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo , D", address = "Utrecht NL", month = "[6]", year = "1992", } @Article{lalonde:89, title = "Designing Families of Data Types Using Exemplars", author = "Wilf R. LaLonde", pages = "212--248", journal = toplas, year = "1989", month = apr, volume = "11", number = "2", } @Article{LaLPug91, author = "Wilf LaLonde and John Pugh", title = "Subclassing =/ subtyping =/ is-a", journal = "Journal of Object-Oriented Programming", volume = "3", number = "5", pages = "57--59,62", publisher = "SIGS Publications , New York, NY , USA", month = "[1]", year = "1991", } @InProceedings{LaLo86a, author = "Wilf R. LaLonde and Dave A. Thomas and John R. Pugh", title = "An Exemplar Based Smalltalk", booktitle = "Proceedings OOPSLA '86, ACM SIGPLAN Notices", pages = "322--330", month = nov, year = "1986", keywords = "olit concepts smalltalk oopsla86 binder(oop)", note = "Published as Proceedings OOPSLA '86, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 21, Number 11", } @InProceedings{Coburn91, author = "N. Coburn and G. E. Weddell", title = "Path Constraints for Graph-Based Data Models", booktitle = "Proc. Conf. on Deductive and Object-oriented Databases", address = "Munich, Germany", month = dec, year = "1991", pages = "313-331", note="Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 566", publisher = "Springer Verlag", keywords = "DOOD" } @BOOK{berge:hypergraphs-french, AUTHOR = "C. Berge", TITLE = "Graphes et Hypergraphes", PUBLISHER = "Dunod", address = "Paris", YEAR = "1970", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{hypergraphs:berge-nh, AUTHOR = "Claude Berge", TITLE = "Hypergraphs", PUBLISHER = "North Holland", YEAR = "1989", SERIES = "North Holland Mathematical Library", VOLUME = "" } @TechReport{Leighton94, author = "Tom Leighton and Fillia Makedon and Spyros Tragoudas", title = "Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithms", institution = "Dartmouth Computer Science", type = "Technical Report", number = "PCS-TR94-233", address = "Hanover, NH", year = "1994", } @BOOK{berge:hypergraphs, AUTHOR = "C. Berge", TITLE = "Graphs et Hypergraphs", PUBLISHER = "North Holland", address = "London", YEAR = "1973", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{pree:design-patterns, AUTHOR = "Wolfgang Pree", TITLE = "Design Patterns for Object-Oriented Software Development", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1994", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @ARTICLE{robinson:resolution, AUTHOR = "J.A. Robinson", TITLE = "A machine-oriented logic based on the resolution principle", JOURNAL = jacm, YEAR = 1965, PAGES = "23-41", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 1 } @BOOK{wang:c++, AUTHOR = "Paul S. Wang", TITLE = "C++ with Object-Oriented Programming", PUBLISHER = "PWS Publishing Company", PAGES = "457 pages", YEAR = "1994", ISBN = "0-534-19644-6" } @TECHREPORT{hb95:acquisition, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Ivan Baev", TITLE = "Minimizing Information Acquisition Cost in Object-Oriented Systems", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "June", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-95-09}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @ARTICLE{howden:young, AUTHOR = "W.E. Howden and Yudong Huang", TITLE = "Software Trustability Analysis", JOURNAL = tosem , YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "36-64", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 4, NUMBER = 1 } @InProceedings{Gemis-isotas93, author = "Marc Gemis and Jan Paredaens", authororg = "{Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Antwerp (UIA), Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium; {makke,pareda}@wins.uia.ac.be}", title = "{An Object-Oriented Pattern Matching Language}", volume = "742", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", pages = "339--355", booktitle = "Object Technologies for Advanced Software", year = "1993", organization = "First JSSST International Symposium", month = nov, abstract = "{A graphical model for describing schemes and instances of object-databases and a graphical data manipulation language based on pattern matching, called {\it PaMaL}, are introduced. The operations of PaMaL(addition and deletion of nodes and edges) use patterns to indicate the parts of the instance that are affected by the operation. We give the syntax and semantics of the operations and the programming constructs(loop, procedure and program) of PaMaL. We add a reduce-operation to work with a special group of instance, the {\it reduced instances}.}", } @INPROCEEDINGS{cons-cruz-mendelzon, AUTHOR = "M.P. Consens and I.F. Cruz and A.O. Mendelzon", TITLE = "Visualizing queries and querying visualizations", BOOKTITLE = sigmodrec, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "39-46", MONTH = "March", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{gemis-paredaens-thyssens, AUTHOR = "M. Gemis and J. Paredaens and I. Thyssens", TITLE = "A Visual Database Management Interface Based on GOOD", BOOKTITLE = "The 1st International Workshop on Interfaces to Database Systems", YEAR = "1993", ADDRESS = "Glasgow", PAGES = "25-31", EDITOR = "R. Cooper", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @TECHREPORT{hk95:icsm, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Linda M. Keszenheimer", TITLE = "Automating the Evolution of Object-Oriented Systems", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-95-06}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @TECHREPORT{sh:abc, AUTHOR = "Linda M. Seiter and Walter L. H{\"u}rsch", TITLE = "Adaptive Behavioral Components: Bridging the Class -- Module Gap", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-95-13}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @InProceedings{Lopes95b, author = "Cristina Videira Lopes", title = "Graph-based optimizations for parameter passing in remote invocations", editor = "Luis-Felipe Cabrera and Marvin Theimer", pages = "179-182", booktitle = "4th International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems", year = "1995", organization = "IEEE", publisher = "Computer Society Press", address = "Lund, Sweden", month = "August", annote = "IWOOOS'95, short version" } @INPROCEEDINGS{acc93, AUTHOR = "M. Abadi and L. Cardelli and P.-L. Curien", TITLE = "Formal Parametric Polymorphism", BOOKTITLE = popl, PAGES = "157-167", YEAR = 1993 } @INPROCEEDINGS{oj90:evolution, AUTHOR = "William F. Opdyke and Ralph E. Johnson", TITLE = "Refactoring: An Aid in Designing Application Frameworks and Evo lving Object-Oriented Systems", BOOKTITLE = sooppa, YEAR = 1990, MONTH = "September", EDITOR = "", ORGANIZATION = "ACM", PUBLISHER = "", ADDRESS = "Poughkeepsie, NY", PAGES = "145--160", NOTE = "" } @TECHREPORT{gener-comp:jens-boaz-karl-tr, AUTHOR = "Jens Palsberg and Boaz {Patt-Shamir} and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "A New Approach to Compiling Adaptive Programs", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, NOTE = "appears in ESOP '96" } @INPROCEEDINGS{gener-comp:jens-boaz-karl, AUTHOR = "Jens Palsberg and Boaz {Patt-Shamir} and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "A New Approach to Compiling Adaptive Programs", BOOKTITLE = "European Symposium on Programming", YEAR = "April 1996", ADDRESS = "Linkoping, Sweden", PAGES = "280-295", EDITOR = "Hanne Riis Nielson", NOTE = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1058", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @ARTICLE{gener-comp-j:jens-boaz-karl, AUTHOR = "Jens Palsberg and Boaz {Patt-Shamir} and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "A New Approach to Compiling Adaptive Programs", JOURNAL = "Science of Computer Programming", YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "303-326", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 29, NUMBER = "3" } @ARTICLE{shaw:PDL, AUTHOR = "A.C. Shaw", TITLE = "Parsing of graph-representable pictures", JOURNAL = jacm, YEAR = 1969, PAGES = "453-487", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = "" } @ARTICLE{paakki:attribute, AUTHOR = "Jukka Paakki", TITLE = "{Attribute Grammar Paradigms --- A High-Level Methodology in Language Implementation}", JOURNAL = surveys , YEAR = 1995, VOLUME = 27 , NUMBER = 2 } @ARTICLE{elmagarmid:oo-mdbs, AUTHOR = "Evaggelia Pitoura and Omran Bukhres and Ahmed Elmagarmid", TITLE = "{Object-Orientation in Multidatabase Systems}", JOURNAL = surveys , YEAR = 1995, VOLUME = 27 , NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "141-195" } @TECHREPORT{spit:demeter-95, AUTHOR = "Martin Spit", TITLE = "Method Modeling of Demeter", INSTITUTION = "University of Twente", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "Master's Thesis" } @TECHREPORT{grady-jim:95, AUTHOR = "Grady Booch and James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson", TITLE = "The Unified Modeling Language for Object-Oriented Development", INSTITUTION = "Rational Software Corporation", YEAR = 1996, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "http://www.rational.com/uml" } @BOOK{rational:UML-LUG, AUTHOR = "Grady Booch and James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson", TITLE = "The Unified Modeling Language User Guide", PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley", YEAR = "1999", SERIES = "Object Technology Series", NOTE = "ISBN 0-201-57168-4" } @TECHREPORT{subject-oriented:ossher, AUTHOR = "Harold Ossher", TITLE = "Subject-Oriented Programming", INSTITUTION = "IBM Research", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "http://www.research.ibm.com/sop/" } @INPROCEEDINGS{hk96:evolution, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Linda M. Seiter", TITLE = "Automating the Evolution of Object-Oriented Systems", BOOKTITLE = isotas, YEAR = 1996, MONTH = "March", EDITOR = "", ORGANIZATION = "", PUBLISHER = spcs, ADDRESS = "Kanazawa, Japan", PAGES = "", NOTE = "To Appear" } @InProceedings{Lopes96a, author = "Cristina Videira Lopes", title = "Adaptive parameter passing", booktitle = "2nd International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software", year = "1996", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Kanazawa, Japan", month = "March", PAGES = "118-136", annote = "ISOTAS'96" } @InProceedings{Harr95a, author = "Harold Ossher and Matthew Kaplan and William Harrison and Alexander Katz and Vincent Kruskal", title = "Subject-Oriented Composition Rules", booktitle = "Proceedings OOPSLA '95, ACM SIGPLAN Notices", pages = "235--250", month = oct, year = "1995", note = "Published as Proceedings OOPSLA '93, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 30, number 10", } @TECHREPORT{shl:abc, AUTHOR = "Linda M. Seiter and Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Composing Collaborations Using Adaptive Behavioral Components}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "December", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-95-21}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @ARTICLE{sheard:structure-shy?, AUTHOR = "Tim Sheard", TITLE = "Abstract structure operators: definition and use", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1992, PAGES = "", MONTH = "", VOLUME = "" , NUMBER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{jeuring:structure-shy?, AUTHOR = "Johann Jeuring", TITLE = "Polytypic pattern matching", BOOKTITLE = "Conference Record of FPCA '95, SIGPLAN-SIGARCH-WG2.8 Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture", YEAR = "1995", ADDRESS = "San Diego", PAGES = "238--248", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @TECHREPORT{crista:mop-for-evolution, AUTHOR = "Cristina Videira Lopes and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "AP/S++: A CASE-study of a MOP for Purposes of Software Evolution", INSTITUTION = "Xerox PARC and Northeastern University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-95-?", NOTE = "ftp://ftp.ccs.neu.edu/pub/people/lieber/reflection-adaptive.ps" } @InProceedings{LopesLieberherrReflection96, author = "Cristina Videira Lopes and Karl J. Lieberherr", title = "{A}{P}/{S}++: case-study of a {M}{O}{P} for purposes of software evolution", booktitle = "Reflection '96", year = "1996", address = "S. Francisco, CA", month = "April", annote = "AP/S++, AP^MOP, reflection, adaptive programming" } @INPROCEEDINGS{hs96:evolution, AUTHOR = "Walter L. H{\"u}rsch and Linda M. Seiter", TITLE = "{Automating the Evolution of Object-Oriented Systems}", BOOKTITLE = isotas, YEAR = 1996, MONTH = "March", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = spcs, ADDRESS = "Kanazawa, Japan", PAGES = "2-21" } @Book{BarrWells95, author = "Michael Barr and Charles Wells", title = "Category Theory for Computing Science", publisher = "Prentice Hall", address = "Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK", edition = "2", year = "1995", ISBN = "0-13-323809-1", callno = "QA76.9.M35B37 1996", note = "2nd edition, paperback" } @ARTICLE{lzhl94:reuse-journal, AUTHOR = "Ling Liu and Roberto Zicari and Walter H{\"u}rsch and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Polymorphic Reuse Mechanisms for Object-Oriented Database Specifications", JOURNAL = tkde, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "", MONTH = "", VOLUME = "" , NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{carsten-pedersen:thesis-95, AUTHOR = "Carsten Pedersen", TITLE = "Generation of Class Graphs from Adaptive Programs", INSTITUTION = "Aarhus University", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "December", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "Master's Thesis" } @BOOK{buschmann:pattern-oriented, AUTHOR = "Frank Buschmann et al.", TITLE = "Pattern-oriented Software Architecture", PUBLISHER = "John Wiley and Sons", YEAR = "1997", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "", NOTE = "ISBN = 0-471-95869-7" } @ARTICLE{kastens:waite, AUTHOR = "U. Kastens and W. M. Waite", TITLE = "Modularity and reusability in attribute grammars", JOURNAL = "Acta Informatica", YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "601-627", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber:oopsla95-workshop-rep, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Workshop on Adaptable and Adaptive Software", BOOKTITLE = "OOPSLA '95, Addendum to the proceedings", YEAR = "1995", ADDRESS = "Austin, Texas", PAGES = "149-154", EDITOR = "S. Bilow and P. Bilow", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @TECHREPORT{spl:context, AUTHOR = "Linda M. Seiter and Jens Palsberg and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Evolution of Object Behavior using Context Relations}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1996, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-96-09}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @INPROCEEDINGS{spl:context-conf, AUTHOR = "Linda M. Seiter and Jens Palsberg and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Evolution of Object Behavior using Context Relations}", BOOKTITLE = fse, YEAR = "1996", ADDRESS = "San Francisco", PAGES = "46-57", EDITOR = "David Garlan", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press (SIGSOFT)" } @ARTICLE{seiter:ieee-se-98, AUTHOR = "Linda M. Seiter and Jens Palsberg and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Evolution of Object Behavior using Context Relations}", JOURNAL = ieee-se , YEAR = 1998, PAGES = "79-92", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 24, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{Palsberg-96:class-graph-inf, AUTHOR = "Jens Palsberg", TITLE = "Class-graph Inference for Adaptive Programs", JOURNAL = tapos, YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = "3", NUMBER = "2" } @UNPUBLISHED{Wand-96:demeter-demystified, AUTHOR = "Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "{Demeter Demystified}", INSTITUTION = "", YEAR = 1996, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "" } @InCollection{Kristensen87, author = "Bent Bruun Kristensen and Ole Lehrmann Madsen and Birger M{\o}ller-Pedersen and Kristen Nygaard", title = "The {BETA} Programming Language", booktitle = "Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming", editor = "Bruce Shriver and Peter Wegner", publisher = mp, address = "Cambridge, MA", year = "1987", } @Book{IB-B931399, author = "Ole Lehrmann Madsen and Birger Moller-Pedersen and Kristen Nygaard", title = "Object-Oriented Programming in the {BETA} Programming Language", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", address = "Reading", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-201-62430-3", descriptor = "Beta, Objekt-orientierte Programmierung", annote = "Buch ueber objektorientierte Programmierung in der BETA-Programmiersprache, die auf Simula basiert.", } @INPROCEEDINGS{rinat:metaphoric, AUTHOR = "Ran Rinat and Menachem Magidor", TITLE = "Metaphoric Polymorphism: Taking Code Reuse One Step Further", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1996", ADDRESS = "Linz, Austria", PAGES = "449-471", EDITOR = "Pierre Cointe", PUBLISHER = spcs } @INPROCEEDINGS{spit:masters-thesis, AUTHOR = "Martin Spit and Sjaak Brinkkemper and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Integrating Adaptive Programming into Existing Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods: Do It Yourself Adaptiveness", BOOKTITLE = "OOIS'96: 1996 International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems", YEAR = "1996", ADDRESS = "London", PAGES = "57-75", EDITOR = "D. Patel, Y. Sun and S. Patel", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", ISBN = "3-540-76132-2" } @ARTICLE{oowg:sdrc-96, AUTHOR = "Rachid Guerraoui", TITLE = "{Strategic Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming}", JOURNAL = surveys , YEAR = 1996, VOLUME = "28" , NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "691-700", NOTE = "http://lsewww.epfl.ch/~rachid/conferences/oowg/oowg.html and http://www.parc.xerox.com/spl/projects/aop/" } @ARTICLE{sdcr:acm, AUTHOR = "Rachid Guerraoui", TITLE = "Strategic Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "691-700", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = "28", NUMBER = "4" } @ARTICLE{sdcr:aop, AUTHOR = "Gregor Kiczales", TITLE = "Aspect-Oriented Programming", JOURNAL = surveys, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = "28A", NUMBER = "4" } @ARTICLE{basili:oo-metrics, AUTHOR = "V. Basili and L. Briand and W.L. Melo", TITLE = "A Validation of Object-Oriented Design Metrics as Quality Indicators", JOURNAL = ieee-se , YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "751-761", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 22, NUMBER = 10 } @ARTICLE{jay:shape-96, AUTHOR = "Barry Jay", TITLE = "{Shape in Computing}", JOURNAL = surveys , YEAR = 1996, VOLUME = 28 , NUMBER = 2, PAGES = "355-357" } @ARTICLE{DEM:houser, AUTHOR = "Chris Houser", TITLE = "Manual and compiler for a terse and modular language DEM", JOURNAL = sigplan, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "41-51", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 12 } @ARTICLE{bbn:QuO, AUTHOR = "John A. Zinky and David E. Bakken and Richard D. Schantz", TITLE = "Architectural Support for Quality of Service for CORBA Objects", JOURNAL = tapos, YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "19 pages", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 3, NUMBER = 1 } % @string{tapos = "Theory and Practice of Systems, John Wiley and Sons, Inc."