Publications on Scientific Computing by Gene Cooperman

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Nonlinear Optics and Materials Modelling

``Enhanced Optical Nonlinearities of Superlattices within the Kronig-Penney Model Incorporating Inherent Bulk Nonlinearities", L. Friedman, W.L. Bloss, and G. Cooperman, Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol. 1(3), 1985 (and Proc. of Int. Conf. on Superlattices, Microstr., and Microdev.)
``Exact Solutions for Superlattices and How to Recognize Them with Computer Algebra", G. Cooperman, L. Friedman, and W. Bloss, in Applications of Computer Algebra, ed. by R. Pavelle, pp. 407-414, Kluwer Academic Publishing, Hingham, Mass., 1985
``Corrections to Enhanced Optical Nonlinearity of Superlattices", G. Cooperman, L. Friedman, and W.L. Bloss, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 44(10), pp. 977-979, May 15, 1984
``Switching Behavior of Bistable Resonators Filled with Two-Level Atoms", G. Cooperman, M. Dagenais, and H.G. Winful, in Optical Bistability 2, ed. by C.M. Bowden, H.M. Gibbs, and S.L. McCall, Plenum Press, 1984, pp. 17-24
``Self-Pulsing and Chaos in Distributed Feedback Bistable Optical Devices", H.G. Winful and G. Cooperman, Appl. Phys. Letters, Vol. 40(4), pp. 298-300, Feb. 15, 1982
``Overcompensated Surface Layer in n-GaAs Due to Anodic Oxidation", E. Kamieniecki and G. Cooperman J. Vac. Sci. Technology, Vol. 19(3), pp. 453-455, Sept./Oct. 1981

Electrostatic Precipitation

``The Influence of Turbulent Diffusivity on Electrostatic Precipitator Performance: Author's Reply", G. Cooperman, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 19, #9, pp. 1551-53, 1985
``A Unified Efficiency Theory for Electrostatic Precipitators", G. Cooperman, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 18(2), pp. 277-285, Feb., 1984
``A Unified Efficiency Theory for Electrostatic Precipitators", G. Cooperman, Proceedings of the Industrial Pollution Control Symposium, Energy-Sources Technology Conference, Feb., 1983, Houston, Texas
``Precipitator Efficiency for Log-Normal Distributions", P. Cooperman and G. Cooperman, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 16, (1982) pp. 307-313
``A New Current-Voltage Relation for Duct Precipitators Valid for Low and High Current Densities", G. Cooperman, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-17, No. 2, March/April 1981
``Turbulent Diffusion in Electrostatic Precipitators", P. Feldman, S. Kumar, and G. Cooperman, AIChE Symposium Series No. 165 (Dispersion and Control of Atmospheric Emissions), Vol. 73, (1977) pp. 120-130


Gene Cooperman