Assignment 7:Word Game Part 3: Two Player Communication




These categories and point assignments are subject to change, but they should give you general sense of what we are looking for. What is most important on this assignment is that you demonstrate you have the basics of saving and grabbing data from the Internet working, and inter-phone communication using Google Cloud Messaging. You must also demonstrate that you have the design worked out for final two-player word game design.


PDF with description of design of the multi-player game is understandable; cleanly formatted and typo free; no more than two pages Named properly (NUMAD14S-[YourFirstName][YourLastName]) No extra app icons show up on launcher Button added to prior assignments, which are still available Activity is titled "Communication" Game design design allows synchronous play (2 = clear from description; 1=maybe but not clear; 0 = no or not in description) Game design allows asnynchronous play (2 = clear from description; 1=maybe but not clear; 0 = no or not in description) Design of turntaking easy to understand (2 = understand it; 1 = turntaking but how it will work not clear; 0 = not clear or not included) Game design demonstrates that something reasonable will happen when the internet fails Design makes it easy to initiate a game with other player (2 = very easy and practical, 1 = can be done, 0 = problems or not described)   Design will allow player to get a sense of what is happening with the other player when both actively playing (2 = yes; 1 = maybe but can't tell for sure; 0 = can't tell or no) Design includes use of notification bar to convey that it is time to play if not actively playing Test code works when Internet is not available and displays useful information back to user Test code snappy; not sluggish (especially when making Internet calls) Test code clearly sends data back and forth between games quickly (using Google Cloud Messaging) Test code demonstrates save and get information contributed to a central place in Cloud Design clearly explains an easy strategy someone can use to find and connect up with another player of the game Acknowledgemments screen included, well formated, and provides enough detail to understand what was included Nothing breaks when rotate phone Bug free (e.g., no crashes) Source code on Bitbucket Git code appears to have only needed files Git code is well organized with logical package names Git res directory code is well organized with clear naming convention Git code shows meaningful, incremental commits on Bitbucket Issue tracker being used appropriately and shows tasks being entered, ranked, and worked on Total points  Submitted at time of check? (Y/N) Any special bells and whistles? Note problems for feedback (but these should be entered in the Bitbucket issue tracker too)
Possible points 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 1 2 2 2 3 2 48