Re: About electronic submissions

Subject: Re: About electronic submissions
From: Pengcheng Wu (
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 14:50:55 EDT

Due to the popular quetions about the blackboard system, Professor
Lieberherr has agreed that you can use
to do electrical submission. The policy is that you only need to do
electrical submission for the programming task, and what you need
to submit is only the source files,e.g., *.java,*.cd,*.beh,*.prj and
so on (no .class files please).
If a homework has both programming task and answering question
part, you only need to do electrical submission for programs and for
the solutions to the questions, you still have to submit the hardcopy.

So we will stop using blackboard system from now on. For those who
have submitted homework 2 through blackboard, please resubmit it

By the way, please don't use

to submit your homework.


On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, A student wrote:

> Now that we can use to submit any
> homework electronically, do we still need to use Blackboard for future
> homework
> submissions, and if we do need to use it, I'm stil having trouble
> understanding what part of Blackboard to use to upload files (There isn't
> just one obvious simple tool on BlackBoard you know, so you got to be
> specific when you say upload on blackboard) ? Also, do we just submit
> source code for
> electronic submissions only or do we also send all answers to questions
> electronically?

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