Assignment 6: Team Scientific Justification Presentation


To professionally present your idea, emphasizing the idea's impact, novelty, and potential scientific or engineering advances. To receive feedback on your idea while you still have a chance to change course. To receive feedback on your presentation

Team assignment

Based on all class assignments, presentations, discussions, feedback you received, and readings so far, develop a compelling pitch for your idea.

Overall, your presentation should cover the following topics however you best see fit:

You must use this template (note, this slide format is different than the one used in the last assignment). You want to get the problem and proposed (novel) solution across clearly, with enough detail so that you will get the most useful feedback from your peers. It should be clear how the prototype you would build could be used to convince people of the significance/impact of the core scientific ideas upon which you will build.

Once you have completed your presentation, practice presenting it however your group plans to do that.

Once you have it polished, make a recording of your team practicing the presentation. Ideally this would be video of your team projecting the presentation in a room and presenting just as you will do in class. The more realistic you make the presentation, the better the feedback you will get, but you can make due with whatever recording method you would like. Your goal is to create a recording of a practice run through. Minimally, it must be possible to clearly read the slides and hear what people are saying. The slides must be on auto-advance, just as in a live presentation.

Hand in (Part 1):

Email your Powerpoint slides named PHIDD-Team[Number].TeamIdeaJustification.ppt to by the deadline, and place your video on your Bitbucket wiki. You can place a video by uploading it to a service such as Google Drive and just placing the link to it on the wiki.

You will be evaluated on whether your ideas reflect that you are reading the assigned materials, listening carefully in class, and doing enough background research on your own to support your ideas. You also must demonstrate that you have practiced and polished your presentation so that you can get your ideas across in a clear and compelling way.

Hand in (Part 2):

By class on the presentation day, send your revised Powerpoint slides named PHIDD-Team[Number].TeamIdeaJustificationRevised.ppt to You will present in class, to be followed by 15 or more minutes of discussion. Expectations are that presentations will be polished and compelling. You will receive feedback from one or more class visitors and your classmates.

You will be evaluated on the overall idea you present, the professionalism of the presentation, and the extent to which it appears you have incorporated constructive feedback from your peers.