} @INPROCEEDINGS{cse:preventive, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Doug Orleans", TITLE = "Preventive Program Maintenance in {Demeter/Java} (Research Demonstration)", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1997", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", PAGES = "604-605", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{rmi:java, AUTHOR = "Ann Wollrath and Roger Riggs and Jim Waldo", TITLE = "{A Distributed Object Model for the Java System}", JOURNAL = usenix, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "265-290", MONTH = "Fall", VOLUME = "9 (last)", NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{pickling:java, AUTHOR = "Roger Riggs and Jim Waldo and Ann Wollrath and Krishna Bharat", TITLE = "{Pickling State in the Java System}", JOURNAL = usenix, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "291-312", MONTH = "Fall", VOLUME = "9 (last)", NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{caching:corba, AUTHOR = "R. Kordale and M. Ahamad and M. Devarakonda", TITLE = "{Object Caching in a CORBA Compliant System}", JOURNAL = usenix, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "377-404", MONTH = "Fall", VOLUME = "9 (last)", NUMBER = 4 } @Article{Vlissides:observer, author = "John Vlissides", title = "{The Trouble with Observer}", journal = "C++ Report", year = "1996", month = "September", PUBLISHER = "SIGS Publications" } @Article{Vlissides:visitor, author = "John Vlissides", title = "{Visiting rights}", journal = "C++ Report", year = "1995", month = "September", PUBLISHER = "SIGS Publications" } @ARTICLE{LoD-refs, AUTHOR = "Gary Brown and Peter Forte", TITLE = "Building reusable classes for frameworks", JOURNAL = joop, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "49-54", MONTH = "November/December", VOLUME = 9, NUMBER = 7 } @ARTICLE{salil-yang:ice, AUTHOR = "Yang Liu and Salil Pradhan", TITLE = "The Demeter Method: An Efficient Way to Build Adaptive Software", JOURNAL = "SIGICE Bulletin (ACM Special Interest Group on Individual Computing Environments)", YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "7-19", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 22, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{batory:subjectivity, AUTHOR = "Don Batory and Bart Geraci", TITLE = "Composition Validation and Subjectivity in GenVoca Generators", JOURNAL = ieee-se, YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "67-82", MONTH = "February", VOLUME = 23, NUMBER = 2 } @BOOK{andrews:path-expressions, AUTHOR = "Gregory Andrews", TITLE = "Concurrent Programming: Principles and Practice", PUBLISHER = "Benjamin Cummings", YEAR = "1991" } @BOOK{rachid:conflict, AUTHOR = "Rachid Guerraoui and Oscar Nierstrasz and Michel Riveill", TITLE = "Object-Based Distributed Processing", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", YEAR = "1993", SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", VOLUME = "791" } @BOOK{maekawa:path-expressions, AUTHOR = "M. Maekawa and A. E. Oldehoeft and R. R. Oldehoeft", TITLE = "Operating Systems: Advanced Concepts", PUBLISHER = "Benjamin/Cummings, Redwood City, CA.", YEAR = "1987" } @ARTICLE{gehani:capsules, AUTHOR = " N.H. Gehani", TITLE = "Capsules: A Shared Memory Access for Concurrent C/C++", JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distr. Systems", YEAR = 1993, PAGES = "795-811", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 4, NUMBER = 7 } @TECHREPORT{strategies-tr:LP97, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Boaz Patt-Shamir", TITLE = "{Traversals of Object Structures: Specification and Efficient Implementation}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1997, MONTH = "Sep.", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-97-15}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/AP-Library/" } @ARTICLE{strategies:toplas, author = {Karl Lieberherr and Boaz Patt-Shamir and Doug Orleans}, title = {Traversals of object structures: Specification and Efficient Implementation}, journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, year = {2004}, issn = {0164-0925}, pages = {370--412}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/973097.973102}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @ARTICLE{strategies:toplas2, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Boaz Patt-Shamir and Doug Orleans", TITLE = "{Traversals of Object Structures: Specification and Efficient Implementation}", JOURNAL = toplas, NOTE = "", YEAR = 2004, PAGES = "", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = "" , NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{ibrahim:97, AUTHOR = "I.\ Matta and M.\ Eltoweissy and K.\ Lieberherr", TITLE = "From CSCW Applications to Multicast Routing: An Integrated QoS Architecture", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1997, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "Technical Report NU-CCS-97-09" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ibrahim-conf:1998, AUTHOR = "I.\ Matta and M.\ Eltoweissy and K.\ Lieberherr", TITLE = "From CSCW Applications to Multicast Routing: An Integrated QoS Architecture", BOOKTITLE = "IEEE International Conference on Communications--ICC", YEAR = "1998", ADDRESS = "Atlanta, Georgia", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{mezini:evol-ecoop-97, AUTHOR = "Mira Mezini", TITLE = "{Dynamic object evolution without name collisions}", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1997", ADDRESS = "Jyvaskyla, Finland", PAGES = "190-219", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @PHDTHESIS{mezini:thesis97, AUTHOR = "Mira Mezini", TITLE = "{Variation-Oriented Programming Beyond Classes and Inheritance}", SCHOOL = "University of Siegen", YEAR = 1997 } @INPROCEEDINGS{lieber:demeter-java, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Evolution of Software Via Adaptive Programming", BOOKTITLE = sen, YEAR = "1997", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "56-57", EDITOR = "Will Tracz", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{calder:small-methods, AUTHOR = "B. Calder and D. Grunwald and B. Zorn", TITLE = "Quantifying Behavioral Differences Between C and C++", JOURNAL = "Journal of Programming Languages", YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "313-351", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{flatt:mixin, AUTHOR = " M. Flatt and S. Krishnamurthi and M. Felleisen", TITLE = "Classes and Mixins", BOOKTITLE = "POPL '98", YEAR = "1998", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @BOOK{craftTesting:marick, TITLE = "The Craft of Software Testing", AUTHOR = "Brian Marick", PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall", YEAR = "1995", SERIES = "Prentice Hall Series in Innovative Technology", ISBN = "0-13-177411-5" } @INPROCEEDINGS{crew:msr, AUTHOR = "Roger F. Crew", TITLE = "ASTLOG: A Language for Examining Abstract Syntax Trees", BOOKTITLE = "USENIX Conference on Domain Specific Languages", YEAR = "1997", ADDRESS = "Santa Barbara", PAGES = "229-241", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @ARTICLE{mendelzon:siam, AUTHOR = "Alberto Mendelzon and Peter Wood", TITLE = "Finding regular simple paths in graph databases", JOURNAL = "SIAM Journal on Computing", YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "1235-1258", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 24, NUMBER = 6 } @INPROCEEDINGS{corbett:issta98, AUTHOR = "James C. Corbett", TITLE = "{Constructing Compact Models of Concurrent Java Programs}", BOOKTITLE = sen, YEAR = "March 1998", ADDRESS = "Clearwater Beach, Florida", PAGES = "1-10", EDITOR = "Michal Young", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTE = "International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (Vol. 23, Number 2)" } @ARTICLE{clarke:toplas86, AUTHOR = "E.M. Clarke and E.A. Emerson and A.P. Sistla", TITLE = "Automatic Verification of Finite-State Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1986, PAGES = "", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = 8, NUMBER = 2 } @BOOK{Minato:kluwer, AUTHOR = "Shin-ichi Minato", TITLE = "Binary Decision Diagrams and Applications for VLSI CAD", PUBLISHER = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", YEAR = "1996", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @ARTICLE{keller:synch83, AUTHOR = "K. Ramamritham and R. Keller", TITLE = "Specification of Synchronizing Processes", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "722-733", MONTH = "", VOLUME = "" , NUMBER = "" } @ARTICLE{buhr:deadlock90, AUTHOR = "G.M. Karam and R.J.A. Buhr", TITLE = "Temporal Logic-Based Deadlock Analysis fo Ada", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", YEAR = 1991, PAGES = "1109-1125", MONTH = "", VOLUME = "" , NUMBER = "" } @ARTICLE{karp:failure-free84, AUTHOR = "R.A. Karp", TITLE = "Proving Failure-Free Properties of Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1984, PAGES = "239-253", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "" } @ARTICLE{lauesen:critique, AUTHOR = "Soren Lauesen", TITLE = "Real-Life Object-Oriented Systems", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = "1998", MONTH = "March/April", PAGES = "76-83" } @INPROCEEDINGS{polytypic:popl97, AUTHOR = "P. Jansson and J. Jeuring", TITLE = "{PolyP - a poltypic programming language extension}", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1997", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "470-482", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{meertens-poly:plilp97, AUTHOR = "L. Meertens", TITLE = "Calculate polytypically", BOOKTITLE = "Programming Languages: Implementation Logics, and Programs: PLILP", YEAR = "1996", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "1-16", EDITOR = "Herbert Kuchen at al.", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", NOTE = "Lecture Notes in CS 1140" } @TECHREPORT{mezini:98, AUTHOR = "Mira Mezini and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Adaptive Plug-and-Play Components for Evolutionary Software Development", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-98-3", NOTE = "To appear in OOPSLA '98." } @INPROCEEDINGS{mezini:oopsla98, AUTHOR = "Mira Mezini and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Adaptive Plug-and-Play Components for Evolutionary Software Development", BOOKTITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Conference, {\em in} Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices", YEAR = "1998", MONTH = "October", VOL = 33, NUMBER = 10, ADDRESS = "Vancouver", PAGES = "97-116", EDITOR = "C. Chambers", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @TECHREPORT{iso-sql-mm:96, AUTHOR = "", TITLE = "SQL Multimedia and Application Packages. Part 2: Full Text", INSTITUTION = "International Organization for Standardization", YEAR = 1996, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "ISO/IEC Working Draft" } @ARTICLE{consens-tompa:text-adt98, AUTHOR = "L.J. Brown and M.P. Consens and I.J. Davis and C.R. Palmer and F.W. Tompa", TITLE = "A Structured Text ADT for Object-Relational Databases", JOURNAL = "Theory and Practice of Object Systems", YEAR = 1998, PAGES = "", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 4, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{abiteboul:lorel, AUTHOR = "S. Abiteboul and D. Quass and J. McHugh and J. Widom and J. Weiner", TITLE = "The Lorel query language for semistructured data", JOURNAL = "Journal of Digital Libraries", YEAR = 1998, PAGES = "68-88", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 1, NUMBER = 1 } @INPROCEEDINGS{richardson:aspects, AUTHOR = "Joel Richardson and Peter Schwarz", TITLE = "Aspects: extending objects to support multiple, independent roles", BOOKTITLE = sigmod, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "298-307", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @ARTICLE{aspinal:DEMETER, AUTHOR = "A. Al-Janabi and E. Aspinal", TITLE = "An evaluation of software design using the DEMETER tool", JOURNAL = "Software Engineering Journal" , YEAR = "1993", PAGES = "319-324", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 8, NUMBER = 6 } @BOOK{olderog:three-views, AUTHOR = "E.R. Olderog", TITLE = "Nets, Terms and Formulas", PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press", YEAR = "1991", SERIES = "Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{wing:larch, AUTHOR = "Ursula Martin and Jeannette Wing", TITLE = "First International Workshop on Larch", PUBLISHER = "Springer", YEAR = "1992", SERIES = "Workshops in Computing", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{partsch:trans, AUTHOR = "Helmut A. Partsch", TITLE = "Specification and Transformation of Programs", PUBLISHER = "Springer", YEAR = "1990", SERIES = "Texts and Monographs in Computer Science", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{dahl:veri, AUTHOR = "Ole-Johan Dahl", TITLE = "Verifiable Programming", PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall", YEAR = "1992", SERIES = "Series in Computer Science", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{dlong, AUTHOR = "V. Hartonas-Garmhausen and T. Kurfess and Edmund M. Clarke and D. Long", TITLE = "Automatic Verification of Industrial Designs", BOOKTITLE = "Workshop on Industrial-Strength Formal Specification Techniques", YEAR = "1995", ADDRESS = "Boca Raton", PAGES = "88-96", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{clarke-emerson:model-synthesis, AUTHOR = "Edmund M. Clarke and E. Allen Emerson", TITLE = "Design and Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons Using Branching-Time Temporal Logic", BOOKTITLE = "Logics of Programs", YEAR = "1981", ADDRESS = "Yorktown Heights", PAGES = "52-71", EDITOR = "Dexter Kozen", PUBLISHER = "Springer" } @BOOK{hogrefe:sdl, AUTHOR = "Jan Ellsberger and Dieter Hogrefe and Amardeo Sarma", TITLE = "SDL", PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall", YEAR = "1997", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @BOOK{poston:testing, AUTHOR = "Robert M. Poston", TITLE = "Automating Specification-Based Software Testing", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press", YEAR = "1996", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{aop:ecoop97, AUTHOR = "Gregor Kiczales and John Lamping and Anurag Mendhekar and Chris Maeda and Cristina Lopes and Jean-Marc Loingtier and John Irwin", TITLE = "Aspect-Oriented Programming", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1997", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "220-242", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @INCOLLECTION{demeter:98, AUTHOR = "{Demeter Research Group}", TITLE = "{Online Material on Adaptive Programming and Demeter}", BOOKTITLE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/", PUBLISHER = "Northeastern University", YEAR = "1989-2004" } @INCOLLECTION{demeter:01, AUTHOR = "{Demeter Research Group}", TITLE = "{Online Material on Adaptive Programming and Demeter}", BOOKTITLE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/", PUBLISHER = "Northeastern University", YEAR = "1989-2001" } @INCOLLECTION{demeterclos:97, AUTHOR = "Ken Anderson and Dean Allemang", TITLE = "{Demeter/CLOS}", BOOKTITLE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/outside-impl.html", PUBLISHER = "Northeastern University", YEAR = "1997-1998" } @INCOLLECTION{other-lang:97, AUTHOR = "Outside Demeter implementors", TITLE = "{Demeter Implementations}", BOOKTITLE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/outside-impl.html", YEAR = "1997-1998" } @InProceedings{Garlan97CASCON, author = {David Garlan and Robert T. Monroe and David Wile}, title = {Acme: An Architecture Description Interchange Language}, key = {Garlan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CASCON'97}, year = 1997, address = {Toronto, Ontario}, month = {November}, pages = {169-183}, conference-URL = {http://www.cas.ibm.ca/cascon/cfp.html} } @InProceedings{Shaw96, author = {Mary Shaw and R. DeLine and G. Zelesnik}, title = {Abstractions and Implementations for Architectural Connections}, booktitle = {Third International Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems} , year = 1996, month = {May}, conference-URL = {http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/vit/www/paper_abstracts/A rchCxn.html} } @TECHREPORT{api-navig:allemang, AUTHOR = "Dean Allemang and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Softening Dependencies between Interfaces}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "August", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-98-07}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @TECHREPORT{personalities:blando, AUTHOR = "Luis Blando and Karl J. Lieberherr and Mira Mezini", TITLE = "{Modeling Behavior with Personalities}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "August", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-98-08}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @INPROCEEDINGS{blando-seke:personalities, AUTHOR = "Luis Blando and Karl J. Lieberherr and Mira Mezini", TITLE = "{Modeling Behavior with Personalities}", BOOKTITLE = seke, YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "Kaiserslautern", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @TECHREPORT{class-graph-views:ovlinger, AUTHOR = "Johan Ovlinger and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Class Graph Views}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "August", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-98-09}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @TECHREPORT{trav-auto:wand-ovlinger, AUTHOR = "Johan Ovlinger and Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "{A Language for Specifying Traversals of Object Structures}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-98-??