README for ray tracing triangles. by R. P. Futrelle, Northeastern U. 20 October 2005 (was 18 March 2005) (Quick overview to get you started adapting the code for your project) The four primary classes defined are: Two more are used only to represent data: The The main drive class is RTSimplestRaytrace, which is executed, after compilation, simply by: java RTSimplestRaytrace It defines a 3D triangle in the upper right of the screen as viewed. It hands that to a tracing routine, doTrace in TinyRayTRace which modifies the array of black Color given to it. IT puts red colors in each x,y pixel location in which the triangle was hit by the ray. The ray is parallel to the z axis. RTSimplestRaytrace then give that array to an RTDrawer which is ready to display it when its JPanel is made visible. Then the GUI, RTGUI, is set up which includes both the RTDrawer and a JFrame. RTGUI simply lays out the screen and makes it visible. As soon as this occurs, paintComponent() in the RTDrawer goes through the Color array painting a pixel at a time on the screen. In addition (10/2005) it writes white text on the black background to (briefly) describe what the screenshot is about. You might want to place three or four lines of text on the screen to thoroughly describe your image. It's often difficult to know the algorithm and parameters behind a particular image unless there's a text "caption" explanation of it. That's it.