Algorithms and Data Spring 2012 Due date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012. At beginning of lecture Homework 8 Reading: Textbook: Read about shortest path algorithms in the Greedy Algorithm Chapter as well as in the Dynamic Programming Chapter. It is intentional that you read ahead in the book: in the future you will learn about many more algorithms by reading books and papers. Next read about a resource from Berkeley: Read about the branch and bound pattern: Read the introduction first: This is also helpful: Learn about connections between longest paths and shortest paths: Although the Berkeley Pattern Language is for Parallel Programming, we focus on a sequential implementation of the algorithms, ignoring parallelization opportunities. end Reading Claims are of the form: ShortestPath(Proposer,Niche,f(n,m),t) meaning that Proposer has an f(n,m) algorithm that for all directed graphs G =(V,E,L) with integer-valued weights on the edges in E (represented by L) and in subset of directed graphs called Niche, and for all pairs of nodes v1 and v2 in V finds the shortest, simple path from v1 to v2 in f(n,m) time, i.e. in at most time f(n,m) for all n>t and m>t where n is the number of nodes and m is the number of edges in G. A path is called simple if it does not have any repeated vertices. f(n,m) is a function of two integer arguments which returns an integer. Express f(n,m) in common mathematical notation like: 3*m*log(n), m*n, 5*(2^n)*m, etc. We assume that the edge weights fit into one memory word and we don't account for the size of the weights. We also consider the longest path problem where shortest is replaced by longest: LongestPath(Proposer,Niche,f(n,m),t). Consider the following niches: ShortestPath(Proposer,AllGraphs,f(n,m),t) ShortestPath(Proposer,PositiveWeights,f(n,m),t) CHANGE: ShortestPath(Proposer,NoNegativeWeightCycles,f(n,m),t) LongestPath(Proposer,AllGraphs,f(n,m),t) LongestPath(Proposer,DAG,f(n,m),t) For some of those claims there exist polynomial-time algorithms while for others only exponential-time algorithms are known. AllGraphs is the set of directed graphs with both positive and negative integer-valued weights. PositiveWeights is the subset of graphs where all integer-valued weights are positive (> 0). CHANGE: NoNegativeWeightCycles is the subset of graphs where there don't exist negative cycles but negative weights on edges are allowed. DAG is the subset of directed graphs that are acyclic. We use the same set-up as in hw 7 regarding reporting running times. The honor code applies again. A claim is refuted if a shorter (or longer path) exists or if the running time is longer than claimed. Note that during the refutation protocol an instance is a labeled graph G and two nodes v1 and v2. A solution is a path which must be of minimum or maximum length and it must be computed within the claimed resource bound. Also note that your constants will depend on the programming language and the computer you use. This homework requires that you do some research on the shortest and longest path problem using your text book and the web. What to turn in: The code for the two algorithms that you claim. One algorithm is for a problem that is polynomial and the other for a problem that is NP-hard. If you believe a polynomial algorithm does not exists give a justification by pointing to a reduction. In other words, give an argument why you implemented an exponential or super polynomial algorithm. On Piazza: Make 2 claims (for different niches) on Piazza and oppose 2 claims. Choose graphs of appropriate size that your algorithm can easily handle and that will not be too big for Piazza. If you want to give a graph that is too big for Piazza, just put a link to the graph on Piazza. JSON: We adapt the graph notation we have used earlier: We add a third component to each edge which is the edge weight: {"nodeCount": 6, "edges" : [[0,1,125],[0,5,4567],[3,4,9876]] } A path we represent as an array: [0,6,7,8,9,15,5,1] Depending on the claim, it represents a shortest or longest path.