import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.*; /** * This class counts the number of variables appearing in the given formula * */ public class VarCounter extends IDba { Float combine(LiteralCons lst, Float f1, Float f2, Integer weight){ System.out.println(weight + " weight of enclosing clause"); // return f2+1.0f; return f2+new Float(weight); } // dead method Float combine(LiteralCons lst, Float f1, Float f2){ System.out.println(" SHOULD NEVER BE CALLED"); return f2+1.0f; } Float combine(Clause cl, Float f1, Float f2){ return f2; } Float combine(ClauseList clst, Float f1, Float f2){ return f1+f2; } Float combine(Formula f, Float num){ return num; } Float combine(Object o){ return 0.0f; } }