CSU390 03F Honors Adjunct Information

The honors adjunct for this course will consist of advanced problems and/or programming related to the topics covered in this course. Listed below is a collection of advanced exercises and programming problems together will a point allotment per exercise/problem; exercises and problems will be continually added to this list as the term progresses. You may attempt any or all of the exercises and problems given, and they will be graded in the usual manner (full or partial credit, etc.). Your grade for the honors adjunct will be computed based on the total number of points you earn, as follows:

Points Grade
90+ A
80-89 A-
70-79 B+
60-69 B
50-59 B-
40-49 C+

Note that your grade is based on the total number of points you earn. For example, one could achieve an "A" by attempting 90 points worth of problems and solving them perfectly, or by attempting 180 points worth of problems and obtaining 1/2 credit on each, etc.

Your solutions and/or programs will be due no later than the date of the scheduled final exam for this course, Fri Dec 19.

Finite Automata, Regular Expressions, and the Regular Languages

  1. [40 pts] Simulation and manipulation of DFAs.

    You must submit your program code and provide a demo.

  2. [5 pts] Consider the following language: NotPrime = {1n : n is not a prime}. Show that NotPrime is non-regular by using the Pumping Lemma. (One could prove that NotPrime is non-regular by showing that Prime is non-regular and using the fact that the class of regular languages is closed under complement; however, in this problem you should show that NotPrime is non-regular directly by using the Pumping Lemma.)

    Hint: You may assume the following mathematical fact (Dirichlet's Theorem). First, however, we'll need a bit of background.

    Two integers a and b are said to be relatively prime if they share no factors in common. For example, 15 and 26 are relatively prime since the prime factors of 15 are {3, 5} and the prime factors of 26 are {2, 13}; however, 15 and 25 are not relatively prime since they share the factor 5 in common.

    Given two numbers a and b, the arithmetic progression a + bn is the sequence of numbers corresponding to the above formula for n = 1, 2, 3, and so on. For example, 3 + 10n = (13, 23, 33, ...).

    Dirichlet's Theorem
    If a and b be relatively prime positive integers, then the arithmetic progression a + bn contains infinitely many primes.

  3. [5 pts] Consider the following language: Even3 = {w : w in {0,1,2}* and w is an even integer in base 3}. You should either

    Hint: You may wish to make use of the following facts: The sum of an odd number of odd integers is odd, and the sum of an even number of odd integers is even. (If you use these facts, you should prove them as part of your solution.)

  4. [5 pts] Prove that the regular languages are closed under the following operation.

    HalfPal(A) = {w | wwR in A}

  5. [10 pts] Prove that the regular languages are closed under the following operation.

    FirstThird(A) = {x | xyz in A, |x| = |y| = |z|}

  6. [10 pts] Prove that the regular languages are closed under the following operation.

    LastThird(A) = {z | xyz in A, |x| = |y| = |z|}

  7. [15 pts] Prove that the regular languages are closed under the following operation.

    MiddleThird(A) = {y | xyz in A, |x| = |y| = |z|}

Pushdown Automata, Context-free Grammars, and the Context-free Languages

  1. [5 pts] Exercise 2.6 (d)

  2. [5 pts] Exercise 2.18 (d)

  3. [10 pts] Exercise 2.21 (b)

  4. [10 pts] Exercise 2.26

Turing Machines, Decidability, NP-Completeness

  1. [30 pts] Turing Machine simulator.

    You must submit your program code and provide a demo on a "reasonable" Turing Machine, such as the one given in Figure 3.4.

  2. [5 pts] Exercise 5.15

  3. [10 pts] Exercise 5.19

  4. [15 pts] Exercise 5.22

    Hint: Reduce from ATM. Assume, without loss of generality, that a Turing machine which accepts the empty language does not have property P. (If not, consider the complement of property P. If the complement of property P is undecidable, then so is P since the decidable and undecidable languages are closed under complement.)

    Given an instance <M,w> of ATM, your task is to construct a TM M' so that M' has property P if and only if M accepts w.

  5. [10 pts] Exercise 5.23. Consider the two conditions (a) and (b) as stated in Exercise 5.22. Show that there exists a decidable language which satisfies condition (a) but not (b), and show that there exists a decidable language which satisfies (b) but not (a). Thus, both conditions (a) and (b) are necessary for Rice's Theorem.

  6. [5 pts] Exercise 7.29. If P = NP, then a polynomial time algorithm for SAT exists. Use this algorithm as a subroutine to learn the truth settings for the variable of phi. (You will make multiple calls to the subroutine, each time learning the truth setting for one variable.)

  7. [10 pts] Exercise 7.30. If P = NP, then a polynomial time algorithm for CLIQUE exists. Use this algorithm to help you solve this problem. There are essentially two parts: (1) determining the size of the max clique and (2) determining the vertices in the max clique.