}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @TECHREPORT{graph-refinement:patt-shamir, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Boaz Patt-Shamir", TITLE = "{Generic Programming with Graph Refinement}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-98-10}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @INPROCEEDINGS{graph-refinement2:patt-shamir, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Boaz Patt-Shamir", TITLE = "The Refinement Relation of Graph-Based Generic Programs", BOOKTITLE = "1998 Schloss Dagstuhl Workshop on Generic Programming", YEAR = "2000", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "40--52", EDITOR = "M. Jazayeri and R. Loos and David Musser", PUBLISHER = "Springer", NOTE = "LNCS 1766" } @ARTICLE{kruchten:views, AUTHOR = "Philippe Kruchten", TITLE = "{The 4+1 View Model of Architecture}", JOURNAL = ieee-software , YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "42-50", MONTH = "November", VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 6 } @ARTICLE{modes:antero, AUTHOR = "Antero Taivalsaari", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming with Modes", JOURNAL = "Journal of Object-Oriented Programming", YEAR = 1993, PAGES = "25-32", MONTH = "June", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 3 } @article{ForHopWyl-TCS-80, title = {{The directed subgraph homeomorphism problem}}, author = {S. Fortune and John Hopcroft and J. Wyllie}, journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, volume = {10}, pages = {111--121}, year = {1980}, abstract = {The set of pattern graphs for which the fixed directed subgraph homeomorphism problem is NP-complete is characterized. A polynomial time algorithm is given for the remaining cases. The restricted problem where the input graph is a directed acyclic graph is in polynomial time for all pattern graphs and an algorithm is given.}} @TECHREPORT{tendril1:98, AUTHOR = "Neeraj Sangal and Edward Farrell and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Interaction Graphs: Object Interaction Specifications and their Compilation to Java", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "Oct", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-98-11" } @INPROCEEDINGS{McIlroy:68, AUTHOR = "McIlroy", TITLE = "Mass produced software components", BOOKTITLE = "{Report on a Conference of the NATO Science Committee}", YEAR = "1968", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "138-150", EDITOR = "P. Naur and B. Randell", MONTH = "October", PUBLISHER = "" } @ARTICLE{zeller-snelting:tosem, AUTHOR = "Andreas Zeller and Gregor Snelting", TITLE = "Unified Versioning through Feature Logic", JOURNAL = tosem, YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "398-441", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 6, NUMBER = 4 } @BOOK{larman:uml-patterns, AUTHOR = "Craig Larman", TITLE = "{Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design}", PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall", YEAR = "1997", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @PHDTHESIS{czarnecki:thesis, AUTHOR = "Krzystof Czarnecki", TITLE = "Generative Programming", SCHOOL = "TU Illmenau, Germany", YEAR = "1998", NOTE = "426 pages" } @BOOK{szyperski:component-software, AUTHOR = "Clemens Szyperski", TITLE = "Component Software", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1999", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{wills:modules, AUTHOR = "A. Wills", TITLE = "Capsules and types in Fresco - program verification in Smalltalk", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "Geneva", PAGES = "59-76", EDITOR = "Pierre America", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @InProceedings{Gil:1996:EAN, Author = {Joseph Gil and David~H. Lorenz}, Crossref = {OOPSLA:96}, Pages = "214--231", Title = "{Environmental} {Acquisition}--{A} New Inheritance-Like Abstraction Mechanism", Year = 1996, } @String{SIGPLAN = "Acm SIGPLAN Notices"} @String{PROC = "Proceedings of"} @String{ATP = "Addendum to the "} @String{OOPSLA = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications"} @String{PROC:OOPSLA96 = PROC#" the 11$^{th}$ Annual Conference on "#OOPSLA} @String{OOPSLA96 = "OOPSLA'96"} @Proceedings{OOPSLA:96, Address = {San Jose, California}, Booktitle = PROC:OOPSLA96, Key = OOPSLA96, Month = oct#{ 6-10}, Organization = OOPSLA96, Publisher = SIGPLAN#{ 31(10) }#Oct#{ 1996}, Title = PROC:OOPSLA96, Year = 1996, } @BOOK{souza:catalysis, AUTHOR = "D.F. D'Souza and A.C. Wills", TITLE = "Objects, Components, and Frameworks with UML: The Catalysis Approach", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "1998", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @misc{aspectj:99, ORGANIZATION = "Xerox PARC AspectJ Team", TITLE = "{AspectJ}", INSTITUTION = "Xerox PARC", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "January", NOTE = "http://www.parc.xerox.com/spl/projects/aop/", NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{DemeterJava:98, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans and Joshua Marshall and Johan Ovlinger and Kedar Patankar and Binoy Samuel and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{DemeterJ}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1998, MONTH = "December", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/DemeterJava/", NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{DJ:99, AUTHOR = "Joshua Marshall and Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{DJ: Dynamic Structure-Shy Traversal in Pure Java}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "May", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/DJ/", NUMBER = "" } @misc{DAJ:03 ,title={{DAJ: Demeter in AspectJ home page}} ,howpublished={{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/DAJ/}} ,author={{Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr}} } @TECHREPORT{DemeterJ:00, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{DemeterJ}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = "1996-2001", MONTH = "", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/DemeterJava/", NUMBER = "" } @misc{AP-Lib:99 ,title={{AP Library: The Core Algorithms of AP: Home page}} ,howpublished={{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/AP-Library/}} ,author={{Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr}} } @TECHREPORT{AP-Lib:99-old, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{AP Library: The Core Algorithms of AP}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "May", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/AP-Library/", NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{ejb:99, ORGANIZATION = "EJB Team", TITLE = "{Enterprise JavaBeans}", INSTITUTION = "SUN Microsystems", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "", NOTE = "http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/", NUMBER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{czarnecki:synth, AUTHOR = "Krysztof Czarnecki and Ulrich Eisenecker", TITLE = "Synthesizing Objects", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "Lisbon, Portugal", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Rachid Guerraoui", PUBLISHER = "Springer" } @INPROCEEDINGS{mixin-layers:ecoop98, AUTHOR = "Yannis Smaragdakis and Don Batory", TITLE = "Implementing layered designs with mixin-layers", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "1998", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @ARTICLE{Gil:computer98, AUTHOR = "J. Gil and D. Lorenz", TITLE = "Design patterns and language design", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 1998, PAGES = "118--120", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 31, NUMBER = 3 } @TECHREPORT{aspectual:LLM, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David Lorenz and Mira Mezini", TITLE = "{Programming with Aspectual Components}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "March", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-99-01}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @ARTICLE{Jackson:views, AUTHOR = "Daniel Jackson", TITLE = "Structuring Z specifications with views", JOURNAL = tosem , YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "365-389", MONTH = "Oct.", VOLUME = 4, NUMBER = 4 } @INPROCEEDINGS{palsberg:jay, AUTHOR = "Barry Jay and Jens Palsberg", TITLE = "The Essence of the Visitor Pattern", BOOKTITLE = "COMPSAC'98, 22nd Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference", YEAR = "1998", ADDRESS = "Vienna", PAGES = "9-15", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @TECHREPORT{lpp-ap-patent, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Jens Palsberg and Boaz Patt-Shamir", TITLE = "AUTOMATA-THEORETIC APPROACH COMPILER FOR ADAPTIVE SOFTWARE", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1999, MONTH ="", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "U.S. patent No. 5,946,490" } @ARTICLE{rugaber:interleaving, AUTHOR = "Spencer Rugaber and Kurt Stirewalt and Linda Wills ", TITLE = "Understanding Interleaved Code", JOURNAL = "Journal of Automated Software Engineering", YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "47-76", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 3, NUMBER = "", Note = "www.cc.gatech.edu/reverse/repository/jase.ps" } @BOOK{winston:java, AUTHOR = "Patrick Henry Winston and Sundar Narasimhan", TITLE = "On to Java", PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley", YEAR = "1998", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "", NOTE = "second edition, ISBN = 0-201-38598-8" } @ARTICLE{musser-stepanov:GL, AUTHOR = "D. R. Musser and A. A. Stepanov", TITLE = "Algorithm-Oriented Generic Libraries", JOURNAL = "Software--Practice and Experience", YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 24, NUMBER = 7 } @TECHREPORT{JGL:97, ORGANIZATION = "Object Space", TITLE = "Java Generic Library", INSTITUTION = "Object Space", YEAR = 1997, MONTH = "" , NUMBER = "", NOTE = "http://www.objectspace.com/developers/jgl/" } @TECHREPORT{womble-tool:99, AUTHOR = "Daniel Jackson and Allison Waingold", TITLE = "Womble Home Page", INSTITUTION = "MIT", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "" , NUMBER = "", NOTE = "http://sdg.lcs.mit.edu/womble/" } @INPROCEEDINGS{womble:Jackson, AUTHOR = "Daniel Jackson and Allison Waingold", TITLE = "Lightweight Extraction of Object Models from Bytecode", BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Software Engineering", YEAR = "1999", Month = "May", ADDRESS = "Los Angeles, CA", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", NOTE = "http://sdg.lcs.mit.edu/womble/" } @INPROCEEDINGS{SB-DJ, AUTHOR = "Neeraj Sangal and Edward Farrell and Karl J. Lieberherr and David Lorenz", TITLE = "Interaction Schemata: Compiling Interactions to Code", BOOKTITLE = "TOOLS USA, Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems", YEAR = "1999", Month = "August", ADDRESS = "Santa Barbara, CA", PAGES = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society" } @INPROCEEDINGS{bern:sigsoft97, AUTHOR = "Stephane Ducasse and Tamar Richner", TITLE = "Executable connectors: towards reusable design elements", BOOKTITLE = "6th European conference held jointly with the 5th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Engineering ", YEAR = "1997", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "483-499", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{with-linda-mira:inner, AUTHOR = "Linda Seiter and Mira Mezini and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Dynamic Component Gluing", BOOKTITLE = "First International Symposium on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering", YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "Erfurt, Germany", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Ulrich Eisenecker and Krzysztof Czarnecki", PUBLISHER = "Springer" } @TECHREPORT{omg:uml, ORGANIZATION = "Object Management Group", TITLE = "UML", INSTITUTION = "", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "www.rational.com/uml" } @INPROCEEDINGS{tarr:n-degrees, AUTHOR = "Peri Tarr and Harold Ossher and William Harrison and Stanley M. Sutton", TITLE = "N degrees of separation: multi-dimensional separation of concerns", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "Los Angeles", PAGES = "107-119", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @ARTICLE{bosch:framework-integration, AUTHOR = "Michael Mattson and Jan Bosch and Mohamed Fayad", TITLE = "Framework Integration Problems, Causes, Solutions", JOURNAL = commACM, YEAR = 1999, PAGES = "80-87", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 42, NUMBER = 10 } @INPROCEEDINGS{garlan:mismatch, AUTHOR = "David Garlan and J. Ockerbloom", TITLE = "Architectural Mismatch, or why is it hard to build systems out of existing parts", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1995", ADDRESS = "Seattle", PAGES = "179-185", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press" } @INCOLLECTION{mezini-seiter-lieberherr, AUTHOR = "Mira Mezini and Linda Seiter and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Component Integration with Pluggable Composite Adapters", BOOKTITLE = "Symposium on Software Architectures and Component Technology: The State of the Art in Research and Practice", PAGES = "", PUBLISHER = kluwer, YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "October", EDITOR = "Mehmet Aksit", NOTE = "University of Twente, The Netherlands, ISBN 0-7923-7576-9" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kessler:marsh, AUTHOR = "Sanjay Radia and Graham Hamilton and Peter Kessler and Michael Powell", TITLE = "The Spring Object Model", BOOKTITLE = "Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies", YEAR = "1995", ADDRESS = "Monterey, CA", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "USENIX" } @inproceedings { radia95spring, author = "Sanjay R. Radia and Graham Hamilton and Peter B. Kessler and Michael L. Powell", title = "The Spring object model", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Usenix Conference on Object-Oriented Technology (COOTS)", year = "1995" } @TECHREPORT{larse-hansen:96, AUTHOR = "Lars Thomas Hansen", TITLE = "Using Exceptions in Adaptive Programs", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 1996, MONTH = December, NUMBER = "", NOTE = "Project in Adaptive Programming course: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/com3360-f96.html" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kappel:dispersed, AUTHOR = "Michael Schrefl and Gerti Kappel", TITLE = "Cooperation Contracts", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 10th Intl. Conf. on the Entity-Relationship Approach", YEAR = "1991", ADDRESS = "San Mateo", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", NOTE = "October" } @TECHREPORT{buhr:cut-across, AUTHOR = "Mark Vigder and R.J.A. Buhr", TITLE = "Using LOTOS in a Design Environment", INSTITUTION = "Carleton University", YEAR = 1991, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "SCE-91-28" } @ARTICLE{don:genvoca, AUTHOR = "Don Batory and Vivek Singhal and Jeff Thomas and Sankar Dasari and Bart Geraci and Marty Sirkin", TITLE = "The GenVoca model of software-system generators", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1994, PAGES = "89-94", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 11, NUMBER = 5 } @INPROCEEDINGS{notkin:collaborations, AUTHOR = "Michael VanHilst, and David Notkin", TITLE = "Using role components to implement collaboration-based designs", BOOKTITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Conference, {\em in} Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices", YEAR = "1996", MONTH = "October", VOL = 31, NUMBER = 10, ADDRESS = "San Jose", PAGES = "359-369", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @INPROCEEDINGS{aksit:sina, AUTHOR = "M. Aksit and A. Tripathi", TITLE = "{Data abstraction mechanisms in Sina/ST}", BOOKTITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Conference, {\em in} Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices", YEAR = "1989", ADDRESS = "", VOL = 23, NUMBER = 11, MONTH ="November", PAGES = "265-275", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @ARTICLE{kiczales:open-implementation, AUTHOR = "Gregor Kiczales", TITLE = "Beyond the black box: Open Implementation", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{bergmans:real-time, AUTHOR = "Lodewijk Bergmans and Mehmet Aksit", TITLE = "Composing Synchronization and Real-Time Constraints", JOURNAL = journalParallelDistributed, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "32-52", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 36 , NUMBER = "" } @ARTICLE{kim:java-embedded, AUTHOR = "A. Kim and J. M. Chang", TITLE = "Designing a Java Microprocessor Core using FPGA Technology", JOURNAL = "Proceedings of IEEE International ASIC Conference", YEAR = 1998, PAGES = "13-17", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "" } @ARTICLE{real-time:mulch, AUTHOR = "D. Mulchandani", TITLE = "Java for Embedded Systems", JOURNAL = "IEEE Internet Computing", YEAR = 1998, PAGES = "", MONTH = "May", VOLUME = 2, NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{consistency:multi-view, AUTHOR = "Pascal Fradet and Daniel Le Metayer and Michael Perin", TITLE = "Consistency Checking for Multiple View Software Architectures", BOOKTITLE = "ESEC/FSE '99, 7th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with the 7th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering", YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "Toulouse", PAGES = "410-428", EDITOR = "Oscar Nierstrasz and Michel Lemoine", PUBLISHER = "Springer/ACM-SIGSOFT" } @BOOK{binder, AUTHOR = "Robert V. Binder", TITLE = "Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns, and Tools", PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley Publishing C.", YEAR = "1999", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{deline:mismatch, AUTHOR = "Robert DeLine", TITLE = "Avoiding Packaging Mismatch with Flexible Packaging", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "97-106", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{murphy:EEK, TITLE = "Implicit Context: Easing Software Evolution and Reuse", AUTHOR = "Robert J. Walker and Gail C. Murphy", BOOKTITLE = fse, YEAR = "2000", ADDRESS = "San Diego, CA", PAGES = "69-78", EDITOR = "David S. Rosenblum", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{matthias:esop99, AUTHOR = "Shriram Krishnamurthi and Yan-David Erlich and Matthias Felleisen", TITLE = "Expressing Structural Properties as Language Constructs", BOOKTITLE = esop, YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "258-272", EDITOR = "S.D. Swierstra", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", NOTE = "LNCS 1576" } @TECHREPORT{aspectual-collabs, AUTHOR = "Johan Ovlinger", TITLE = "{Aspectual Collaborations and Modular Programming}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 2000, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-2000-04}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", PAGES = "1-27" } @INPROCEEDINGS{aop:ecoop2001, AUTHOR = "Gregor Kiczales and Erik Hilsdale and Jim Hugunin and Mik Kersten and Jeffrey Palm and William Griswold", TITLE = "{An Overview of AspectJ}", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "2001", ADDRESS = "Budapest", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Jorgen Knudsen", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @misc{XML ,title={{Extensible Markup Language}} ,howpublished={{http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-XML}} ,author={Tim Bray and Jean Paoli and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (eds.) } ,month=feb ,year=1998 } @misc{XPath-traversals ,title={{Extensible Markup Language}} ,howpublished={{http://jaxen.org/}} ,author={Bob Mcwhirter and James Strachan} ,month="" ,year=2001 } @misc{AP-patterns ,title={{Pattern Language for Adaptive Programming}} ,howpublished={{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/adaptive-patterns/pattern-lang-conv}} ,author={Karl J. Lieberherr} ,month="Feb." ,year=1997 } @misc{XPath ,title={{XML} {Path Language} ({XPath}), Version 1.0} ,howpublished={{http://www.w3.org/TR/XPath}} ,author={James Clark and Steve DeRose (eds.) } ,month=nov ,year=1999 } @misc{AspectJ ,title={{AspectJ} home page} ,howpublished={{http://aspectj.org}} ,author={Xerox {PARC} {AspectJ Team}} } @TECHREPORT{aspectual-methods, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Doug Orleans and Johan Ovlinger", TITLE = "{Aspect-Oriented Programming with Adaptive Methods}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "February", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-2001-01}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", PAGES = "1-15" } @ARTICLE{adaptive-methods-cacm-2001, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Doug Orleans and Johan Ovlinger", TITLE = "{Aspect-Oriented Programming with Adaptive Methods}", JOURNAL = cacm, VOLUME = 44, NUMBER = 10, PAGES = "39-41", YEAR = 2001 } @ARTICLE{discuss-aspects-cacm-2001, AUTHOR = "Tzilla Elrad and Mehmet Aksit and Gregor Kiczales and Karl J. Lieberherr and Harold Ossher", TITLE = "{Discussing Aspects of AOP}", JOURNAL = cacm, VOLUME = 44, NUMBER = 10, PAGES = "33-38", YEAR = 2001 } @ARTICLE{cacm-2001, AUTHOR = "Tzilla Elrad and Robert Filman and Atef Bader", TITLE = "{Aspect-Oriented Programming}", JOURNAL = cacm, VOLUME = 44, NUMBER = 10, PAGES = "28-97", YEAR = 2001 } @INPROCEEDINGS{aosd-2002-blando, AUTHOR = "Luis Blando and Nosherwan Minwalla", TITLE = "Commercial AOSD Deployment in Action: Five Years and Counting", BOOKTITLE = "First International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Developm ent", YEAR = "2002", ADDRESS = "Enschede, The Netherlands", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Gregor Kiczales", PUBLISHER = "", NOTE="Invited Industry Presentation: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/evaluation/gte-labs/" } @TECHREPORT{DJ-reflection, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{DJ: Dynamic Adaptive Programming in Java}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "March", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-2001-02}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", PAGES = "1-10", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/DJ-reflection.html" } @string{OOPSLA:SOC = "Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns, OOPSLA"} @InProceedings{FilFri:2000, Author = {Robert E. Filman and Daniel P. Friedman}, booktitle = OOPSLA:SOC, Title = "{Aspect-Oriented Programming is Quantification and Obliviousness}", address = "Minneapolis, USA", Year = 2000, note = "http://ic-www.arc.nasa.gov/ic/darwin/oif/leo/filman/text/oif/aop-is.pdf" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kendall:oopsla99, AUTHOR = "Elizabeth Kendall", TITLE = "Role Model Designs and Implementations with Aspect Oriented Programming", BOOKTITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Conference, {\em in} Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices", YEAR = "1999", MONTH = "November", VOL = 34, PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @TECHREPORT{mitch:karl-2001, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "Navigating through Object Graphs Using Local Meta-Information", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "May", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-2001-05}", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/new-strategy-semantics.html" } @TECHREPORT{mitch:karl-2000, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Mitchell Wand", TITLE = "Traversal Semantics in Object Graphs", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "May", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-2001-05}", } @ARTICLE{phillipsen:CPE, AUTHOR = "M. Phillipsen and B. Haumacher and C. Nester", TITLE = "{More Efficient Serialization and RMI for Java}", JOURNAL = cpe, YEAR = 2000, PAGES = "495-518", MONTH = "May", VOLUME = 12, NUMBER = 7 } @ARTICLE{bartoli:SPE, AUTHOR = "A. Bartoli", TITLE = "A Novel Approach to Marshalling", JOURNAL = spe, YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "63-85", MONTH = "January", VOLUME = 27, NUMBER = 1 } @TECHREPORT{data-binding, AUTHOR = "Prasenjit Adak and Huichan He and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Adaptive XML/Java Data-Binding}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "May", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-2001-04}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", PAGES = "1-10" } @INPROCEEDINGS{hoschka:marshalling, AUTHOR = "Philipp Hoschka and Christian Huitema", TITLE = "Automatic Generation of Optimized Code for Marshalling Routines ", BOOKTITLE = "IFIP TC6/WG6.5 International Working Conference on Upper Layer Protocols, Architectures and Applications", YEAR = "19", ADDRESS = "Barcelona", PAGES = "131-146", EDITOR = "Manuel Medina, Nathaniel Borenstein", PUBLISHER = "North-Holland" } @InProceedings{OrleansLieberherrReflection01, author = "Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr", title = "{DJ: Dynamic Adaptive Programming in Java}", booktitle = "{Reflection 2001: Meta-level Architectures and Separation of Crosscutting Concerns}", year = "2001", address = "Kyoto, Japan", month = "September", publisher = "Springer Verlag", note = "8 pages" } @ARTICLE{clarke:subject-oriented-design, AUTHOR = "Siobhan Clarke", TITLE = "Extending standard UML with model composition semantics", JOURNAL = "Science of Computer Programming", YEAR = 2002, PAGES = "to appear", MONTH = "", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{clarke-walker:cp2001, AUTHOR = "Siobhan Clarke and Robert Walker", TITLE = "Composition Patterns: An Approach to Designing Reusable Aspects", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "2001", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lopes-lipert:cp2000, AUTHOR = " Cristina Videira Lopes and Martin Lippert", TITLE = "A Study on Exception Detection and Handling Using Aspect-Oriented Programming", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "2000", ADDRESS = "Limmerick, Ireland", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @string{ECOOP:SOC = "Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns, ECOOP"} @InProceedings{OssherTarr:2001, Author = {Harold Ossher and Peri Tarr}, booktitle = ECOOP:SOC, Title = "{Some Micro-Reuse Challenges}", address = "Budapest, Hungary", Year = 2001 } @TECHREPORT{composition-patterns-impl, AUTHOR = "Siobhan Clarke and Robert Walker", TITLE = "{Separating Crosscutting Concerns Across the Lifecycle: From Composition Patterns to AspectJ and Hyper/J}", INSTITUTION = "University of British Columbia", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "{UBC-CS-2001-05}", ADDRESS = "Vancouver, CA", PAGES = "1-13" } @InProceedings{predicate-dispatch, author = "Michael D. Ernst and Craig Kaplan and Craig Chambers", title = {Predicate Dispatching: {A} Unified Theory of Dispatch}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ECOOP '98, the 12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}, pages = {186--211}, year = 1998, address = {Brussels, Belgium}, month = {July 20--24}, url = {http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/projects/cecil/www/Papers/gud.html} } @PHDTHESIS{sullivan:thesis94, AUTHOR = "Kevin Sullivan", TITLE = "{Easing the Design and Evolution of Integrated System}", SCHOOL = "University of Washington", YEAR = 1994 } @INPROCEEDINGS{tarr-ossher:visualization, AUTHOR = "Peri Tarr and Harold Ossher and Johannes Henkel", TITLE = "Visualization as an Aid to Compositional Software Engineering", BOOKTITLE = "OOPSLA 2001 Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns", YEAR = "2001", ADDRESS = "Tampa Bay, FL", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", NOTE="http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~kdvolder/Workshops/OOPSLA2001/ASoC.html" } @INPROCEEDINGS{doug:bop, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans", TITLE = "Incremental Programming with Extensible Decisions", BOOKTITLE = "OOPSLA 2001 Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns", YEAR = "2001", ADDRESS = "Tampa Bay, FL", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", NOTE="http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~kdvolder/Workshops/OOPSLA2001/ASoC.html" } @UNPUBLISHED{irini:case-study, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Irini Haralambopoulou", TITLE = "{Adaptrive and Conceptual Modeling of Software Development Environments}", MONTH = "April", YEAR = 1992, NOTE = "24 pages" } @ARTICLE{dijkstra:aop, AUTHOR = "E.W. Dijkstra and C.S. Scholten", TITLE = "Termination Detection for Diffusing Computations", JOURNAL = ipl, YEAR = 1980, PAGES = "1-4", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 11, NUMBER = 1 } @ARTICLE{mikkonen:flexibility, AUTHOR = "Tommi Mikkonen", TITLE = "Flexibility as a Design Driver", JOURNAL = ieee-computer, YEAR = 2001, PAGES = "52-56", MONTH = "November", VOLUME = "" , NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{mesa:79, AUTHOR = "J.G. Mitchell", TITLE = "Mesa Language Manual", INSTITUTION = "Xerox PARC", YEAR = 1979, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "CSL-79-3" } @TECHREPORT{kh97, author = "Ralph Keller and Urs Hoelzle", title = "Supporting the Integration and Evolution of Components Through Binary Component Adaptation", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara", type = "techreport", number = "97-15", month = "Sep", year = 1997} @inproceedings{ keller98binary, author = "Ralph Keller and Urs {H\"olzle}", title = "Binary Component Adaptation", booktitle = "{ECOOP}'98 - Object-Oriented Programming. 12th European Conference. Proceedings", month = "20--24", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Brussels, Belgium", pages = "307--29", year = "1998" } @misc{HyperJ ,title={{Hyper/J home page}} ,howpublished={{http://www.research.ibm.com/hyperspace/HyperJ/HyperJ.htm}} ,author={{IBM Research Team}} } @misc{LawOfDemeter ,title={{Law of Demeter Home Page}} ,howpublished={{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/LoD.html}} ,author={{Demeter Research Group}} } @misc{ABB-aspects ,title={{ABB Aspect architecture -- Industrial IT home page}} ,howpublished={{http://www.abb.com/control}} ,author={{ABB Team}} } @inproceedings{ herrmann00pirol, author = "Stephan Herrmann and Mira Mezini", title = "{PIROL}: a case study for multidimensional separation of concerns in software engineering environments", booktitle = "OOPSLA", pages = "188-207", year = "2000", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/herrmann00pirol.html" } @ARTICLE{katz:superimposition, AUTHOR = "S. Katz", TITLE = "A superimposition control construct for distributed systems", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1993, PAGES = "337-356", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = 15, NUMBER = 2 } @inproceedings{ ernst01family, author = "Erik Ernst", title = "Family Polymorphism", booktitle = "{ECOOP}", pages = "303-326", year = "2001" } @InProceedings{ernst01c, author = {Erik Ernst}, title = {Loosely Coupled Class Families}, crossref = {ASOCWS01}, } @Proceedings{ASOCWS01, title = {Position papers from the workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns, ECOOP'01}, year = 2001, editor = {Lodewijk Bergmans and Johan Brichau and Siobh{\'a}n Clarke and Maurice Glandrup}, note = {Electronic form, (\url{http://trese.cs.utwente.nl/Workshops/ecoop01asoc/newpage11.htm})} } @INPROCEEDINGS{findler-felleisen:oopsla01, AUTHOR = "Robert Findler and Matthias Felleisen", TITLE = "Contract Soundness for Object-Oriented Languages", BOOKTITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Conference, {\em in} Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices", YEAR = "2001", MONTH = "October", VOL = 36, PUBLISHER = "ACM" } @InProceedings{Ernst-position:2000, Author = {Erik Ernst}, booktitle = ECOOP:SOC, Title = "{Separation of Concerns and Then What?