Re: HW1, Part D, Compiling

Subject: Re: HW1, Part D, Compiling
From: Pengcheng Wu (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 16:07:42 EST

You have two ways to compile and run a demeterj program.

 (1) From the directory which has the .cd, .beh, and .prj files (e.g, for
the binary tree example, from the directory haveing, tree.beh and
program.prj), run:

     demeterj test

It will automatically generate the corresponding java files from the .cd
and .beh files to the ./gen/ subdirectory and compile them, then it will
run the program by starting a JVM loading the main class, with the .input
file as the input.

(2) Or you can do it this way, if you have already had the gen/
subdirectory and the corresponding java files generated (maybe by running
'demeterj test' last time). Go to the ./gen/ subdirectory, do,

     javac *.java
     java YourMainClassName < ../yourinputfile

--Pengcheng Wu

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, A Student wrote:

> Hello,
> Are there instructions on how we are supposed to compile the graph and
> binary-tree functions? The instructions in HW1 are very confusing and I
> do not know how to compile these.
> Any help is greatly appreciated,

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