Introduction to the UNIX operating system (by Cynthia Brown, slightly updated since then.) This is just a little help to get you started on UNIX. You do not need to know much about UNIX to do your work for the course. If you want to know more, there are lots of good UNIX books available at most bookstores. 1. Unix distinguishes between capital and small letters. The files MYFILE and myfile and Myfile are all different files. Most people use lowercase letters for almost everything. This way you don't have to remember which one you used. 2. The "more" command will show you one screenful at a time. If you type "more myfile" the first screenful of myfile will be shown. To go to the next screen, type a space. 3. The "cat" command will show a file on the screen. "Cat file1 file2" shows first file1 and then file2. "Cat file1 file2 >file3" puts a text consisting of file1 followed by file2 into file3. In general, >filename says to send the output of a process to file filename instead of the screen; and at same time.) control z suspend the current process (Press and at once.) jobs show suspended processes fg resume suspended process (gets an argument if there is more than 1) bg resume a suspended process in background mode so you can do something else. It will still print to the screen if that is what it was doing. ps -alf show all your current processes and their status yppasswd change your password mail send or answer mail (control d on a new line to send) finger name prints information about user "name" w show the jobs on the system chmod change file protection apropos word print info about commands relevant to word pwd print working directory (in case you have lots of them) mkdir make a new directory cd dir change to directory dir cd .. change to parent directory 6. File names: files are arranged in a tree of directories. The full name of the directory you start with is /home/yourname, where yourname is your login name. The full name of file myfile in this directory is /home/yourname/myfile. When you are in a directory you can omit the directory name prefix and just use the filename. The symbol ~ is an abbrevation for your directory name. If I am in directory /home/brown/good and wish to copy file abc.txt from directory /home/brown/work, I write cp ~/work/abc.txt abc.txt File names can have a wild card in them: an asterisk. rm *.l will ERASE all files in the current directory that have names ending in .l. rm *.* will erase all my files with a dot in their names! The student .login file has a command in it that changes rm so that it asks for confirmation before erasing a file. Once a file is gone, you will have to learn about ~/.snapshot (automatic backups) to get it back. So be careful!