}", address = "Cannes, France", Year = 2000, note = "{Electronic form: \url{http://www.cs.auc.dk/~eernst/}}" } @misc{sdp-vanderbilt-white ,title={{Coupling Mechanisms in Aspect-Oriented Software}} ,howpublished={{www.isis.vanderbilt.edu/sdp}} ,author={Karl J. Lieberherr } ,booktitle = "Software Design and Productivity (SDP) Coordinating Group" ,month=nov ,year=2001 } @misc{sdp-vanderbilt-white-hugunin ,title={{The Next Steps For Aspect-Oriented Programming Languages}} ,howpublished={{www.isis.vanderbilt.edu/sdp}} ,author={Jim Hugunin } ,booktitle = "Software Design and Productivity (SDP) Coordinating Group" ,month=nov ,year=2001 } @misc{sdp-vanderbilt-white-batory ,title={{ExCIS: An Integration of Domain-Specific Languages and Feature-Oriented Programming}} ,howpublished={{www.isis.vanderbilt.edu/sdp}} ,author={Don Batory and David Brant and Michael Gibson and Michael Nolen} ,booktitle = "Software Design and Productivity (SDP) Coordinating Group" ,month=nov ,year=2001 } @TECHREPORT{pengcheng:ac-aspectj, AUTHOR = "Pengcheng Wu", TITLE = "{Implementing Aspectual Collaborations with AspectJ}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "October", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-01-19" } @TECHREPORT{liskov-wing-bs, AUTHOR = "Barbara Liskov and Jeannette M. Wing", TITLE = "Behavioral Subtyping Using Invariants and Constraints", INSTITUTION = "CMU", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = July, NUMBER = "CMU-CS-99-156" } @INPROCEEDINGS{aspect-ejb:choi, AUTHOR = "Jung Pil Choi", TITLE = "Aspect-Oriented Programming with Enterprise Javabeans", BOOKTITLE = "International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC '00)", YEAR = "2000", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @TECHREPORT{aspectual-collabs-jg, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David Lorenz and Johan Ovlinger", TITLE = "{Aspectual Collaborations for Collaboration-Oriented Concerns}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 2001, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-2001-08}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA" } @ARTICLE{chambers:modules-mm, AUTHOR = "Craig Chambers and Gary T. Leavens", TITLE = "Typechecking and Modules for Multimethods", JOURNAL = toplas, YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "805-843", MONTH = "November", VOLUME = 17, NUMBER = 6 } @INPROCEEDINGS{rachid:all3, AUTHOR = "Awais Rashid", TITLE = "A Hybrid Approach to Separation of Concerns: The Story of SADES", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Meta-Level Architectures and Separation of Concerns, Reflection 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2192 ", YEAR = "2001", ADDRESS = "Kyoto", PAGES = "231-249", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @INPROCEEDINGS{doug:aosd-2002, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans", TITLE = "Incremental Programming with Extensible Decisions", BOOKTITLE = "First International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development", YEAR = "2002", ADDRESS = "Enschede, The Netherlands", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Gregor Kiczales", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{clarke-walker:aosd-2002, AUTHOR = "Siobhan Clarke and Robert Walker", TITLE = "{Towards a Standard Design Language for AOSD}", BOOKTITLE = "First International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development", YEAR = "2002", ADDRESS = "Enschede, The Netherlands", PAGES = "113-119", EDITOR = "Gregor Kiczales", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @INPROCEEDINGS{visser-traversals:oopsla01, AUTHOR = "Joost Visser", TITLE = "Visitor combination and traversal control", BOOKTITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Conference, {\em in} Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices", YEAR = "2001", MONTH = "October", VOL = 36, PUBLISHER = "ACM", PAGES = "270-282" } @ARTICLE{4-cacm-2001, AUTHOR = "Tzilla Elrad and Mehmet Aksit and Gregor Kiczales and Karl J. Lieberherr and Harold Ossher", TITLE = "{Discussing Aspects of AOP}", JOURNAL = cacm, VOLUME = 44, NUMBER = 10, PAGES = "33-38", YEAR = 2001 } @INPROCEEDINGS{laemmel-visser:strategic-programming, AUTHOR = "Ralf Laemmel and J. Visser", TITLE = "Typed Combinators for Generic Traversal", BOOKTITLE = "Practical Aspects of Declarative Programming (PADL)", YEAR = "2002", ADDRESS = "Portland, OR, USA", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "S. Krishnamurthi and C. Ramakrishnan", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, LNCS 2257" } @TECHREPORT{aspects-modules-2002, AUTHOR = "Johan Ovlinger and Karl J. Lieberherr and David Lorenz", TITLE = "Aspects and Modules Combined", YEAR = "2002", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 2002, MONTH = "March", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-02-03}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", NOTE="http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/papers/ac-aspectj-hyperj" } @INPROCEEDINGS{beringer:mega, AUTHOR = "Neal Sample and Dorothea Beringer and Laurence Melloul and Gio Wiederhold", TITLE = "CLAM: Composition language for autonomous megamodules", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of Coordination, LNCS volume 1594", YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "291-306", EDITOR = "Paolo Ciancarini and Alexander Wolf", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @INPROCEEDINGS{birngruber:compos, AUTHOR = "Dietrich Birngruber", TITLE = "A Software Composition Language and Its Implementation", BOOKTITLE = "Perspectives of System Informatics (PSI 2001), LNCS 2244", YEAR = "2001", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "519-529", EDITOR = "Dines Bjorner and Manfred Broy and Alexandre Zamulin", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @BOOK{hunt-thomas:TPP, AUTHOR = "Andrew Hunt and David Thomas", TITLE = "The Pragmatic Programmer", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "2000", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "", ISBN = "0-201-61622-X", } @BOOK{cockburn:asd, AUTHOR = "Alistair Cockburn", TITLE = "Agile Software Development", PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley", YEAR = "2002", SERIES = "The Agile Software Development Series", VOLUME = "" } @inproceedings{791, author = {A. Hamie and J. Howse and S. Kent}, title = {{Navigation Expressions in OO Modelling}}, month = {March}, year = {1998}, pages = {123-137}, keywords = {}, note = {}, url = {http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/pubs/1998/791}, booktitle = {Proceedings of FASE98 at ETAPS98}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, } @ARTICLE{galperin:wigderson, AUTHOR = "H. Galperin, A. Wigderson", TITLE = "Succinct Representation of Graphs", JOURNAL = "Information and Control", YEAR = 1984, PAGES = "183-198", MONTH = "March", VOLUME = 56, NUMBER = 3 } @article{ eppstein92parallel, author = "David Eppstein", title = "Parallel Recognition of Series-Parallel Graphs", journal = "Information and Computation", volume = "98", number = "1", pages = "41-55", year = "1992", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/eppstein92parallel.html" } @ARTICLE{valdes:series-parallel, AUTHOR = "Jacobo Valdes and Robert Tarjan and Eugene Lawler", TITLE = "The Regognition of Series Parallel Digraphs", JOURNAL = siam-comp, YEAR = 1982, PAGES = "289-313", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 11 } @PHDTHESIS{bart:thesis02, AUTHOR = "Bart Wydaeghe", TITLE = "{PACOSUITE: Component Composition Based on Composition Patterns and Usage Scenarios}", SCHOOL = "Free University of Brussels", YEAR = 2002, url = "http://ssel.vub.ac.be/Members/BartWydaeghe/" } @INPROCEEDINGS{bart-wim:strategies-ref, AUTHOR = "Bart Wydaeghe and Wim Vanderperren", TITLE = "Towards a New Component Composition Process", BOOKTITLE = "ECBS", YEAR = "April 2001", ADDRESS = "Washington", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{vanderperren:composition-adapters, AUTHOR = "Wim Vanderperren", TITLE = "Applying aspect-oriented programming ideas in a component based context: Composition Adapters", BOOKTITLE = "GCSE", YEAR = "2001", ADDRESS = "Erfurt, Germany", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @TECHREPORT{blando:97-02, AUTHOR = "Louis Blando", TITLE = "{Mission Critical Verizon Project Using DemeterJ}", INSTITUTION = "Verizon", YEAR = 2002, MONTH = "", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/evaluation/gte-labs/", NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{sung:DAJ-02, AUTHOR = "John Sung", TITLE = "{Aspectual Concepts}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2002, MONTH = "June", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-02-06", NOTE = "Master's Thesis, http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/theses-index.html" } @inproceedings{ stirewalt01generation, author = "Kurt Stirewalt and Laura K. Dillon", title = "Generation of visitor components that implement program transformations", booktitle = "{ACM} {SIGSOFT} Symposium on Software Reusability", pages = "86-94", year = "2001", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/483008.html" } @misc{ bravenboer01guiding, author = "M. Bravenboer and E. Visser", title = "Guiding visitors: Separating navigation from computation", text = "M. Bravenboer and E. Visser. Guiding visitors: Separating navigation from computation. Technical report, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, 2001. [pdf] .", year = "2001", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/bravenboer01guiding.html" } @INPROCEEDINGS{composable-attribute-gr:popl92, AUTHOR = "R. Farrow and T.J. Marlow and D.M. Yellin", TITLE = "{Composable Attribute Grammars: Support for modularity in translator design and implementation}", BOOKTITLE = popl, YEAR = "1992", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "223-234", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @TECHREPORT{DemeterJstats, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans", TITLE = "{DemeterJ Strategy Statistics}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2002, MONTH = "July", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/DemeterJ/strategy-usage-in-DemeterJ.txt", NUMBER = "" } @UNPUBLISHED{Smaragdakis, AUTHOR = "Yannis Smaragdakis", TITLE = "{Personal communication}", MONTH = "", YEAR = 1997 } @inproceedings{ aksit94abstracting, author = "Mehmet Aksit and Ken Wakita and Jan Bosch and Lodewijk Bergmans and Akinori Yonezawa", title = "{Abstracting Object Interactions Using Composition Filters}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ECOOP}'93 Workshop on Object-Based Distributed Programming", volume = "791", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", editor = "Rachid Guerraoui and Oscar Nierstrasz and Michel Riveill", pages = "152--184", year = "1994", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/aksit94abstracting.html" } @INPROCEEDINGS{naftaly:lod, AUTHOR = "Naftaly Minsky and Partha Pal", TITLE = "{Imposing The Law of Demeter and Its Variations}", BOOKTITLE = "TOOLS Conference", YEAR = "1996", ADDRESS = "Santa Barbara, CA", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{archjava:ecoop2002, AUTHOR = "Jonathan Aldrich and Craig Chambers and David Notkin", TITLE = "{{Architectural Reasoning in ArchJava}}", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "June 2002", ADDRESS = "Malaga", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kiczales:compilation-semantics, AUTHOR = "Hidehiko Masuhara and Gregor Kiczales and Chris Dutchyn", TITLE = "Compilation Semantics of Aspect-Oriented Programs", BOOKTITLE = "Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages Workshop", YEAR = "2002", ADDRESS = "Enschede, Netherlands", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Ron Cytron and Gary Leavens", PUBLISHER = "", URL = "http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~cytron/FOAL/index.html" } @TECHREPORT{Kiczales:sandbox, AUTHOR = "Chris Dutchyn and Gregor Kiczales and Hidehiko Masuhara ", TITLE = "Aspect Sand Box", INSTITUTION = "University of British Columbia", YEAR = 2002, MONTH = "June", URL = "http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/spl/projects/asb.html" } @TECHREPORT{wu:SEA-02, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David H. Lorenz and Pengcheng Wu", TITLE = "Statically Executable Advice: A Case Study in Checking Style Rules with Aspects", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2002, MONTH = "October", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-02-11" } @inproceedings{Deters:01b, author = {Morgan Deters and Ron~K. Cytron}, title = {Introduction of Program Instrumentation using Aspects}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the OOPSLA 2001 Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns in Object-Oriented Systems}, address = {Tampa, FL}, organization = {ACM}, month = oct, year = 2001, abstract = {Compilers and other program-analysis tools often rely on profiling information obtained from the programs they analyze. Obtaining such information can be a tedious task. The most detailed information is often obtained by arranging for code generators to instrument the code they generate or by collecting such information through instrumented interpretation. Access to code generators and interpreters is often beyond the capability of ordinary users. In this paper, we examine the advantages of using aspects for this purpose and present code that harvests runtime information for subsequent offline analysis.} } @TECHREPORT{wu:SEA-02, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David H. Lorenz and Pengcheng Wu", TITLE = "A Case for Statically Executable Advice: Checking the Law of Demeter With Aspects", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2002, MONTH = "October", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-02-11" } @INPROCEEDINGS{llw:SEA-03, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David H. Lorenz and Pengcheng Wu", TITLE = "{A Case for Statically Executable Advice: Checking the Law of Demeter With AspectJ}", BOOKTITLE = "Second International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development", YEAR = "2003", ADDRESS = "Boston MA", PAGES = "40-49", EDITOR = "Mehmet Aksit", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @UNPUBLISHED{dougo:LoD-Fred, AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans", TITLE = "{Checking the Law of Demeter for Fred}", NOTE = "URL: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/papers/law-of-demeter/checker/fred/", MONTH = "November", YEAR = 2002, NOTE = "Personal Communication" } @TECHREPORT{FKLLW:AOD-LoD-Tool-02, AUTHOR = "Paul Freeman and Sergei Kojarski and Karl J. Lieberherr and David Lorenz and Pengcheng Wu", TITLE = "{Aspect-Oriented Design and Implementation of a Law of Demeter Checking Tool}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2003, MONTH = "January", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-03-01" } @misc{Demeter-API ,title={{Demeter API home page}} ,howpublished={{ http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/software/docs/api}} ,xauthor={Doug Orleans and Karl J. Lieberherr} } @ARTICLE{ANTLR:95, AUTHOR = "Terence Parr and Russell Quong", TITLE = "ANTLR: A Predicated-LL(k) Parser Generator", JOURNAL = "Software--Practice and Experience", YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "789-810", MONTH = "July", VOLUME = 25, NUMBER = 7, NOTE = "http://www.antlr.org/" } @Manual{java-reflection, title = {Java Core Reflection}, organization = {JavaSoft}, year = 1998, url = {http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/reflection/spec/java-reflectionTOC.doc.html} } @Manual{XML-schema, title = {XML Schema Part 0: Primer}, author = {David C. Fallside}, organization = {W3C}, month = {October}, year = 2000, url = {http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/} } @Manual{Collections, title = {Collections Framework Overview}, organization = {JavaSoft}, year = 1999, url = {http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/collections/overview.html} } @Book{AMOP, author = {Gregor Kiczales and Jim des Rivi{\`e}res and Daniel G. Bobrow}, title = {The Art of the Metaobject Protocol}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, year = 1991, url = {http://www.parc.xerox.com/csl/groups/sda/publications/papers/Kiczales-AMOP/}, } @Article{java-tip:reflective-visitor, author = {Jeremy Blosser}, title = {Java {Tip} 98: Reflect on the Visitor design pattern}, journal = {JavaWorld}, year = 2000, month = {July}, url = {http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javatips/jw-javatip98.html} } @InProceedings{GJ, author = {Gilad Bracha and Martin Odersky and David Stoutamire and Philip Wadler}, title = {Making the future safe for the past: Adding Genericity to the Java Programming Language}, booktitle = {Proceedings of OOPSLA 98}, year = 1998, address = {Vancouver}, month = {October}, url = {http://www.cis.unisa.edu.au/~pizza/gj/Documents/#gj-oopsla} } @InCollection{AOM, author = {Joseph W. Yoder and Reza Razavi}, title = {Metadata and Adaptive Object-Models}, booktitle = {ECOOP 2000 Workshop Reader}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = 2000, volume = 1964, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science} } @TECHREPORT{strategies, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Boaz Patt-Shamir", TITLE = "{Traversals of Object Structures: Specification and Efficient Implementation}", INSTITUTION = "College of Computer Science, Northeastern University", YEAR = 1997, MONTH = "Sep.", NUMBER = "{NU-CCS-97-15}", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", URL = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/AP-Library/" } @BOOK{demeter-book, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Adaptive Object-Oriented Software: The Demeter Method with Propagation Patterns", PUBLISHER = "PWS Publishing Company, Boston", YEAR = "1996", NOTE = "616 pages, ISBN 0-534-94602-X", URL = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/dem-book.html" } @ARTICLE{gray:cross-cutting-constraints, AUTHOR = "Jeff Gray and Ted Bapty and Sandeep Neema and James Tuck", TITLE = "Handling Crosscutting Constraints