Alfredo Jeffrey Palm
College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
440 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA, 02115

Office:  West Village H, Room 308
Phone:  (617) 373-7921
Fax:  (617) 373-5121
This is a goat, not me.
(This is me.)

I'm a Ph.D. student of Karl Lieberherr at Northeastern University in Boston; I sit in the Programming Research Lab. For more information, my CV, pictures of my dog, etc... feel free to free to drop by my webpage as it contains more than this page.

Working with IBM Research and dissertation hunting. Here is some more about projects, code, and my cv.

Ph.D., Computer Science Northeastern Univ.Boston, MA
M.S., Computer Science Univ. of ColoradoBoulder, COMay 2003
B.S., Computer Engineering Univ. of FloridaGainesville, FLMay 2000
Ben Franklin HighNew Orleans, LAMay 1997
Trinity EpiscopalNew Orleans, LAMay 1993
St. Andrew's EpiscopalNew Orleans, LAMay 1990

IBM Research Summer 2004-present
NASA Ames Research Center Summer 2003
IBM Extreme BlueSummer 2002
Xerox PARC2000-2001

Cover Letters [ps] [pdf] [txt]
CVs [ps] [pdf] [txt]

Fundamentals of Computer Science 2NU TASpring 2006
Fundamentals of Computer Science 1NU InstructorSpring 2005
Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 NU TAFall 2004
Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 NU TAFall 2003
Principles of Programming Languages CU TAFall 2002
Programming Language Principles UF TASpring 2000

Please go here.

History of Programming Languages Spring 2004
Circles and Arrows Spring 2004
Home Room Fall 2003/Spring 2004
Intensive Programming LanguagesFall 2003
Advanced Software Development Fall 2003
Previous courses Fall 1997-Spring 2002

Last modified: Sometime after 01 Jan 1900, but before 01 Jan 2100