Final assignment: From Doug Orleans: I've put a new alpha release in the usual place-- if your DEMJAVA_VERSION is "alpha" you will get it automatically, or (for DJ and the AP Library) set your classpath to /proj/demsys/demjava/alpha/dj.jar:/proj/demsys/demjava/alpha/aplib.jar:/proj/demsys/demjava/alpha/rt.jar. All the changes are in DJ; new features include TraversalGraph.elements(Object root), which returns an Enumeration of the target objects in the object graph rooted at "root" reachable by the TG, and TraversalGraph.start(Object root) and finish(Object root) which return InputIterators positioned at the begin and end of a traversal from root, for use with JGL generic algorithms. (JGL is available in /proj/demsys/demjava/jgl.jar; the source and docs are in /proj/demsys/demjava/packages/jgl3.1.0/.) Also, traversal through collections is supported; make sure your class implements the interface, which has one method, Enumeration elements(). Some bugs were fixed, and I forget what else... Josh? --Doug ------- This release includes a fix for most (if not all) of the bugs you found in COM 3220. Please rerun your regression tests you wrote for this class. Report the results to me by Monday morning 6 am. Sorry it took so long until the new release came out. If you want to test the new JGL capabilities please send me your feedback as well. -- Karl