in Domain-Specific Modeling", JOURNAL = cacm, YEAR = 2001, PAGES = "87-93", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 44, NUMBER = 10 } @ARTICLE{ossher:reshape, AUTHOR = "Harold Ossher and Peri Tarr", TITLE = "Using multidimensional separation of concerns to (re)shape evolving software", JOURNAL = cacm, YEAR = 2001, PAGES = "43-50", MONTH = "October", VOLUME = 44, NUMBER = 10 } @inproceedings{ smaragdakisdistil, author = "Yannis Smaragdakis and Don Batory", title = "{DiSTiL}: {A} Transformation Library for Data Structures", booktitle = "Domain-Specific Languages ({DSL}) Conference", year = 1997, pages = "257--270", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/smaragdakis97distil.html" } @inproceedings{ batory98jts, author = "Don Batory and Bernie Lofaso and Yannis Smaragdakis", title = "{JTS}: tools for implementing domain-specific languages", booktitle = "Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse", month = "2--5", publisher = "IEEE", address = "Victoria, BC, Canada", pages = "143--153", year = "1998", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/171171.html" } @inproceedings{Clarke:1999:SOD, author = {Siobhan Clarke and William Harrison and Harold Ossher and Peri Tarr}, title = {Subject-oriented design: towards improved alignment of requirements, design, and code}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications}, year = {1999}, isbn = {1-58113-238-7}, pages = {325--339}, location = {Denver, Colorado, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/320384.320420}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @inproceedings{ ogawa99openjit, author = "Satoshi Matsuoka, Hirotaka Ogawa, Kouya Shimura, Yasunori Kimura, Koichiro Hotta and Hiromitsu Takagi.", title = "OpenJIT A Reflective Java JIT compiler", booktitle = "OOPSLA '98", year = "1998", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/matsuoka98openjit.html" } @TECHREPORT{XAspects:SLS03, AUTHOR = "Macneil Shonle and Karl J. Lieberherr and Ankit Shah", TITLE = "{XAspects: An Extensible System for Domain Specific Aspect Languages}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2003, MONTH = "April", NUMBER = "NU-CCS-03-06" } @ARTICLE{aspects-modules-2003-bcs, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David Lorenz and Johan Ovlinger", TITLE = "Aspectual Collaborations -- Combining Modules and Aspects", JOURNAL = "The Computer Journal" , YEAR = "2003", MONTH = "September", VOLUME = 46, NUMBER = 5, PAGES = "542-565", PUBLISHER = "Oxford University Press", NOTE="http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/papers/ac-aspectj-hyperj" } @INPROCEEDINGS{lopes04:on-ward, AUTHOR = "Cristina Videira Lopes and Paul Dourish and David H. Lorenz and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Beyond AOP: Toward Naturalistic Programming}", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "2003", ADDRESS = "Anaheim, CA", PAGES = "198-207", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTE = "Onward! Track" } @BOOK{CE00:gp, AUTHOR = "Krysztof Czarnecki and Ulrich Eisenegger", TITLE = "Generative Programming: Methods, Tools and Applications", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "2000", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @TECHREPORT{simonyi:95, AUTHOR = "Charles Simonyi", TITLE = "The Death of Computer Languages", INSTITUTION = "Mircosoft Research", YEAR = 1995, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "", NOTE = "ftp://ftp.research.microsoft.com/pub/tech-reports/Summer95/TR-95-52.doc" } @misc{web-services ,title={{Java Web Services}} ,howpublished={{ http://java.sun.com/webservices/ }} ,xauthor={SUN Microsystems} } @INPROCEEDINGS{wiederhold:compose-ontologies, AUTHOR = "Gio Wiederhold and Jan Janninck", TITLE = "Composing diverse ontologies", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. 8 th IFIP working group on databases working conference on database semantics", YEAR = "1999", ADDRESS = "Rotorua(NZ)", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", NOTE = "http://www-db.stanford.edu/SKC/publications/ifip99.html" } @misc{XAspects-web ,title={{XAspects Home Page}} ,howpublished={{ http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/xaspects }} ,xauthor={Macneil Shonle and Karl J. Lieberherr and Ankit Shah} } @ARTICLE{paul:thesis-TAPOS-97, AUTHOR = "Paul L. Bergstein", TITLE = "Maintainance of Object-Oriented Systems During Structural Schema Evolution", JOURNAL = tapos, YEAR = 1997, PAGES = "185-212", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 3, NUMBER = 3 } @INPROCEEDINGS{pottinger:vldb03, AUTHOR = "Rachel Pottinger and Philip Bernstein", TITLE = "Merging Models Based on Given Correspondences", BOOKTITLE = "29th VLDB Conference", YEAR = "2003", ADDRESS = "Berlin, Germany", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @BOOK{baldwin-clark:modularity, AUTHOR = "C. Baldwin and K. Clark", TITLE = "Design Rules: The Power of Modularity", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press", YEAR = "2000", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{masuhara:dflow, AUTHOR = "Hidehiko Masuhara and Kazunori Kawauchi", TITLE = "Dataflow Pointcut in Aspect-Oriented Programming", BOOKTITLE = "APLAS 03: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems", YEAR = "2003", ADDRESS = "Beijing", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag" } @misc{ soares02implementing, author = "S. Soares and E. Laureano and P. Borba", title = "Implementing distribution and persistence aspects with AspectJ", text = "Sergio Soares, Eduardo Laureano, and Paulo Borba. Implementing distribution and persistence aspects with AspectJ. In Proceedings of OOPSLA'02, Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications. ACM Press, November 2002.", year = "2002", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/soares02implementing.html" } @BOOK{gamma-beck:eclipse, AUTHOR = "Erich Gamma and Kent Beck", TITLE = "Contributing to Eclipse", PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley", YEAR = 2003, SERIES = "Eclipse Series", VOLUME = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{black:traits, AUTHOR = "Andrew Black and Nathanael Schaerli and Stephane Ducasse", TITLE = "Applying Traits to the Smalltalk Collection Classes", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "2003", ADDRESS = "Anaheim, CA", PAGES = "47-64", EDITOR = "Guy Steele", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @TECHREPORT{TR-fabio-karl:nov-2003, AUTHOR = "Fabio Rojas and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Applying Traversals Over Derived Edges", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2003, MONTH = "December", NUMBER = "NU-CCIS-03-12" } @ARTICLE{mother-daughter:aop-compiler-construction, AUTHOR = "Goerel Hedin and Eva Magnusson", TITLE = "JastAdd-an Aspect-Oriented Compiler Construction System", JOURNAL = "Science of Computer Programming", YEAR = 2003, PAGES = "37-58", MONTH = "April", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "" } @BOOK{Bob-et-al04:aop, AUTHOR = "Robert Filman and Tzilla Elrad and Siobhan Clarke and Mehmet Aksit", TITLE = "Aspect-Oriented Software Development", PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley", YEAR = "2004", ISBN = "0-32-121976-7" } @InCollection{AOP-AP-chapter:2004, Author = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David Lorenz", Booktitle= "Aspect-Oriented Software Development", Title = "{Coupling Aspect-Oriented and Adaptive Programming}", Editor = "Robert Filman and Tzilla Elrad and Siobh{\'a}n Clarke and Mehmet Aksit", Year = 2004, PAGES = "145-164", Publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, ISBN = "0-32-121976-7" } @InCollection{Crista-chapter:2004, Author = "Crista Lopes", Booktitle= "Aspect-Oriented Software Development", Title = "{AOP: A Historical Perspective}", EDITOR = "Robert Filman and Tzilla Elrad and Siobh{\'a}n Clarke and Mehmet Aksit", PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley", YEAR = "2004", ISBN = "0-32-121976-7" } @inproceedings{KG:2002:ADMS, author = "Joerg Kienzle and Rachid Guerraoui", title = "{AOP: Does it Make Sense? - The Case of Concurrency and Failures}", booktitle="European Conference on Object Oriented Programming", year="2002", month="June", address="Malaga, Spain", url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/kienzle02aop.html" } @inproceedings{SPLATofAOSD04, author = {Pengcheng Wu and Mitchell Wand}, title = "{An Empirical Study of the Demeter System}", booktitle = {Proceedings of the SPLAT workshop of the 3rd international conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development}, year = {2004}, location = {Lancaster, United Kingdom} } @ARTICLE{enbugging:silver, AUTHOR = "Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas", TITLE = "The Art of Enbugging", JOURNAL = ieee-software, YEAR = 2003, PAGES = "10-11", MONTH = "January/February", VOLUME = "", NUMBER = "" } @TechReport{Lorenz:2003:CA, Title = {Contracts and Aspects}, Author = {David~H. Lorenz and Therapon Skotiniotis}, Number = "{NU-CCIS-03-13}", Institution = "College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University", Address = "Boston, MA 02115", Month = dec, Year = 2003, URL = "\url{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/reports/NU-CCIS-03-13.html}", } @TechReport{Kaeli:2003:ACP, Title = {Aspectual Comprehension: Program Understanding Using Aspects}, Author = {David~R. Kaeli and Sergei Kojarski and David~H. Lorenz and Darren Ng}, Number = "{NU-CCIS-03-14}", Institution = "College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University", Address = "Boston, MA 02115", Month = dec, Year = 2003, URL = "\url{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/reports/NU-CCIS-03-14.html}", } @TechReport{Attie:2003:FTO, Title = {Formalizing the Temporal Order of Join-Points}, Author = {Paul~C. Attie and Sergei Kojarski and David~H. Lorenz}, Number = "{NU-CCIS-03-16}", Institution = "College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University", Address = "Boston, MA 02115", Month = dec, Year = 2003, URL = "\url{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/reports/NU-CCIS-03-16.html}", } @TechReport{Attie:2003:EBC, Title = "Establishing Behavioral Compatibility of Software Components without State Explosion", Author = "Paul~C. Attie and David~H. Lorenz", Number = "{NU-CCIS-03-02}", Institution = "College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University", Address = "Boston, MA 02115", Month = mar, Year = 2003, URL = "\url{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/reports/NU-CCIS-03-02.html}", } @InProceedings{Kojarski:2003:AR, Author = "Sergei Kojarski and Karl J. Lieberherr and David~H. Lorenz and Robert Hirschfeld", Crossref = "AOSD:2003:SPLAT", Title = "Aspectual Reflection", Year = 2003, } @InProceedings{Attie:2003:CMC, Author = "Paul Attie and David H. Lorenz", Title = "Correctness of Model-based Component Composition without State Explosion", Year = 2003, Booktitle = "ECOOP 2003 Workshop on Correctness of Model-based Software Composition", Editors = "Ragnhild Van Der Straeten and Andreas Speck and Elke Pulvermueller and Matthias Clauss and Andreas Pleuss", } @InProceedings{Kojarski:2003:UCA, Author = "Sergei Kojarski and David H. Lorenz", Title = "Unplugging Components using Aspects", Year = 2003, Booktitle = "ECOOP 2003 Eighth International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming", Editor = "Jan Bosch and Clemens Szyperski and Wolfgang Weck", } @InProceedings{Ernst:2003:APA, Author = "Erik Ernst and David~H. Lorenz", Crossref = "AOSD:2003", Pages = "150--157", Title = "Aspects and Polymorphism in {AspectJ}", URL = "\url{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/aosd2003poly/}", Year = 2003, } @InProceedings{Lieberherr:2003:CSE, Author = "Karl J. Lieberherr and David H. Lorenz and Pengcheng Wu", Crossref = "AOSD:2003", Pages = "40--49", Title = "A Case for Statically Executable Advice: {Checking} the {Law} of {Demeter} with {AspectJ}", URL = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/aosd2003lod/", Year = 2003, } @TechReport{Ernst:2001:AP, Address = {Boston, MA 02115}, Author = {Erik Ernst and David~H. Lorenz}, Institution = {College of Computer Science, Northeastern University}, Month = sep, Number = "{NU-CCS-01-09}", Title = {Aspectual Polymorphism}, Year = 2001, URL = "\url{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/reports/NU-CCS-01-09.html}", } @Article{Lieberherr:2003:ACC, Author = {Karl J. Lieberherr and David~H. Lorenz and Johan Ovlinger}, Journal = "The Computer Journal", Month = sep, Number = 5, Pages = "542--565", Title = {Aspectual Collaborations: Combining Modules and Aspects}, Volume = 46, Year = 2003, URL= "\url{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/ac/}", } @UnPublished{Lieberherr:2003:CAO, Author = {Karl J. Lieberherr and David H. Lorenz}, Title = {Coupling Aspect-Oriented and Adaptive Programming}, Note = {Unpublished manuscript}, Year = 2003, } @String{PROC = "Proceedings of"} @String{AOSD = "International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development"} @String{AOSD2003 = "AOSD 2003"} @Proceedings{AOSD:2003, Address = {Boston, Massachusetts}, Booktitle = AOSD2003, Key = AOSD2003, Month = mar#{ 17-21}, Organization = AOSD2003, Publisher = "{ACM} Press", Title = PROC:AOSD2003, Year = 2003, } @String{AOSD2003SPLAT = "AOSD 2003 Workshop on Software-engineering Properties of Languages for Aspect Technologies"} @String{AOSD2003FOAL = "AOSD 2003 Workshop on Foundations of Aspect Languages (FOAL)"} @Proceedings{AOSD:2003:SPLAT, Address = {Boston, Massachusetts}, Booktitle = AOSD2003SPLAT, Key = AOSD2003SPLAT, Month = mar#{18}, Organization = AOSD2003SPLAT, Publisher = "{ACM} Press", Title = AOSD2003SPLAT, Year = 2003, } @TECHREPORT{aspects-information-hiding:2003, AUTHOR = "Daniel Dantas and David Walker", TITLE = "Aspects, Information Hiding and Modularity", INSTITUTION = "Princeton University", YEAR = 2003, MONTH = "November", NUMBER = "" } @TECHREPORT{wulieberherr2003, AUTHOR = "Pengcheng Wu and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Compilation of Pointcut Designators using Traversals}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2003, MONTH = "December", NUMBER = "NU-CCIS-03-16" } @ARTICLE{rasala:embryonic, AUTHOR = "Richard Rasala", TITLE = "Embryonic object versus mature object: object-oriented style and pedagogical theme", JOURNAL = "SIGCSE Bulletin", YEAR = 2003, PAGES = "89-93", MONTH = "", VOLUME = 35, NUMBER = 3 } @String{AOSD2004FOAL = "AOSD 2004 Workshop on Foundations of Aspect Languages (FOAL)"} @String{AOSD2004 = "AOSD 2004"} @inproceedings{FOALofAOSD04-Aldrich, author = {Jonathan Aldrich}, title = "{Open Modules: A Proposal for Modular Reasoning in Aspect-Oriented Programming}", booktitle = {Proceedings of the FOAL workshop of the 3rd international conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development}, year = {2004}, location = {Lancaster, United Kingdom} } @InProceedings{Mezini:2003:CAC, Author = "M. Mezini and K.Ostermann", BOOKTITLE = "Second International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development", Pages = "90--100", Title = "{Conquering Aspects with Caesar}", Year = 2003, ADDRESS = "Boston MA", EDITOR = "Mehmet Aksit", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @inproceedings{JAsCo:AOSD2003, author = {Davy Suv{\'e}e and Wim Vanderperren and Viviane Jonckers}, title = "{JAsCo: an aspect-oriented approach tailored for component based software development}", booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Aspect-oriented software development}, year = {2003}, isbn = {1-58113-660-9}, pages = {21--29}, location = {Boston, Massachusetts}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/643603.643606}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @inproceedings{InteractionAnalysis:AOSD2004, author = {Remi Douence and Pascal Fradet and Mario S{\"u}dholt}, title = "{Composition, Reuse and Interaction Analysis of Stateful Aspects}", booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3nd international conference on Aspect-oriented software development}, year = {2004}, pages = "141-150", editor = "Karl Lieberherr", location = {Lancaster, England}, publisher = {ACM Press} } @inproceedings{QuO:AOSD2004, author = {Gary Duzan and Joseph Loyall and Richard Schantz and Richard Shapiro and John Zinky}, title = "{Building Adaptive Distributed Applications with Middleware and Aspects}", booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3nd international conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development}, year = {2004}, pages = "66-73", location = {Lancaster, England}, editor = {Karl Lieberherr}, publisher = {ACM Press} } @String{SIGPLAN = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices"} @String{PROC = "Proceedings of "} @String{ANNUAL = "Annual Conference on "} @String{COMPAN = "Companion of "} @String{OOPSLA = "Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications"} @String{PROC:OOPSLA2003 = PROC#" the 18$^{th}$"#ANNUAL#OOPSLA} @String{COMPAN:OOPSLA2003 = COMPAN#" the 18$^{th}$"#ANNUAL#OOPSLA} @String{OOPSLA2003 = "OOPSLA'03"} @Proceedings{OOPSLA:2003, Address = {Anaheim, California}, Booktitle = PROC:OOPSLA2003, Key = OOPSLA2003, Organization = OOPSLA2003, Publisher = SIGPLAN#{ 38(10) }#Oct#{ 2003}, Title = PROC:OOPSLA2003, Year = 2003, } @Proceedings{COMPAN:OOPSLA:2003, Address = {Anaheim, California}, Booktitle = COMPAN:OOPSLA2003, Title = COMPAN:OOPSLA2003, Year = 2003, Publisher = {ACM Press}, } @inproceedings{Kevin-Bill-modularity, author = {Kevin J. Sullivan and William G. Griswold and Yuanfang Cai and Ben Hallen}, title = {The structure and value of modularity in software design}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th European software engineering conference held jointly with 9th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering}, year = {2001}, isbn = {1-58113-390-1}, pages = {99--108}, location = {Vienna, Austria}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503209.503224}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } To: l @string{cacm = "Communications of the ACM"} @String{ecoop = "European Conference on Object Oriented Programming"} @string{oopsla = "Conferece on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications"} @string{aosd = "International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development"} @string{me = "Therapon Skotiniotis"} @string{karl = "Karl J. Lieberherr"} @string{iasted = "IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering"} @CONFERENCE{cs:2004:pmd, AUTHOR ={Constantinos {A} Constantinides and Therapon Skotiniotis }, TITLE = {Providing {M}ultidimensional {D}ecomposition in {O}bject-{O}riented {A}nalysis and {D}esign}, BOOKTITLE = iasted, ADDRESS = {Inssbruck, Austria}, MONTH = {February}, YEAR = {2004}, URL = {http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/skotthe/papers/iasted04-pmd.pdf}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{cse:2001:dynamic, AUTHOR ={Constantinos {A} Constantinides and Therapon Skotiniotis and Tzilla Elrad}, TITLE = {Providing Dynamic Adaptability in an Aspect-Oriented Framework}, BOOKTITLE ={Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns, ECOOP}, ADDRESS = {Budapest}, MONTH = {June}, YEAR = {2001}, URL = {http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/skotthe/papers/ecoop01.