// ** This class was generated with DemFGen (vers:06/04/2009) package gen; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.control.Fields; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.ident; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.verbatim; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.demfgen.lib.*; /** Creates a Static version of the TU class for a specific CD */ public class StaticBc extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.FC{ public byte combine(byte _h_){ return _h_; } public short combine(short _h_){ return _h_; } public int combine(int _h_){ return _h_; } public long combine(long _h_){ return _h_; } public float combine(float _h_){ return _h_; } public double combine(double _h_){ return _h_; } public char combine(char _h_){ return _h_; } public boolean combine(boolean _h_){ return _h_; } public String combine(String _h_){ return _h_; } public ident combine(ident _h_){ return _h_; } public verbatim combine(verbatim _h_){ return _h_; } public Type combine(Type _h_, Kind kind, List instances){ return new Type(kind, instances); } public Classic combine(Classic _h_){ return new Classic(); } public Secret combine(Secret _h_){ return new Secret(); } public TypeInstance combine(TypeInstance _h_, RelationNr r){ return new TypeInstance(r); } public Solution combine(Solution _h_, Assignment assignment){ return new Solution(assignment); } public ChallengeInstance combine(ChallengeInstance _h_, List cs, Option secret){ return new ChallengeInstance(cs, secret); } public SecretOfChallenge combine(SecretOfChallenge _h_, Option assign, Quality quality){ return new SecretOfChallenge(assign, quality); } public Constraint combine(Constraint _h_, Weight w, RelationNr r, List vs){ return new Constraint(w, r, vs); } public Weight combine(Weight _h_, int v){ return new Weight(v); } public RelationNr combine(RelationNr _h_, int v){ return new RelationNr(v); } public Variable combine(Variable _h_, ident v){ return new Variable(v); } public Predicate combine(Predicate _h_, List pred){ return new Predicate(pred); } public Assignment combine(Assignment _h_, List literals){ return new Assignment(literals); } public Literal combine(Literal _h_, Sign value, Variable var){ return new Literal(value, var); } public Pos combine(Pos _h_){ return new Pos(); } public Neg combine(Neg _h_){ return new Neg(); } public Price combine(Price _h_, double val){ return new Price(val); } public Quality combine(Quality _h_, double val){ return new Quality(val); } public PlayerID combine(PlayerID _h_, int id){ return new PlayerID(id); } public Player combine(Player _h_, PlayerID id, String name){ return new Player(id, name); } public Challenge combine(Challenge _h_, String name, PlayerID seller, Option optbuyer, Price price, Type type, Option optraw, Option optfinished){ return new Challenge(name, seller, optbuyer, price, type, optraw, optfinished); } public History combine(History _h_, List rounds){ return new History(rounds); } public Round combine(Round _h_, int num, List ptransactions){ return new Round(num, ptransactions); } public PlayerTransaction combine(PlayerTransaction _h_, Player player, List transactions){ return new PlayerTransaction(player, transactions); } public Transaction combine(Transaction _h_, TransactionType ttype, Challenge deriv){ return new Transaction(ttype, deriv); } public Buy combine(Buy _h_){ return new Buy(); } public Create combine(Create _h_){ return new Create(); } public Reoffer combine(Reoffer _h_){ return new Reoffer(); } public Deliver combine(Deliver _h_){ return new Deliver(); } public Finish combine(Finish _h_){ return new Finish(); } public Players combine(Players _h_, List players){ return new Players(players); } public Accounts combine(Accounts _h_, List> accounts){ return new Accounts(accounts); } public Store combine(Store _h_, List> stores){ return new Store(stores); } public PlayerStore combine(PlayerStore _h_, List forSale, List bought){ return new PlayerStore(forSale, bought); } public Config combine(Config _h_, double Money, int Rounds, int Time, double MPD, int MaxCreates, int MaxRawMaterialLen){ return new Config(Money, Rounds, Time, MPD, MaxCreates, MaxRawMaterialLen); } }