Assignment #4: Project idea pitch


Individual assignment


You've been brainstorming. You've received some feedback. You have hopefully iterated on various ideas. It's time to propose your best idea and convey your concept as best as you can in two pages or less.


If your idea presented at the 1 minute MADness got a positive response and has received a positive response from Prof. Intille, you might continue with it (but you don't have to). If your idea has received a lukewarm response, you should come up with a new idea or a radically improved idea.


Your assignment should include the following information for your proposed app:

Next include scans of sketches or storyboards showing your concept in as much detail as you can. Your goal is to succinctly but thoroughly convey how it might work. You should also convey that you have thoughtfully considered the details about how (and why) someone would use it.


Do not:




Email your assignment with subject line "Assignment 4" to the TA and as a PDF file named [YourFirstName][YourLastName].assign4.pdf by the deadline.




This assignment will be graded based on how well you follow the instructions above and how well you communicate your idea, what (real-world) problem it solves, and why it is novel and important. We are not looking for pages and pages of material: you have no more than two pages. Again, we are looking for clear descriptions and innovative ideas that will be genuinely useful to people. Your assignment should reflect that you have spent some time thinking, in detail, about ideas, and that you have read all the class material and applied the ideas discussed in class.


Although it is subject to tweaking, this table will give you a sense of how you will be assigned points and the feedback you will receive on your idea.