FINAL EXAM CSU 670 FALL 2005 Karl Lieberherr Open book and open notes Question 1: Implementing a simple style rule =========================================================== 10 UNKNOWNs, 4 points each = 40 points Consider the following class dictionary ConcreteClasses: import*; Main = . CGraph = List(ClassDef). ClassDef = ClassName Body. Body = "=" List(Part) ".". Part = ClassName. List(S) ~ {S}. ClassName = Ident. which defines a simple form of class dictionaries. Your task is to implement the following version of the terminal buffer rule. The terminal classes Ident and String, if they appear on the rhs of a class definition, must be the only element of the Part_List. For example, class B violates TBR: B = Ident D. I have written a program P1 that checks TBR and produces the following output: VIOLATION of TBR for class B terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs done Find the UNKNOWNs in the following program P1: Main { {{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { CGraph m = CGraph.parse(; ClassGraph cg = new ClassGraph(true, false); ClassGraph cgWithoutTail = new ClassGraph(cg, "from CGraph bypassing -> *,tail,* to *"); m.checkTBR(cgWithoutTail); System.out.println("done"); } }} } CGraph { {{ void checkTBR(ClassGraph cg) { cg.traverse(this, "UNKNOWN1", new Visitor(){ int numberOfParts = 0; ClassName current; void before (ClassDef host) { UNKNOWN2 } void before (Body host) { UNKNOWN3 } void after (Body host) { numberOfParts = 0; } void before (ClassName host) { if ((numberOfParts > 1) && (host.isTerminal())) { System.out.println(" VIOLATION of TBR for class " + UNKNOWN4.get_ident()); System.out.println("terminal class name = " + UNKNOWN5.get_ident()); System.out.println(" appears inappropriately on rhs "); System.out.println(); }; } }); } }} } ClassName { {{ boolean isTerminal(){ Ident i = this.UNKNOWN6(); Ident nIdent = UNKNOWN7; Ident nString = UNKNOWN8; return (i.UNKNOWN9(nIdent) || i.UNKNOWN10(nString)); } }} } Question 2: Class dictionary design and program design =========================================================== 16 UNKNOWNs 3 points each = 48 points In this part we are extending the program from question 1 with a new feature: Abstract classes. We want to process inputs like: A = B. B = Ident D. CC : A | B X Y Ident. CC2 : A | B common X Y Ident. DD : A Ident B. DD2 : A common Ident B. which you know from Demeter class dictionaries. Your program should produce the output below: VIOLATION of TBR for class B terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class CC terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class CC2 terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class DD terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class DD2 terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs done Notice that we don't implement flattening of the class dictionary. We have the simple rule for an abstract class: The terminal classes Ident and String, if they appear on the rhs of a class definition, must be the only part. A : B common Ident. does not violate TBR. Find the UNKNOWNs in the following class dictionary ( and program (program.beh) import*; Main = . CGraph = List(ClassDef). ClassDef = ClassName Body. Body : UNKNOWN1 | Abstract common List(UNKNOWN2) UNKNOWN3. Concrete = UNKNOWN4. Abstract = ":" UNKNOWN5 [UNKNOWN6]. Common = "common". Part = ClassName. List(S) ~ {S}. BarList(S) ~ S {"UNKNOWN7" S}. ClassName = Ident. Main { {{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { CGraph m = CGraph.parse(; ClassGraph cg = new ClassGraph(true, false); ClassGraph cgWithoutTail = new ClassGraph(cg, "from CGraph bypassing -> *,tail,* to *"); m.checkTBR(cgWithoutTail); System.out.println("done"); } }} } CGraph { {{ void checkTBR(final ClassGraph cg) { cg.traverse(this, "UNKNOWN8", new Visitor(){ int numberOfParts = 0; ClassName current; void before (ClassDef host) { current = (ClassName) cg.fetch(host, "from