Final CSU 670 Fall 2006 December 11, 2006 Karl Lieberherr ================================================================= Question 1: ========================================================== 13 UNKNOWNs 3 points each, except UNKNOWN13 = 30 points 66 points = 12*3 + 30 Class dictionary design Consider the following input and the corresponding cd. Find the UNKNOWNs. A little bit of context: The class dictionary is defining a module language for class dictionaries and their compositions. module di TreeICG(ElementICG e) { Tree : Leaf | Branch . Leaf = Data @ e. Branch = Data @ e ListOfTree. ListOfTree : Empty | NonEmpty. Empty = . NonEmpty = Tree ListOfTree. } aspect TreeWalker { declare strategy declare traversal declare constraints } // visitor classes end module di ElementICG { Data = Name_ValuePair_List. NameValuePair = Name Value. Name = . Value = . Name_ValuePair_List : Empty | NonEmpty. Empty = . NonEmpty = NameValuePair Name_ValuePair_List. } aspect ElementWalker { declare constraints declare strategy declare traversal } // visitor classes end module di Decide { F = Constraints. Constraints : E | N. E = . N = Constraint Constraints. Constraint = RelNumber Variable Variable. RelNumber = int. Variable = . } aspect Chooser { declare strategy declare constraints declare traversal } end cd XMLSubset implements TreeICG(ElementICG) { XMLDef = A B. A : X | Y common U V. map treeMap = for TreeICG { use Tree as XMLDef use Leaf as EmptyTag } map elementMap = for ElementICG { use Data as OpenTag use Data as OpenCloseTag } } Here comes the cd: ================================================== Input = List(Module) ConcreteCd EOF. Module = "module" UNKNOWN1 List(UNKNOWN2) // list of visitor classes "UNKNOWN3". DI = "di" DIName [UNKNOWN4] "{" UNKNOWN5 "}". ParameterDI = "(" DIName DIVariable ")". Aspect = "aspect" AspectName UNKNOWN6. Declaration UNKNOWN7. Strategy UNKNOWN8. Traversal UNKNOWN9. Constraints UNKNOWN10. ConcreteCd = "cd" CDName "implements" DIName [ActualDI] "{" UNKNOWN11 "}". ActualDI = "(" DIName ")". Map = "map" MapName "=" "for" DIName UNKNOWN12(Basic). Basic = "use" Cd_Vertex "as" Cd_Vertex. Cd_Graph = UNKNOWN13. // this is a big UNKNOWN Cd_Vertex = < vertex_name > Cd_ClassName ["@" DIName] . DIName = Ident. DIVariable = Ident. AspectName = Ident. CDName = Ident. MapName = Ident. List(S) ~ {S}. CList(S) ~ "{" {S} "}". Main = String. Question 2: Understanding Project Requirements ========================================================== 25 UNKNOWNs: 3 points each: 75 points Consider the following formula F; Notice the identation to make the structure of the formula more apparent. 22(v1 v2 v3) 22 (v4 v5 v6) 22 (v7 v8 v9) 22(v1 v4 v7) 22( v2 v5 v8) 22( v3 v6 v9) 22(v1 v5 v9) 22( v3 v5 v7) Part 1: unsatisfiable --------------------------------- Enclosed is the proof for the unsatisfiability of the formula F produced by one of your programs. I replaced the long formula by F to make the proof more readable. Find the UNKNOWNs. Sort the literals lexicographically within the unknowns. For example, write "UNKNOWN105 = v7 v37 !v40" instead of "UNKNOWN105 = !v40 v7 v37" In the proof below, multiple Unit Propagate rules are combined into Unit Propagate*. UNSAT {{ v5* || F => UNKNOWN1 v5* UNKNOWN2 || F => UNKNOWN3 Contradiction Put an unsatisfied clause in UNKNOWN4 UNKNOWN5 || F 240(!v5 ) => Semi-Super Resolution || F UNKNOWN6 => UNKNOWN7 !v5 || F 240(!v5 ) => Unit Propagate* !v5 v9* || F 240(!v5 ) => Decide !v5 v9* UNKNOWN8 || F 240(!v5 ) => Unit Propagate* Contradiction Put an unsatisfied clause in UNKNOWN9 !v5 v9* UNKNOWN10 || F 240(!v5 ) UNKNOWN11 => UNKNOWN12 || F 240(!v5 ) 240(!v9 ) => UNKNOWN13 UNKNOWN14 || F 240(!v5 ) UNKNOWN15 => Unit Propagate* Contradiction Put an unsatisfied clause in UNKNOWN16 FAILSTATE => Fail F = 22(v1 v2 v3 ) 22(v4 v5 v6 ) 22(v7 v8 v9 ) 22(v1 v4 v7 ) 22(v2 v5 v8 ) 22(v3 v6 v9 ) 22(v1 v5 v9 ) 22(v3 v5 v7 ) }} Part 2: satisfiable ------------------------------------------- Delete the last constraint 22( v3 v5 v7) from F and find a satisfying assignment. Put your answer into the UNKNOWNs: v1 = UNKNOWN17 v2 = UNKNOWN18 v3 = UNKNOWN19 v4 = UNKNOWN20 v5 = UNKNOWN21 v6 = UNKNOWN22 v7 = UNKNOWN23 v8 = UNKNOWN24 v9 = UNKNOWN25 Question 3: ========================================================== 