package lawOfDemeter; import java.util.*; // the only aspect we need for this simplified version public aspect Checker extends Supplier perthis(Any.ConstructorExecution()){ before(): // direct parts Any.Set() { // There is only one argument to a set join point. // Becomes a preferred supplier and is therefore added to targets. addAll(thisJoinPoint.getArgs(), direct+at(thisJoinPoint)); System.out.println("Adding--" + thisJoinPoint + at(thisJoinPoint)); } before(): // check // we check method calls because 1. we need the this and target object // 2. we can check more. // // the meaning of the signature in the execution() and call() // pointcut designators (PCD's) differ: // the call type depends upon the type of the reference making the call, // while the execution type depends on the enclosing class. Any.MethodCall() { // we don't need the currently executing object. // Object this = thisJoinPoint.getThis(); Object target = thisJoinPoint.getTarget(); System.out.print("Checking--" + thisJoinPoint + at(thisJoinPoint)); // for debugging // printHashMap(targets); // if the target is not a preferred supplier -> Violation if (!contains(target)) System.out.println(" !! LoD Violation !! "); } }