package; import; import; import; import scg.Config; import scg.Constants; import scg.Request; //import; import scg.Response; import; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.classes.HTTPReq; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.classes.HTTPResp; /** * An extra level of indirection supporting both distributed and direct * Admin/Player interactions */ public abstract class PlayerProxy implements PlayerProxyI { /** The Player we are a proxy for */ private final PlayerSpec spec; /** Create a Proxy for the given PlayerSpec */ public PlayerProxy(PlayerSpec sp) { spec = sp; } /** Return the PlayerSpec this proxy represents */ public PlayerSpec getSpec(){ return spec; } public String getName(){ return getSpec().getName(); } public String getAddress(){ return getSpec().getName(); } /** Take the Player turn by contacting the player and getting its response */ public Response takeTurn(Config config, Request inRequest){ HTTPReq req = null; HTTPResp resp = null; try { req = HTTPReq.Post(Constants.PLAYER_PATH_ENTRY, inRequest.toString()); resp = contactPlayer(req, config.getScgCfg().getTurnDuration()); }catch(Exception e) { throw new HTTPTransException(req, resp, e); } if (resp.isError()) throw new HTTPTransException(req, resp, resp.getBodyString()); try { String bodyString = resp.getBodyString(); return Response.parse(bodyString); } catch (scg.ParseException e) { throw new HTTPTransException(req, resp, e); } } /** The go-between method: Request -> Response */ public abstract HTTPResp contactPlayer(HTTPReq req, int timeout); /** Errors within HTTP */ public static class HTTPTransException extends RuntimeException { HTTPReq req; HTTPResp resp; public HTTPTransException(HTTPReq rq, HTTPResp rsp, Exception cause) { super(cause); req = rq; resp = rsp; } public HTTPTransException(HTTPReq rq, HTTPResp rsp, String cause) { super(cause); req = rq; resp = rsp; } /** Save HTTP interactions? */ private static save = null; /** Save HTTP responses? */ public static void setSaveFile(String file) throws IOException{ save = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); } /** Log the Exception to the file */ public void storeException(String player){ if (save == null) { return; } Throwable e = this.getCause(); String stack = ""; for(StackTraceElement stk:e.getStackTrace()) stack += " "+stk.toString()+"\n"; save.println("************ EXCEPTION[" + player + "]: "+e.getClass().getName()+" *************\n" + "------------------ REQUEST ------------------------\n" + req + "\n------------------ RESPONSE -----------------------\n" + resp + "\n------------------ STACK ------------------------\n" + stack + "************ END[" + player + "] *************\n"); save.flush(); } } }