COM3362 Homework 1: Due April 5, 1999. The course home page is: The page for this course is: You can also access those files at: /home/lieber/.www/com3362/sp99/ I use the abbreviation $AOOS to refer to both: /home/lieber/.www/com3362/sp99/ This file is in $AOOS/hw/1/assign1.txt Problem 1: ============================= Purpose: Form an initial opinion about Catalysis, a new method for component-based software development using UML notation. Familiarize yourself with collaborations and components as they are described in the Catalysis method. The Catalysis method is described in: $AOOS/readings/catalysis The files C* are chapters of the Catalysis book. OTo get an overview, start at: Familiarize yourself with collaborations and components as they are described in the OOPSLA '98 paper my Mezini/Lieberherr. Compare the two kinds of collaborations and the two kinds of components. Turn in your English text. Problem 2: ============================= Purpose: Get a first exposure on how to implement components in Java. $AOOS/readings/inner-classes/ contains an implementation of two pricing components (Regular Pricing and Negotiated Pricing) from the OOPSLA '98 paper. Compile and run the program and draw a UML class diagram of the classes. Modify the Java program to also include a definition and use of SpecialPricing, AgingPricing and FrequentCustomerPricing (Figure 12 in the OOPLSA paper). Problem 3: ============================== Purpose: Familiarize yourself with DJ, a simple tool that helps you navigate with ease. Modify the Java program from Problem 2 and include the DJ library and write one line that retrieves all Tax-objects connected to a Quote-object. To test your one-line gathering statement, write some additional code to print the salePercentage for each Tax-object. Information about DJ is at: Your traversal strategy will be very simple: from Quote to Tax.