-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Engineering Fall 2002 COM 3205 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assignments 6 and 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This assignment is stored in file $SE/hw/6 in file hw6-SE-02.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposed by Sergei Kojarski [kojarski@ccs.neu.edu]: Assignment 6 (due Tuesday Nov. 26) and assignment 7 (due Thursday December 5): HW#6 : create a "LoD violations view". At this time students already should have a properties page that copies the checker files into the project. HW#6 requires students to add an extension point to org.eclipse.ui.views. Therefore, the HW#6 solution is an Eclipse plugin, consisting of: - property page extension (HW#5) - view extension (HW#6) Required functionality (here we consider only projects with checker option "enabled") : - the view represents the LoD violations list for the currently selected project. - If the project selected is not running at this moment: the view input element for the project should be initialized from the file inside the project directory. The file is created by the checker at project-execution time. This allows us to keep LoD violations information per project between system start-ups. - If selected project is in the execution state: we can choose a LIGHT or NORMAL version in the view extension. The "LIGHT" version view shows the message like "Project is running. Violation information is not available at execution time". The information is available after execution. In the "NORMAL" version the checker code (somehow) sends messages to the view so we have a "real-time" violation report mechanism. - each time we run a project in Eclipse we need to "refresh" the violations file content for this project. - the violations file has to contain "source location" information for each record. The view should represent ("class","file","column","row") for each violation. If a violation ("class","file","column","row") happens 1000 times, it should be shown only once but with an occurrence number of 1000: ("class","file","column","row") 1000. In HW#7 students implement the View/Editor collaborating part: - The view of LoD violations should react on a user's double-click or "press enter" events on a violation line and open an editor for the corresponding file. - In the editor the opened cursor should be set on the line containing the violation and the violation should be highlighted. - Cleanup: hide from the user the files our project creates inside project directory.