Assignment 5: Revising and Extending Scientific Justification of Your Project Plan


The goal of this assignment is to improve and extend the writeup on the scientific and/or engineering significance of project idea that you propose, adding in additional detail about your team's time line and action plan. You will incorporate feedback from your classmates as well as from the instructor. You will strengthen your arguments, again in a scientific writing style, for why your team's best idea is an important, transformative idea.

Team assignment

Review the feedback you obtained from your classmates and the instructor on your Assignment 4 submission. Taking that feedback into account, gather additional supporting information on your project idea. Answer the questions that will be posed to your team.

Extend your paper into a two-page paper (not including references) with abstract that very briefly states the problem you will solve and why, in doing so, your solution will contribute to the scientific body of knowledge. To do this, you will need to explain why the technology you propose to build will allow you to make the case for an idea that is important (see Kahn), novel, and expanding the boundary between what we know and do not know right now.

In this assignment, you must additionally include a time line and action plan. This does NOT count toward the two-page limit, and it can and should be detailed. This should be a table with a row for each week remaining in the semester before the project is due. For each week, in one column, indicate what your team's milestones are for that week. These should be concrete, measurable goals. That is, it should be clear to you (and the instructor) how to know if you have succeeded in achieving each goal. In an additional column for each week, indicate the action plan that you will use to achieve the milestones. What does the team need to do, together, and what will individual team members work on that week. Overall, your time line and action plan should reflect that your team has carefully thought through the idea you propose and translated the idea into practical steps you must take to be successful by the end of the semester. Please be realistic when setting your milestones, and have (and describe) contingency plans if there are make-or-break points along the way where there is risk that cannot yet be fully assessed.

You are following the instructions from Assignment 4, with the exception that you can and should add an extra page, and that separately you are creating the time line and action plan.

Note that:

Hand in the following:

Send an email with your paper to Name the file in this format: Team[team number].assignment5.pdf.