// ** This file was generated with DemFGen (vers:4/15/2011) package scg.history; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import java.io.*; import scg.*; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.*; import scg.net.admin.RemotePlayerProxy; /** Representation of SmartHistory */ public class SmartHistory{ protected List loc; protected verbatim player1; protected double player1Score; protected verbatim player2; protected double player2Score; /** Construct a(n) SmartHistory Instance */ public SmartHistory(List loc, verbatim player1, double player1Score, verbatim player2, double player2Score){ this.loc = loc; this.player1 = player1; this.player1Score = player1Score; this.player2 = player2; this.player2Score = player2Score; } /** Is the given object Equal to this SmartHistory? */ public boolean equals(Object o){ if(!(o instanceof SmartHistory))return false; if(o == this)return true; SmartHistory oo = (SmartHistory)o; return (((Object)loc).equals(oo.loc))&&(((Object)player1).equals(oo.player1))&&(((Object)player1Score).equals(oo.player1Score))&&(((Object)player2).equals(oo.player2))&&(((Object)player2Score).equals(oo.player2Score)); } /** Parse an instance of SmartHistory from the given String */ public static SmartHistory parse(String inpt) throws scg.history.ParseException{ return new scg.history.TheParser(new java.io.StringReader(inpt)).parse_SmartHistory(); } /** Parse an instance of SmartHistory from the given Stream */ public static SmartHistory parse(java.io.InputStream inpt) throws scg.history.ParseException{ return new scg.history.TheParser(inpt).parse_SmartHistory(); } /** Parse an instance of SmartHistory from the given Reader */ public static SmartHistory parse(java.io.Reader inpt) throws scg.history.ParseException{ return new scg.history.TheParser(inpt).parse_SmartHistory(); } /** Field Class for SmartHistory.loc */ public static class loc extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Fields.any{} /** Field Class for SmartHistory.player1 */ public static class player1 extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Fields.any{} /** Field Class for SmartHistory.player1Score */ public static class player1Score extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Fields.any{} /** Field Class for SmartHistory.player2 */ public static class player2 extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Fields.any{} /** Field Class for SmartHistory.player2Score */ public static class player2Score extends edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.Fields.any{} /** * To creates a ClaimWithResponse object for a new claim opposed. * @param avatar : avatar who opposed the claim * @param claim : Claim opposed * @param opposeAction : action taken by avatar */ public void createClaimWithResponse(java.util.HashMap newClaimOriginalClaim, RemotePlayerProxy avatar, Claim claim, OpposeAction opposeAction){ ClaimWithResponse claimWithResponse = new ClaimWithResponse(claim, new verbatim(avatar.getOpponent().getName()), new verbatim(avatar.getName()), opposeAction, List.create(), new verbatim(""), 0.0); //List loc = getLoc(); loc = loc.append(claimWithResponse); newClaimOriginalClaim.put(claim, claim); //smartHistory.setLoc(loc); } /** * Updates the ClaimWithResponse object for previously opposed claim * @param claim : claim for which the ClaimWithResponse object is to be updated * @param response : response that is to be added in the ClaimWithResponse object * @param avatar : avatar whose opponent sent the response. */ public void updateClaimWithResponse(java.util.HashMap newClaimOriginalClaim, Claim claim, ProtocolResponse response, RemotePlayerProxy avatar){ if (newClaimOriginalClaim.containsKey(claim)){ claim.getInstanceSet().toString(); Claim originalClaim = newClaimOriginalClaim.get(claim); for(ClaimWithResponse claimWithResponse : loc){ if(claimWithResponse.getClaim().equals(originalClaim)){ AnnotatedResponse aResponse = new AnnotatedResponse(new verbatim(avatar.getOpponent().getName()), response); List responses = claimWithResponse.getResponses(); responses = responses.append(aResponse); claimWithResponse.setResponses(responses); } } }else{ System.out.println("debug"); } } /** * Called once the protocol for the particular claim is complete. * @param claim : Claim whose ClaimWithResponse object is complete. * @param winner : teamName that won the claim * @param pointsWon : points won in the claim */ public void endClaimWithResponse(java.util.HashMap newClaimOriginalClaim, Claim claim, String winner, double pointsWon){ if (newClaimOriginalClaim.containsKey(claim)){ Claim originalClaim = newClaimOriginalClaim.get(claim); for(ClaimWithResponse claimWithResponse : loc){ if(claimWithResponse.getClaim().equals(originalClaim)){ claimWithResponse.setWinner(new verbatim(winner)); claimWithResponse.setPointsWon(pointsWon); } } //newClaimOriginalClaim.remove(claim); } } /** * Generates smart history file for the SmartHistory object populated by start method above. * @param fileName : Name of the smart history file * @throws IOException : If file could not be created. */ public void generateSmartHistoryFile(RemotePlayerProxy alice, RemotePlayerProxy bob, String tournamentId, String fileName) throws IOException{ try { Util.createFolder("", Constants.HISTORY_FILE_PREFIX); Util.createFolder(Constants.HISTORY_FILE_PREFIX, Constants.SMART_HISTORY_FOLDER); Util.createFolder(Constants.HISTORY_FILE_PREFIX+"/"+Constants.SMART_HISTORY_FOLDER, tournamentId); String historyFileName = Constants.HISTORY_FILE_PREFIX+"/"+Constants.SMART_HISTORY_FOLDER+ "/"+tournamentId+"/"+fileName + Constants.HISTORY_FILE_SUFFIX; File smartHistoryFile = new File(historyFileName); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(smartHistoryFile); writer.write(this.toString()); writer.flush(); //writer.write(alice.getName() + " : " + alice.getReputation() + "\n"); //writer.write(bob.getName() + " : " + bob.getReputation()); //writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** DGP method from Class Display */ public String display(){ return scg.history.Display.DisplayM(this); } /** DGP method from Class Print */ public String print(){ return scg.history.Print.PrintM(this); } /** DGP method from Class ToStr */ public String toStr(){ return scg.history.ToStr.ToStrM(this); } /** DGP method from Class PrintToString */ public String toString(){ return scg.history.PrintToString.PrintToStringM(this); } /** DGP method from Class HashCode */ public int hashCode(){ return scg.history.HashCode.HashCodeM(this); } /** Setter for field SmartHistory.loc */ public void setLoc(List _loc){ loc = _loc; } /** Setter for field SmartHistory.player1 */ public void setPlayer1(verbatim _player1){ player1 = _player1; } /** Setter for field SmartHistory.player1Score */ public void setPlayer1Score(double _player1Score){ player1Score = _player1Score; } /** Setter for field SmartHistory.player2 */ public void setPlayer2(verbatim _player2){ player2 = _player2; } /** Setter for field SmartHistory.player2Score */ public void setPlayer2Score(double _player2Score){ player2Score = _player2Score; } /** Getter for field SmartHistory.loc */ public List getLoc(){ return loc; } /** Getter for field SmartHistory.player1 */ public verbatim getPlayer1(){ return player1; } /** Getter for field SmartHistory.player1Score */ public double getPlayer1Score(){ return player1Score; } /** Getter for field SmartHistory.player2 */ public verbatim getPlayer2(){ return player2; } /** Getter for field SmartHistory.player2Score */ public double getPlayer2Score(){ return player2Score; } }