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{yssc:2001:acpt, AUTHOR ={Q Yang and W. Srisa-an and T. Skotiniotis and M. Chang}, TITLE = {A Cycle-accurate Per-thread Timer for Linux Operating System}, BOOKTITLE ={Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software}, ADDRESS = {Tucson, Arizona}, MONTH = {November 4-6,}, YEAR = {2001}, PAGES = {38-44} } @INPROCEEDINGS{sc:2001:eimf, AUTHOR ={Therapon Skotiniotis and Morris J. Chang}, TITLE = {Estimating Internal Memory Fragmentation for Java Programs under the Binary Buddy Policy}, BOOKTITLE ={Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software}, ADDRESS = {Tucson, Arizona}, MONTH = {November 4-6,}, YEAR = {2001}, PAGES = {85-92} } @INPROCEEDINGS{yssc:2001:jvmp, AUTHOR ={Q. Yang and W. Srisa-an and T. Skotiniotis and M. Chang}, TITLE = {{J}ava {V}irtual {M}achine {P}robes}, BOOKTITLE ={Proceedings of 21th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference}, ADDRESS = {Phoenix, Arizona}, MONTH = {April 3-5,}, YEAR = {2001}, PAGES = {73-80} } @INPROCEEDINGS{cs:2002:racc, AUTHOR ={Constantinos Constantinides and Therapon Skotiniotis}, TITLE = {Reasoning about a classification of cross-cutting concerns in object-oriented systems}, BOOKTITLE ={Second Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (Workshop Aspektorientierte Softwareentwicklung der GI-Fachgruppe 2.1.9 Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung)}, ADDRESS = {Bonn, Germany}, MONTH = {February 21-22,}, YEAR = {2002}, URL = {http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/skotthe/papers/classification.pdf} } @INPROCEEDINGS{sfl:2002:iis, AUTHOR ={Therapon Skotiniotis and Alban Frei and Karl J. Lieberherr}, TITLE = {Industrial IT Structures as a means to express context sensitive information}, BOOKTITLE ={Workshop on Engineering {Boston, Massachusetts}}, MONTH = {March 17-21,}, YEAR = {2003}, URL = {http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/skotthe/papers/interactions-final.ps} } @TechReport{Lorenz:2003:CAA, Title = {Contracts and Aspects}, Author = {David~H. Lorenz and Therapon Skotiniotis}, Number = "{NU-CCIS-03-13}", Institution = "College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University", Address = "Boston, MA 02115", Month = dec, Year = 2003, URL = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/papers/reports/NU-CCIS-03-13.html" } @ARTICLE{sc:2002:eimfjp, AUTHOR = {Therapon Skotiniotis and Ji-en Morris Chang}, TITLE = {Estimating {I}nternal {M}emory {F}ragmentation for {J}ava {P}rograms}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Systems and Software}, VOLUME = {64}, NUMBER = {3}, YEAR = {2002}, ISSN = {0164-1212}, PAGES = {235--246}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science Inc.} } @inproceedings{513862, author = {Jeffrey Palm and Han Lee and Amer Diwan and J. Eliot B. Moss}, title = {When to use a compilation service?}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the joint conference on Languages, compilers and tools for embedded systems}, year = {2002}, isbn = {1-58113-527-0}, pages = {194--203}, location = {Berlin, Germany}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/513829.513862}, publisher = {ACM Press} } @inproceedings{kfd:macro-to-gen-prog, author="Shriram Krishnamurthi and Matthias Felleisen and Bruce F.~Duba", title="From Macros to Reusable Generative Programming", BOOKTITLE = "International Symposium on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering", year=1999, month=sep, series=lncs, pages="105--120", number=1799} @inproceedings{f:modules, title="Composable and Compilable Macros: You Want it {\em When?}", author="Matthew Flatt", booktitle=icfp, year=2002} @TECHREPORT{Awais-concerns:04, AUTHOR = "A. Colyer and A. Rashid and G. Blair", TITLE = "On the Separation of Concerns in Program Families", INSTITUTION = "Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK", YEAR = 2004, MONTH = "", NUMBER = "COMP-001-2004" } @BOOK{m-jackson:concerns, AUTHOR = "Michael A. Jackson", TITLE = "Software Requirements and Specification", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", YEAR = "1995", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @inproceedings{ivar-aspects-1986, author = {Ivar Jacobson}, title = {Language support for changeable large real time systems}, booktitle = {Conference proceedings on object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications}, year = {1986}, isbn = {0-89791-204-7}, pages = {377--384}, location = {Portland, Oregon, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/28697.28736}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{icse04:keynote, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Controlling the Complexity of Software Designs", BOOKTITLE = icse, YEAR = "2004", ADDRESS = "Edinburgh, Scotland", PAGES = "2-11", EDITOR = "Jacky Estublier and David Rosenblum", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press", NOTE = "invited keynote presentation" } @TechReport{Palm:2004:UACGEPS, Title = {Understanding Aspects through Call Graph Enumeration and Pointcut Satisfiability}, Author = {Jeffrey Palm and Pengcheng Wu and Karl Lieberherr}, Number = "{NU-CCIS-04-01}", Institution = "College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University", Address = "Boston, MA 02115", Month = march, Year = 2004, URL = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/papers/publications.html" } @article{973102, author = {Karl Lieberherr and Boaz Patt-Shamir and Doug Orleans}, title = {Traversals of object structures: Specification and Efficient Implementation}, journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, year = {2004}, issn = {0164-0925}, pages = {370--412}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/973097.973102}, publisher = {ACM Press} } @BOOK{myers:structured-1978, AUTHOR = "G.J. Myers", TITLE = "{Composite/Structured Design}", PUBLISHER = "Van Nostrand Reinhold", YEAR = "1978", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @TechReport{Bhole:2004:UCMAOP, AUTHOR = "Manali Bhole and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Use Case Modularity Using Aspect-Oriented Programming", Number = "{NU-CCIS-04-08}", Institution = "College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern Un iversity", Address = "Boston, MA 02115", Month = march, Year = 2004, URL = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/papers/publications. html" } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/vldb/ShneidermanT80, author = {Ben Shneiderman and Glenn Thomas}, title = {Path Expressions for Complex Queries and Automatic Database Program Conversion}, booktitle = {Sixth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, October 1-3, 1980, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Proceedings}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, year = {1980}, pages = {33-44}, ee = {db/conf/vldb/ShneidermanT80.html}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/vldb/80}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } } @inproceedings{351242, author = {Haruo Hosoya and Jerome Vouillon and Benjamin C. Pierce}, title = {Regular expression types for XML}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, year = {2000}, isbn = {1-58113-202-6}, pages = {11--22}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/351240.351242}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @misc{dijkstra-sw:99, author = "Edsger W. Dijkstra", TITLE = "{Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective}", INSTITUTION = "Springer Verlag", YEAR = 1974, MONTH = "", NOTE = "http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD04xx/EWD447.html", NUMBER = "" } @inproceedings{775425, author = {David Basin and J\&\#252;rgen Doser and Torsten Lodderstedt}, title = {Model driven security for process-oriented systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the eighth ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies}, year = {2003}, isbn = {1-58113-681-1}, pages = {100--109}, location = {Como, Italy}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/775412.775425}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @Article{Lodderstedt:2002:SUB, author = "Torsten Lodderstedt and David Basin and J{\"u}rgen Doser", title = "{SecureUML}: {A} {UML}-Based Modeling Language for Model-Driven Security", journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "2460", pages = "426--??", year = "2002", CODEN = "LNCSD9", ISSN = "0302-9743", URL = "http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2460/24600426.htm; http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/papers/2460/24600426.pdf" } } @BOOK{viega:secure, AUTHOR = "John Viega and Gary McGraw", TITLE = "Building Secure Software", PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", YEAR = "2002", SERIES = "", VOLUME = "" } @article{wsn-middleware, author = "Kay R{\"o}mer and Oliver Kasten and Friedemann Mattern", title = "Middleware Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks", journal = "ACM Mobile Computing and Communication Review", year = "2002", month = oct, pages = "59--61", } @article{585777, author = {I. F. Akyildiz and W. Su and Y. Sankarasubramaniam and E. Cayirci}, title = {Wireless sensor networks: a survey}, journal = {Comput. Networks}, volume = {38}, number = {4}, year = {2002}, issn = {1389-1286}, pages = {393--422}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1389-1286(01)00302-4}, publisher = {Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.}, } @inproceedings{secure-uml:basin, author="Torsten Lodderstedt and David Basin and Juergen Doser", title="SecureUML: A UML-Based Modelling Language for Model-Driven Security", BOOKTITLE = "UML 2002", year=2002, series=lncs, pages="426--441", number=2460} @INPROCEEDINGS{cross-cutting:ecoop2003, AUTHOR = "Hidehiko Masuhara and Gregor Kiczales", TITLE = "{{Modeling Crosscutting in Aspect-Oriented Mechanisms}}", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "June 2003", ADDRESS = "", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{abc:compiler04, AUTHOR = "Bruno Dufour and Christopher Goard and Laurie Hendren and Clark Verbrugge and Oege de Moor and Ganesh Sittampalam ", TITLE = "Measuring the Dynamic Behaviour of AspectJ Programs", BOOKTITLE = oopsla, YEAR = "2004", ADDRESS = "Vancouver, CA", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "Doug Schmidt", PUBLISHER = "ACM Press" } @article{974140, author = {Thomas Schwentick}, title = {XPath query containment}, journal = {SIGMOD Rec.}, volume = {33}, number = {1}, year = {2004}, issn = {0163-5808}, pages = {101--109}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/974121.974140}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @incollection{douence:aosdbook05, title = {Trace-Based Aspects}, pages = {201-217}, author = {Remi Douence and Pascal Fradet and Mario {S\"udholt}}, crossref = {:aosdbook05}, } @book{:aosdbook05, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, address = {Boston}, title = {Aspect-Oriented Software Development}, editor = {Robert E. Filman and Tzilla Elrad and Siobh\'an Clarke and Mehmet {Ak{\c s}it}}, year = 2005, isbn = {0-321-21976-7} } @TECHREPORT{TR-karl-jeff-ravi:sep-2004, AUTHOR = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Jeffrey Palm and Ravi Sundaram", TITLE = "Expressiveness and Complexity of Crosscut Languages", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2004, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "NU-CCIS-04-10" } @inproceedings{LPS-FOAL2005, author = "Karl J. Lieberherr and Jeffrey Palm and Ravi Sundaram", title = {Expressiveness and Complexity of Crosscut Languages}, booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages (FOAL 2005)", month = mar, year = 2005 } @inproceedings{996868, author = {Yanhong A. Liu and Tom Rothamel and Fuxiang Yu and Scott D. Stoller and Nanjun Hu}, title = {Parametric regular path queries}, booktitle = {PLDI '04: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 conference on Programming language design and implementation}, year = {2004}, isbn = {1-58113-807-5}, pages = {219--230}, location = {Washington DC, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/996841.996868}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @article{644272, author = {Oege De Moor and David Lacey and Eric Van Wyk}, title = {Universal Regular Path Queries}, journal = {Higher Order Symbol. Comput.}, volume = {16}, number = {1-2}, year = {2003}, issn = {1388-3690}, pages = {15--35}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Hingham, MA, USA}, } @article{Calvanese:et:al:03reason, author = {D. Calvanese and G. De Giacomo and M. Lenzerini and M. Y. Vardi}, title = {Reasoning on regular path queries}, journal = {SIGMOD Record}, volume = {32}, number = {4}, year = {2003}, issn = {0163-5808}, pages = {83--92}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/959060.959076}, publisher = {ACM Press}, } @inproceedings{MXB-PLDI-2005, author = {David Mandelin and Lin Xu and Rastislav Bodik and Doug Kimelman}, title = {Jungloid Mining: Helping to Navigate the API Jungle}, booktitle = {PLDI '05: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 conference on Programming language design and implementation}, year = {2005}, isbn = {1-58113-807-5}, pages = {}, location = {}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{1052905, author = {Wim Vanderperren and Davy Suvee and Bart Verheecke and Maria Agustina Cibran and Viviane Jonckers}, title = {{Adaptive programming in JAsCo}}, booktitle = {AOSD '05: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Aspect-oriented software development}, year = {2005}, isbn = {1-59593-043-4}, pages = {75--86}, location = {Chicago, Illinois}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1052898.1052905}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @Inproceedings{EMO:PFG:2004, author = {Michael Eichberg and Mira Mezini and Klaus Ostermann}, title = {Pointcuts as Functional Queries}, booktitle = {Programming Languages and Systems: Second Asian Symposium, APLAS 2004}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Heidelberg}, year = {2004}, month = {November}, issn = {0302-9743}, isbn = {3-540-23724-0}, pages = {366--382}, address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, editor = {Wei-Ngan Chin}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science} } @Inproceedings{KO:BTTF:2005, author = {Karl Klose and Klaus Ostermann}, title = {Back to the Future: Pointcuts as Predicates over Traces}, booktitle = {Workshop on {F}oundations of {A}spect-{O}riented {L}anguages {(FOAL)}, {AOSD}}, year = 2005, } @INPROCEEDINGS{OMB:EPIM:2005, author = {Klaus Ostermann and Mira Mezini and Christoph Bockish}, title = {Expressive Pointcuts for Increased Modularity}, booktitle = {European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}, publisher = {To appear in ECOOP 2005. Currently available at \url{http://www.st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/public/StaffDetail.jsp?id=8}} } @misc{doug:socrates, TITLE = "{{The Socrates Programming Language}}", AUTHOR = "Doug Orleans", YEAR = 2004, MONTH = "September", NOTE = "http://socrates-lang.sf.net/", } @book{200548, author = {Michael J. Kearns and Umesh V. Vazirani}, title = {An introduction to computational learning theory}, year = {1994}, isbn = {0-262-11193-4}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, } @article{36889, author = {Dana Angluin}, title = {Learning regular sets from queries and counterexamples}, journal = {Inf. Comput.