package scg.admin; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.server.Factory; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.http.server.ServerThread; import scg.exception.AddTournamentException; import scg.exception.NoUserExistsException; import scg.exception.UserExistsException; import scg.logging.Logger; import; import scg.tournament.TournamentManager; import scg.tournament.Users; import scg.web.PageDispatcher; import scg.Util; import scg.Constants; import scg.Command; import scg.AddTournament; import scg.TournamentState; import scg.SignUp; import scg.ApproveUser; import scg.RegisterPlayer; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; public class Admin { private static TournamentManager tournamentManager; private static Users users; /** * The main entry point to the SCG Court system * This main method spins up several threads: * 1) A TournamentManager thread which handles adjusting the status of tournaments * 2) The HTTP server thread * 3) The registration thread * It then spins waiting for input commands from the user, and will exit if the exit command is used. * @param args This parameter needs at least one element, specifying the root user password. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String rootPassword; if (args.length != 0) { rootPassword = args[0]; } else { System.err.println("scg.admin.Admin "); return; } Logger log; try { log = Logger.text(System.out, Util.logFileName("admin")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create logger: "+e.getMessage()); } // Fire up the tournament manager tournamentManager = new TournamentManager(); Thread tournamentManagerThread = new Thread(tournamentManager); tournamentManagerThread.start(); users = new Users(rootPassword); System.out.println("PageDispatcher..."); PageDispatcher dispatcher = new PageDispatcher(tournamentManager, users, Constants.DEF_STAT_PORT); System.out.println("ServerThread..."); ServerThread statusServer = null; try { statusServer = Factory.create(dispatcher, false, 20); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to start a server thread: " + e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("running..."); RegServer regDispatch = new RegServer(tournamentManager, log); ServerThread regServer = null; try { regServer = Factory.create(regDispatch, false, 50); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to start registration server: "+e.getMessage()); } BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String inpt = ""; System.out.println("\n ** Type 'exit' to shutdown: "); try { while (true) { System.out.flush(); inpt = input.readLine().trim(); if (inpt.equals("exit")) { break; } else if(inpt.startsWith("tournament_start")){ try{ String[] inputArgs = inpt.split(" "); tournamentManager.setTournamentRuntime(Integer.parseInt(inputArgs[1]), new Date()); } catch (Exception ex){} continue; } Command cmd; try { cmd = Command.parse(inpt); } catch (scg.ParseException e) { invalidLine(e.getMessage(), inpt); continue; } if (cmd instanceof AddTournament) { AddTournament at = (AddTournament)cmd; Date time = null; try { time = runtimeToDate(at.getTime()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { invalidLine(at.getFormat(), inpt); continue; } try { tournamentManager.addTournament(at.getName(), at.getConfig(), time); } catch (AddTournamentException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } else if (cmd instanceof TournamentState) { tournamentManager.printState(); } else if (cmd instanceof SignUp) { SignUp s = (SignUp) cmd; try { users.signup(s.getName(), s.getPassword()); } catch (UserExistsException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } else if (cmd instanceof ApproveUser) { ApproveUser au = (ApproveUser) cmd; try { users.approveUser(au.getName()); System.out.println(au.getName() + " approved."); } catch (NoUserExistsException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); continue; } } else if (cmd instanceof RegisterPlayer) { RegisterPlayer rp = (RegisterPlayer) cmd; tournamentManager.enrollPlayer(rp.getId(), rp.getName(), rp.getPassword()); } else { System.err.println("Unknown command: " + inpt); System.err.println("Valid commands: add_tournament, tournament_state, sign_up, approve_user, register_player"); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Read error" + e.getMessage()); } // Shut down all our threads... System.out.println("Shutting down tournament manager..."); tournamentManager.stop(); try { tournamentManagerThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // nothing, we tried } System.out.println("Tournament manager safely shutdown..."); System.out.println("Shutting down SCG Court system..."); try { if (statusServer != null) statusServer.shutdown(); if (regServer != null) regServer.shutdown(); } catch (IOException e) { // nothing, we tried } } private static void invalidLine(String line) { invalidLine("", line); } private static void invalidLine(String extra, String line) { if (!extra.isEmpty()) { extra = " (" + extra + ")"; } System.err.println("Invalid command line" + extra + ": " + line); } public static Date runtimeToDate(String runtime) { return runtimeToDate(Integer.parseInt(runtime)); } public static Date runtimeToDate(int runtime) { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.add(Calendar.MINUTE, runtime); return now.getTime(); } }