package scg.protocol; import scg.Claim; import scg.InstanceI; import scg.ProtocolI; import scg.ProtocolSpec; import scg.ProvideResponse; import scg.Response; import scg.SolutionI; import scg.SolveResponse; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; public class NegativeSecret implements ProtocolI{ private static ProtocolSpec PROTOCOL_SPEC; static{ try{ PROTOCOL_SPEC = ProtocolSpec.parse( "instance from Alice " + "solution of 0 from Alice " + "solution of 0 from Bob " ); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @author: Rashmi, Anush public double getResult(Claim claim, List replies){ if(replies.length() == 3){ ProvideResponse provideResponse = (ProvideResponse)replies.lookup(0); InstanceI i = (InstanceI)provideResponse.getInstance(); SolveResponse alicesolveResponse = (SolveResponse)replies.lookup(1); SolutionI aliceSolution = alicesolveResponse.getSolution(); SolveResponse bobsolveResponse = (SolveResponse)replies.lookup(2); SolutionI bobSolution = bobsolveResponse.getSolution(); if(i.valid(bobSolution) ==0 && i.valid(aliceSolution) == 0) return 0; if(i.valid(aliceSolution) ==0 ) return -1; if(i.valid(bobSolution) ==0 ) return 1; if(i.quality(bobSolution) >= (i.quality(aliceSolution) * claim.getQuality())) return -1; //Bob win else return 1; //Alice win } return 0; // Draw }*/ @Override /** * @author Terminator * Implements the getResult method provided by AnushRashmi * as per the new getResult method of ProtocolI */ public double getResult(Claim claim, SolutionI[] solutions, InstanceI[] instances) { if(solutions.length == 2 && instances.length == 1){ InstanceI i = instances[0]; SolutionI aliceSolution = solutions[0]; SolutionI bobSolution = solutions[1]; // Deleted valid check assuming that it is checked by the Admin if(i.quality(bobSolution) >= (i.quality(aliceSolution) * claim.getQuality())) return -1; //Bob win else return 1; //Alice win } return 0; // Draw } public ProtocolSpec getProtocolSpec(){ return NegativeSecret.PROTOCOL_SPEC; } private static NegativeSecret instance = new NegativeSecret(); public static NegativeSecret getInstance() { return instance; } public NegativeSecret(){ } /** Parse an instance of NegativeSecret from the given String */ public static NegativeSecret parse(String inpt) throws scg.ParseException{ return instance; } /** Parse an instance of NegativeSecret from the given Stream */ public static NegativeSecret parse( inpt) throws scg.ParseException{ return instance; } /** Parse an instance of NegativeSecret from the given Reader */ public static NegativeSecret parse( inpt) throws scg.ParseException{ return instance; } @Override public String toString() { return ""; } // return true iff the strengthenedClaim is stronger than the old claim public boolean strengthenP(Claim oldClaim, Claim strengthenedClaim){ return strengthenedClaim.getQuality() < oldClaim.getQuality(); } public double getStrengthenedClaimQuality(double quality, double minStrengthening) { return quality - minStrengthening; } }