11 UNKNOWNs: UNKNOWNs 1 - 4: 5 points each UNKNOWN 5: 15 points remaining UNKNOWNs: 3 points each: 20 + 15 + 18 = 53 This question is about semantic checking in the context of a planning application. Such plans are successfully solved by translating the plans to CSP instances (but here we are not concerned with the translation). The structure of a plan is given by the class dictionary called Plans. A plan consists of objects, predicates and operators. The objects part defines the objects that may be used elsewhere in the plan. The predicates part defines the predicate namess that may be used elsewhere in the plan. The operators part defines the operator names that may be used elsewhere in the plan and it gives the definies of the operators in terms of preconditions and effects. The class dictionary, program and input and output are given below. Find the UNKNOWNs. UNKNOWN1 to UNKNOWN4 are titles that get printed. They have a special status and must be derived from understanding the semantic checking problem. Each appears twice in the text. The titles must succinctly describe the nature of the output that follows. UNKNOWN5 is a short piece of program text. // class dictionary Plans import*; import java.util.*; Plans = Set(Plan). Plan = "objects" Set(Obj) "predicates" Set(PredName) "operators" Set(Op) "initial" Set(PosLit) "goal" Set(Literal) "solution" Set(OpName). Literal : PosLit | NegLit common PredName Set(Obj). PosLit = . NegLit = "!". Op = OpName "preconditions" Set(Literal) "effects" Set(Literal). Obj = Ident. PredName = Ident. OpName = Ident. Set(S) ~ "(" {S} ")". Main = . PROGRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Main { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {{ Plans m = Plans.parse(; ClassGraph cg1 = new ClassGraph(true, false); final ClassGraph cg = new ClassGraph(cg1, "from Plans bypassing -> *,tail,* to *"); cg.traverse(m, "from Plans to Plan", new Visitor(){ void before(Plan host) { host.process(cg); } }); System.out.println("done"); }} } Plan { {{ void process(ClassGraph cg){ System.out.println(" UNKNOWN1 "); cg.traverse(this ,"from Plan via ->*,objects,* to Obj", new Visitor(){ void before (Obj host) {System.out.println(host.get_ident());} }); System.out.println(" UNKNOWN2 "); cg.traverse(this ,"from Plan bypassing ->*,objects,* to Obj", new Visitor(){ void before (Obj host) {System.out.println(host.get_ident());} }); System.out.println(" UNKNOWN3 "); cg.traverse(this ,"from Plan via ->*,predicates,* to PredName", new Visitor(){ void before (PredName host) {System.out.println(host.get_ident());} }); System.out.println(" UNKNOWN4 "); cg.traverse(this ,"from Plan bypassing ->*,predicates,* to PredName", new Visitor(){ void before (PredName host) {System.out.println(host.get_ident());} }); System.out.println("The number of operators defined by the plan "); UNKNOWN5; } }} } INPUT ------------------------------------------------------------- ( objects (Battery1 Battery2 Cap Flashlight) predicates (On In) operators ( PlaceCap preconditions (!On(Cap Flashlight)) effects (On(Cap Flashlight)) RemoveCap preconditions (On(Cap Flashlight)) effects (!On(Cap Flashlight)) Insert1 preconditions (!On(Cap Flashlight) !In(Battery1 Flashlight)) effects (In(Battery1 Flashlight)) Insert2 preconditions (!On(Cap Flashlight) !In(Battery2 Flashlight)) effects (In(Battery2 Flashlight)) ) initial (On(Cap Flashlight)) goal ( On(Cap Flashlight) In(Battery1 Flashlight) In(Battery2 Flashlight) ) solution(RemoveCap Insert1 Insert2 PlaceCap) ) OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------- UNKNOWN1 UNKNOWN6 UNKNOWN7 UNKNOWN8 UNKNOWN9 UNKNOWN2 Cap Flashlight Cap Flashlight Cap Flashlight Cap Flashlight Cap Flashlight Battery1 Flashlight Battery1 Flashlight Cap Flashlight Battery2 Flashlight Battery2 Flashlight Cap Flashlight Cap Flashlight Battery1 Flashlight Battery2 Flashlight UNKNOWN3 UNKNOWN10 UNKNOWN11 UNKNOWN4 On On On On On In In On In In On On In In The number of operators defined by the plan 4 done Question 4: ========================================================= Describe how you would express the Sudoku game as a constraint satisfaction problem. Which relations would you use and which constraints would you produce? How would you use a solver we developed for the class to solve Sudoku?