Verification guidelines

This task concerns biomedical articles describing randomized control trials (RCTs) that compare multiple treatments. Each of these articles will have multiple questions, or 'prompts' associated with them. These prompts will ask about the relationship between an intervention and comparator with respect to an outcome, as reported in the trial under consideration. For example, a prompt may ask about the reported effects of aspirin as compared to placebo on the duration of headaches. For the sake of this task, we assume that a particular article will report that the intervention of interest either significantly increased, significantly decreased or had significant effect on the outcome, relative to the comparator.

Here is a concrete example of a prompt:
With respect to "Maternal infection," characterize the reported difference between patients receiving Antibiotics and those receiving "No antibiotics."
  • If antibiotics made infections more common (in comparison to no antibiotics), we would select "Significantly Increased."
  • If antibiotics made infections less common (in comparison to no antibiotics), we would select "Significantly Decreased."
  • If antibiotics made no difference in combatting infenctions (in comparison to no antibiotics), then we would select "No Signficant Difference"

Two Upworkers have already independently answered a set of such prompts for corresponding articles, providing supporting text (quotes from the reference article) while doing so. Your job here is to verify this work. Specifically, you are to check both whether the prompt (question) is valid, and whether the responses provided are accurate. You are also to assess whether the quotes provided in support of these responses are reasonable.
You will effectively be overseeing the work done by annotators. Therefore, please take time to review the instructions that we have provided them; these are the guidelines that they are supposed to be following:
In the following sections we will walk you through the process of verifying prompts. Please reach out to if you have any questions or would like to request any points of clarification.

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