import sys import os import re import mechanize # import cookielib # Modify these global variables: URL = "" # TERM = "Fall 2015 Semester" TERM = "Spring 2016 Semester" # For example, "CS", "EECE" DEPT = "CS" # DEPT = "EECE" os.umask(0133) # Read-write permission for user, read-only for others def web_to_rawhtml(URL, TERM, DEPT): # Browser browser = mechanize.Browser() # for f in browser.forms(): print f # find forms, control names for each form TERM_ID = "" for line in browser.response().readlines(): keyword = 'VALUE="' if keyword in line and TERM in line: start_idx = line.find(keyword) + len(keyword) TERM_ID = line[start_idx : line.find('"', start_idx)] break assert TERM_ID, '"'+TERM+'" not found' browser.select_form(nr=0) browser.form["STU_TERM_IN"] = [TERM_ID] browser.submit() browser.select_form(nr=0) # For the values of kind, list includes subtypes singlelist and multilist. # browser.form.controls exists if there is more than one such control. try: browser.form.find_control('sel_subj', kind='list').value = [DEPT] except mechanize._form.ItemNotFoundError: sys.exit('Department "'+DEPT+'" not found\n') browser.submit() return str( browser.response().read() ) def rawhtml_to_courses(text, TERM, DEPT): text = text.replace(' (P)', '') # del this part text = text.replace('TBA', 'TBA') text = text.replace('TBA  ', 'TBA') pattern = r']*>]*>' raw_courses = re.split(pattern, text)[1:] # using regular expressions here # Skip 7900-, 8000- 9900-level courses raw_courses = [ course for course in raw_courses if DEPT+" 99" not in course and DEPT+" 8" not in course and DEPT+" 79" not in course ] courses = [] for course in raw_courses: fields = [] fields += course.split(' - ')[:3] if 'Instructors:' in course: fields += course.split('Instructors: ')[1].split(' \n')[:1] else: fields += ['TBD'] fields += course.split('\n') fields = [ fields[i] for i in [0,1,2,3,5,6,9,10] ] del fields[1] # Combine last two fields fields[-2] = str(fields[-1] + '(' + fields[-2] + ')') del fields[-1] # Combine two fields for time fields[-3] += ' ' + fields[-2] del fields[-2] notes = [] for keyword in ["Hybrid", "Seattle"]: if keyword in course: notes.append( keyword ) if notes: fields.append( "(" + ', '.join(notes) + ")" ) courses.append(fields) return courses def courses_to_txt(lists): txt = "" for course in courses: txt += '; '.join(course) + '\n' return txt def courses_to_csv(lists): csv = '"Number";"Course Title";"Instructor(s)";"Time";"Enrolled(Capacity)";"(Notes)"\n' for course in lists: csv += ','.join(['"'+field.strip()+'"' for field in course])+'\n' return csv def courses_to_html(lists): html = \ """ """ html += "\n" + DEPT + " Courses; " + TERM + "\n" html += \ """ """ for course in lists: html += "\n" + '\n'.join([' ' for cell in course]) + '\n\n' html += \ """
Number Course Title Instructor(s) Time Enrolled(Capacity) (Notes)
""" return html rawhtml = web_to_rawhtml(URL, TERM, DEPT) courses = rawhtml_to_courses(rawhtml, TERM, DEPT) txt = courses_to_txt(courses) csv = courses_to_csv(courses) html = courses_to_html(courses) files_written = [] for output in [(txt,".txt"), (csv,".csv"), (html,".html")]: (data, filetype) = output filename = (DEPT + " " + TERM + filetype).replace(' ', '_') file = open(filename, 'w'); file.write(data); file.close() files_written.append(filename) print ("FILES WRITTEN: " + ', '.join(files_written))