CS 5340 - Human-Computer Interaction

I2 Individual Homework #2 – Project Brainstorming

Help Desk is to provide necessary assistance, such as filling forms, making an appointment with a doctor, searching a doctor and finding a place. The application uses an agent to help client to go through these process. There is another unique feature that, considering some may not like to deal with computer or just computer screen, digital pen and digital paper are here to provide a paper base interaction. While client interact with paper by the digital pen, the agent will try to locate the point where client is pointing at and give some useful help.

Health Care is a conversational based self health consultant service. As it’s shown above, the agent will first identify clients by their IDs or using a facial recognition algorithm. Then according to their history the agent will try to talk to clients to get their latest information. At last agent will try to provide some health advises from health advises database.

Waiting in queue probably is the last thing a patient may want to do in a clinic. So Info Commons try to help patients to get over it by providing some useful information. These information include: local news, current and forecast weather, health tips, location of restrooms, location of coffee and some other info that patient may want.