Assignment 5: Preliminary Prototype and Extended Live Demo

Team assignment

The goal of this assignment is for your team to provide specifications for the entire interface you plan to build (i.e., a clear description of what you will have, and not have, by the end of the semester), and to allow someone NOT ON YOUR TEAM to run an in-class demo of core parts of that concept. It is up to your team to determine what the core concepts are, but you are aiming to have a very impressive application by the end of the semester, so presumably you will want to demonstrate that you have made solid progress on the most challenging parts of the programming and design. You need to demonstrate that you have developed the specifications for the entire interface and interactive experience. There should be no doubt after this assignment about what you will end up with by the end of the semester.

Prepare a short presentation. Use this template.

Please practice your presentation and make a strong pitch. Imagine you are making a professional presentation to potential investors. It should be polished, well-justified, and inspirational.

After your pitch, run a live demo. In fact, ideally, someone not on your team should run the live demo, using information you provide. We will discuss this in class.

As you work with your team from now until the end of the semester, your team should be documenting its work. Save key images, photos, videos, and other materials that you can assemble into an end-of-term video that will document how your team and the team's ideas evolved. This video will be one part of your final project packet. Think of it as a mini-documentatory of your work.

Hand in:

All the code needed to run your app and instructions on how to do so should be on your team's BitBucket website. Use the wiki (or links to Google Docs from the wiki) for any additional info.

You will demo your app in class.

Email your slides as PPT named PHIDD-Team[TeamNumber].PreliminaryApp.ppt to by 4PM on Wednesday so there is time to compile them before class.