Mik Kersten on AOP

Subject: Mik Kersten on AOP
From: Karl Lieberherr (lieber@ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 19:27:06 EDT

You are invited to a presentation by Mik Kersten
from PARC on August 1 in the Demeter Seminar.

Title: AOP from the Tools Perspective

Speaker: Mik Kersten
         Development Tools Lead
         AspectJ Team, Palo Alto Research Center

Date: Aug. 1, 10 - 11 am

Place: Cullinane Hall 149
       Northeastern University

Title: AOP from the Tools Perspective

Object-oriented programming enables the programmer to modularize hierarchical structure. As a result OO development tools present this hierarchical structure well.

Aspect-oriented programming enables the programmer to modularize crosscutting structure--AO languages have been used to cleanly capture the crosscutting structure of concerns such as exception handling, multi-object protocols, synchronization, performance optimizations, and resource sharing.

As a result, AO tools must present this crosscutting structure well.

This talk will show the AspectJ project from a development tools perspective. It will demonstrate how some common crosscutting concerns can be modularized by refactoring an existing system. It will present the problems and the work that we're doing in order to illustrate crosscutting structure in a way that is explicit and easy to manipulate. It will also discuss some of the architecture of integrating AO tool functionality into existing OO development environments.
Host: Karl Lieberherr

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