Assignment 4: Scientifically Justifying What We Know and Don't Know


The goal of this assignment is to start using the readings and other academic materials you identify to start justifying, using scientific writing, why your team's best idea is an important, transformative idea, and to take the very first step towards your final paper.

Team assignment

Write a one page (not including references) paper with abstract that very briefly states the problem you will solve and why, in doing so, your solution will contribute to the scientific body of knowledge. To do this, you will need to explain why the technology you propose to build will allow you to make the case for an idea that is important (see Kahn), novel, and expanding the boundary between what we know and do not know right now. You will need to start thinking not only about what you propose to build, but how it will be evaluated.

Hand in the following:

Send an email with your paper to Name the file in this format: Team[team number].assignment4.pdf.