CSG 260 Advanced Software Development

Tools for Systems Biology


CSG 260 Resources

DAJ on Source Forge .

First assignment: answer a questionnaire, and send me your answers by noon on Monday of second week of classes.

UML information you find on the web: Rational, OMG. Look for UML 1.3, the latest version now. UML 2.0 is in preparation.
Using Java compilers at CCS.
Course Directories .
Syllabus (Under development).
Links to individual project pages (under construction) .
Recent publications (they are sources for projects). Check the last few entries.
Project ideas.
Protected Files.
Lecture Notes .
DemeterJ and AP-Studio Resources.
Course progress.
You are encouraged to use AspectJ in your project. AspectJ is a popular extension to Java and an early version was developed by Dr. Crista Lopes, a former Northeastern PhD student, while working at PARC.
The use of DJ has been very successful and we will continue to initially use DJ to write adaptive programs in plain Java. DJ: A simple tool for Java programmers. Read the DJ Fact Sheet first.
Old exams (Practice exams) .
Blackboard .

Instructor's Home page.