package scg.web; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import scg.HTML; import scg.Util; import scg.exception.MissingArgumentException; import scg.tournament.Session; import scg.tournament.TournamentManager; import scg.tournament.Users; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.classes.HTTPReq; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.classes.HTTPResp; /** * Base class for all classes that produce a page of the website * * @author Patrick * */ public abstract class WebPage { protected static final String SESSION = "session"; protected final static String USER = "user"; protected static final String REFRESH = "refresh"; protected static final String TOURNAMENT_ID = "tournament_id"; protected static final String RESOURCE_REQUEST = "resource"; protected static final String CONFIG_RESOURCE_REQUEST = "config"; protected static final String AVATAR_RESOURCE_REQUEST = "avatar"; protected static final String RAW_HISTORY_RESOURCE_REQUEST = "raw_history"; protected static final String SMART_HISTORY_RESOURCE_REQUEST = "smart_history"; protected static final String HISTORY_RESOURCE_REQUEST_FILE = "history_file"; protected static final int REFRESH_TIME = 30; protected static final String CSS = "\n div{ padding:10px;display: block; }" + "\n table,td{ border:blue 1px solid;padding:5px; }" + "\n td,th{ border-spacing:5px; }" + "\n td.num{ text-align:center; }" + "\n th{ font-style:italic;border:solid navy 1px; padding:5px;}" + "\n .error{ color:red;text-align:center;margin-left: auto;width: 400px;margin-right: auto; }" + "\n .odd{ background-color:#D0D0D0; }" + "\n .current{ background-color:#40D040; }" + "\n .kicked{ background-color:#E04040; }" + "\n .time{ font-size:12px; float: right; }" + "\n .sidestatus{ position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; }" + "\n .sidenav{ position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; font-size:12px;padding:20px; }" + "\n .title{ font-size:32px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; }" + "\n .signin, .signup, .logout, .refresh{ text-align:center;margin-left: auto;width: 400px;margin-right: auto;}" + "\n .preform{ text-align:center;margin-left: auto;width: 400px;margin-right: auto;}" + "\n .tournaments{ text-align:center;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;}" + "\n .user{ font-size:12px; float:right; }" + "\n .config{ width:550px;height:120px; }" + "\n .newTournament, .editUser{ float:left; }" + "\n .approveUser{ left; }" + "\n .center{ text-align:center; }"; /** * The tournament manager of the server */ protected final TournamentManager _manager; /** * The request sent to the server */ protected final HTTPReq _request; /** * The collection of users for the server */ protected final Users _users; /** * The arguments passed in by a GET request. */ protected final Map _urlArgs; /** * The arguments passed in by a POST request. */ protected final Map _postArgs; /** * The headers of the request */ protected final Map _headers; /** * True if the page should automatically refresh */ protected final boolean _refresh; /** * The base address of the requested page */ protected final String _trimmedURL; /** * The session for the logged in user. null if there is no session. */ protected final Session _session; /** * True is there is a session instance */ protected final boolean _sessionExists; /** * Initialize the web page * * @param manager * @param request * @param users */ protected WebPage(TournamentManager manager, HTTPReq request, Users users) { _manager = manager; _request = request; _users = users; _headers = _request.getHeaders().toJavaMap(); try { _urlArgs = splitArgsURL(_request.getHead().getUrl().toString()); _postArgs = splitArgs(_request.getBody().toString()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } _refresh = _urlArgs.containsKey(REFRESH); _trimmedURL = _request.trimmedUrl(); String sessionKey = _urlArgs.get(SESSION); if (sessionKey == null) { sessionKey = _postArgs.get(SESSION); } if (sessionKey == null) { _session = null; } else { _session = _users.getSession(sessionKey); } _sessionExists = _session != null; } private static Map splitArgs(String s) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { Map args = new HashMap(); if (s.contains("=")) { for (String piece : s.split("&")) { String[] kv = piece.split("="); if (kv.length > 0) { args.put(URLDecoder.decode(kv[0], "UTF-8"), (kv.length > 1) ? URLDecoder.decode(kv[1], "UTF-8") : ""); } } } return args; } private static Map splitArgsURL(String s) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { int question = s.indexOf('?'); return splitArgs((question < 0) ? "" : s.substring(question + 1).trim()); } public abstract HTTPResp getResponse(); /** * Wrap the content in a div of the given class. * * @param content * @param