Shuwen J. Sun

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

Shuwen Sun
Ph.D. Candidate
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University |

WVH 370, 360 Huntington Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

GPG public key | SSH key

Summary: I research principles and ways for building systems to improve performance, reliability and security.

I am on the job market!

I am expected to graduate summer of 2025, and I am looking for position in the area of (research) software engineering in the field of systems and networking. If you are hiring and think I can be a good fit for the position, I'd be happy to chat. My resume is here.


I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Northeastern University. My research interests span broadly in the area of systems and networking.

Prior to Northeastern, I earned my M.S. (2017) in Computer Science from Boston University under the supervision of Prof. Orran Krieger and was affiliated to Mass Open Cloud (MOC). During which my research revolved around performance diagnosis for distributed systems and datacenter networking. I also received a B.Eng. (2015) in Software Engineering from Sun Yat-sen University.

You can find the CV here.

Research Interests

Networking, Distributed Systems, and Security.

Recent News

April 2022: Very exicted to announce that I will be doing a research internship at ThousandEyes (Part of Cisco) this summer!

March 2022: Invited to attend the Google Networking Research Summit! Thanks for the invitation, Google.

Sept 2021: Will be teaching CS 3700, the undergrad network and distributed sytems class with Dave, Christo, and Sakib. Should be plenty of fun!

It is a busy 2021 until now:

  • I have participated in the PhD admission, co-organized the PhD open house, and a couple of panels.

  • I have also finished my first first-author paper (which is a big deal because I survived my advisor's sabatical and the covid 19 global pandemic whilst finishing all the work).

August 2020: I will attend SIGCOMM 2020 which is completely virtual this year. I will also serve as a volunteer for the conference, please say hi if you see me wandering in the "hallway"!

March 2020: I will be joining the PhD open house panel as a panelist. Should be fun to talk to all prospective students!

Feb 15, 2020: Personal Virtual Networks, the research project that I am working on, is featured in today's IEEE Spectrum. Read it here if you want to understand more about why we are trying to change how you connect to and use networks.

Feb 2020: I will be attending NSDI’20 in Santa Clara!

Sept 2019: I will be joining the PhD orientation panel as a panelist. Should be fun to talk to all new students!

June 2019: I am awarded the SIGCOMM 2019 Travel Grant and will be attending the conference! Would be fun to visit Beijing again.

April 2019: I will attend NENS 2019!

March 2019:

  • I will be joining the PhD open house panel as a panelist. Should be fun to talk to all prospective students!

  • I am selected as a letter writer of the Thank you Gift for the Naming Ceremony of Khoury College of Computer Sciences!

Feb 2019: I will attend NSDI 2019! Excited to go back to NSDI again.

November 2018: Connor and I are trying to bootstrap a systems and networking reading group at NU, it should start next semester (link)!

September 2018: I will attend IMC’18 in late October (which is also being held at Northeastern)!

April 2018: I have officially accepted the Ph.D. offer from College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern (NU). I will start as a Ph.D. student in fall 2018 (advised by Prof. David Choffnes) and keep working on systems research. Thrilled.

Before I joined Northeastern …


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