}, volume = {75}, number = {2}, year = {1987}, issn = {0890-5401}, pages = {87--106}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0890-5401(87)90052-6}, publisher = {Academic Press, Inc.}, address = {Duluth, MN, USA}, } @inproceedings{1029007, author = {Martin Bravenboer and Eelco Visser}, title = {Concrete syntax for objects: domain-specific language embedding and assimilation without restrictions}, booktitle = {OOPSLA '04: Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications}, year = {2004}, isbn = {1-58113-831-9}, pages = {365--383}, location = {Vancouver, BC, Canada}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1028976.1029007}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{1028624, author = {L. Robert Varney and D. Stott Parker}, title = {Interface-oriented middleware and distributed service inference}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Adaptive and reflective middleware}, year = {2004}, isbn = {1-58113-949-7}, pages = {244--249}, location = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1028613.1028624}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{KM:2005:APOMR, author = {Gregor Kiczales and Mira Mezini}, title = {Aspect-oriented programming and modular reasoning}, booktitle = {ICSE '05: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering}, year = {2005}, isbn = {1-59593-963-2}, pages = {49--58}, location = {St. Louis, MO, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1062455.1062482}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{KM:2005:SOCPADP, author = {Gregor Kiczales and Mira Mezini}, title = {Separation of Concerns with procedures, annotations, advice and pointcuts}, booktitle = {European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}, year = {2005}, otherinfo= {To Appear}, } @inproceedings{OMB:2005:EPIM, author = {Klaus Ostermann and Mira Mezini and Christoph Bockish}, title = {Expressive Pointcuts for Increased Modularity}, booktitle = {European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}, year = {2005}, otherinfo= {To Appear} } @INPROCEEDINGS{SG:2005:CUDSA, author = {Kevin Sulivan and William G. Griswold and Yuanyuan Song and Yuanfang Cai and Macneil Shonle and Nisit Tewan and Hridesh Rajan}, title = {On the Criteria to be Used in Decomposing Systems into Aspects}, booktitle = {European Software Engineering Conference and International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering}, year = {2005}, otherinfo = {To Appear} } @INPROCEEDINGS{A:2005:OM, author = {Jonathan Aldrich}, title = {Open {M}odules:Modular Reasoning about Advice}, booktitle = {European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}, year = {2005}, otherinfo = {To Appear} } @MISC{ajdt, AUTHOR = {{The AspectJ Team}}, TITLE = {{AspectJ Development Tools}}, NOTE = "\url{http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/}", YEAR = {2005}, } @InProceedings{Wand:ICFP-03, author = {Mitchell Wand}, title = {Understanding Aspects (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = icfp, OPTcrossref = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTeditor = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, year = {2003}, OPTorganization = {}, OPTpublisher = {}, OPTaddress = {}, month = aug, OPTpages = {}, URL = ftpdir # {icfp-03.ps}, abstract = {We report on our adventures in the AOP community, and suggest a narrative to explain the main ideas of aspect-oriented programming. We show how AOP as currently practiced invalidates conventional modular program reasoning, and discuss a reconceptualization of AOP that we hope will allow an eventual reconciliation between AOP and modular reasoning. }, OPTsource = {}, OPTannote = {} } @inproceedings{1029918, author = {Robert J. Walker and Kevin Viggers}, title = {Implementing protocols via declarative event patterns}, booktitle = {SIGSOFT '04/FSE-12: Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGSOFT twelfth international symposium on Foundations of software engineering}, year = {2004}, isbn = {1-58113-855-5}, pages = {159--169}, location = {Newport Beach, CA, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1029894.1029918}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @CONFERENCE{abc:2005:ATMA, author = {Chris Allan and Pavel Avgustinov and Aske Simon Christensen and Laurie Hendren and Sascha Kuzins and Ondrej Lhotak and Oege de Moor and Damien Sereni and Ganesh Sittampalam and Julie Tibble}, title = {Adding trace matching in {A}spect{J}}, booktitle = {Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications }, year = {2005}, otherinfo = {To Appear} } @TechReport{rhokniesel2004, author = {Tobias Rho and G{\"u}nter Kniesel}, title = "{LogicAJ - Uniform Genericity for Aspect Languages}", institution = "Computer Science Department III, University of Bonn", number = "IAI-TR-2004-4", month = dec, year = "2004", url = "http://roots.iai.uni-bonn.de/research/logicaj", } @inproceedings{knieselrhohanenberg2004, author = "G{\"u}nter Kniesel and Tobias Rho and Stefan Hanenberg", title = "{Evolvable Pattern Implementations Need Generic Aspects}", booktitle = "Proceedings of Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution", year= "2004", month = jun, url= "http://www.disi.unige.it/person/CazzolaW/RAM-SE04.html", } @article{944358, author = {David L. Parnas}, title = {On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules}, book = {Software pioneers: contributions to software engineering}, year = {2002}, isbn = {3-540-43081-4}, pages = {411--427}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{gpce2005-shadow, author = {Pengcheng Wu and Karl Lieberherr}, title = {Shadow Programming: Reasoning about Programs using Lexical Join Point Information}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering}, year = {2005}, location = {Tallinn, Estonia} } @inproceedings{1062484, author = {Carine Courbis and Anthony Finkelstein}, title = {Towards aspect weaving applications}, booktitle = {ICSE '05: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering}, year = {2005}, isbn = {1-59593-963-2}, pages = {69--77}, location = {St. Louis, MO, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1062455.1062484}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @article{964004, author = {Ganesh Sittampalam and Oege de Moor and Ken Friis Larsen}, title = {Incremental execution of transformation specifications}, journal = {SIGPLAN Not.}, volume = {39}, number = {1}, year = {2004}, issn = {0362-1340}, pages = {26--38}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/982962.964004}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @article{984912, author = {Luca Trevisan}, title = {On Local Versus Global Satisfiability}, journal = {SIAM J. Discret. Math.}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, year = {2004}, issn = {0895-4801}, pages = {541--547}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480197326528}, publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, } @article{1053148, author = {Lynette van Zijl}, title = {On binary \&\#8853;-NFAs and succinct descriptions of regular languages}, journal = {Theor. Comput. Sci.}, volume = {328}, number = {1-2}, year = {2004}, issn = {0304-3975}, pages = {161--170}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2004.07.012}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.}, address = {Essex, UK}, } @TECHREPORT{TR-theo-jeff-karl:sep-2005, AUTHOR = "Therapon Skotiniotis and Jeffrey Palm and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Demeter Interfaces: Adaptive Programming without Surprises", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2005, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "NU-CCIS-05-??" } @INPROCEEDINGS{theo-jeff-karl:ecoop06, AUTHOR = "Therapon Skotiniotis and Jeffrey Palm and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "Demeter Interfaces: Adaptive Programming without Surprises", BOOKTITLE = ecoop, YEAR = "2006", ADDRESS = "Nantes, France", PAGES = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag Lecture Notes" } @article{1059520, author = {Georg Gottlob and Christoph Koch and Reinhard Pichler and Luc Segoufin}, title = {The complexity of XPath query evaluation and XML typing}, journal = {J. ACM}, volume = {52}, number = {2}, year = {2005}, issn = {0004-5411}, pages = {284--335}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1059513.1059520}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{1065046, author = {Kathleen Fisher and Robert Gruber}, title = {PADS: a domain-specific language for processing ad hoc data}, booktitle = {PLDI '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation}, year = {2005}, isbn = {1-59593-056-6}, pages = {295--304}, location = {Chicago, IL, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1065010.1065046}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{func-vis1:pengcheng-shriram, AUTHOR = "Pengcheng Wu and Shriram Krishnamurthi and Karl Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Traversing Recursive Object Structures: The Functional Visitor in Demeter}", BOOKTITLE = "2003 SPLAT Workshop: Software Engineering Properties for Languages and Aspect Technologies ", YEAR = "2003", ADDRESS = "Northeastern University, Boston (AOSD 2003)", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "", NOTE = "http://www.daimi.au.dk/~eernst/splat03/" } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sat/BonetLM06, author = {Maria Luisa Bonet and Jordi Levy and Felip Many{\`a}}, title = {A Complete Calculus for {MAX-SAT.}}, booktitle = {SAT}, year = {2006}, pages = {240-251}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11814948_24}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/sat/2006}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @proceedings{DBLP:conf/sat/2006, editor = {Armin Biere and Carla P. Gomes}, title = {Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2006, 9th International Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, August 12-15, 2006, Proceedings}, booktitle = {SAT}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {4121}, year = {2006}, isbn = {3-540-37206-7}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @proceedings{LPAR:2005/sat, editor = {Roberto Nieuwenhuis and Albert Oliveras}, title = {Decision procedures for SAT, SAT Modulo Theories and Beyond - The BarcelogicTools}, booktitle = {LPAR 2005 invited talk}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, year = {2005} } @inproceedings{ moskewicz01chaff, author = "Matthew W. Moskewicz and Conor F. Madigan and Ying Zhao and Lintao Zhang and Sharad Malik", title = "{Chaff: Engineering an Efficient {SAT} Solver}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 38th Design Automation Conference ({DAC}'01)", year = "2001", url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/moskewicz01chaff.html" } @TechReport{lieber:super-resolution-pre, AUTHOR = "Karl Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Toward Feasible Solutions of NP-Complete Problems}", INSTITUTION = "ETH Zurich, Institut fuer Informatik", YEAR = 1975, MONTH = "September", NUMBER = "14", NOTE = "http://www.ccs.neu.edu/research/demeter/biblio/clause-learning0.html" } @TechReport{williamson-approx:1999, AUTHOR = "David P. Williamson", TITLE = " Lecture notes on approximation algorithms", INSTITUTION = "IBM Research", YEAR = 1999, MONTH = "February", NUMBER = "RC 21409" } @inproceedings{509916, author = {Johan Hastad and S. Venkatesh}, title = {On the advantage over a random assignment}, booktitle = {STOC '02: Proceedings of the thiry-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing}, year = {2002}, isbn = {1-58113-495-9}, pages = {43--52}, location = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/509907.509916}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @article{765570, author = {Adnan Darwiche}, title = {{A differential approach to inference in Bayesian networks}}, journal = {J. ACM}, volume = {50}, number = {3}, year = {2003}, issn = {0004-5411}, pages = {280--305}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/765568.765570}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @misc{csu670-f06 ,title={{CSU 670 Project: The Dichotomy CSP Project}} ,howpublished={{ http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/courses/csu670/f06/project/ project-desc-CSU670.txt }} ,author={Karl Lieberherr} ,year = {2006} } @article{1166836, author = {Ateet Bhalla and Ines Lynce and Jose T. Sousa and Joao Marques-Silva}, title = {Heuristic-Based Backtracking Relaxation for Propositional Satisfiability}, journal = {J. Autom. Reason.}, volume = {35}, number = {1-3}, year = {2005}, issn = {0168-7433}, pages = {3--24}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10817-005-9005-y}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Hingham, MA, USA}, } @ARTICLE{chen:sig-act-06, AUTHOR = "Hubie Chen", TITLE = "A Rendezvous of Logic, Complexity, and Algebra", JOURNAL = "SIGACT News Logic Column 17", YEAR = 2006, PAGES = "85-114", MONTH = "December", VOLUME = 37, NUMBER = 4 } @ARTICLE{borchert:equiv-1998, AUTHOR = "Bernd Borchert and Desh Ranjan and Frank Stephan", TITLE = "On the computational complexity of some classical equivalence relations on Boolean functions", JOURNAL = "Theory of Computing Systems", YEAR = 1998, PAGES = "679-693", VOLUME = 31, NOTE = "http://math.uni-heidelberg.de/logic/berichte.html, Report 18" } @INPROCEEDINGS{kautz-selman:ten-challenges, AUTHOR = "H. Kautz and B. Selman", TITLE = "{Ten Challenges Redux: Recent Progress in Propositional Reasoning and Search}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming ", YEAR = "2003", PAGES = "1-18", EDITOR = "", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag, LNCS 2833" } @ARTICLE{beame04understanding, author = "P. Beame and H. Kautz and A. Sabharwal", title = "Towards Understanding and Harnessing the Potential of Clause Learning", JOURNAL = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research", YEAR = 2004, PAGES = "319-351", VOLUME = 31, url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/beame03understanding.html" } @ARTICLE{grasp99, author = "Marques-Silva, J. P. and Sakallah, K. A.", title = "GRASP-A Search Algorithm for Propositional Satisfiability", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Computers", YEAR = 1999, PAGES = "506-521", VOLUME = 48, NUMBER = 5, url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/beame03understanding.html" } Emina Torlak and Greg Dennis. Kodkod for alloy users. In First Alloy Workshop, co-located with the 14th ACM/SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE’06), Portland, OR, November 2006. @INPROCEEDINGS{emina-greg:kk2a, AUTHOR = "Emina Torlak and Greg Dennis", TITLE = "{Kodkod for Alloy Users}", BOOKTITLE = "Proc. First Alloy Workshop", YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "", EDITOR = "" } @inproceedings{674642, author = {R. Ceballos and Rafael M. Gasca and Carmelo Del Valle and Miguel Toro}, title = {Max-CSP Approach for Software Diagnosis}, booktitle = {IBERAMIA 2002: Proceedings of the 8th Ibero-American Conference on AI}, year = {2002}, isbn = {3-540-00131-X}, pages = {172--181}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {London, UK}, } @TECHREPORT{SuperP-optimal:Jan-07, AUTHOR = "Ahmed Abdelmeged and Christine Hang and Daniel Rinehart and Karl J. Lieberherr", TITLE = "{Superresolution and P-Optimality in Boolean MAX-CSP Solvers}", INSTITUTION = "Northeastern University", YEAR = 2007, MONTH = "January", NUMBER = "NU-CCIS-07-01" } @misc{AR-impl:06 ,title={{Look-ahead Polynomial}} ,howpublished={{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/evergreen, Software/ Abstract Representation}} ,author={{Daniel Rinehart and CSG260 Fall2006 and Karl J. Lieberherr}} ,year=2006 } @misc{IR-impl:06 ,title={{Operations on Packed Truth Tables}} ,howpublished={{http://www.ccs.neu.edu/evergreen, Software/ Intermediate Representation}} ,author={{Ahmed Abdelmeged}} ,year=2006 } @misc{SAT4J:06 ,title={{SAT4J: A satisfiability library for Java}} ,howpublished={{ http://www.sat4j.org/ }} ,author={{Daniel Le Berre (project leader)}} ,year=2006 } @inproceedings{ selman92new, author = "Bart Selman and Hector J. Levesque and D. Mitchell", title = "A New Method for Solving Hard Satisfiability Problems", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence", publisher = "AAAI Press", address = "Menlo Park, California", editor = "Paul Rosenbloom and Peter Szolovits", pages = "440--446", year = "1992", url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/selman92new.html" } @inproceedings{ bayardo97using, author = "Roberto J. Jr. Bayardo and Robert C. Schrag", title = "Using {CSP} Look-Back Techniques to Solve Real-World {SAT} Instances", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence ({AAAI}'97)", address = "Providence, Rhode Island", pages = "203--208", year = "1997", url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/bayardo97using.html" } @article{prosser-1993, author = {Patrick Prosser}, title = {Hybrid algorithms for the constraint satisfaction problem}, journal = {Comp. Intell.}, volume = {3}, year = {1993}, pages = {268--299}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.}, address = {Essex, UK}, } @article{42943, author = {R. Dechter and J. Pearl}, title = {Network-based heuristics for constraint-satisfaction problems}, journal = {Artif. Intell.}, volume = {34}, number = {1}, year = {1987}, issn = {0004-3702}, pages = {1--38}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0004-3702(87)90002-6}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.}, address = {Essex, UK}, }