cssClass * @return */ protected static String divWrap(String content, String cssClass) { return HTML.wrap(content, "div", cssClass); } /** * A refresh link for the given page. Does not retain any of the url arguments * * @return */ protected String refreshToggleLink() { return refreshToggleLink(false); } /** * A refresh link for the given page. * * @param withArgs True if the url arguments should be retained * @return */ protected String refreshToggleLink(boolean withArgs) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(" e : _urlArgs.entrySet()) { if (!e.getKey().equals(REFRESH)) { builder.append((needsAnd ? "&" : "?")); builder.append(e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue()); needsAnd = true; if (e.getKey().equals(SESSION)) { sessionAdded = true; } } } if (!sessionAdded && _postArgs.containsKey(SESSION)) { builder.append((needsAnd ? "&" : "?") + SESSION + "=" + _session.getKey()); } } builder.append("\">Refresh "); builder.append(_refresh ? "Off" : "On"); builder.append(""); return builder.toString(); } /** * Append content to the builder, followed by a new line character. * * @param builder * @param content */ protected static void builderAppendLn(StringBuilder builder, String content) { builder.append(content); builder.append("\n"); } /** * Write the common sections that exist at the top of a page, with the status and navigation * sections * * @param builder StringBuilder to append to * @param title Title of the web page */ protected void buildPageHead(StringBuilder builder, String title) { buildPageHead(builder, title, true); } /** * Write the common sections that exist at the top of a page * * @param builder StringBuilder to append to * @param title Title of the web page * @param withStatus True if the page should contain the status and navigation sections */ protected void buildPageHead(StringBuilder builder, String title, boolean withStatus) { if (withStatus) { buildSideStatus(builder, _session); buildSideNav(builder, _session); } builderAppendLn(builder, divWrap(title, "title")); } /** * Write the status section based on the given session * * @param builder * @param s */ protected void buildSideStatus(StringBuilder builder, Session s) { builderAppendLn(builder, "
"); if (s != null && !s.hasExpired()) { builderAppendLn( builder, divWrap( s.getUser().getName() + " | " + link(redirectURL(SignIn.PATH) + "?" + UserPage.LOGOUT + "=true&" + SESSION + "=" + s.getKey(), "Sign Out"), USER)); } builderAppendLn(builder, divWrap(Util.printDate(, "time")); builderAppendLn(builder, "
"); } /** * Write the navigation section based on the given session * * @param builder * @param s */ private void buildSideNav(StringBuilder builder, Session s) { if (s != null && !s.hasExpired()) { boolean needPipe = false; builderAppendLn(builder, "
"); if (s.getUser().isRoot() && !_trimmedURL.equals(AdminPage.PATH)) { builderAppendLn(builder, link(redirectURL(AdminPage.PATH) + "?" + SESSION + "=" + s.getKey(), "Admin Page")); needPipe = true; } if (!_trimmedURL.equals(ServerStatus.PATH)) { if (needPipe) { builder.append(" | "); } builderAppendLn( builder, link(redirectURL(ServerStatus.PATH) + "?" + SESSION + "=" + s.getKey(), "Server Status")); } builderAppendLn(builder, "
"); } } /** * Write a message for when no session exists * * @param builder */ protected void noSession(StringBuilder builder) { requiresSignIn(builder, "You must sign-in before you can access this page."); } /** * Write a message for when a session has expired * * @param builder */ protected void sessionExpired(StringBuilder builder) { requiresSignIn(builder, "Your session has expired. You must sign-in again."); } /** * Write a message indicating that the current page requires a user session * * @param builder * @param msg Message to appear before the sign in link */ private void requiresSignIn(StringBuilder builder, String msg) { builderAppendLn(builder, divWrap(msg + "
" + link(redirectURL(SignIn.PATH), "Sign In"), "error")); } /** * Produce a url that points to the given destination * * @param destinationPath * @return */ protected String redirectURL(String destinationPath) { return _trimmedURL.substring(0, _trimmedURL.lastIndexOf("/")) + destinationPath; } /** * Produce a link * * @param url * @param text * @return */ protected static String link(String url, String text) { return "" + text + ""; } /** * Get the value of an argument * * @param map The map to look in * @param key The key to look up * @return The value in the map for the given key * @throws MissingArgumentException When a key does not have a value in the map */ protected static String getArgument(Map map, String key) throws MissingArgumentException { String valueString = map.get(key); if (valueString == null) { throw new MissingArgumentException(key); } return valueString; } }