Assignment 3: Mirror API Demo App

Team assignment

Read and understand the Mirror API and what it allows and does not not allow.

Meet with your team and develop an idea for an innovative health app that solves a real problem, within the constraints of the Mirror API.

Setup your collaboration tools using Git and BitBucket and coordinate via those tools and your Piazza team message group.

Build your app and be prepared to do a convincing demo in class!

Prepare a short presentation that you will give before your demo. Use this template.

As you work with your team from now until the end of the semester, your team should be documenting its work. Save key images, photos, videos, and other materials that you can assemble into an end-of-term video that will document how your team and the team's ideas evolved. This video will be one part of your final project packet. Think of it as a mini-documentatory of your work.

Hand in:

All the code needed to run your app and instructions on how to do so should be on your team's BitBucket website. Use the wiki (or links to Google Docs from the wiki) for any additional info.

You will demo your app in class.

Email your slides as PPT named PHIDD-Team[TeamNumber].MirrorApp.ppt to by 4PM on Wednesday so there is time to compile them before class.

Please practice your presentation and make a strong pitch.