CS G111 Midterm Exam Review

Dates and Locations

Instructor Date Room
Wand Tue 2/27/07 103 CH
Clinger Wed 2/28/07   458 RI

The midterm exam will be from 6:00 to 9:00pm on the indicated date at the indicated location.

The exam will be open-book, and open-notes, but no electronics (laptops, PDAs, cell phones, etc.) may be used.

You can expect that the exam will ask you to do things very similar to what has been on the problem sets. In general, you can expect these tasks to be somewhat simpler than those on the assignments, since you have a limited time to complete them.

  1. Background: Write a short recursive procedure in Scheme. Read a short Scheme program and describe what it does. Do an example with let and letrec, showing variable scoping and binding.

  2. Data Abstraction, Scanning and Parsing: Given a representation, implement a simple data type. Write or modify a grammar written in the SLLGEN scanner and parser specification languages.

  3. Environment-Passing Interpreters: Add a facility to a small programming language, like those in MP3. For this I will give you a complete interpreter (most likely LETREC) to start with.

  4. Lexical Addressing: Write out the lexical addresses for a small Scheme program with lambda, let, and letrec. Add a new language facility to a lexical address calculator.

Last modified: Tue Feb 20 15:52:12 EST 2007