Sung-En Chang

My name is Sung-En Chang. I am currently a Ph.D. student at Northeastern University, working with Ian En-Hsu Yen and Rose Yu on Learning Tensor Latent Features for Hyperspectral image processing. Before that, I am also a post-bachelor student at the Computer Science School of Tamkang University and I received my B.S./M.S. from the Finacial and Economic Law departments of Fu Jen Catholic University. My research focuses on Large-Scale Machine Learning, Optimization and their applications. Please see my CV for further information.


resume [PDF]


Northeastern University

Tamkang University

Fu Jen Catholic University

Fu Jen Catholic University

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Working Experience

National Taiwan University Trend Micro , Taiwan Turing Trademark Attorney, Taiwan Huang and Partners Attorneys-At-Law Fu Jen Catholic University

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