Software Design and Development Fall 1996 Final exam Question 1: 7 UNKNOWNs /proj/asl/lieber/java/java-envs/jk-smallest Consider the following behavior file program.beh. Find the SMALLEST (in terms of number of characters) class dictionary so that program.beh and result in an executable Java program. program.beh ============================ A{ traversal t(V v) { to D;} } ClassGraph { traversal f() { to *;} } V { before B (@ set_i(new Integer(5)); @) before C (@ System.out.println(get_i()); @) before D (@ Q q = new R(); @) } Main { (@ static public void main(String args[]) throws Exception { ClassGraph a = ClassGraph.parse(; a.f(); A a1 = A.parse(; V v = new V(); a1.t(v); System.out.println("done "); } @) } Fill in the UNKNOWNS below in file A = UNKNOWN1. B = UNKNOWN2. C = UNKNOWN3. D = . V = UNKNOWN4 . UNKNOWN5 = . Main = . UNKNOWN6 : UNKNOWN7. R = . Question 3: Write a class dictionary for your favorite video store. You will use the class dictionary to keep track of customers, rentals and returns and of fines. Write a program for your video store which prints the list of videos which have been checked-out. Question 4: ================================================================= Consider the following sentence describing an object (program.input): A = call f1(A,B). B = call f2(C,A). C = 3. D = call f(A, B, C). The class dictionary is EquationSystem = UNKNOWN1(UNKNOWN2). Equation = Variable UNKNOWN3 Exp UNKNOWN4 . Exp : UNKNOWN5 | Variable | UNKNOWN6. FunctionCall = UNKNOWN7 Function UNKNOWN8(Variable) . Variable = Ident. Function = Ident. Numbe = Integer. List(S) ~ {S}. CommaList(S) ~ "(" S {"," S} ")". Find the unknowns in the following object: : UNKNOWN1 ( < UNKNOWN2 > : UNKNOWN3 { : UNKNOWN4 ( < UNKNOWN5 > : UNKNOWN6 ( < UNKNOWN7 > : Ident "A" ) < UNKNOWN8 > : UNKNOWN9 ( < UNKNOWN10 > : UNKNOWN11 ( < UNKNOWN12 > : Ident "f1" ) < UNKNOWN13 > : Variable_CommaList { : UNKNOWN14 ( < UNKNOWN15 > : Ident "A" ) , : UNKNOWN16 ( < UNKNOWN17 > : Ident "B" ) } ) ) , : UNKNOWN18 ( < UNKNOWN19 > : UNKNOWN20 ( < UNKNOWN21 > : Ident "B" ) < UNKNOWN22 > : UNKNOWN23 ( < UNKNOWN24 > : UNKNOWN25 ( < UNKNOWN26 > : Ident "f2" ) < UNKNOWN27 > : UNKNOWN28 { : UNKNOWN29 ( < UNKNOWN30 > : Ident "C" ) , : UNKNOWN31 ( < UNKNOWN32 > : Ident "A" ) } ) ) , : UNKNOWN33 ( < UNKNOWN34 > : UNKNOWN35 ( < UNKNOWN36 > : Ident "C" ) < UNKNOWN37 > : UNKNOWN38 ( < UNKNOWN39 > : Integer "3" ) ) , : UNKNOWN40 ( < UNKNOWN41 > : UNKNOWN42 ( < UNKNOWN43 > : UNKNOWN44 "D" ) < UNKNOWN45 > : UNKNOWN46 ( < UNKNOWN47 > : UNKNOWN48 ( < UNKNOWN49 > : UNKNOWN50 "f" ) < UNKNOWN51 > : UNKNOWN52 { : UNKNOWN53 ( < UNKNOWN54 > : UNKNOWN55 "UNKNOWN56" ) , : UNKNOWN57 ( < UNKNOWN58 > : UNKNOWN59 "UNKNOWN60" ) , : UNKNOWN61 ( < UNKNOWN62 > : UNKNOWN63 "UNKNOWN64" ) } ) ) } )