UNKNOWN9 via -> *,UNKNOWN10,* to UNKNOWN11"); } void before (Body host) { UNKNOWN12 } void after (Body host) { UNKNOWN13 } void before (ClassName host) { if UNKNOWN14 { System.out.println(" VIOLATION of TBR for class " + UNKNOWN15.get_ident()); System.out.println("terminal class name = " + UNKNOWN16.get_ident()); System.out.println(" appears inappropriately on rhs "); System.out.println(); }; } }); } }} } ClassName { {{ boolean isTerminal(){ // unchanged: same as in question 1 } }} } Question 3: Class dictionary design and program design ============================================================ 8 UNKNOWNs 3 points each = 24 points Here we extend the program from question 1 with another feature: parameterized classes. For the input: A(S) = B(S) Ident. B = Ident D. C(S) = U Ident D(S). Sandwich(S) = List(Ident) X Y S String. Y = List(String). Y1 = List(String) List(X). Z = String. we want the following output: VIOLATION of TBR for class A terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class B terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class C terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class Sandwich terminal class name = String appears inappropriately on rhs done Notice that a terminal class name on the right hand side of a class definition is visited only if it is not in an actual parameter position. Find the UNKNOWNs below: import*; Main = . CGraph = List(ClassDef). ClassDef = UNKNOWN1 Body. Body = "=" List(Part) ".". Part = UNKNOWN2. ClassSpec = ClassName [Params]. Params = "(" List(ClassSpec) ")". // for formals on lhs, need only List(ClassName) // Language is more general than needed for the sake of brevity List(S) ~ {S}. ClassName = Ident. Main { {{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { CGraph m = CGraph.parse(; ClassGraph cg = new ClassGraph(true, false); ClassGraph cgWithoutTail = new ClassGraph(cg, "from CGraph bypassing -> *,tail,* to *"); m.checkTBR(cgWithoutTail); System.out.println("done"); } }} } CGraph { {{ void checkTBR(final ClassGraph cg) { cg.traverse(this, UNKNOWN3, new Visitor(){ int numberOfParts = 0; ClassName current; void before (ClassDef host) { current = (ClassName) cg.fetch(host, UNKNOWN4); } void before (Body host) { UNKNOWN5 } void after (Body host) { numberOfParts = 0; } void before (ClassName host) { if UNKNOWN6 { System.out.println(" VIOLATION of TBR for class " + UNKNOWN7.get_ident()); System.out.println("terminal class name = " + UNKNOWN8.get_ident()); System.out.println(" appears inappropriately on rhs "); System.out.println(); }; } }); } }} } ClassName { {{ boolean isTerminal(){ // unchanged: same as in question 1 } }} } Question 4: Class dictionary design and program design ============================================================= 15 UNKNOWNs 3 points each = 45 points Here we consider a program that has both features: parameterized classes and abstract classes. Note that there is interaction between the features: The parameterized classes may be abstract. The input: A = B. B = Ident D. C(S) = U Ident D(S). Sandwich(S) = List(Ident) X Y S String. AAAA : B(Ident) | X | Y common String Y. AAA : B(Ident) | X | Y . Z = Ident. Z1 = List(String) List(Ident). produces the output: VIOLATION of TBR for class B terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class C terminal class name = Ident appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class Sandwich terminal class name = String appears inappropriately on rhs VIOLATION of TBR for class AAAA terminal class name = String appears inappropriately on rhs done Find the UNKNOWNs in and program.beh below: import*; Main = . CGraph = List(ClassDef). ClassDef = UNKNOWN1 Body. Body : UNKNOWN2 | Abstract common List(UNKNOWN3) UNKNOWN4 . Concrete = UNKNOWN5. Abstract = ":" UNKNOWN6 [UNKNOWN7]. Common = "common". Part = UNKNOWN8. ClassSpec = ClassName [Params]. Params = "(" List(ClassSpec) ")". // for formals on