Subproject 4: Improving Your Current Agent and Planning for Future Agents


There are 4 parts: 1. Roadmap. 2. Prepare agent for two TBall competitions with secret challenges (Oct. 15, Oct. 19). 3. Prepare agent for SCG MAXCSP Slow Pitch Softball with "all" challenges, also called classic challenges (Oct. 20, 22 and 26). 4. Prepare agent for SCG MAXCSP Fast Pitch with "all" challenges, level 2 independent. This means 2 relations that are not in an implication relationship. For Oct. 27). Slow Pitch Softball includes TBall and Fast Pitch Softball includes Slow Pitch Softball. The challenges become more complex as we progress.

Part 1: Roadmap 15 points

By now you have acquired significant knowledge about the Specker Challenge Game and you know the code base on which you build. Document your road map to the fast pitch softball stage of your algorithmic trader (multiple relations). This is a 1-2 page document, summarizing requirements, clarifying issues left open or left contradictory in the requirements document and enumerating the steps you intend to follow. Explicitly list what components will be changed and/or developed, their use and where they fit in the whole scheme of things. Make a plan for your fast pitch softball project. Estimate the time it will take you to finish each component given that you have already worked on several of the components. The development diaries should be helpful in doing the estimations.

Part 2: Points: Based on performance in competitions

Create a winning agent for T Ball competitions with secret challenges.

Part 3: Points: Based on performance in competitions

Create a winning agent for Slow Pitch Softball competitions with "all" challenges.

Part 4: Points: Based on performance in competitions

Create a winning agent for Fast Pitch Softball competitions, level 2 independent, with "all" challenges.