Director of MS ALIGN
Khoury College of Computer and Information Sciences
Fall 2019 teaching (Boston campus) CS 5001
Spring 2020 teaching (Boston campus): CS5001, CS5004
If you're at the intersection of social change and computer science, let's discuss where we might be able to work on things together!
Research and Background:
My research interests are Mixed Reality, Designing for Exceptional User Experience, and Healthcare Informatics. My Ph.D. dissertation focused on the space of Exploratory Search within Human-Computer Information Retrieval, specifically how to accelerate the time-to-value for user search sessions while minimizing search frustration.I earned my undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. I chose to be a MechE because - well - my father was an Electrical Engineer and I thought I wanted to be an engineer, but not the same type as my dad. I really enjoyed CS courses more than my MechE courses but wasn't smart (or brave) enough to change my major and soldiered on. After meandering for a year after graduation, I spent two years "off the grid" working with my church as a missionary to the French West Indies. After I returned, I attended grad school and earned my MS in CS. Immediately after that, I went into industry. I was a software engineer for HP Medical Systems (now Phillips') Patient Monitoring Systems. My team worked on patient-critical, hard real-time problems with embedded systems.
After HP, I did stints at Xerox, CA, and finally found myself at IBM. I started in technical sales for IBM, selling development software (the Rational brand of products) before moving to brand Strategy and eventually landing at IBM Research working on business development for their Global Research Labs in emerging markets (primarily Africa). I spent quite a bit of time "jet setting" from the USA to Kenya and South Africa for that role. What is business development, you ask? Well, basically, I worked with the super-smart researchers (smarter than me) to help them build a business case for their super-cool technology so that tech could "escape from the Lab" and see the light of day in industry with our customers. I've spent as much time in business and strategy as I have in technology, so my thinking tends to blend the notions of "value propositions" with the excitement of core technological concerns.

With colleagues in IBM Research Africa
My wife and I are both life-long learners who have taken a non-traditional journey. I earned my Ph.D. and my Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) while raising our kids and holding down a regular "day job". My wife went back to school and earned her Master of Public Health degree under the same time and family constraints. She's also currently earning her DrPH. So if you ever feel like you started your career (or came to computer science) "late," I feel you. I am you. I am right there with you. As a matter of fact, despite having earned two doctorates, I am continually reminded that I have so much more learning to do. This is a never-ending journey, and I hope you view your education that way too.
Me, my wife (Bobbie) and kids (Khaira and Khalique)!
The whole tribe (my wife, kids + extended fosters)
Beyond our "day jobs", my wife and I are involved in social activities and ministry. I'm on the board of directors for a local shelter and community food pantry. And, my wife and I help pastor a local church in the northeast while also engaging in foreign ministry work with church leaders in Kenya and South Africa. We also do quite a bit of ministry and discipling online, so that idea of "technology for everyone" comes full-circle again! In fact, my D.Min. dissertation was about exploring the judicious use of technology to help people in their spiritual journey during the "in-between time" when they're not co-located at a place of worship. Since we can't afford to be in Africa as often as we'd like to, much of our discipleship to Kenya has taken on the form of online-remote discipleship.
With the Blueprint Ministries visiting the Imani House orphanage in Nairobi

Training bishops and pastors in Kenya

Pastoral activities at local churches

Not my girlfriend! Giraffe compound in Nairobi
Coco, Player and SweetP Bagley