Assignment 9: Develop a revised“paper prototype” of the ENTIRE interface


The goal of this assignment is to incorporate feedback you have received on your preliminary design, conduct one or more additional design sessions, and to further improve and flesh out your design. This will help your team progress from a high-level design to a detailed idea for an implementable prototype.  

Team assignment

Start by taking the feedback you have received from your prototype into account. Refine your idea and your prototype lo-fi testing strategy.Make sure all parts of the system that a person interacts with are thought through and prototyped in some way.


Run one or more formal tests with people unfamilair with your idea. Refine your interface.


Everything you plan to implement must be included in this design.


Then, run an additional lo-fi prototyping session with someone not on your team -- ideally a potential user of your proposed system -- and record a video of the session. If you have multiple types of users, you should run tests for each type of person, testing the appropirate components of your system. For each test user, provide them with tasks they must accomplish using your system, as described in the Rettig article.


As you do the recorded run-through, make notes of what you learned both about how to do the rapid prototyping better, and also about how to improve your specific idea.




Make a section on your team's wiki. On it, include the following information:

Upload the video of your recorded test session to Google Drive and add the link to the video to your team's wiki by the deadline tagged with Assignment 9.




This assignment will be graded based on how well it appears you have adapted rapid paper prototyping to advancing your project idea, and whether your team appears to be following the instructions in the Rettig article, to the extent possible. There should be signs of clear progress from the prior design (Assignment 8), and your paper prototype models should include all the information needed to simulate the entire interface (all screens, all images, all text, all audio, etc.).