lhs, need only List(ClassName) // Language is more general than needed for the sake of brevity List(S) ~ {S}. BarList(S) ~ S {UNKNOWN9 S}. ClassName = Ident. Main { {{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { CGraph m = CGraph.parse(; ClassGraph cg = new ClassGraph(true, false); ClassGraph cgWithoutTail = new ClassGraph(cg, "from CGraph bypassing -> *,tail,* to *"); m.checkTBR(cgWithoutTail); System.out.println("done"); } }} } CGraph { {{ void checkTBR(final ClassGraph cg) { cg.traverse(this, UNKNOWN10, new Visitor(){ int numberOfParts = 0; ClassName current; void before (ClassDef host) { current = (ClassName) cg.fetch(host, UNKNOWN11); } void before (Body host) { UNKNOWN12 } void after (Body host) { numberOfParts = 0; } void before (ClassName host) { if UNKNOWN13 { System.out.println(" VIOLATION of TBR for class " + UNKNOWN14.get_ident()); System.out.println("terminal class name = " + UNKNOWN15.get_ident()); System.out.println(" appears inappropriately on rhs "); Srstem.out.println(); }; } }); } }} } ClassName { {{ boolean isTerminal(){ // unchanged: same as in question 1 } }} } Question 5: Parsing ===================================================================== 1 UNKNOWN 30 points Consider the following class dictionary Almost-Self: List(S) ~ {S}. Main = String. CGraph = CollectionClassDef List(ClassDef) EOF . ClassDef = ClassSpec Body. Body = "=" List(Syntax) [ OptPart] Part List(Part) [ OptPart] List(Syntax) ".". Syntax = String. Part = [Label] ClassSpec. Label = "<" PartName ">". ClassSpec = ClassName [Params]. Params = "(" List(ClassSpec) ")". // for formals on lhs, need only List(ClassName) // Language is more general than needed for the sake of brevity CollectionClassDef = ClassSpec CollectionBody ".". CollectionBody = "~" "{" ClassName "}". OptPart = "[" Part "]". ClassName = Ident. PartName = Ident. It is an attempt to write a self-describing class dictionary using concrete and collection classes only. The attempt did not quite succeed. If we use the above class dictionary as both and program.input and run demeterj, we get: Exception in thread "main" ParseException: Encountered "Part" at line 8, column 12. Was expecting one of: "." ... ... Line 8 is: Part List(Part) Show the minimal number of changes to program.input, which is a copy of, that are needed to make it a syntactically correct input. Note that you change program.input after copying it from is not changed. Put your answer into UNKNOWN1. Question 6: Class dictionary Design ========================================= 5 UNKNOWs 3 points each = 15 points Consider the following input examples: ( (datatype Container (a_Container (contents ItemList) (capacity Number) (total_weight Number))) (datatype Item (Cont (c Container)) (Simple (name String) (weight Weight))) (datatype Weight (a_Weight (v Number))) (datatype ItemList (Empty) (NonEmpty (first Item) (rest ItemList)))) ( (datatype H (aH (f F))) (datatype F (Hid_A (e E) (g G)) (Hid_B (e E) (g G)) (Hid_C (g G)) ) (datatype E (aE)) (datatype G (aG)) ) ( (datatype H)) Develop an object-oriented and language design in the form of a class dictionary. Program = L(CD) EOF. CD = UNKNOWN1(DD). DD = "UNKNOWN2" TypeName L(Alternative) "UNKNOWN3". Alternative = "(" AlternativeName UNKNOWN4 ")". TypedField = UNKNOWN5. FieldName = Ident. TypeName = Ident. AlternativeName = Ident. L(S) ~ {S}. PL(S) ~ "(" {S} ")". Make your class dictionary LL(1), non-left-recursive, inductive and follow the terminal buffer rule (TBR). Question 7: ================================================= In developing an Eclipse plugin, what are the steps to add a button in the toolbar of the Eclipse workbench? Some action will be executed after this button is clicked. Please describe concisely what you need to add. Question 8: ================================================= What is a growth plan for a software development project? Give a brief one paragraph description.